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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Hi guys. My sleep wasn't bad but my anxiety and other sxs are up the roof. I will write more when I feel a bit better. Keep up the great work ❤️🏞️
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Thanks for touching base VNM. I look forward to hearing more later. I am sorry you're symptoms are acting up. I hope it gets better for you as the day goes on.



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Hope you slept better and feel better!


HM,  glad to see your sleep is at least still the same and not getting less. Keep hoping and trusting it will get better with time.


Val, sorry your anxiety is worse again. I remember how bad it was last year! I so hope you're going to feel better again as soon as possible!  There's a lot of symptoms but anxiety is one of the very worst!


Nightengale,  I 'm thinking of you! Hope you'll feeling better soon! Grieve takes time to cope with. Hugs.


Finally:  today is 1 month since Benzo free!  Yey! Doing OK.


Take care!  Trochsetter



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Congrats on your one month anniversary of being benzo free! yay! I admire you. I am getting ready to do another cut on Friday and hoping it goes well. my sleep is staying the same, so I just keep cutting.


VNM ans NG,


I hope you are both doing as well as can be expected.


My sleep is the same as usual. A little bit:) I have a new symptom; benzo belly and constipation. I take stuff to help but it only helps a little bit. It's similar to my insomnia that way. It isn't painful yet but it's a problem. What goes in, must come out and it's not! Still, sleep is my biggest symptom but now i have this new one to add to it. It's tolerable but annoying.


I hope you're all having the best Tuesday you can have!



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Hi HM,


Thanks for checking in. And for your congrats too!


So glad you're doing OK after your last cut. Wise of you to keep on cutting when you feel good. It's the only way to get off this stuff!


Benzo belly is a thing I have too. At times looking 5 months pregnant and being a 66 year young (!) man...not amused.


I've had IBS for over 30 years now. The intensity comes and goes.

What helps me is broken linseed. Not whole or ground to a powder! Broken. I take a spoonful in my oatmeal every breakfast. Works for me and many others. You might want to give this a try. Drinking enough (water) is also really important!


Have a nice Tuesday!





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Thanks for the tip, TS:) I'll have to give it a try. I have wondered if I have IBS too. I have struggled with constipation my entire life. I take magnesium and, prior to my taper, it was doing fine to keep me regular. Now, it's barely working. I'm always willing to try something new though.


Thanks, again!



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Hi guys, I'm leaving for ten days and only taking my phone with me and due to my neck problems it kills me to type on the computer but even more on the phone, so I'll type very few messages. However I'll be reading you every day as I love this group so much.


HearMost I hope you find something to help your tummy. I use tea with sen in it from the grocery store. I don't care if it's habituating or something, I have enough to worry about. I'm so glad your ready to make another cut soon! I really admire how gracefully you deal with your little sleep.


Trotsch, thanks for being so optimistic always and trying to cheer us up. I hope you enjoy these days with your bike and the good weather.


Nightengale I think of you and your angel dog every day and I know you miss him/her so much. I only wish that life is not treating you too harshly in every other area. Say hi to the raccoon if you see him. My sleep is good but my depression is bad (chemical, glutamate damage depression), not helped by the horrible pain I feel from my neck and back problems.


In spite of that, I love life because I love my daughter to bits. That's my engine. Otherwise I probably would have given up by now.


Take care everyone and I'll be reading you.

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VNM,  I hope you're taking a trip for pleasure. Either way, have fun on your trip:) We'll talk to you when you get back.
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Good morning Val,


I really hope you'll be having a nice time. Glad your sleep is fine. Too bad your pain and anxiety are still bothering you a lot. I know what that's like. As you know my anxiety is gone. But there’s still that bloody pain to deal with. Thankfully it's quite a bit better than it has been.

Like the Beatles song goes: " I have to admit it's getting better,  a little better all the time".


Stay safe and try to find some joy in the little things. Hug!




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Good morning guys,


I slept a little extra (for me) last night so that was nice. I am really tired right now, though, because it just wasn't anywhere near enough. I keep reading how people had really bad insomnia and their sleep came back. I hope it's true.




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Hi HeartMost,


That's great! Could well be a turning point. Sleep might already be returning to more normal.  Who knows.


Just take it all one day and night at a time.


Keep hoping it is going to be fine again.


Enjoy your Wednesday!  :thumbsup:







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Hi all, I've missed everyone.

Have a good trip valiumnomore!

Yesterday I didn't cry once. Brinna always came to me when I cried and wanted me to hold her, even though she was not a lap dog.

She would be happy no tears came.


Since she died, I had been sleeping better. I read that when we are depressed, we sleep more and sure enough I did.

Now my depression must be lifting as sleep is becoming less. Oh well.


My physical therapist came yesterday for my knee, as the previous one has left to have baby number three. Another boy, who is quite a beautiful baby from the picture I saw from my therapist.


TS, congratulations on your one month milestone!




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It's good to hear from you:) I am sorry (again) about your dog but glad you got some sleep for a while.


I sleep less when I am depressed but my insomnia right now has to do with my GABA receptors being damaged. I slept a little more than usual last night but still not a lot.


My GAD is slightly better today and I did a cut this morning. I only hope over the next few days that I am stable and don't get worse.


Take Care everyone:)



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Hello everybody,


Nightengale,  so happy to see you're back on here! I missed you too!

So nice to hear you slept better for a few nights!  It makes us stronger in many ways.

I hope your knee is still improving.  Getting out and going for a walk is so good for us.


HeartMost, Glad your sleep is slowly getting better. Wonderful you could do another cut! Going about it in this way is gonna get you there without too much issues! Good job!


My sleep is good. Last night I got some 7,5 hours. Yay!

I have eye problems again. My right eye hurts, sight is blurry, tears come out and I can't stand the sunlight .O well. Hope it gets better asap.


Hope you slept well. May your day be an enjoyable one!


Stay strong!





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Good day all,

TS, thanks for the good thoughts. My knee is improving. The stiffness is still there, but slowly getting better. 

Otherwise the new knee works fine.


The house is still very empty, since the dog is gone. In time I will get used to it being this way.


TS, what's going on with your eye? I hope it does resolve itself soon.


HM, I assume my GABA receptors are damaged and according to the Ashton Manual they may not grow back the way they were because of my long term use and my age.  I'm just hoping the ones that grew back correctly will take up the slack.


I hope you stay stable also with the cut. 


Take care,


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  I am still very sorry about your dog. I am glad your new knee is felling better and better. I hope the stiffness goes away soon.


I did my cut yesterday and I don't think this is related but I didn't sleep last night. Trying to keep a good attitude :)


It's hard though. I won't lie. I can't believe some people have gone years with extreme insomnia. I hope the 'sleep'  part of my brain heals. According to some BB's, my sleep will come back. I hope so. Usually, I sleep a little bit, but not last night.


Hopefully, I'll sleep tonight.



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Hello nightengale,


I know how it feels to lose a dear pet. Had that happen a few times. That's the biggest downside of having a pet: you know they never live that long. Every time one leaves this world, it makes us feel empty inside for a while. But the nice memories stay! I hope you'll start to feel a bit better soon.


Glad your knee doesn't give you any pain anymore. What a big change from this time last year, isn't it.

Careful exercise is the way to go.


Hello HM,


Ahh, so sorry you had zero sleep last night! But there’s always tonight. New round, new chances!  Perhaps a short nap might save the day...

Just trust your sleep is coming back.💤💤💤💤 "

" Lose your money and you lose a lot. Lose hope and you lose everything ".

But you are absolutely right: not sleeping (enough) is really extremely difficult. No question about that.



Wishing you both a pleasant day nevertheless!


Stay strong❣ 



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Good day all,

TS, thanks for the good thoughts. My knee is improving. The stiffness is still there, but slowly getting better. 

Otherwise the new knee works fine.


The house is still very empty, since the dog is gone. In time I will get used to it being this way.


TS, what's going on with your eye? I hope it does resolve itself soon.


HM, I assume my GABA receptors are damaged and according to the Ashton Manual they may not grow back the way they were because of my long term use and my age.  I'm just hoping the ones that grew back correctly will take up the slack.


I hope you stay stable also with the cut. 


Take care,



This is a very good point. It's been two years since my benzo crash and I can't handle stress like before and I'm depressed due to glutamate damage. Coming to terms with the fact that I might never get better. And I'm STILL on 1.80 crapium!

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Good morning Val,


So nice to see you're back. How were the 10 days?


So sorry you're still in this situation. Benzos are bad! That's it in a nutshell. Sometimes it seems like there’s no way it's going to get better. But never give up hope!


That's the best I heard it being called so far: Crapium! You didn't lose your wonderful sense of humor. Albeit cynical!  Which I fully understand.


Hope you have a nice day Val❣





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Thank you dear trotch! I'm still at the beach and managing to have a decent time, all things considered 👍😅
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Good day all, TS I've been reading in the news about the flooding your way. Hope you and yours are all okay.



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Hello HM,


Thank you for your concern!

The Netherlands are a small country,  but still big enough to have large differences in weather sometimes.  I live up North while the Southeast  had all that rain. Even worse weather in parts of Belgium and Germany. Where  I live we had nothing! Thank the good Lord.


How was your sleep? And does the broken linseed help to get rid of your constipation?


Enjoy your day!






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