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How many people HAVE to work while tapering


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Hey Gang!


Wanted to pop in and say hello. Been absent. Just feeling blah about posting for some reason. I think Im out of the funk now. Hopefully......


How is everyone? Just cuz I wasn't here doesn't mean I wasn't thinking about you all. Hoping you were doing well and sleeping and surviving this stupid drug wd and sx.


Sleep has been up and down as usual. SOme good....some bad.....I ran out of vit c for 2 nights and let me tell you. I will NEVER do that again. It really makes a huge difference. I couldn't believe it. I didn't really sleep for those 2 nights and then I got my refill and my sleep was soooooo much better. Thank God!


Hope you are all well


Lisa :smitten:

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Let me back up Etown on the adrenal cocktail in his last post.  I have been drinking it before bedtime the last few days and even though it has not yet stopped me from waking up, I can tell it is supporting the adrenals because I am not as shaky or jittery when I do.


I will keep drinking it to see if it will eventually stop the premature waking altogether.  Maybe it will just take time.

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Have you guys tried vitamin c????? It is suppose to help with cortisol spiking during the night. Apparently that is part of my problem as it really helps me!!! I was skeptical but tried it anyway. 500mg didn't do anything for me but 1000 about and hour hour and a half before bed helps tremendously!



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On the Cream of Tartar, does anyone know what the white powder is that settles to the bottom of the glass and doesn't mix in water? I'm wondering if it is just this brand I have and there might be an additive in it. Even when I swish it around, I can't drink it all before the white powder settles again and is left in the bottom of the glass. Am I the only one?


I LOVED finding out that CoT is also a remedy for glutamate 'poisoning'. How cool: sleep tonic, adrenal aid, and glutamate reducer, all at the same time!  Thanks for finding this, etown!


~One~  :smitten:

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Minerals as in this case potassium do not go in to solution but rather suspension so that's why you get particles sinking to the bottom of the glass. If you buy liquid mineral preparation they are suspended in other fluids. Much like the dreaded Valium. Mix fast and drink. Keep in mind for the cocktail to be completely effective you should mix it with orange juice or some other natural sugar juice so the liver has the glycogen it needs to regenerate at night about 3am.

Lisa - I take 2000mg of Vit C at night and 2000mg in the morning...have for years...glad it is working for you.


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Wow, etown, I missed your recent drop down to 11mg. Congratulations! 


Thanks for the explanation on the mineral suspension. That will help me shake my benzo induced paranoia. I think I could really use the benefit. Now if I could figure out a fruit juice that doesn't upset my GI issues. I wonder if I just eat some cooked apples (scd legal  ;D) along with my glass of salt and CoT if that would work. I'm eating a lot of cooked apples these days.  :P


Lisa, have I asked you yet what kind of C you take?  I'm still searching for one that I can tolerate. I know I really need that C. Thanks for the good report on it.  :)


~One~  :smitten:


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Hi working friends,

I am very excited to try the orange juice concoction tonight. Thanks for the tip, Etown. I've been back at work full time for the last four weeks. It's kind of ok some of the time. I've started on an antidepressant (Wellbutrin) and that's had mixed results. I'm not sure I'm going to stay with it but I do need something for my depression. It's just too intense and unrelenting. Do you guys have suggestions for that? I know everyone is so different. I was not an antidepressant user before the benzo stuff but I need something to keep me safe on this journey as my head has a new tendency to lead me down very scary paths. My doctor recommended trying st. johns wort if I can't tolerate the Wellbutrin. I've taken St. john's Wort in the past with good results, but I've heard it can really complicate a benzo taper by changing the potency of the benzo. Any thoughts?


Back to work tomorrow,



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Peace welcome - I am so sorry DP is being so nasty to you. I can tell you that SJW does effect Gaba receptors, therefore, I would be cautious with its use. I am a Herbalist so I'm aware of the safety and health benefits of SJW but I have personally stayed away from anything that effects Gaba or Glutamate. My fear is creating a "new normal" for the brain. That being said, I would choose it over any conventional medicines.


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Im not gonna leave my job but iknow what you mean.. Sometimes i feel like the stress i encounter during work is very unhealthy and its messing with my recovery time
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Pyoung - I definately agree Working is a double edge sword...helps with some things ...hinders others. What else is new this taper business is a tough affair for sure.


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Hi Etown,

Regarding your taking of the Ortho Adapt.  I read the ingredients and have a bit of concern regarding a few of them:


Pantethine (vitamin B6) - other B vitamins tend to rev me up and increase my afternoon glutamate storms


Licorice ans ashwagandha - other members have reported these ingredients increase their side effects


Lastly, the information on the supplement states a person should check with their doctor before taking it if they are on hormone therapy - Are they talking about estrogen and progesterone or hormones for the thyroid and other glands?


Can you tell us your experience with this supplement?


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Eliz - I just started taking Ortho Adapt so I can't tell you much. I know lots of people who have used it (not Benzo people) with great success for balancing the whole endocrine (glandular) system. Let me check a little deeper into the product and ingredients and get back to you all.


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Thanks ETown,

Looking forward to it.  I have refined my supplement protocol - eliminating those that were not helpful or caused side effects and adding others that at least so far seem helpful.


The only thing I wish I could find is a quality daily multiple that does not have B vitamins or calcium since both of these effect me in a negative way.  The multiple I was taking before the benzos entered my life have too many energy revving ingredients and I had to stop taking them. :'( 

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Etown- what supplements do you use? I know we're all different but I'm on a bunch and have no idea if they're helping or not. Do you have general rules about what to take and what to avoid?



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You and me both, Eliz!  My former multiple was one of those 6 a day with lots of good ingredients but had to quit taking it long ago due to revving. And every multi I've looked at since has something objectionable in it.



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OK Etown,

You have heard it from both me and OneLove - please look in your bag of tricks and see if you can recommend a multi-vitamin that does not have symptom revving components.


Here is what I am taking now


L-Theanine (morning and afternoon)

L-Tryptophan (at bedtime)

Kava Kava (as needed in the afternoon)

Vitamin C (morning, noon, and night)

Lactium (morning and night)

Magnesium glycinate (morning and at bedtime)

Seriphos (at bedtime)

1mg melatonin (at 7:30pm)

Adrenal cocktail (at bedtime)

Culturelle probiotic (morning)


All these are specifically to address symptoms and sleep problems but even though I am eating a healthy diet I worry about not having my multi-vitamin.


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


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Ok Ok I have  a plan. This product is available in Canada not sure about the U.S. but I think you can get it there too. This company has had this product from Germany for many years. They have tried to make it a close to natural food sources as possible and as you can see it is really clean. Highly absorbable too. Just the first thing that jumped in my head. I've been at this a long time. Not marketed as a mega vitamin but just covers your basic daily needs. When you recover you could go back to 3 or 6 per day of a mega vit. I am going to answer peace as to what I take and why.


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Ok peace here it is. My general philosophy when it comes to supplements and tapering is this. Stay away from supplements that affect Gaba or Glutamate. Why? Taking Benzo's created a "new normal" for our brains to deal with. Now in tapering we are trying to recondition the brain to go back to the real normal. Supplements although helpful for symptoms during tapering can prolong the "new normal" state and affect healing and recovery time. Some people go for it and it works out but that's my humble opinion and I'm sticking to it. Stay far away from supplements that detox your system especially the liver. There is a lot of Benzo tied up and metabolized by the liver so if you detox you will greatly affect the amount of Benzo in your body. Like doing a very large cut. I found out the hard way and was almost 3 months getting back to tapering again. By the way I have tried all the stuff people recommend that effect Gaba and/or Glutamate and have ditched them all in favour of returning to the "real normal" I am not sensitive to other supplements most of which I have taken for 20 years.

I take

Omega 3-6-9 .... 6 horse pills /day

70 billion cells of Probiotics

Prostate stuff

Vitamin D....4000 iu /day

B complex ....2 50 mg caps per day

Vitamin c....2000mg am 2000mg pm

Peppermint oil before meals

Psyllium fiber - 1-2 teaspoons per day

melatonin - 3mg before bed

Nurtri flex .....2 tablesopons per day - joints

Blood Pressure combo - since Benzos

Magnesium and Malic acid for muscles 4/day

Co Q 10 - 400mg liquid per day

Ortho Adapt - endocrine balancing supplement - only been on 1 week not sure yet

Adrenal Cocktail - before bed

Drink lots of herbal teas especially peppermint and ginger


I think that's it (oh yeah I had a bowl of ice cream once too)


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Thanks, Etown.

I really appreciate it. My pdoc has me taking Trancor by Metagenics. I'm guessing that would be a big no on your list. I'm not sure about anything at this point, but it's good to gather info for moving forward. I want there to be a magic solution to make this all easier and to make healing faster. I'm finding, like everyone else, that there isn't one. I need to refill my patience prescription!



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