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Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had pain like crampimg in their thighs. Sote hips and groin. My legs feel weird. Very sore. I doesnt feel like tight mucles lik i had before. I could stretch them. Its hard tobwalk so sore. My last pres was the new teva1 k. I was on activis. I wonder if i.should take a few crumbs of the activis and see if it helps. Can anyone relate l?  :-[


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I have this throughout whole body. Everything g feels like it has turned to hard painful rubber and pulls on all joints.


I had to reinstate but horrofic and all joints collapse when take dose now and after 2 hours contracts up again.


Before reinstated legs were solid like rock and agony to have any pressure on - same through whole body apart from arms.


Lying onside on memory foam felt like lying on concrete. Still does just slightly less so but getting worse again as dose gets lower.


Nothing stretches and can’t feel any sensation of stretch.


Is that what yours are like?

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Im 3 months off valium and the complete concret legs just started loosening up that i can now bed my legs more, but the muscle pain especially the joint pain around knees, hips and groin are horrific. My head and upper body are still had concrete so i hope the muscle contraction continue to loosen gradually in the rest of me.


I consider it an improvement though and the pain is a new phase of healing. I hope you can stay strong not going back to Ativan for continuous healing. Going back can potentially take you to the square one and you have to go through it from the very beginning.



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Yes, I feel the pulling. The insides of the legs feel strange. Not fkexible. Feels like the muscles are stabbing me or something. Now the groin. Very discouraging. It was getting better. Then the new teva sent me into a new stage of muscle weirdness. It is hard to stretch it is to sore. This is crazy. I get the concrete feeling too. I guess we have to wait it out till oud mucles turn back into muscles again. Its scary.
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Now you mention the muscle pulling. The extreme unbalanced muscle contraction causes twisting of head, neck and back, sometime even legs like a generalized dystonia. Its the most disabling sx i have.


I started having the joint swollen, muscle contraction and muscle tone change at day 7 on valium, even before my tapering. Its crazy how these drugs destroy everything not even imaginable. I wish i stopped it right there and tough out the insomnia which was the main sx by then.


When did your muscle stuff started?

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Hi 4mom,

Mine started with a c/o from xanax to valium. It was horrible. It was done wrong because my psych at the time had no idea what she was doing. Then bam..my calves and feet started cramping snd i had electricity  in my legs. That was about 5 mos ago. After 2 months like this my back was a mess. I went back on k with a new dr. Then i had bad cramping in my thighs. The calf stuff is gone and the electricity. I kept stretching wnd doing strenthening excercises and walking and it was improving. Then my k changed to a different generic and my legs and hips are so sore. The insides of your legs just dont feel right. Its like muscles being stretched or tendons. Its crazy. Maybe it is dystonia. That is a sx. It will go away. So you got the muscle pain right away? I am so sorry. It hurts so bad. Did yoy have it rhroygh your whole taper? Im sure it will stop. I just takes so long.

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Hi dehyt,


Im glad the electricity and the calf went away soon for you! What meds are you still on?


I had it first round my butt then it moved up to lower back, hips, then spine, shoulders, then neck and head basically allover me the first month i was on valium at 2.5mg. It got worse during my taper with dose going down and even worse when i stopped. All my joints, muscle, spine, are locked and pulled off position when its bad.


Since 0.5mg, i cant move/bend any part of me except for arms. The only position i can take is straight either standing or lying in bed. My legs only started loosening up a bit so i started bending my legs just lately and realized how paindul all my joints are. They also pops loud when i make movement like circling my legs.  It feels like the muscle glued to the bone around all joints for ages now i have to do painful rehap to loose it up.


The crazy muscle contraction and spasm is also on my head and face, inside my brain causing huge confusion and complete loss of cognitive.


Mixed with the electric buzzling, numbness and itchyness, its a pure hell allover






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Oh 4mom,

That sounds awful. I do know the benzos love the muscles. It may not have agreed with you right away. I am glad you are getting of of it. You ssid you had a back injury that causef dystonia.  I am so sorry. Was it better before the v. Maybe you should have it checked again.  Just to he on the safe side. V would def cause alot of those sx too. Maybe have an mri to see if eberything looks ok or a ct. I know this really sucks.


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Thank you dehyt for your kind words!


The dystonia feeling from the back injury was nothing compared to the valium caused true dystonia. I was able to go to office and gym the day before valium, and been totally bed ridden just a few days after v.


I had mri etc for the back. It was very bad but how i feel since v is totally different from how i felt with the injury alone. Put it in a super simple way, i was still a normal person with a back injury then and not a human anymore now.






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Dod you have any spinal or muscles problems before you were put on the Benzos.


Like 4Mom says mine allfeels like the muscles are glued too tight to the joints and pulling g in the wrong directions all along sou e, hips, buttocks, legs. Neck, shoulders.


I was on Benzos for upper body muscle tightness but this level of contracture and tightness is horrific and started for me in WD.


I am hopi g to get tested for Aracnoiditis asI had surgery that is the main cause of that.


I also have hypermobility Syndrome and lots of degeneration in spine allof which has been covered to some extent by 20 years on diazepam.

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I am so sorry. I am sure once you are going to feel better. You will heal. I understand. This is truly the most horrific experience.  we will get thru this.

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Hi muscle people :) I am new to BB. I have had horrible muscle spasms and severe pain in my back and spine that keep me home some days. Luckily I work from home. This is some of the worst pain of my life. I'm 49. I went through childbirth with 3 kiddos / have also had appendicitis and those were a walk in the park compared to the pain I am experiencing with this.


I have already had windows of a few days at a time where I almost felt normal.


This is my first post and I'm so glad I found this thread. I hope to offer help to any of you with my experience and am open to any suggestions you all have.


I have browsed the forums for a few weeks trying to learn anything I could. I'm currently trying some recommendations from the forum as well as things that I have found in my experience that are helping me. I will put what I am doing below and welcome any feedback.


1) Physical therapy learning good stretches for specific muscles and strengthening certain muscles. Working with trigger points.


2) Heat. I find that keeping heat on the trigger points that start the painful spasms helps to keep them at bay. I order boxes of the Hot Hands Super Warmers and keep them in certain places on my back. I tuck them into my bra straps and undergarments etc.  This has allowed me to still drive and attend my kids sporting events most of the time. They have saved me to a certain degree and allowed me to continue to live somewhat of a normal life.


3) High quality and strength CBD OIL. I started this about 6 weeks ago and wasn't sure if it was doing much. I was told that I needed to keep it in my system regularly each day. I did that at about 100 mg per day. I didn't see that it stopped the pain when I took it. I ran out after a month and didn't buy more. Within a day of stopping it my pain started getting much worse. I thought no way it could be the CBD that had been helping - but to test it I ordered more after terrible pain for 5 days. It took a few days to come in and I started it again. Within one day my pain got substantially better. I'm still in a lot of pain - but I have been able to cope with the current pain without panic attacks or feeling like I need to go to the ER. Some portions of days have been pretty good.


4) I know everyone reacts different to magnesium and some find it makes things worse. Early in withdrawal when I had muscle jerks I started magnesium glycinate. The jerking stopped. I ran out and the jerking started again - mainly at night. I found in the forums and then researched that magnesium malate was the best form for muscle pain and used a lot with Fibromyalgia patients. I started that 4 days ago and will see what happens.


5) I ordered the supplements that Parker takes and have been on them for 3 days. Will see what happens.


6) Several very warm baths a day with Epson salts. I do stretches while in the bath. Baths often save me and help me through the day. Some of this is in my head but I take a bath when I'm really hurting. It's like a little ritual. I put lavender oil in the bath and look forward to them. I tell myself that they are helping me and they seem to :)


7) I've gotta move! No matter how much I hurt - I end up doing much better if I get up and walk around and change my position and what I'm doing frequently. Sitting upright for too long starts to hurt. I lie down and stretch on a yoga mat throughout the day. Walk around my house. Anything not to sit still for lengthy periods.


8) Distractions! I have a plan of action each day. Getting out of the house when I can. BEING AROUND OTHER PEOPLE! Getting engaged in conversation really helps. Asking other people about what is going on in their lives and doing what I can to help someone. Anything to take the focus off myself and my pain. Getting out of myself and not feeling self pity helps me. Even helping people find something they need in sections of Walmart helps me. Usually I end up having random conversations with people like that and after a bit I realize that I haven't thought about the pain. It drives my kids crazy that I strike up random conversations lol. Watching movies while standing, sitting, lying on mat, or even while walking around the room.  Getting outside in the fresh air. Accomplishing at least one thing each day that makes me feel productive. Basically doing anything I can to avoid sitting and thinking about my pain all day.


9) Staying positive! No matter what. Having perspective. Things could always be much worse. Trying to stay grateful no matter what. Taking this one day at a time. Being mindful and not letting my mind wander into thinking about the future of what might happen next month, next year - and so forth. All I need to focus on is today and getting through today. So much in life is out of my control - including this pain. But some things are in my control and so I take action on those things.


10) Not sweating the small stuff. And most stuff is small in the grand scheme of things. I simply can't get emotionally upset about every little thing. I have HAD to learn to let things go in life. No dwelling, obsessing, assuming, and so forth about what others do or say. I can only control myself. And that's hard enough. Not much is worth getting too stressed out about.  If I get stressed or upset it manifests itself very physically with a lot more pain. It's just not worth it.


11) And lastly - this is random - but if I'm looking down at my phone too much or sitting on my computer without breaks - I start to hurt. Something about being in a position with my head down and texting or typing for too long ends up causing me more pain. My physical therapist agrees with this.


So that's a lot of random things that seem to help me. They won't work for everyone as we are all so unique. But if any of this could help someone else then that really makes me happy. I find it's a combination of multiple things - not any single one.


Oh and.....


12) I saw a post in this thread about Serrapeptase. I did some research and feel it's worth a try for me. I just ordered it last night on line. If anyone has experience with this I would love to hear.


I know this is hard. Really really hard. I feel for each and every one of you. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I'm grateful for this forum and for people helping people. Thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences!


Merry  :)






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Hi muscle people :) I am new to BB. I have had horrible muscle spasms and severe pain in my back and spine that keep me home some days. Luckily I work from home. This is some of the worst pain of my life. I'm 49. I went through childbirth with 3 kiddos / have also had appendicitis and those were a walk in the park compared to the pain I am experiencing with this.


I have already had windows of a few days at a time where I almost felt normal.


This is my first post and I'm so glad I found this thread. I hope to offer help to any of you with my experience and am open to any suggestions you all have.


I have browsed the forums for a few weeks trying to learn anything I could. I'm currently trying some recommendations from the forum as well as things that I have found in my experience that are helping me. I will put what I am doing below and welcome any feedback.


1) Physical therapy learning good stretches for specific muscles and strengthening certain muscles. Working with trigger points.


2) Heat. I find that keeping heat on the trigger points that start the painful spasms helps to keep them at bay. I order boxes of the Hot Hands Super Warmers and keep them in certain places on my back. I tuck them into my bra straps and undergarments etc.  This has allowed me to still drive and attend my kids sporting events most of the time. They have saved me to a certain degree and allowed me to continue to live somewhat of a normal life.


3) High quality and strength CBD OIL. I started this about 6 weeks ago and wasn't sure if it was doing much. I was told that I needed to keep it in my system regularly each day. I did that at about 100 mg per day. I didn't see that it stopped the pain when I took it. I ran out after a month and didn't buy more. Within a day of stopping it my pain started getting much worse. I thought no way it could be the CBD that had been helping - but to test it I ordered more after terrible pain for 5 days. It took a few days to come in and I started it again. Within one day my pain got substantially better. I'm still in a lot of pain - but I have been able to cope with the current pain without panic attacks or feeling like I need to go to the ER. Some portions of days have been pretty good.


4) I know everyone reacts different to magnesium and some find it makes things worse. Early in withdrawal when I had muscle jerks I started magnesium glycinate. The jerking stopped. I ran out and the jerking started again - mainly at night. I found in the forums and then researched that magnesium malate was the best form for muscle pain and used a lot with Fibromyalgia patients. I started that 4 days ago and will see what happens.


5) I ordered the supplements that Parker takes and have been on them for 3 days. Will see what happens.


6) Several very warm baths a day with Epson salts. I do stretches while in the bath. Baths often save me and help me through the day. Some of this is in my head but I take a bath when I'm really hurting. It's like a little ritual. I put lavender oil in the bath and look forward to them. I tell myself that they are helping me and they seem to :)


7) I've gotta move! No matter how much I hurt - I end up doing much better if I get up and walk around and change my position and what I'm doing frequently. Sitting upright for too long starts to hurt. I lie down and stretch on a yoga mat throughout the day. Walk around my house. Anything not to sit still for lengthy periods.


8) Distractions! I have a plan of action each day. Getting out of the house when I can. BEING AROUND OTHER PEOPLE! Getting engaged in conversation really helps. Asking other people about what is going on in their lives and doing what I can to help someone. Anything to take the focus off myself and my pain. Getting out of myself and not feeling self pity helps me. Even helping people find something they need in sections of Walmart helps me. Usually I end up having random conversations with people like that and after a bit I realize that I haven't thought about the pain. It drives my kids crazy that I strike up random conversations lol. Watching movies while standing, sitting, lying on mat, or even while walking around the room.  Getting outside in the fresh air. Accomplishing at least one thing each day that makes me feel productive. Basically doing anything I can to avoid sitting and thinking about my pain all day.


9) Staying positive! No matter what. Having perspective. Things could always be much worse. Trying to stay grateful no matter what. Taking this one day at a time. Being mindful and not letting my mind wander into thinking about the future of what might happen next month, next year - and so forth. All I need to focus on is today and getting through today. So much in life is out of my control - including this pain. But some things are in my control and so I take action on those things.


10) Not sweating the small stuff. And most stuff is small in the grand scheme of things. I simply can't get emotionally upset about every little thing. I have HAD to learn to let things go in life. No dwelling, obsessing, assuming, and so forth about what others do or say. I can only control myself. And that's hard enough. Not much is worth getting too stressed out about.  If I get stressed or upset it manifests itself very physically with a lot more pain. It's just not worth it.


11) And lastly - this is random - but if I'm looking down at my phone too much or sitting on my computer without breaks - I start to hurt. Something about being in a position with my head down and texting or typing for too long ends up causing me more pain. My physical therapist agrees with this.


So that's a lot of random things that seem to help me. They won't work for everyone as we are all so unique. But if any of this could help someone else then that really makes me happy. I find it's a combination of multiple things - not any single one.


Oh and.....


12) I saw a post in this thread about Serrapeptase. I did some research and feel it's worth a try for me. I just ordered it last night on line. If anyone has experience with this I would love to hear.


I know this is hard. Really really hard. I feel for each and every one of you. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I'm grateful for this forum and for people helping people. Thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences!


Merry  :)


Great post Merry, the pain is horrible.  I have done chiropractor, physical therapy, and physio.  Also, heat, my best friend and and some great cream my physio uses that can be used with a heating pad.  I was doing my treadmill and using yoga and pt exercises, but all just barely keeping the pain down. 

Pain is my worst withdrawal symptom.  If you are interested, the cream is Anti flame on Amazon.

Expensive, but worth it.  Now I am going to look up " Hot Hands Super Warmers " .  Thanks for your post and please keep us informed if you find anything else.  Mary  :)

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Can’t take magnesium or CBD.


Can’t get in bath to soak due to rigidity and terror of water.


Seen physio, myofascial massage person, accupuncturist etc for 2 years.


Did Pilates and stretches all the way through first and s cond taper and stillened up in s very consistency btracture.


Nobody knows what to do or can work out what is goi g on and was on Benzos in first place for muscle spasm following spinal surgery.


Try to move but once dose gets low right leg stops working, contracts up, turns in like prior to surgery, obliques and abs on right contract so pulled over, neck pulls head back so badly can’t hold head up, jaw so tight it snaps shut if try to open it and upper back is rigid which was worst tho g that lead to Benzos in first place. Cat cows  cause extreme pain at surgery site and leak urine in cow part. Upright is unbearable. Shoulders rigid pushing jyphotic hump where fused into worse position.


Sacrum so rigid and painful and tight band across buttock and lower ribs being pushed forward by vertebra where fused in wrong position means can’t lie on back even with knees bent or legs up on cushions. Lying on right side makes sciatic pain worse and on left makes right sided contracture worse btraxture worse.


Once dose gets lower can’t lie in front on exercise mat either because pubic bone too painful.


And at that point can’t get in car or even sit on memory foam because buttocks tight and sciatic pain down right leg which had surgery for which lead to Benzos.

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Thanks Merry!

Those are some excellent tips! I have one sore muscle in my low back. I get alot of cramping in my legs and hips soreness. I find that stretching  and strenthening  excercises help

Nothing high intensity of course. The mucles seem to take a while to revover. They do all kinds of strange things. I had then getting really good. Then i made a cut and gor put on a different generic and it came back in a different form. I try to get out because it really does help. I talk to everyone too. Lol. I know i have to stay vertical for at least half the day or i go backwards. Ice seems to help. I will look into the magnesium glycinate. Its a fyll time job trying to keep your body together everyday. Im so tired. You are right though we need to stay positive. One day it will be gone!!!!

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Hi dehyt,


Im glad the electricity and the calf went away soon for you! What meds are you still on?


I had it first round my butt then it moved up to lower back, hips, then spine, shoulders, then neck and head basically allover me the first month i was on valium at 2.5mg. It got worse during my taper with dose going down and even worse when i stopped. All my joints, muscle, spine, are locked and pulled off position when its bad.


Since 0.5mg, i cant move/bend any part of me except for arms. The only position i can take is straight either standing or lying in bed. My legs only started loosening up a bit so i started bending my legs just lately and realized how paindul all my joints are. They also pops loud when i make movement like circling my legs.  It feels like the muscle glued to the bone around all joints for ages now i have to do painful rehap to loose it up.


The crazy muscle contraction and spasm is also on my head and face, inside my brain causing huge confusion and complete loss of cognitive.


Mixed with the electric buzzling, numbness and itchyness, its a pure hell allover


This is exactly how I was before the updose. I updosed not due to these physical symptoms but because my brain crashed and I went into acute wd. When I updosed and held, slowly the muscles got better, but I still have these symptoms you're describing here, only milder. I hope you gradually get better now that you're off and healing. It's shocking what a low dose of Valium can do to us. My bottom hurts the worst.

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Suzy I just read an old post of yours in August asking if this could cause sciatica. In my case I can clearly feel when I get a sciatica attack it's due to my herniated disc, it's unrelated to the benzo muscle stiffness. They're two separate joys that life is giving us.
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Hi Janice;

It drives me crazy necause it is hard to tell what is bwd or a real.problem. The only thing i have left today is that sore mucsle in lower back beside the spine. I wrapped an ace bandage around it so it wpuld stop popping around and to stabilizi it and it helped. The pain usually radiated to the left side ans to to hip. And pins and needes in.my.left foot. The other stuff is getting better the groin and rigid leg cramps. I had xrays rays and have mild ddd and mild hip wear and tear. Do you have sciatca? I could have it to but i dont have the shoiting pain down the back of leg. I think bwd makes thins worse because the mucles squeeze the nerve. I dont know. I hate this drug. Love you!

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Hi Janice;

It drives me crazy necause it is hard to tell what is bwd or a real.problem. The only thing i have left today is that sore mucsle in lower back beside the spine. I wrapped an ace bandage around it so it wpuld stop popping around and to stabilizi it and it helped. The pain usually radiated to the left side ans to to hip. And pins and needes in.my.left foot. The other stuff is getting better the groin and rigid leg cramps. I had xrays rays and have mild ddd and mild hip wear and tear. Do you have sciatca? I could have it to but i dont have the shoiting pain down the back of leg. I think bwd makes thins worse because the mucles squeeze the nerve. I dont know. I hate this drug. Love you!


Love you too Suzy  :)


I have sciatica when I lift even five litters of milk or a heavy box or suitcase. I have a badly deteriorated L5 disc with a hernia  there from a very bad fall when I was only 13.


I do see that the sciatica is due to the herniated disc, if I force it, and the other muscle stuff is withdrawal, apart from a lot of chronic rheumatic stuff and repetitive strain injury in upper back, shoulders, arms and hands, that I had since my 30s but that's a different story and the reason I went on valium in the first place.I really don't think the bwd causes sciatica but that's only in my case and as you know, no withdrawal is the same.


I hope our holds allow us to improve and finally reach a point from which we'll be able to taper again. No rush for me though. My goal is to stabilize now, even if it takes me years. My stability is my utmost priority. Today I'm tired. I suddenly realize I haven't been tired since the crash in June. I was so wired I couldn't even feel tired in spite of no sleep and in spite of all the activity. Today I'm a bit tired for the first time in months. Still scared, still anxious, but tired. I think this is a good sign. It's like my body is suddenly remember how to relax a bit. Keeping fingers crossed. We have to give our holds a chance. I don't think there's much more we can do.

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Hi Janice,

I am sorry you have those back pains. I think my.messed up muscle i will need to go.to the dr though. Not looking forward to it. I know some of the stuff is not benzo related. I think because we are always stuck in fight  or flight and panic mode it is just hard to handle any type of stress. It is crazy. I guess its neuro emotions. Emotions on steroids!!! I think it is good yoy are tired and your body is letting you relax. I think that is a good sign for sure. All we can do is hold and let things settle. We are so sensoyized. Ugh. You are very strong and can do this. You are doing it. Go easy on yourself. You will get betyer and will make it one day at a time. Love you Suzy

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Hi Janice,

I am sorry you have those back pains. I think my.messed up muscle i will need to go.to the dr though. Not looking forward to it. I know some of the stuff is not benzo related. I think because we are always stuck in fight  or flight and panic mode it is just hard to handle any type of stress. It is crazy. I guess its neuro emotions. Emotions on steroids!!! I think it is good yoy are tired and your body is letting you relax. I think that is a good sign for sure. All we can do is hold and let things settle. We are so sensoyized. Ugh. You are very strong and can do this. You are doing it. Go easy on yourself. You will get betyer and will make it one day at a time. Love you Suzy



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My first time posting in this thread. I read thru almost the whole thread before I took the time to post.


I was fast tapered from topamax after having been on it for around 30 years and taking a high dose of it. I am off about 80 percent of it. I also tapered off xanax after being on it for about 6 months.


I had A LOT of WD symptoms -- anything that you can think of. But this summer I started feeling a little better I started sleeping a little better then I started having muscle pains in my achiles tendon, then in my calves. The muscles will feel kind of weak and then it will go away for a while. Then it comes back. And aobut 6 weeks ago I had a horrible wave of insomnia come back and unless a take something to sleep I get zero hours of sleep.


The last day or two the muscle pain and weakness hadnt been all that bad but today my arms feel tired and my left calve is hurting again right below the knee. I didnt sleep any last night and I had a bad cold/flu this week.


Anyone have any ideas on this? Sound like WD? I appreciate any replies.

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What are you taking for sleep?


I have been taking a little bit of seroquel. I have 50 mg pills but I cut just a small portion from them. I am tapering off it again right now. I have another prescription for remeron but I havnt taken it yet. I would prefer not to take anything but going days and days with zero sleep just isnt working anymore.

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