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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Hi everybody!


I am kind of in and out on BB. My sleep has gotten a little bit better lately. Last night I had 4 to 5 hours but the night before I had 2.5 hours. TS, I am sorry about your eye. Hope it gets better soon. Congrats on your sleep.

NG, Sorry your sleep has gone backwards again. I am afraid mine is going to do the same thing.

VNM, I am sorry your back is bothering you so much. I have had back pain before and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I hope it gets better soon. Thanks for checking in.

Rodolfo, I am right there with you; 4 to 5 hours. I am grateful for it as I have had weeks of 0 to 3 hour nights. I have had a couple recent 7 hour nights and it was heavenly! I hope there are more to come.


I am down to .24mg a day of Xanax (starting from 4mg) and I hope t be done in 8 weeks. We'll see.


Have a great day everyone and wishing you sweet dreams and many hours of sleep.



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Good morning everyone,


I hope you all slept well.


Mine was really good last night. I slept for more than 7 hours without even waking up once. This morning I kept falling asleep over and over again, had to force myself to get up.


HM,  good on you for coming this close to walking off of the benzo! Great job.


Not much news on the eye front.


Have a pleasant and peaceful Sunday everyone!





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Hey all,


I'm wondering what your grades are based on? Is it the amount of hours? Or how well rested you feel when you get out of bed?


In my personal experience, a lot of times the nights that you have 4 or 5 or 6 hours of sleep for example, but deep sleep, are so much better than the nights that you have 8 hours of sleep with non-stop nightmares and really light sleep.


This night I slept a decent 6 - 7 hours, lots of nightmares though. I fellt really stressed out and in fight-or-flight mode when I got out of bed.

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Trying to keep I think we just make it up  ;D


Trotch I'm glad you're getting seven hours. I hope your eyes are improving.


Hearmost it seems like the trazodone is helping a bit, or maybe you're just stabilizing.


Nightengale I hope your mum is ok, your knee is better, and that you're able to take care of your husband without draining yourself out. It must be very difficult getting so little sleep. Has the raccoon visited lately? How are the toads in the pond? I love your environment. I'm sleeping fine but I feel tired all day apart from ready to jump at any provocation but of course I don't. I made a cut a week ago and that's oviously it, plus that adds to the cut I did a month ago. This is the slowest taper ever. I don't even see the end. Just getting a bit lower is my aim. Healing to all.

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Good morning all, I slept better last night for a change. It feels so nice to do that.

I'm really not looking for something big to happen, like 6-7 hours of straight sleep, but more than an hour or two will work.


We went to our son and his fiancée's for breakfast on Sunday morning. It was lovely, but my husband barely touched his food. He said his stomach hurt, but didn't have to go to the bathroom, so we got him settled on the sofa. He was shaking, but said he wasn't cold. Put a blanket over him and then gave him a couple of antacids. He was having trouble walking. Our future daughter in law is a nurse, so she checked to see if he was having a stroke. He was not.

All in all it was quite stressful. Once I got him home, he slept in his recliner and seemed better later on.  Not sure what was going on. Perhaps a TIA, except this lasted longer than the ones he has had in the past. 

Life with someone who has Alzheimer's can be daunting.


Tryingtokeephope, I don't typically use number grades. Perhaps once my sleep is consistently better, I will.  My nightmares are mostly gone, which is good.  In fact most my dreams are like looking at faded comics in an old newspaper. I have noticed that when I sleep more, I feel worse. Perhaps my body/brain has learned to live on less sleep. 


TS, your good sleeping sounds lovely.  Maybe your body is enjoying the catch up time and that's why you are falling back to sleep so easily in the morning. 


Hope your eye is still doing okay. 


HM, you are doing so very well with your taper! Keep up the good taper schedule!  Eight weeks is not that far off.


Valiumnomore, I've had back problems in the past and remember how horrible I felt. I could not even bend over to tie my shoe laces. It was awful. I remember going out to eat and early on, I said to my husband, we have to go. I literally could not stand the pain any longer. 

I wish you the best during this most difficult time.  I had an injection in my spine, but do not believe it was cortisone. Whatever it was was a one and done deal with no returning pain. That was around 10 years ago. 


Rodolfo,  four is fair. Hopefully it keeps improving.


Take care all,




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Hello nightengale,


So your Sunday morning breakfast was an event with two faces: enjoying the time with your son and his fiancee and on the other hand the worry about your husband.  What can you do about it. We'll just have to battle through...


I hope your husband is doing better again. I feel for you having such a demanding time at the moment. It's admirable the way you cope!


My eye is worse again: painful at times and very blurred vision. Ughh.


I hope your sleep is improving. You so deserve it!


I've been tapering ( a bit) too fast again. Now I have to pay the price for that: dizzy spells, headache, feet hurting. Holding for now.


Stay strong! 




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Hey guys,


I haven't checked in for a while. I was getting better sleep for a while. Getting 5 to 7 hours and now I am back down to 3.5 hours. Hoping you are all getting good quality sleep. I know healing is not linear.


Have a great day,



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Hi there HeartMost,


Wow, you had a couple of wonderful nights. Really glad for you.

Sorry sleep is worse again. It's like you say, nothing linear in healing.


My sleep is good! Some 7,5 hours. The crazy dreams are gone, but who knows what tonight's gonna bring...


I 'm having back issues again, as well as sore feet. Both had been bothering me less in the last coupleofweeks. More muscle pain too. Probably due to tapering off Paxil too fast. Stupid, right. Yep, that's me. Am going to hold for at least a week.


Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!



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I am sorry your having back pain and sore feet. I hope it gets better for you soon. Thanks for the reply:) Have a great Wednesday too and get wonderful sleep tonight.



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Update on where I have been.

I took my husband to see the family doctor on Monday. He determined it was an appendicitis and sent us straight to the ER. At 9:15 that evening, my husband was having surgery to remove his appendix. He had some heart issues, which may have been caused by the infection. We'll follow up with the family doctor next week and see what he thinks. 

Anyway, my sleep was gone when I got home from the hospital at midnight on Monday. I did sleep a couple of hours the next night.

Last night was better, now that he is back home again.

This morning, he wondered where he had been. He had no clue it was the hospital and he had an appendectomy. 

The nurse always asked him where he was and why. He did say Lutheran Hospital, but only patted the side of his stomach when she asked why.


He told me about the nice people there, but that was all he ever said.  I had no idea he didn't know where we were. 


TS, I am sorry to hear you are having back pain and sore feet.  I am happy you are sleeping well.


HM, hopefully you are sleeping again.  Stay strong!


valiumnomore, I hope your back is less painful.  Hope to see you back soon.


Take care everyone,


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Hi NG,


So sorry to hear what your husband and you had to go through. Good thing the GP diagnosed it correctly. So glad the surgery went well.


Hopefully you'll sleep better this coming night.


The soles of my feet felt much better today! Went for a nice walk. Went surprisingly well! Back is still so so. My right eye wasn't that bad today.

Finally sunshine again after a dark few days! Warmer weather on the way. How I 've missed that ( and it's only been a week...go figure.


Sleep well and stay well!



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Happy Friday everyone, My sleep is still messed up, though certainly better than the first few days of this week.

TS, that is good news your feet feel better and you got out for a nice walk.  Glad your back isn't being too difficult.  Hopefully your eye keeps getting better. 


I got up to clouds and then some rain.  Not a lot, but it was a good shower for a few minutes. 


Keep feeling better!


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Glad you're enjoying the better weather and your sleep is going well!




I hope your husband is doing well after his appendectomy and congratulations on your sleep getting better.


My sleep was worse last night :(


I only got a couple hours. That's 3 nights in a row of very little sleep after 2 weeks of 4 to 5 hours and a couple 7 hour nights.


Wish me luck that it's better tonight.



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Hi everyone,


My sleep was great last night! 7,5 hours without waking up once. Wow.


My back was OK today, feet not too bad. Eye blurred vision.


This afternoon something special happened: after more than a week of dark skies the sun returned! Yey!


Tonight I went fishing for the first time in 3,5 years! Didn't catch anything, but enjoyed being back at the water's edge again!

In the depths of my despair I was sure I would never see this day again. But it happened.  Thank the Lord.


Sleep well tonight, ladies! Hug.







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Update on where I have been.

I took my husband to see the family doctor on Monday. He determined it was an appendicitis and sent us straight to the ER. At 9:15 that evening, my husband was having surgery to remove his appendix. He had some heart issues, which may have been caused by the infection. We'll follow up with the family doctor next week and see what he thinks. 

Anyway, my sleep was gone when I got home from the hospital at midnight on Monday. I did sleep a couple of hours the next night.

Last night was better, now that he is back home again.

This morning, he wondered where he had been. He had no clue it was the hospital and he had an appendectomy. 

The nurse always asked him where he was and why. He did say Lutheran Hospital, but only patted the side of his stomach when she asked why.


He told me about the nice people there, but that was all he ever said.  I had no idea he didn't know where we were. 


TS, I am sorry to hear you are having back pain and sore feet.  I am happy you are sleeping well.


HM, hopefully you are sleeping again.  Stay strong!


valiumnomore, I hope your back is less painful.  Hope to see you back soon.


Take care everyone,



Nightengale I'm so sorry about your husband's emergency operation. That must have been so stressful for you. I really hope you go back to routine soon.


TS hope your back and feet pain get better.


HM you seem to start to get some nights of good sleep. That's such a good sign!


Good luck and good sleep t anyone else in this group.


My back is painful so I write as little as possible.

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Hi everyone, So good to hear how things are going.  Valiumnomore, I am sorry to hear your back is still painful. Please take care of yourself and we'll understand when you take much needed breaks.  Hoping you will feel better before long. 


TS, that is great news you went fishing!! Woohoo! I grew up fishing, but have not been for some time now.  My son still takes his dad, but I don't go, as I need a break, which only happens a few times in the summer months.  Fishing is a peaceful, relaxing endeavor. I am glad you enjoyed it, even without catching anything!


HM, those few hours are never any fun. I am glad you got a couple of seven hour nights.  It helps just to know you can.


My sleep was good the first part of the night, but then heard the sprinkler system coming on at 3 am, so got on my smart phone to turn it off. Never went back to sleep after that.  Did a 30 min walk this morning plus some PT for my knee.


The sun is shining this morning, which is always nice to see.


Take care,






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Hi everyone,


Hi Val, sorry about your back. From one backpain sufferer to another: it sucks! You're right about not being on here too often because of your backpain. The job comes first! I hope things are going to improve.


HM,  hopefully last night was better. Good luck for this coming one!


NG,  fishing for the first time after such a long time felt a little weird. So many things I was once able to do blindly had disappeared. I needed to think about what to do first and what next. But I 'm sure the routine will be back soon.


Sorry your wonderful sleep was interrupted by the sprinkler. Never a dull moment...Better luck next time!


Had a lovely bike ride this morning. Went to see an aunt. She's 96 but mentally still as sharp as a knife. She's quite deaf which is a shame. A lovely person. I love spending time with her!


Today the Summer is back, the sunshine anyway. Bought myself some taste icecream! 


Have a nice weekend everybody!



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VNM,  Sorry about your back pain. That's no fun. I hope you feel better soon.


NG, I'm glad you got some sleep but sorry the sprinkler woke you up at 3am. I hope tonight goes better for you.


TS, I'm glad you got a chance to go fishing after so long! fun :) And I am glad your sleep is still good.


I got 4 to 5 hours last night which is much better than the 2 I got the night before. I'll take it. My GI and bladder issues are getting better everyday too, so that makes me happy.


Have a great day, everyone.



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Good day all,

HM, o happy to hear your sleep is getting a bit better. Keep it up if you can!


TS, your aunt sounds lovely, even with her hearing loss. Staying sharp is a great thing for older people.

Enjoy the summer sun and the yummy ice cream!


valiumnomore, thanks for the good wishes. My routines are coming back each day. 

Wishing you better days with less back pain.


Last night I slept quite well. I did keep waking up, but managed to go back to sleep. Life is good, today!



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I am glad you had a good time with your aunt. She does sound awesome.




I hope your back pain is getting better. I also hope your sleep is good :)




I am so happy for you that you got a good night's sleep. That's wonderful.


I got about 4 hours last night. To be honest, it was one of those nights when I can't really tell. I got somewhere between 3 and 5 hours, so I will go with 4. I do feel like my sleep is getting better slowly, but surely. I can't wait for another 7 hour night. I've had 2 in the last 2 weeks, so let's hope I have another one coming.


Have a great day everyone,



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Hi everyone,


I seem to have missed a few responses, must have been too busy ( doing nothing ...).


Glad to see most of you had better sleep! This really makes me happy!  A good night's sleep makes the start of the next day so much brighter and lighter. 


Yesterday I went for a wonderful bike ride. Almost 2 hours. Sunny, pleasantly warm and hardly any wind.  A biker's dream. Had a cup of tea in a restaurant about halfway the route.


Slept well last night, but did wake up around 7 am with muscle and joint pain. Oh well, I know what caused it. Taking it easy today. Going fishing again this evening. Hoping for tight lines and a wet landing net.


Wishing you all a lovely day!



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Hi guys :) Seems a bit slow on here lately. I hope everyone is doing OK.


TS,  Glad you slept well but sorry about your muscle and joint pain. I hope it resolves soon for you.


I am anxious lately due to life stressors but I did get between 4 and 5 hours of sleep last night so I am happy about that. My sleep seems to be getting better. I am still waiting for another 7+ hour night. Hopefully soon.


Happy Labor Day if you're from the USA. If not, Happy Monday!



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Hello folks,


Not much going  on here.


I hope you're all doing OK.


My sleep is fine, but stupid dreams are on the menu every night right now. Always something to do with hiding from or escaping danger. Same theme, different location and enemy...At the end of each dream I am save, thank God!


My right eye is a mess today, I'm having trouble typing this...


Wishing us all better sleep and lovely days.


TS.  Hug.

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Hi TS,


Sorry about your eye. I hope it gets better soon. Interesting dreams you're having. It sounds interesting more than scary, is that right?

I am happy you're getting good sleep. Last night for me was about 4 hours. The night before was closer to 5. I feel like my sleep is coming back slowly but it's taking a long time. I am down to .12mg Xanax a day. I'm 6 weeks away from being free of it.


Have a happy Friday.



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Hi all, sorry to have been not writing anything lately.


TS, I hope your eye is better today. It sounds quite frustrating.  Those dreams do sound interesting.  As HM said are they mostly interesting and not so scary? 


HM. glad your sleep is mostly coming back and that you are also down to .12 mgs of Xanax! That's getting down there!  Keep up the good work. 


Well, my sleep is still in dire need of improving, but today I did take a nap. The first time in weeks. I am feeling quite well at the moment.

It's quite hot here today and will be for another day or more.  Hopefully the heat will retreat soon. 


Have a lovely weekend.




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