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How many people HAVE to work while tapering


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You guys that work through this have my utmost respect of all.


I couldn't have done it.


I'm just now getting back into the working field.


Working probably would have helped me keep distracted. Looking back, yes I could have worked!


I don't like sitting at home myself...



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Hey Gang!


Garton.....Its nice to finally not be ruled by sleep as I once was. That was a major hamster wheel of worry and anxiety over sleep....Ugh. Can't wait for some straight hours of restorative sleep. I will be sooooo excited :thumbsup: Sending you some fairie dust for a good nights sleep!


E....Absolutely! I would miss you all! I still feel kinda in the midst of it all. You all are the only ones who understand it all and how I feel. I am grateful for that!!


Magga.....Sounds like a wonderful visit and I am glad you felt understood when you left! That must have been a defining moment for once! You will be great working again. If you can go back part time or slowly then that is even better. I don't work 40 hours (25-30 usually) and its been a perfect combination with the taper and the kids, dog, husband and house LOL I don't know if the fact that I DO like my job helps and I get to socialize which makes me get out of myself. Who knows.....I just know it helped me. When I would have my long weekend and not work till wed....I would not be in a good place a lot of times. It got too easy to sit on my butt and start to feel miserable....well....more miserable then I had to feel. I think you will be pleased. Go you!


I had a nasty night last night. I fell asleep around 1130 and the phone woke my up at 12...it was my ex (oh joy!) :sick: anyway.....he tells me my daughter is sick and throwing up.......She has been dog sitting at her aunts house so she wasn't at mine. She apparently text me but she knows my phone is on silent at night and to call the house phone.....anyway...she calls her father who is Mr dramatic so he told her to go to the hospital (her friend was with her) So he proceeds to tell me she is on her way there and I have to meet her cuz he is out of state. Ummmmmmmmm great. After I talk to her she doesn't need to be going there. She had a bug or something she ate but she was already in there. I finally got out of there at 4am. I got home and don't ya know I couldn't sleep. Ugh....my mind was wired. It was ridiculous. I couldn't shut my brain off. I had slight anxiety but nothing crazy. I had to work at 10 this morning. I just wonder if this would happen in a year.....would I be able to fall asleep??? I hope so!!!


Ok....I totally rambled....sorry bout that guys lol


Im heading to the beach tomorrow for 2 days so wont be on most likely unless I do it from my phone. Hang in there all!!!



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Hi Lisa


Gosh, poor you, what a saga with your daughter! Life goes on and we have to be part of it, whether we are feeling up to it or not.

i am glad it was nothing serious at least. I sympathise as I have two grown up kids around who still want/ need cooking and clothes washing, as well as emotional support. Thankfully they are also great kids and were really kind to me when I was obviously. I agree that work should be helpful and am quite excited about it at the moment. The taper is bearable and my mind feels less fettered now there are less drugs in the system. Still get really wired up, shaky etc. but trying not to be too intense about it all. Recently I have spoken from two friends about how their mothers being stuck on valium for years in the 80s and 90s, and they still lived to ripe old ages. Both were nervous types but unfortunately that was why they were prescribed the pills in the first place.

I'm thinking if those sweet old ladies kicked it, so can I!

Hope you get some rest. I have not been a great sleeper for years, so I am sort of used to counting sheep. Even so it's exhausting when you have to work,


magga xx


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Hi everyone been away for a bit. Looks like the struggle goes on! and on and on and on. Worked Saturday rested today back tomorrow. The only good thing is the distraction the rest sucks. I just stayed off the computer today and tried to rest. My wife and I were in our pool and everything was quiet when the wind came up really strong and a small twister went right threw our backyard with us watching. It went through the garden like 15 ft from us and threw leaves and wood chips into the pool. What an experience and glad it didn't do more damage. almost wanted a Benzo after that! lol.


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Hi everyone been away for a bit. Looks like the struggle goes on! and on and on and on. Worked Saturday rested today back tomorrow. The only good thing is the distraction the rest sucks. I just stayed off the computer today and tried to rest. My wife and I were in our pool and everything was quiet when the wind came up really strong and a small twister went right threw our backyard with us watching. It went through the garden like 15 ft from us and threw leaves and wood chips into the pool. What an experience and glad it didn't do more damage. almost wanted a Benzo after that! lol.



Wow!  Glad you weren't hurt!  Twisters are fiercesome forces of nature. I take it this was not an F5 tornado or you would have more than leaves and wood chips in your pool?  What an experience! Happy you lived to tell the tale. Hope you finish out the weekend with peace and rejuvenation.  :smitten: :smitten:

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Day 12 of my taper restart. Really busy at work last week and fairly busy weekend. Taking a bit of a faceplant today dizzy head like crazy. I'm hoping this isn't the start of lots of craziness. I think I just overdid the work and stress. I will readjust if necessary but I will hang tough and lay around and maybe this will pass. How is everyone else doing?


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Hi etown


the twister sounded pretty scary. We don't have anything like that in the UK, although recently we had some severe flash flooding.

Mentally am feeling pretty good some days at the moment. Physically the pains are fairly constant and annoying. I have just cut to .75mg and maybe getting a bit overexcited. I'd rather be hyper than the other thing tho' lol


Waking early and doing work on the computer. I try to have the evening for downtime as sleep is sporadic.

Patience is hard to work on when you are in withdrawal, but I have come to the conclusion that all we can do is stick it out.

I checked out the specific carbs diet. I am rather underweight and rarely eat meat, so not sure of the lack of carbs would be helpful or not. It has reminded me to avoid wheat and try and find a substitute for oatmeal- almonds maybe?

Hope your week is kinder and calmer,


magga x

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Magga - you look good at .75 mg! It won't be long now. Yeah the twister was interesting but I would take it over this tapering. I am trying to take it a little easier at work for a few days. I have had the dizzies for a few days. If it is totally the taper(which I doubt) I will reassess and slow down or even hold for a bit. I am trying to avoid crazy symptoms out of control at all costs. That last gong show took 3 months to straighten out.

The SCD can be done with less meat. Eat more beans etc. I'm sure www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/‎ would provide some ideas on how to get the proteins in.

I actually gained all my weight back (70lbs) on this diet and have had no GI issues since


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Magga - you look good at .75 mg! It won't be long now. Yeah the twister was interesting but I would take it over this tapering. I am trying to take it a little easier at work for a few days. I have had the dizzies for a few days. If it is totally the taper(which I doubt) I will reassess and slow down or even hold for a bit. I am trying to avoid crazy symptoms out of control at all costs. That last gong show took 3 months to straighten out.

The SCD can be done with less meat. Eat more beans etc. I'm sure www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/‎ would provide some ideas on how to get the proteins in.

I actually gained all my weight back (70lbs) on this diet and have had no GI issues since



My GI issues are still pretty bad. My mental symptoms are gone.


There was 3 months my GI issues banished, so I know it's the w/d. It just recently came back. My only remaining symptom.



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Billy - check out the website on the previous post. They thought I had Crohn's about 7 years ago, I went on the SCD for 24 months and no more issues.


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Billy - check out the website on the previous post. They thought I had Crohn's about 7 years ago, I went on the SCD for 24 months and no more issues.



Yep, thanks.


I just know my stomach gets better, then worse, better, etc. For three months, it let up.


I was checked for Crohn's disease, I think. I had scopes and the works back 8 years ago. A pepcid ulcer was found, but that was taken care of.


Last year, I went to the ER with GI issues, and they couldn't find anything.

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The problem is not coping or dealing with GI symptoms waxing and waning all your life. It is about healing and this diet is a diet of avoidance. So avoid the offenders and the bowel heals. That's what we want to hear right?


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The problem is not coping or dealing with GI symptoms waxing and waning all your life. It is about healing and this diet is a diet of avoidance. So avoid the offenders and the bowel heals. That's what we want to hear right?



Pretty much.


I think it is healing because as I said before...

I went three months with no GI issues. all healed up in every way.

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Hey Group!


Just got back from the beach. Im ExHAUSTED!! Wanted to pop in to see you all tho.....back to work I go tomorrow :tickedoff: :tickedoff: I would like a month vacation with pay please :laugh:


Hope you are all hanging in there!!



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L - We are looking at 1 week first part of November. Just don't know how I'm going to feel so a little scared to do this. We usually go 2x per year for the last 15 years but my world is so different now. HMMMMMM


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Hi everyone-


I am a little better today & am thankful for the support from you all last week. I got the Trazodone renewed, but it makes me feel so bad. Stomach backed up, drugged feeling, & worst, depressed. So I'm off that again. I love feeling not zonky-drugged even if my nerves feel exposed to the elements!  I tried Zquill last night, but it didn't seem to do anything. I might take it in the middle of the night tonight.

Lisa- you are soooo right about being obsessed with sleep! My bedside table is covered with all kinds of sleep stuff--looks like a pharmacy exploded! I will look for the book you recommend. The beach sounds pretty good to me right now but I'm 1000 miles from any ocean. All that sensual stimulation gives me anxiety relief. I like going out to the herb garden & sniffing basil, dill, oregano, etc... Strange, but very calming.

Etown- Did you have a hard time with the Valium crossover? I briefly considered doing that, but don't know what the Dr. would think.


My new plan is to take a nap when I get home & then will feel good enough to exercise, then go to sleep later. Am trying to avoid the awake hours in the middle of the night.


Lots of good sleep to all! :)



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Sadie the cross over was easy both times. You just need to make sure the equvalency is bang on. .5mg K=10mg valium. I think you should consider it. The Benzo wise specialist I see says the long acting Benzos are smoother and less irritating to the brain PRO. The Valium is not as sedating. CON for you. The taper may be smoother but the sleep may be more of a challenge. Trazodone 50mg works well for me. I hate the dry mouth and the hang over but anything is better than flopping around the bed all night. I have had sleep issues all along until the Trazodone so I hope and pray it keeps working side effects aside.


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The benzo-wise Dr. sounds wonderful, but not attainable for me, unfortunately. The con part of the switch is scary for me. The prospect of sleep worse than what I have now is impossible. I've only been in school 8 days & have already missed 1/2 day & been a zombie on 3 hrs. sleep for 2 other days. I've got to make it through the school year with 11 sick days. Summer would be a time I could try the cross-over if my clueless Dr. will go along with it.


I had hope for the Trazodone & might try it again Friday night.  I tried 50 mg. but not very successfully.


1 more day in the week!! Hoping for a good Friday for all you out there! :D



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Hey gang....


E.....go enjoy a little vacation. Just don't have any expectations. DOn't overplan....don't overbook.....etc. You might be surprised that a change of scenery might do you good!!!


Sadie....Does your sleep get better before you make your next cut? I used to wait for it to get a bit better before I cut again cuz I wouldn't be able to function at work. Maybe you just need to slow down and try to calm your nerves about the whole sleep issue. It can really be a hot mess when you start to worry over it then you get anxious and the cycle goes on and on.....Been there so I know. I hear soooo much of me in your post. Hugs dear. You will get through this. You are strong!


Hey to everyone else. I have to get ready for work now but will hopefully check in later.



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Sadie - something just popped in my head. Trazodone or anything else was not working for me until one day I came across the things not to eat while tapering. Caffeine, alcohol, artificial sweetners, sugar, and the culprit....MSG. Even the tinyest amount and I was in that comatose agitated sleep all freaking night long. I now read labels and stay away from artificial anything if I can especially MSG and now things are a lot better.

Just so you don't get too jealous the addiction Doc is really nothing special so don't sweat it. He did say I could take up to 150mg of Trazodone safely.


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How are all the workers today. A nice hot Monday afternoon here in Ontario. Things have settled for a breath or 2 at work so get some office time. The taper is smooth so far. A little dizziness and tired also waking up a few times but other than that the mental stress is at bay. All the physical stuff is there but its a daily thing anyway. Its the mind crap I hate when it gets out of control. I believe in my new taper strategy and many thanks to my BB's for the help. The B man really changed my way of thinking. thanks buddy! Hope all is well.

Lisa where are you? I need a chuckle or 2.


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etown, glad to hear you are feeling better. You sound much more positive which is great.

Knowing how to proceed with a taper is quite comforting.

I am due to start back at work after this week. except  have booked a short vacation to get some sun first.

I'm a sun lover and our English summers can be a tad disappointing. Actually this week is not too bad.

The good  news is I am nearly down to .5mg! I'm not bragging, its been a roller coaster ride to get here, but I can sleep 6 hours and am doing a bit more each week.

The work thing will be tough. I work part time for myself and that is fine, but the organization is in a mess.

Financial reasons are taking me back but in the past I rose to a challenge and may do so again.


Lisa- how goes it? I love your friendly bubbly posts,


magga xx

Good wishes to all workers.


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Hi guys!!!!!


Sorry...been trying to do stuff I am suppose to like laundry and the store and all that happy horse ....... that I don't want to do before I have to go back into work. LOL Sometimes it totally stinks to be an adult :tickedoff:


I was in the cooking mode today for trying new things. I decided to make crab macaroni and cheese and then this triple chocolate mousse pie. The mac and cheese has potential. It wasn't as gooey as I needed it to be but it was good. Getting ready to try the pie and it looks wonderful. Hope it is!!! It was all a tad time consuming so I better love something!!!!!


Whats going on with everyone? how are you all doing? Tell me!!!!!!



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