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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Good afternoon,

     TS, you had a good sleep.  Unfortunately, you didn't feel so well upon awakening.  Hopefully you felt better during the day.

     I got a hair under 7 hrs of sleep and then a 1.5-hr nap.

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RnR,  Congrats on yet another good night's sleep!  Keep it up.

I felt like I'd been hit by a truck most of yesterday. A good sleep and rest did the trick. This morning I got up feeling much better. It's now in the afternoon and still I feel ok. 

Saw  my aunt this morning. She was doing relatively fine. Afterwards i went to a birthday party of a friend from uni. Had too many " goodies", we now know they're actually " baddies". Oh well, tomorrow is a day for making up for my sins again...lol

Hope everybody is having an enjoyable Tuesday. 


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Good morning,

I made it there and back, again! My mother was doing quite okay.  She still gets herself ready for bed and up and up and dressed.  As the days went by, she became more engaged in conversations with us, which was nice. I asked her again if she would like to go to assisted living and she said she did not.  I understand, as she had been in rehab for three months after her hip replacement surgery the weekend she turned 99,  so she is very aware of how things are in nursing home settings.  

It is good to be home, again.    

R&R is still sleeping and napping well. 

TS is having up and down nights. Uff

I am so glad to hear you are going to make up for your sins tomorrow. lol  

Visiting your aunt and attending a birthday party sounded nice.  Indeed birthday parties do offer us temptations.  They are more fun than the alternative. 

My sleep was "off" while we were at my mother's and since we arrived home yesterday afternoon, I am having stomach/intestinal problems. This kept me up and down most of the night. 





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Good morning, 

NG,  so happy you've returned safe and sound. Well, not quite sound actually,  but I was glad to read the stay at your mom's went fine. Amazing, how healthy and strong some of those over-a-century people are. Great genes. She most likely made the right decision to stay in charge and be her own boss for as long as possible. No place like home!

Too bad your sleep went out the window and still is on the run. Let's hope it'll find its way home tonight. 

My sleep was good last night. Had one bathroom break, but that didn't bother my sleep. Woke up around 6 am again and went straight back to dreamland. My alarm died a few days ago, so I 'm now the one who makes the decisions... Stayed in bed until 9 am. Lovely! 

I hope you slept well and are going to have a pleasant Wednesday. 


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Good morning,

TS, I smiled when you said you went back to sleep until 9 am. One of the pleasures of retirement.  

My stomach issues are all gone, so I slept last night.  Not as long as you, but sleep I did.  


The heat is back here, so I must decide what if anything I am going to do with the yard  trimming.  In all honesty, it looks fine and can wait a few more days.

Everything is unpacked and so another trip is tucked away in my memory banks. 

It was fun with my sister and husband there.  We all worked together quite well and had fun in the process.  We ate all of our meals out and even discovered chocolate malts. Talk about sinning. ha

Sleep well everyone.




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Good morning, 

NG, that all sounds just wonderful!  Happy for you. Getting along with relatives is priceless. Ah, chocolate...So good your stomach issues are gone. Your sleep was really good. Congrats! The garden can probably take care of itself for another day or two.

I had a bit of a strange night. Woke up a few times because of a cough that didn't want to calm down. But, all in all, my sleep wasn't too bad. 

Today's a cloudy day after a sunny start. Not really warm. But we're in a period of warmer weather,  so I 'll take. Don't have any choice, do I?

Hope your sleep was good again.

Stay healthy. 



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Good day, TS, the weather sounds nice since it is not too warm.  Indeed we don't have a choice.  The week here has seen temps in the low to mid 90s.  Not a lot of people out and about the neighborhood.  

That's good your sleep did okay with the cough.  

My sister and I do get along well.  We live so far apart, that when we do see each other we enjoy the time we have.  

The last time I remember having a chocolate malt, I was a teenager.  That treat was only partially sinful as there is calcium in malts!

My sleep is trying to recover from the hydroxyzine I took.  There is a pay back for taking anything to help sleep.    I should just try to get through the rough sleep nights on my own.  Maybe one day I will toss out those pills.  

Last night I slept six hours and 54 minutes.  I got up and walked for 30 minutes. 

Now I am off to get ready to go to Costco. 

Have a great day!


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Good afternoon,

      Got 7 hrs and then a 2-hr nap.  NG, so you're going to Costco?  What are you going to buy me:clap:.  I'm running out of socks that match.  The chocolate malt sounds good.  Chocolate is one of my cravings.


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LOL @ RnR talking to NG.  If NG is going to buy you something from Costco, might as well include me also. PM me NG and I will send you my long list of items. 😁

Hello everyone. I have been ok altho things could be better.  I think I got a little over 6 hours of sleep last night. I only woke once to go to the bathroom.

Hope everyone is having a good Thursday.


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R&R and AB, you two made my day!  I smiled at R&R's comment about running out of matching socks.  AB, Costco lists are always long. LOL 

The chocolate malt was heavenly.  My mother used to complain that my sister and I liked chocolate because our dad did.  Years later, my sister said, we liked  chocolate because it was so good!  

AB, one wake up sounds great. 

R&R does well with 7 hours plus a nap.  

Last night I felt like I slept better but my fitbit shows 6.5 hours. 

Happy Friday!


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Hello NG and everyone else. 6.5 hours is pretty good NG. I think I got in a total of 6 hours but it was broken up into two segments.

Happy Friday to all benzobuddies and keep up the good fight.


I am headed outside now for my daily indoor 20 min stationary bike ride. 

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Good morning all,

AB, the six hours of broken sleep in two segments is not fun.  I do that mostly every night.

How was your outdoor 20 minute stationary bike ride? Did you go very far? :)

My sleep was so bad last night, I've decided not to look at my fitbit for a week and see what happens.

I could be a mess because of taking hydroxyzine last week. I need to figure this out, somehow.

Also, I noticed three bug bites on my inner thigh last evening, while watching TV.   The question was, did something bite me when I was out in the vegetable garden yesterday morning or did a bug invade my bed and enjoy my blood for dinner.  Since I sleep in the basement, I find creepy crawlies now and then, thus the sticky traps placed here and there.  I do catch spiders now and then.  

What critter would climb under by sheets and blankets across a bed to get to me.  I toss and turn so much, I should find the remains of something smashed in my bed, but never have.  

Have a great Saturday everyone.



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Good morning everyone, 

Hope sleep was good for you all. That's the time the batteries are (supposed to be) recharged. 

My sleep on Friday night was bad: couldn't get to sleep. Got up for a bit around 2 am. That helped. I did eventually fall asleep,  but sleep was poorly. Last night though things were much better. I slept some 8 or 9 hours! But...felt dead tired when  I woke up. Sigh...Now, an hour later, I feel good again. 

We're in for a week of lovely summer weather. So it's bike riding time. But not on the stationary bike, AB. That wouldn't get me very far.

Have a blessed Sunday! 



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Good morning,

TS, I am sorry to hear about your difficult nigh mt of sleep. Waking up tired is not a good feeling.  At least you felt better an hour later!  

Enjoy the lovely summer weather and the bike ride. It sounds so very pleasant.  

Last night my three bites were itching a lot, so I took a Benadryl. Not sure if it helped with the itching, but I did sleep some.  

Today I have a new bug bite on  my lower rib cage, so removed all of the sheets, mattress cover, blankets, pillows from my bed and have washed everything except the pillows.  I checked again for any signs of bed bugs or any bugs and found nothing.  Good grief.  

This all started after I started putting scents of different things (peppermint, tea tree oil, etc.) on cotton balls and sliding a different one  under the bottom pillow case each night.  Perhaps a coincidence, but perhaps not. 

Have a good Sunday all.





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LOL TS (true, stationary bikes don't get you anywhere)....I used to have a road bike that I rode for many years. It was a lotta fun. Eventually, I gave it away to a friend and I have been just stationary biking for the last 15 years or so.

NG, I did not know your mother is 99, wow! She was born with really good genes. I once read an astonishing statistic. Globally, on any given day......take everyone who turns 85 years old. Out of all those ppl, only one of them will live to be 100 years old.


I got in about 6.5 hours of decent sleep last night. Enjoy your Sunday all my benzo buddies.


RnR,  👍happy you are still getting decent sleep friend.

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Good afternoon,

     I  got 6.5 hrs of sleep, followed by a 1.5-hr nap.  The weather forecast predicts a high of 104 on Thursday.  I'm looking forward to the Fall.

     Our hydroponic plants have really grown.  The tomato plants are bearing fruit now.  I'm not sure they're getting enough water at this point.  I really don't have a green thumb.

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Good morning, 

NG, creepy stuff going on in your bedroom! Uff! I do hope the action you undertook has put an end to it. We used to have DDT, but I would advise against the use of it though. Lol. It's a miracle you got any sleep at all!

AB,  I owned a stationary bike until last winter when it got jammed beyond repair. I try to go out on my road bike often. Sun, smells, scenery, meeting people.  No rain or much wind. I don't like being on my bike then.

That's indeed an astonishing statistic! NG 's mom is even older than that,  but I 'm sure NG is going to give you the right number. You'll be amazed! Glad your sleep was acceptable. 

RnR,  another good sleep in the books for you! Great. Nice to see your plants are doing well. 

My sleep is a bit off and rather strange atm. Most likely side effects of the low-carb diet I started on last Wednesday. It'll improve soon, or so they tell me...

Have a beautiful Monday! 





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Good morning everyone,

AB, the good thing about a stationary bike is there are no bike accidents to have.  As TS describes, there is a lot of scenery and people interaction when riding a bike.  

My mom is 103. She will be 104 in December if she gets there.  I am happy for good genes, but don't wish living to that age on anyone, including myself.  Life becomes more difficult and it is more a matter of existence than living.  

R&R 104 is hot, especially if there is humidity with those temps.  

Enjoy those vegetables produced by your hydroponic tomatoes! Perhaps try more water and see if that helps.  

TS, sorry to hear your sleep is off. Hopefully your body adjusts to a low carb diet and your sleep returns.  

My sleep is not the best, also. So far I don't think I have any new bug bites.  I was awake in the night for more reasons than I can count. The bites have only one entry site, so it isn't spiders.  I am baffled.  

Have a great Monday,


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I agree with what you said NG. I also do not wish to live to these advanced old ages unless I could remain fully functional and independent until the end and that usually is not the case for most really old people. Wow, almost 104...incredible. NG, where does she live? Does she have a FT caretaker? At almost 104, what kinds of health issues does she have now? Was she mostly healthy until she reached a certain age? I am always fascinated by ppl who live to 100 and beyond. What is your mom's diet like now and when she was younger? Did she exercise when she was younger? What about her weight NG? Has she always been a slender, average, or perhaps a little overweight woman?


True TS, no more bike accidents for me. LOL 😂Road biking is a lot more fun tho when the weather is nice outside.


I am up late posting this. I just awoke from about a 4 hour nap so I suspect I am going to be up for a while before I am able to get back to sleep. Have a great Tuesday everyone.

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Hi folks,

"What a drag it is getting...old."  Life becomes so difficult at an older age. Things you once did without even having to think about, now have become a major hurdle. They say: everyone wants to get old, but nobody wants to be old. I can tell from my old aunts and uncles how hard life has become. But, on the other hand,  they all still want to live.

Slept well last night! Woke up twice, but it didn't interrupt my sleep. Felt rested upon waking up at 8 am! Yay!

Off to see my aunt (98) now.  Going on a bike ride this afternoon with my neighbour (83). He bought a mobility scooter, so he's able to go on trips like these again.

Enjoy today .


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Good morning,

      I got 8 hrs in last night.  I haven't decided if I want to live to be 100 or not.  All I know it's been humid here.  Windows have been coated with dripping condensation.  When I go outside, it feels like getting out from a hot shower and having no fan running.

      Wishing everyone a good sleep.

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Good morning.

AB, nice you are curious about a soon to be 104 year old.  Here is a  story of her 104 years. 

Mother was the 7th of 12 children and grew up on a farm. Her parents immigrated from Norway in the late 1800s. Out of the 12, most lived into their 90s and five have lived to 100 plus. There are three still living with my mother the oldest.  

She lives on the farm she and my dad moved to in 1950. It was owned by my dad's great grand parents, who  immigrated from Sweden in the 1860s. The reason was that there were six children and only the oldest could inherit anything when the parents died. They felt that their only chance for a better life meant moving to the states. One uncle became a US Senator in Iowa in the early 1900s. I have a copy of the diary  he began in Sweden and ended shortly before his death.  

My dad died in 1971 from an enlarged rheumatic heart and Mother remained on the farm. All of the livestock and machinery was sold, so Mother share cropped the land.  She now cash rents. Before that, she wanted to be involved in farming costs and how many bushels per acre they got when harvest time came. 

She has a caretaker come Monday through Friday afternoons. The weekends my sister and I call and visit to see that everything is going okay for her.  A neighbor that lives just up the hill, who was also a former classmate of mine, stops in on Sunday afternoons and brings some baked treats she has made.  

About once a month I ask if she would like to go to Assisted Living, but each time she responds no, she is happy where she is. 

Her only health problems are joint and muscle pains. The doctor put her on Gabapentin, but she does not care to take prescription drugs, so mostly does not take the daily medication.  She was always a big vitamin taker. The ones I remember the most were Vitamin C and bone meal.  There were more, but those two stand out.  

She also has macular degeneration in both eyes. One is wet and one is dry. She recognizes us and sees fairly well, but when I see something in the corn or bean fields from her large dining room window, she cannot see what I am talking about. 

She loves vegetables and fruits. Each day she eats a half a banana and takes her vitamins. That's it until her evening meal. She is and always has been small and petite. Living on a farm meant a lot of exercise, as she helped my dad a lot, raised a large vegetable garden and froze a wagon load of sweet corn each summer.  

Now she uses a walker because of the pain when walking. She has slowed down.  

Up until the last year, she emailed my sister and me daily.  Now she forgets how to find her emails most days. The helper will help bring up the most recent emails and send one off to us.  She is also on FB and has been for many years, but no longer comments to posts. 

I hope that answers your questions, AB. 







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Living in "Sauna city" ...best of luck with the hot humidity! Remember,  this too shall pass. The credo of many benzo victims on BB. 

Congrats on another great sleep! 

Went on the bike ride with my elderly neighbour. He absolutely loved it. Had coffee in a restaurant at a marina. Enjoyed the sun, wind and sailing ships passing by. Next mission: going fishing together. 

My aunt was going "strong". She had a fall last Sunday, but broke or bruised nothing. Just shaken, not sturred...

Have a fine day.



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NG,  I have read your mom's story before, but again I am utterly amazed at the fruitful life she had.  Fantastic! They don't make them like that anymore.  Lol


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Thank you TS. I agree they don't make them like they used to. 

R&R, humidity can be very uncomfortable.  I do not miss humid heat. Colorado is a dry, arid state, which is I do enjoy.  When the temp is 95 degrees, it says it feels like 90. In humid Iowa, when it is 95, it feels like 116.  UFF

AB a four hour nap sounds amazing! I hope you did sleep well later.

I think I slept better last night.  I am still on a bug hunt so was awake in the night checking my white sheets with a large flashlight. lol 

TS, The bike ride with your elderly neighbor sounded quite nice. Stopping for coffee in the marina sounded like a perfect day.  The fishing trip sounds wonderful!  Just reading about your day gave me inspiration. 

That's good news your aunt didn't break anything after falling.  "Shaken not sturred" is the best. 


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