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Finally Able to Drive

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I quit benzos two months ago. Today was the first time that I was able to drive a car. I just started with small distances to regain my confidence. During the past two months, I have been unable to work or drive. My anxiety levels continue to be extremely high. My husband is not being supportive. Indeed he is making my withdrawals worse. What was your experience?

I feel myself healing bit still some insomnia and very high anxiety. I challenged myself to drive today. Does anyone have any feedback on how to deal with difficult people so they don't stress us out? What have y'all encountered during withdrawal and how did you cope ? 

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Please I would appreciate your feedback. 

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I’ve ’outed’ myself and my situation to my wife and everyone else in our grown family. Some are ok with it and some quite critical. My daughter, although she takes psych drugs as well, has judged my intellect in terms of my ‘allowing myself’ to get hooked on ‘this stuff’ in the first place. So there’s that. I’ve been physically and emotionally unavailable for over two of the three years of my taper. And, I’m nowhere near the end yet. This sounds pretty crass, but I’ve given up on folks who pass judgement and have the nerve to discount what I’m going through.  Whether they believe it or not they are screwed up just as bad or worse and think they’re normal??! Give me a break.  Somewhere out there are folks who will be fine with who you are right now. Many of them are right here, right now. 

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Posted (edited)

I can't beleive @[...]Knackered you went so long without your family knowing. That must have been tough. It's better to tell people I think. Some people don't get just how big a problem it is they seem to think "its meds that a doctor can prescribe it cant be that bad" just try to keep people around you who have an idea what your going through. They can be thin on the ground but there's plenty here.

Edited by [jo...]
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Congratulations olivia :)

i just applied for taking my drivers licence. 

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1 hour ago, [[P...] said:

This is a somewhat embarrassing symtom but i understand it's common.

Last year i showered like once every two month. When I just couldn't stand the smell i forced myself to the shower. 

I was like a cat afraid of water.

I'm now back to shower every day again and really enjoy it. But I'm very curious why this happens during withdrawal. 

It wasn't just like i was lazy or to sick, the feeling of getting wet was just very uncomfortable..


Just now, [[j...] said:

I can't beleive you went so ling without your family knowing. That must have been tough. It's better to tell people I think. Some people don't get just how big a problem it is they seem to think "its meds that a doctor can prescribe it cant be that bad" just try to keep people around you who have an idea what your going through. They can be thin on the ground but there's plenty here.

Yeah but very common i think. Most of my relatives just thinks I'm having some kind of mental disability.. they just can't believe you can get so fucked by medicines. So I stay off as much i can. I get depressed by meeting them.

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Yeah I find myself kind of avoiding talking to relatives as well when I can actually. They kind of know but I dont want to tell them everything. People do judge. And are often ignorant to this subject. I probably wouldn't have beleived the extent to which some people suffer before this. 

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On 08/05/2024 at 02:02, [[T...] said:

I quit benzos two months ago. Today was the first time that I was able to drive a car. I just started with small distances to regain my confidence. During the past two months, I have been unable to work or drive. My anxiety levels continue to be extremely high. My husband is not being supportive. Indeed he is making my withdrawals worse. What was your experience?

I feel myself healing bit still some insomnia and very high anxiety. I challenged myself to drive today. Does anyone have any feedback on how to deal with difficult people so they don't stress us out? What have y'all encountered during withdrawal and how did you cope ? 

Well done on driving it's a big step!

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First of all: well done with your driving. Take it step by step, if you want to regain the amount of self confidence to drive without fear. I actually do have the same; always had in a way. I cannot drive, i know. Everybody who has been with me in a car says so; theres not many. So i try, if possible, to avoid having people with me in the car, not because im scared they see, but i dont want to put them in danger. I easily drift off in my mind or suddenly forget which pedal is which. It seems like a space ship to me then, and all signs are in chinese.
I cant deal with the easiest situation. Im overwhelmed by all the things going on. Still i drive and god i have been lucky so many times.
About difficult people: i have always, when there was no chance of avoiding them in the first place, acted.
Unfortunately i had do act so many years, i am a professional in it. I can easily get what i want or make one believe what i want. Its a bad habit and still happens subconciously. Sometimes its useful.
But i strictly stay away from anyone that stresses me out; theres no point in surrounding myself with them.
Theres too many stress triggering things out there by itself, hard to avoid, to keep one near me.
The ones i talk to openly, i talk to very openly: about everything and all i know about myself, feel or think.
The other ones get what they are asking for. 
What makes them try to stress me is a lack of something inside them; not my business.
I experienced actually not to much bad resonance, except the ocassional: "he's a fckng arrogant asshole."
But there is lots of talk behind the back, but where i live ppl judge quite fast, which can be wonderful.
If i do something stupid, if something happens to me: nobodys too surprised.
"Oh, its just him", they would say and laugh a bit. Officially labeled nuts, you have the right to do so.
Here at least, but may be mistaken. Anyways, i see it that way.
Good luck for the next miles!

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That’s a really positive news Twyla,.2 months and back on the road,.I think everyone can take some positivity from that,.Dealing with people in general is hard going through this,.I’m trying to live really low key but the change in me withdrawing is getting noticed now,.and some folk just won’t understand,.if I get to bad I’m of to the hills with a tent lol,.get through it without stress 

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90% of the world has a  condition called normalcy bias. We have all been "programed" to believe certain things. America can do no wrong and memorize what you learn in school because these are the facts. The information from big pharma is not to be questioned which is how doctors are programed. The rest of us mostly get programed by educators, TV and our parents. Our parents are probably in most cases reliable info because they have our best interests and are preparing us for life. With everything else money and profits usually control the situation. That's health care in America today. One positive thing about this experience with Benzo's is that I will never look at the medical community the same which is a good thing. My programing and most everyone else's is that doctors with their white coats can only help never hurt. That's what got me and many others into this mess. And that's why people who are in this medical matrix (there are many others matrix's) think you're a nut until they personally experience our situation unfortunately. Put all these intimidating medical people in bathing suits on the beach and they're no longer intimidating. :2funny:

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You are all So Right. It is very difficult to be around stressful people while going through Benzodiazepine withdrawal. They trigger some of our withdrawal symptoms to return or worsen. I just can't handle any drama at all while going through this. I have found that No one understands how this feels except people on this website. Withdrawing from benzodiazepines can be hell but it's even worse to stay stuck taking the Poison- the Benzos. Congratulations to everyone for all of your progress. Thank you for all of your feedback. 

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1 hour ago, [[P...] said:

90% of the world has a  condition called normalcy bias. We have all been "programed" to believe certain things. America can do no wrong and memorize what you learn in school because these are the facts. The information from big pharma is not to be questioned which is how doctors are programed. The rest of us mostly get programed by educators, TV and our parents. Our parents are probably in most cases reliable info because they have our best interests and are preparing us for life. With everything else money and profits usually control the situation. That's health care in America today. One positive thing about this experience with Benzo's is that I will never look at the medical community the same which is a good thing. My programing and most everyone else's is that doctors with their white coats can only help never hurt. That's what got me and many others into this mess. And that's why people who are in this medical matrix (there are many others matrix's) think you're a nut until they personally experience our situation unfortunately. Put all these intimidating medical people in bathing suits on the beach and they're no longer intimidating. :2funny:

@[Pi...], you are priceless. Where the hell have you been?

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8 hours ago, [[P...] said:

just applied for taking my drivers licence. 

You are very young! And rich! Fashion entrepreneur and artist and world chef, serious athlete. Omg, you should consider being a content creator on socials 😻

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I was doing better but had a big set back recently with some major benzo belly. So I'm back for now. I've been doing the keto diet for years but not constant. Now I'm going to try to go full bore. It seems to be helping already. As an old guy I keep learning the hard way that what is recommended by "experts" is usually the opposite of what you should do. My dad avoided doctors like the plague. Had a high PSA at 75 years old and did nothing about it. Ate ground beef his entire life 1 or 2 times a day. He lived to 91 and was living his live with no major issues and driving until 90 no accidents. We are the descendants of carnivore's. If you believe that before modern medical procedures to fix things the best adapted procreated "not talking about evolution" then the whole grain thing food pyramid is BS. More programing for nefarious agendas. So start eating more beef. Dr. Pinster's advice. Listen to Wimpy. If you're old you'll know who that is. I think he knew more than some of todays experts. I went to the school of hard knocks. No college. Best education out there bar none. :boxer:

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Glad you are back to driving! That’s awesome to hear…especially since that is pretty much my last hurdle. You should be very proud of yourself for pushing through and letting your brain know that driving is something you’re supposed to do. Trust me, I know that’s easier said than done when it’s not you that’s the problem but the symptoms can prevent us from doing things that we want to do. I say it’s a good idea to practice often. That’s what I try to do…go crank the car up and see what my symptoms will allow. Sadly, recently it hasn’t been very much. 
As far as dealing with family or others who don’t get it….IMO it’s a waste of time trying to get them to understand. Because they can’t unless they’ve experienced it. What I did was ACCEPT that! It’s not excusing them but it’s reason. It’s like trying to explain to a man what it feels like to push out a baby…So what I would say to them I’m sorry that you don’t understand what I’m going through but it doesn’t change the fact that I am. I’m not faking. The medication I was on did this to me and many other people too. There’s nothing I can do about it except let my healing run it’s course. It might take awhile but I will heal. What I need is support. But if you can’t give me that then please give me a peaceful space to heal. Drama and stress will make me worse. I would love for us to get along better. Can we agree to not argue? After all, we are family. 

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21 hours ago, [[P...] said:

Yeah but very common i think. Most of my relatives just thinks I'm having some kind of mental disability.. they just can't believe you can get so fucked by medicines. So I stay off as much i can. I get depressed by meeting them.

You’ve got to educate them sadly.  They’re unlikely to look themselves.  

Things clicked very differently for my family when the BIND stuff came out.  For most people on this board, this is a neurological injury.  It’s not withdrawal.  People think withdrawal is something you deal with for a week or two and then you’re done, and that’s pretty much true.  If you have a neurological injury with psychological, physical and cognitive side effects, people will look at things differently.  

Dr Jenn has a couple good videos out there for family.  Dig up the papers on BIND.  There is a good video Christy Huff and D Foster did which goes over BIND basics.  


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13 hours ago, [[K...] said:

You are very young! And rich! Fashion entrepreneur and artist and world chef, serious athlete. Omg, you should consider being a content creator on socials 😻

Don't overdoo it lol. 

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