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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Hello folks,

Derrick, Glad to see you found your way onto this site. There's people here that can be of help to you. Remember we're all in this together. Some still tapering, others a few years off benzos,  but all with sleep issues in some way.

I used to have horrible anxiety. Thankfully it got better over time and finally stopped. Yours too shall pass!

RnR,  7 hours still was really good. Who can tell why sleep wouldn't come at first. Could be any of lots of reasons or no reason at all.

My sleep was really good last night. 6 hours of unbroken sleep. After that I slept until around 7 am. And still there was more to come. The alarm woke me at the usual time of 7.45 am. 

Have a blessed and peaceful Sunday. 



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Welcome to BB derrickrod02

Hi everyone, my sleep was ok last night. By that, not too good nor bad. I did not track however with my FitBit.

Keep it up RnR.....you are still getting in good sleep despite the lower you get on the klonopin.👍


Enjoy your Sunday everyone.


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Good evening,

First of all, welcome to Sleep Quality Tracker and Benzo Buddies. It is a great place to be. The support is worth so much.  

I do track with my fitbit, as all of the years before, during and after my taper, I really thought I slept only two or three hours or not at all each night.  My doctor seemed surprised that I had slept so little. My thoughts were that I was used to it. Along came by fitbit and I found I was sleeping a good six hours, up to seven and even eight. I assumed the fitbit was over estimating what was light sleep and what was awake.  It's been a couple of years, now and I can say that the other night when I slept two hours, I felt awful.  Looking at my fitbit helps me to feel like I really am doing better with my sleep. I still have nightly wakeups and lying awake for a couple or so hours. Perhaps one day that will go away or perhaps this is how it is.  

The last few nights my sleep has gone away. We are getting ready to take a trip to go visit my mother and there is a lot of getting ready on my part. Today I did get a lot done, so maybe tonight I will sleep.  

TS and R&R, you did quite well with sleeping.  


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Good morning, 

NG,  I am really happy the Fitbit helps you. I didn't mean to talk badly about it or its use. I can totally get why it comforts you in the way it does. Sleep and our perception of it is a remarkable phenomenon. So Fitbit telling you your sleep was OK, gives peace of mind. 

Good luck with your preperations for the trip.  Always a hectic time, right. Especially with you having to do everything by yourself. I hope the trip is going to be a pleasant one.

Sorry your sleep went away  last night. It will return!

My sleep was interrupted by a blocked nose and soar throat. But before and after that I slept well. 

Wishing us all a good day.



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8 hours ago, [[T...] said:

Good morning, 

TS,  I am really happy the Fitbit helps you. I didn't mean to talk badly about it or its use. I can totally get why it comforts you in the way it does. Sleep and our perception of it is a remarkable phenomenon. So Fitbit telling you your sleep was OK, gives peace of mind. 

Good luck with your preperations for the trip.  Always a hectic time, right. Especially with you having to do everything by yourself. I hope the trip is going to be a pleasant one.

Sorry your sleep went away  last night. It will return!

My sleep was interrupted by a blocked nose and soar throat. But before and after that I slept well. 

Wishing us all a good day.




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TS, thank you for the thoughtful response.  Peace of mind does help so much.  

I am sorry you had a blocked nose and sore throat.  Hopefully it goes away soon. Happy to hear you slept well before that.  

I do miss having a person to work with me doing lawn and garden care. Next year, I will find a total lawn care service, so I no longer have to trim the sprinkler heads and around the yard.  I also need to find a new housekeeper, as the Roomba falls short. It is great for in-between cleanings. 

Hopefully the trip goes well to see my mother and she can continue to stay in her home.  If not, then we will have to figure out what is best for her.  

Have a great Monday.





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Hi Gang,

Hope you enjoy your trip to visit your mom NG. I live with my mother so I see her daily, LOL. I agree with what you said about the FitBit. I keep forgetting to put mine on all the time. I don't like wearing it on my wrist during the day. I only purchased it to track my sleep at night. I think I got 4.5 hours last night.


Sorry to hear about the stuffy nose and sore throat TS. I struggle a lot with chronic nasal congestion. I use a Neti Pot Sinus Rinse Btl daily with warm water and I add a little salt and baking soda. I also just changed the air filter in my bedroom air purifier. Hopefully, that helps some. I hate having to breathe through my nose bc both nostrils are clogged. Ugh--





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Good morning, 

Hope you all had a good night's sleep and are doing well.

NG,  your plans for the future sound good! When gardening becomes a pain instead of a pleasure, it's time to see to it. Getting professional help is the best option. In the depths of my Fibromyalgia and benzo period I had a gardening company step in. You may recall me talking about the guys with the law degree. Nowadays I 'm so lucky to be able to do most of the work again myself. For bigger jobs I still use outside help.

When are you leaving to see your mom? I hope you have a pleasant stay.

AB,  thank you for the tips and links.  Much appreciated! My blocked nose and soar throat come and go, so to speak. It's not something permanent.

My sleep was good last night. Some 6,5 hours. Woke up feeling good. O, that magic feeling...

Seeing my aunt this morning. It's always a pleasure to spend a little time with her.

Have a fine day.


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Good day all,

First of all, thank you Colin for your dedication working on the problem with logging on. I am finally IN!! Thank you so much. 

AB, for some reason I can wear my fitbit and not even know it is there. Not sure why it has never bothered me. 4.5 is light on sleep. Hopefully you slept better last night. 

TS, you do so well with taking care of so very many things.  I need to follow in your footsteps and stop feeling sorry for myself as it is of no benefit.  I do love both my flower garden and my vegetable garden. So do the Japanese beetles. lol When they started attacking my Italian beans, I decided to fight back with Sevin..it's a powder that can be sprinkled on.  I really wanted to protect the honeybees, but with the trip coming up, I won't be available to pick the beetles off and put them in a container of soapy water. The honeybees are thick on the neighbor's lavender, so hopefully they leave the bean blossoms alone.  I did not sprinkle Sevin on the zucchini plants.  

We are leaving to visit my mom and see my sister and her husband this Thursday. We will return on Sunday or Monday.

Thank you for the good wishes. I will do my best to enjoy every moment.  

Your sleep was a little light, but feeling good is a definite plus.

Have a nice time visiting with your aunt.

My sleep fell off so much that I have been taking hydroxyzine.  I'm sleeping better, but my deep sleep is becoming lighter.  

Sleep well everyone.




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Good afternoon,

     Got 7.5 hrs and a 1-hr nap last night.  Today I went to the eye doctor for a eye pressure reading.  The readings came back at 15, which is great.  Anything below 20 is. good.  

     Then the eye doctor had me read an eye chart.  I was tempted to say, "What chart?".  My left eye was 20/60 and my right eye was 20/400.  Both eyes, I found out, have cataracts.  My right eye is basically opaque with one.

       I need to consult a cataract surgeon.  One thing I read is that they often use Cipro for an antibiotic after surgery and that interacts with benzos.  TS, do you remember getting an antibiotic for your cataract surgery, and if so, what kind?

     Wishing all is well with you guys.

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Hello BB friends,

NG,  Happy to see your issues with regard logging in etcetera are gone. Well done, Colin.

NG, have a wonderful couple of days at your mom's. I hope she's well enough to continue to stay in here own home.

Regarding pests: they never come at a convenient time, do they? Let's hope the bees are wise enough to stay at the lavender. 

Overhere the Bux-moth is devestating the buxplants since a number of years now. There's an organic way to fight them, but it was sold out. So I tried something else. It didn't do one bit. So I ordered the original stuff online. Got it yesterday and am going to apply it today, now that the rains have finally stopped.

Taking Hydroxyzine was a wise decision! We need to sleep!  And with your trip coming up you need to be fit. So don't feel bad about it.

RnR,  your remark about the chart made me laugh! Sorry you have cataracts. Good luck with the surgery. I still need my left eye done. I looked up what antibiotics I used after the operation. The brandname is Tobradex. (Trobramycine) hope that helps.

My sleep was great last night: at least 7,5 hours. Woke up with a headache, probably from the deep sleep I had. It was gone within minutes after I got up.

Have a lovely Wednesday. 



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 Good morning, R&R, your comment about "what chart?" gave me a smile.  I need to follow in your footsteps on how to make situations less stressful.  I am sorry you have cataracts in both eyes. Let us know when you are having the surgery. A great idea to ask TS what antibiotic he was given. 

Your eye pressure is very good! It even made me happy.

TS, we will be there five days, but only three full days.  We used to stay a week, but lately, it is around five days from when we leave when we come home.  I am worried about getting my husband safely up and down the stairs, as he has fallen down them in the past, well before his Alzheimer's worsened.  

Are Bux plants a type of hedge?  Too bad the organic way isn't working. I have not had much luck with organics. Hopefully the original stuff does the job. 

The hydroxyzine does mess with my deep sleep, but when I don't sleep, I also lose out on deep.  I do dream a lot when I take that medication. 

Last night I slept 7 hrs. and 45 minutes on my own. Hopefully I do that well tonight.  My job is to have everything ready for tomorrow morning, when I go to bed.  

I used to get headaches when I slept well. I don't have them anymore, so that is good.  

That's great the rains have stopped!

Sleep well everyone.



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Good morning,

     Hooray, we all got some good sleep last night.  I got a hair over 7 hours plus a 1-hr nap.  TS, thank you for looking up the antibiotic name.  I'll keep that in my notes for when I see the cataract surgeon.

      We've been getting some milder days here temperature-wise.  Sunny days, except today the weatherpersons say rain.

      Yesterday I went to the gym and walked a mile around the indoor track.  I also lifted weights to keep my muscle tone.  I believe I overdid

the lifting as my heart was racing for quite a while after the workout.  Easy does it when tapering off benzos.

Have a good one!

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Overdoing the exercise is never good. For the first few years, I was going for extremely long walks and overdoing muscular activity. I kept getting waves, I kept thinking I was getting thrown back from food, I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Turns out, you just can't push it and that's all there is to it with exercise.

The food is definitely another huge piece of it. For the first few years I was eating really bad, lots of sugar, lots of processed foods, until I figured it all out. Now I won't eat anything unless it's organic, unless it's something like a tomato or a lime or a head of lettuce or something. But in general, no bread that's not organic. No taco shells or pasta sauce or anything like that if it's not organic. I generally don't eat anything other than real food anyways, so I don't have to pay much attention. If it's real whole food, it's probably fine.

And like already pointed out above, be careful with those antibiotics and sleep meds. In fact, be careful taking anything at all. Whether it's caffeine, alcohol, cleaning supplies, creams and ointments, any kind of so-called sleep meds, I recommend staying away. Many people come to the conclusion that they don't have a choice, that their doctor prescribed it, or that they've had good luck with it, but I still say stay away from it if possible. There's nothing better other than to be happy and healthy without taking anything, and it's possible for everybody. I know some people disagree, but I don't see why it's not possible if you try hard enough.

The other Factor which we can't exactly control, is stress. Like right now I have three different Court cases, I filed a lawsuit against someone, and two civil cases against two other related individuals, which I filed myself with no attorney to help me. I think I'm going to pull this off okay, but all the court protocol and paperwork and uploads are really stressful, killing my sleep. I've noticed if I get too bent out of shape and get really angry or stressed, sometimes it will just automatically throw me into a wave. Sometimes stress will affect you more than eating something processed, sometimes even more than anything else. I don't know if it actually throws you back or not, but it definitely feels like it temporarily.

I actually had some Tyson chicken yesterday, the breaded frozen strips. On the front it claims that it's all natural, no preservatives. Apparently not, because it threw me into a big wave and my heart was racing for several hours, and it messed up my GI tract a little bit for about a day. If it was all natural and didn't have preservatives, it wouldn't have thrown me into a wave and made my heart race. Makes you wonder what the US Department of Agriculture is actually doing, just like every other government agency.

My sleep is still thrown off a little bit, going to sleep late at night around 2:00 a.m. and waking up around 9:00 a.m., and getting about another half hour of sleep sometime throughout the day. The sleep at night time is also split, I'll wake up for about an hour from about 4 to 5 or something like that. Sorry I'm guessing I'm getting around 7 hours total, but I'm still catching up on the lack of sleep from the other week.

Another thing I noticed when I'm lacking sleep, is that is when my feet start getting the soreness and the nerve pain. But if I'm fully rested and not lacking sleep from the prior weeks, then I don't have foot pain. I've noticed my leg pain does the same, and similar with neck pain. If I'm lacking sleep, it's almost as if all my muscles and nerves are contracting. But once I'm rested and get lots of sleep, it all loosens back up.

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Good morning,

  JIT, you're right -- overdoing exercise is never good.   It seems that benzo withdrawal places a limit on it and one must adjust their exercise routine accordingly.  For me it probably means keep up the walking, but limit the weight lifting.  Last time I exercised with the Nautilus at the gym my heart raced for a couple of hours.  Not good.

    Last night I got a hair below 7 hours plus a one-hour nap.  Looks like another rain-free day ahead.  August has started out mildly.  


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Good morning all, 

idk if waves and windows are episodically. I worked out yesterday because I felt good. As I try my best to workout 3 times in the week. 

But when it came to falling alseep last night I found it to be a challenge.

probably got 4 hours of sleep. Happy Thursday...sigh

still in the tapering process 

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Yeah I still don't get that, how the heart races after eating something that doesn't agree or too much exercise. It's almost as if our bodies are attacking themselves, like trying to get rid of glutamate or maybe even getting rid of little pieces of benzos stuck in our muscles. Maybe we're not done detoxing, maybe that's why it lasts for so long on certain people. I wonder if we will ever know what it is?

I hope everybody gets decent sleep tonight, mine was really bad last night. I think I got about 4 hours or so.

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Good Friday,

Sorry some folks had rather poor sleep. I hope it doesn't bother you too much during the day.

Overdoing sonething, anything is surely not a good thing. But at times it's difficult to draw the line.

I slept rreally well last night. Went to bed early and fell asleep straight away. Woke up once at 2 am to have a pee and woke up again around 7 am. Had some nice dreams. 

Wishing us all a lovely day.


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Good afternoon,

   Got 7 hrs and then a 1-hr nap.  As I write this, my cockatiel is chirping.  Her name is Ella and I'd say she's around 15 years old.  She is a bit of a "watch bird."  Whenever my wife pulls up in her car,  Ella will notify us by chirping loudly.  Same thing happens when my son returns from work and parks out on the street.  Ella seems to recognize the particular sound of the car.  So I guess birds aren't so dumb after all.

  Hope everyone's day is going well..

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Nice story about your alarm-bird! 

Glad to see you slept well.  My sleep was about the same as yours.

Have a pleasant weekend. 


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My sleep is all over the place, different everyday. I had to get up really early yesterday morning because of a home inspection, so I had to set my alarm clock and hit snooze about 10 times. Nothing worse than an alarm clock during benzo withdrawal, it completely disrupts the rest of your day.

I agree birds are smart, I think that all animals have pretty high intelligence, contrary to what humans think of some of them. I mean think about it, they're outside surviving on their own with just their natural instincts. How many humans can survive outside without anybody helping?

I guess one could say that technically we are outside surviving, and we're building our own shelters and everything else. But if you place us out in the wilderness, it's a different story. Sometimes that's exactly where I want to go, out in the wilderness away from society.

I've been playing around with all my electronics all day. I have two brand new Samsung Smart TVs that I never watched over the last couple years, and a couple new sound bars, a new computer, and some other stuff that was sitting there unused. I bought everything during benzo withdrawal, and then it just sat there and I never used it. Every time I would turn on the tv, I couldn't watch it for some reason. It was the same with my stereo, that used to be my favorite activity was listening to music, and I couldn't listen to music on a stereo either.

So hopefully this is progress, I don't know why else I had the urge to put on all my new electronics and test them out. I'm learning new windows 11 and new Samsung programs and wireless controllers and wireless subwoofers and playing with different settings. I guess it takes my mind off of the same old repetitive schedule from the last 4 years. 4 years is a really long time to go through hell, extremely long. Feels like a lifetime.

I don't know about you guys, but this is the hardest thing I've ever gone through in life. I've been to jail, mental hospitals, shelters, homelessness, surgeries, college, new jobs, children, marriage and divorce, moving from state to state, and nothing compares whatsoever to benzo withdrawal. It's amazing how bad benzos can mess up your life, but hopefully things will stay okay from this point on for everyone here.

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I agree JustInTime.   Nothing compares to benzowithdrawal. Have fun playing around with all the new electronics. I have finally gotten used to windows 11. I did not like it so much at first bc I had just gotten used to Windows 10, LOL.


I think I slept fairly ok last night, even tho I did not track with the FitBit. Enjoy your Sunday all my benzobuddies and keep up the good fight.

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Good afternoon,

     A couple nights ago, I didn't sleep so well.  Took a long time for me to get to sleep, and then I woke up during the night feeling a bit queasy for some reason and couldn't get back to sleep right away.  I got like 4 hrs of sleep.

    Last night, I got 7 hrs and a 1.5-hr nap.  Felt pretty good today.

Hope everyone's having a fine weekend.


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Hi there,

Hope you all had a nice weekend. 

Sleep can be so much all over the place. One night it's great, the next it's awful.

Nice to see your sleep was good again,RnR, 

I slept pretty well last night. One bathroom break. In total some 7 hours of sleep. I did feel a little nausea coming up after I woke up. 

Since a few days I am having issues with lots of joints/hinges again, especially those in my fingers and wrists. Plus backpain.  Oh well. Hope it goes just like it came.

Have a fine Monday. 



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