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How many people HAVE to work while tapering


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Hi Etown


Yes, life continues to throw up additional challenges doesn't it?

I'm still stuck in bed with a virus. They often stick around with me, but its hard having few distractions. Work is pretty much on hold until this is over. One bonus is that despite the wringing sweats I am sleeping pretty well and having mostly nice dreams. Maybe my unconscious is seeking compensation...


Hi Onelove, how are you bearing up? Are you able to eat more now?


Magga x

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Where did everyone go? This week has been another gong show for me. Wish I had WW here to fix my computer problems. I can't believe large organizations with IT being so crappy. I can't even do my work. I don't even want to do my work and can't anyway. lol I can't even believe that when i'm tapering crap hits the fan. Why couldn't this wait until this is over? Oh well long weekend for us in Canada. Can't wait.


I'd be happy to help with your IT/computer problems but I would probably be in a panic state myself lol so not sure how much help that would be.  It's difficult how life continues during and despite this very elongated taper/w/d process no?  Glad you have a long weekend coming. We do in the US as well. IT is a very uhm special group of people no? For what it's worth, I have yet to work with a company where IT doesn't create challenges.  Hope your weekend is calming and soothing and you take advantage of it :)



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Magga, I am SO sorry you are still sick. Gee, this is going on for a while now, huh?  It's a good thing you are laying low, resting, and taking care of yourself. Do you have any help? I wish there was something we could do to help. Sending lots of healing wishes your way.  :therethere:


As for my eating, yes, I am eating more most days. Every few days I have such bad GI pain that I don't log enough calories, but by and large I am moving in the right direction. It appears that I am slowly gaining a little bit of weight. :).


My chiropractor has identified several ribs that have been out of place for 10 months. That could have significant bearing on my whole cascade of symptoms, especially what organs those discs enervate. Costochondritis takes a good long while to heal and is very painful, so I'm guessing this adds to the benzo issue and may be a root cause from the very beginning. It even hurts to type with one finger, so I'm trying to limit my time and responses here.


I hope you turn a corner and feel better real soon.  ~OneLove.  :smitten:

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I was set up on VPN so I could work from home. Apparently, the version of VPN I have is outdated and expired as of yesterday. So now I can't work from home which is 1 mile from the facility I go to from my house. So to get the new version of VPN they have to update my computer. So, My computer is on route to our head office to get switched out for a new one. So everthing I need on my old computer will get moved to the new one and the new version of VPN added. Ok WW what are the chances of this working out. Oh, I already know ZERO. So I drive 1 hour one way to print the paperwork for my facility to export fresh produce to the US on a collegues computer then drive back to the facility to deliver the paperwork. This could go on for over a week and I may have to make multiple 1 hour trips per day. This sucks. Oh, and I will probably work the long weekend afterall. SHYT!


P.S. Anyone notice I am slamming my keyboard?

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I was set up on VPN so I could work from home. Apparently, the version of VPN I have is outdated and expired as of yesterday. So now I can't work from home which is 1 mile from the facility I go to from my house. So to get the new version of VPN they have to update my computer. So, My computer is on route to our head office to get switched out for a new one. So everthing I need on my old computer will get moved to the new one and the new version of VPN added. Ok WW what are the chances of this working out. Oh, I already know ZERO. So I drive 1 hour one way to print the paperwork for my facility to export fresh produce to the US on a collegues computer then drive back to the facility to deliver the paperwork. This could go on for over a week and I may have to make multiple 1 hour trips per day. This sucks. Oh, and I will probably work the long weekend afterall. SHYT!


P.S. Anyone notice I am slamming my keyboard?

If the problem was antiquated VPN then yes there are all kinds of possible issues, BUT if they do a clean install, bring everything you need over, you actually might be surprised how quickly they can get you up and on and having a new system is rarely a bad thing.  You might get better speed as well.  It could go badly, but an old VPN would explain a lot and there really is hope :)


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Hey gang


Wanted to stop in. I have been MIA this week. Been busy busy busy with back to school and we had a wedding Sat night the overstimulated the crap out of me. I couldn't sleep AT ALL....Didn't get home till 145am. You would think I would have fallen right to sleep. NOPE....Guess my CNS was amped up. At 3 I was still awake and miserable. I knew I had baseball for my sun on SUnday and that would be a good 3-4 hours of having to be social when lord knows I knew I wasn'st gonna wanna be. I think I was messed up all dang week. I haven't slept good in a week. Its getting super old.  I have NO tolerance for anything.... :-X Ears started ringing again too. :tickedoff: They always do a tad I guess but I never notice cuz its never quiet but they were loud last night trying to sleep. Maybe that didn't help sleeping. Work has been tough this week on negative sleep. Ugh.........Healing can visit anytime now people!!!


I haven't had time to read back so hugs to all of you and I hope you are all healing and starting to see some improvements.



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Hey Etown!

Get ahold of an old computer and take it outside and assault it with a hammer! That might feel really good. I've always wanted to just turn loose and destroy something that I wouldn't have to clean up just for the stress relief.

I'll post more this weekend, but I just had to say HI and I'm thinking of you and thankful you're there when I'm at my low points.


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Hey Sadie what's up? Nice to hear from you. I am so glad you consider this thread helpful for you. You are a great asset for us too. It looks like you are keeping on. I'm thankful for that for you. I'm down another .5mg V and keeping the symptoms at bay. Did way too much this long weekend hope the pay day is nice to me.

etown :thumbsup:

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I've considered myself very fortunate to be able to work from home, or anywhere for that matter, since my husband and I "unplugged" from our "go to" jobs a while back.  We buy and sell real estate. In the spring we signed a contract to sell a piece of property and have to designate replacement property as an exchange as part of the contract at closing. We NEVER dreamed back when we signed the contract to close early September that I wouldn't even be capable of looking for property to buy as replacement. For all these many months now, it's all I can do to make it to my doctor appointments and back. And eat. Closing is this week and I am screwed. Without replacement property for the exchange, we will give up any income we would have made.


Will this hell ever end?  I'm in far worse shape now than I was in the spring.


My current status is in a post on the diazepam support thread. Any suggestions or observations would be most welcome.    ~OneLove.

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i am sorry about your work being on hold.  :therethere:

Mine is too at the moment! I was hoping to start back this week but this virus is not letting go.

Instead i have been watching lots of films in Netflix.

Well, after a year of work setbacks I am learning that worrying about it is the worst thing I can do.

That's coming from an ex- workaholic!  :)


Lisa- life sounds super busy! Make sure you get those youngsters of yours to pull their weight.

Mine are fully grown but still expect their washing done!


Etown- is it still a heat wave where you are or has fall arrived? Our summer has been good for the UK.

Still able to sit out early evenings.


Take care all

magga x


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Thanks Magga. I guess I need to cool my jets and count my blessings. I am SO sorry your virus is hanging with you so long. Netflix movies are sounding pretty good to me about now. I just had those misplaced ribs adjusted by the chiropractor again and, although it is very painful right now, I'm hoping if they will just heal and quit pinching nerves that affect my GI, liver, heart, etc, that I will be able to walk for some exercise again some day. It's just hard waiting and waiting, something you've been doing lately too with your virus. --By the way, I am a former workaholic also. I wonder if our former "fast pace" has caught up with us?  :smitten:
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Hi Onelove


In my case i was running on adrenalin a lot of the time, so my answer to you is yes.

But we are what we are. I have had to learn to live differently in the last months, and that is not such a bad thing.

I suspect the viral thing is compounded by a messed up nervous system.

its ironic because now I have to courage to get out there but the body wont cooperate!


magga x


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I am glad to have found this thread.  I am terrified to go back to work.  I know I need the money and it may be a good thing to take my mind off of withdrawl but I am still terrified of it.  I just recently did not show up for a job my brother got for me that his reputation was on the line and I didn't show up for the job and messed up his reputation with that company.  :(  What was I thinking in the first place accepting that offer? Now he is all pissed at me.  I really want to work but from home would be nice.  Any opinions?



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Hi Skyzone-

I find I get all funny about going to work sometimes, but once there I realize it's not the problem, the klonopin is the problem! If you can separate out the dread of work for the reality of work, you'll find the dreading is much more played up in your mind than the reality of it is.

You seem to be on a fast taper. I cut faster in June, but felt the consequences. I've been holding for a month while adjusting to school again. The insomnia is so bad I'll be holding for awhile. That's the only reason I'm on BB this a.m.

Sometimes I avoid logging on because I feel so sorry for all the struggle of everyone that I need to stay away! But, I always come back!


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Everyday that we all make it another day at work, is a statement of the amazing strength that we possess.  Even for those who are unable to work, getting through the day, many days, feels virtually impossible. To add work to that, all I can say it that this is NOT for the faint hearted.





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Sky - I understand how you must be feeling. sometimes you just need to take the plunge and things work out. I'm glad you found this thread too and hope you post often.



WW - are you working?

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Been working a couple weeks now.  Getting to work from home which is good since I'm sleeping about 3 hours a night.  But I'm programming again, which I haven't done in a while.  Stretching my brain and all that.  I have frequent freak-bout's as my confidence isn't so high, but I think that's just how it's going to be for a while ya know?


How's by you?



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WW - still sluggin' it out. I'm doing decent and still moving down however slowly it takes. Now...how are you really? PM me if you want.


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E - Having some thyroid issues as my levels that should be up are going down and my levels that should be down are going up which is  causing some challenges and sleep is illusive which is making everything else a bit rougher.  I'm glad to be working again because the stress of "what will become of me" is greater than work stress (which is more than enough stress no? lol), although this is just a few month gig and I'll be back to the "what will become of me" phase once again soon enough. 


Never sure which begets which and whether it's w/d, the thyroid, lack of sleep etc.  So if I could just get those three things under control, life would be keen lol.


And as far as you, moving down is a great accomplishment, at whatever pace.  The pace doesn't actually matter, except that we spend a LOT of time thinking about it.  What really matters is the end goal.  Once there, how you got there won't matter for squat.  I'm glad that things aren't as rough as they had been there for you for a good bit.  I know it must not be pleasant, but you are showing that it's doable.  Excellent work, my friend :)



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WW-Me, being the eternal optimist, believe that something really special is going to happen in your life at just the right time. You are a fighter that's why I care for you so much. I love fighters and as you said in an earlier post working and tapering is not for the faint of heart.

Take care


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Thank you all for the kind words.


I made up with my brother and he isn't pissed at em anymore...


I was thinking of selling things on ebay and renting a spot at the local flea market and selling stuff there that I but and up-sell. 


I am also an I.T Technician and would like to work some jobs with doing that as well. 


I am going to work one way or another. 


The general point most of you on this thread are trying to get across is that during withdrawl, to work is better than to not work and be scared of it.  So that is what I am going to do.  Thanks!



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Hey Gang.....Long time no talk. My laptop died and didn't have time to get to the store and me deciding is not an easy task. :idiot: Now.....I have to tell you I HATE WINDOWS 8!!!!!!!!!!! :tickedoff: :tickedoff: and I went with a smaller screen and not sure I like the keyboard. Idk....I guess I don't like change LOL Imagine that! I can't type near as fast on this keyboard as my other. AND I cant figure out how to scroll with the pad without pushing down the button.....OY! SHOOT ME NOW!


Ok.....rant over.....How is everyone? I am ok right now. Had a few nights with a bit of sleep so not too shabby! I know this ebbs and flows so not expecting it to hang around. I will tell you all that my gastric distress has calmed down BIG TIME! Its great lol


Hope you are all well



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Hey Gang.....Long time no talk. My laptop died and didn't have time to get to the store and me deciding is not an easy task. :idiot: Now.....I have to tell you I HATE WINDOWS 8!!!!!!!!!!! :tickedoff: :tickedoff: and I went with a smaller screen and not sure I like the keyboard. Idk....I guess I don't like change LOL Imagine that! I can't type near as fast on this keyboard as my other. AND I cant figure out how to scroll with the pad without pushing down the button.....OY! SHOOT ME NOW!


Ok.....rant over.....How is everyone? I am ok right now. Had a few nights with a bit of sleep so not too shabby! I know this ebbs and flows so not expecting it to hang around. I will tell you all that my gastric distress has calmed down BIG TIME! Its great lol


Hope you are all well




So good to see that you are sleeping and that your gastro distress is so much better. Was there anything special you did to help that along?  I'm in major GI distress, all the time, day and night. Any words of advice would be wonderful.

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One.....I swear that is the worst. I lived on gas x for a while there anytime it would flare from eating. After I jumped it was bad every morning. That has stopped now. I really think its all just time and healing. The gasx was just a bandaid ya know. different food didn't seem to bother me. It just happened when it wanted to. Have you found anything that helps you? I know its horrid....



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I still take gas X for my GI stuff. It's my last remaining hurdle to go, and I will be glad when it goes for good. It did for three months straight, so I know it will again.


Be careful with the gas X and Mylanta to. It can tare a stomach up, if you take too much.


You guys that work are really strong people. I couldn't work in the thick of it. I'm just thankful I have the money to not work, and still live... or I would have lost everything.



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