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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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So sorry to hear about your eyes TS. I know you are so tired of dealing with this. I wish I had a magic wand my friend. I do not have Fibromyalgia, but I have got chronic low back pain. Ugh!


I slept poorly last night. I have got to get back on my healthy diet. I have been eating too much junk as of late and my body is giving me signals. I need to listen.


Enjoy your Sat. my friends.


I have never had tinnitus NG but I have had muffled sound due to earwax buildup. That is an easy fix tho. My doctor just irrigates my ear canal. The tinnitus has to be brain maddening.



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Good Saturday afternoon,

R&R glad to hear you had seven hours of sleep, but sorry to hear about the tiredness.  It's a vicious circle. 


AB, the poor sleep can be consuming.  I agree, our diet's do matter and sometimes it comes back to bite us.

The chronic low back pain must be awful. Is there anything that can be done for the pain aside from pain meds?


TS, well, this news is not good.  You have been through so much lately.  The muscle pain and worsening Fibromyalgia has to be terribly draining on you along with the worsening eyesight. Having cross eyed vision would definitely mess with the visual brain and thus the headaches.  I wish you healing. 


I slept well for an hour then awoke for another three hours. I finally broke down and cried, which actually helped with my stress of not going back to sleep.  I finally dropped off and slept quite well (7.5 hrs).  Today I also had an hour nap and had a sweet dream about my dog who died a year ago last July.   


Yesterday I had some time to do something for me and went to the hairdresser, for a body perm.  My hair has been droopy lately. Anyway, my daughter in law offered to watch my husband, so I took him there and returned 2.5 hours later.  I don't find the hair thing a nice getaway as the end result a smelly perm that looks awful. ha  It will tame down in a week or two.


Have a good evening/night everyone.




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Good Sunday morning,


AB,  back pain is a bitch.  Pain in general is very energy draining. Let's hope it'll take a turn for the better again.

I know what you mean with junk food having a bad influence on our health. I noticed that too lately. Going back to only good food starting tomorrow!

The strangest thing happened to my "warmer" clothes. They had been lying dormant in the closet all summer, but seem to have shrunk during that period! LOL.


NG,  Sorry to see you had a bad night at first. But how wonderful it turned out to be a great sleep after you had a good cry! Crying can really be a miracle cure at times.

So happy you were able to have some time for yourself! Your description of the process and the end result had me laughing! 😄

So nice you had a sweet dream! Pets stay with us even after they're gone!


RandR, i guess we all know the feeling. All we can do is hope for better times.


My sleep was OK last night. First part was 4 hours of deep sleep.  The last few hours were a matter of tossing and turning. But I felt rested despite that.


Have a blessed Sunday everybody!



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Hello Benzobuddies.


FutBit says 7 hrs for me last night. Quality was fair.  :thumbsup:


Crying can really be a miracle cure at times.


I agree TS....very therapeutic!


My sleep was OK last night. First part was 4 hours of deep sleep.  The last few hours were a matter of tossing and turning. But I felt rested despite that.


Good to hear you awoke feeling rested TS.


I slept well for an hour then awoke for another three hours. I finally broke down and cried, which actually helped with my stress of not going back to sleep.  I finally dropped off and slept quite well (7.5 hrs).  Today I also had an hour nap and had a sweet dream about my dog who died a year ago last July. 


Glad the cry enabled you to fall asleep again, NG. Crying is actually a good stress reducer. I sometimes have nice dreams like that also NG but they are rare for me.


RnR, 7 hours are good, but sorry to hear you awoke feeling tired.


Enjoy your Sunday my friends.



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Hi everyone,

AB, the seven hours sounds wonderful.  Keep it up!


I used to cry more, but not so much lately, which is probably good or I would be crying a lot. I become so down when sleep won't come for really no good reason.  If I knew how to cheer myself up at 2 am, I would do it.


The dream about the dog was sweet. My neighbors across the street were walking by with her on a leash and she kept pulling to come and see me.  Finally they let her and I said to them, "you can't keep her, you know." I don't recall a response, as I was so happy to see her.


On Friday I hit a squirrel on a busy street that I could not stop for.  I cried a while over that one. 


TS, glad I gave you a smile.  We all need to do that as much as we can. 

I smiled when you said your warmer clothes shrunk just hanging out in the closet all summer. LOL, it happens to the best of us!


The four hours of deep sleep sounded quite nice.  I hope you are feeling better otherwise. 


I slept 2 hours and 25 mins with 4 mins of deep and 47 mins of REM.

I don't feel very well today.


Take care all,




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On Friday I hit a squirrel on a busy street that I could not stop for.  I cried a while over that one. 



NG, it sounds like how I'd react.  I'm an animal lover and even care for those rats with tails (i.e., squirrels).


I got a little over 7 hours last night.

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Thanks NG but I could not keep it up.  :'( Last night was only 3.5 hours.


Hope you slept better. Sorry to hear about the little squirrel incident.


RnR, 7 hours sound great. Hope you awoke feeling rested my friend.


Enjoy your day benzobuddies.

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Hi all,

R&R, it's nice to know another soft heart.

7 hours of sleep was good. Keep it up!


AB, sorry about the three and a half hours of sleep. I hope tonight is better for you.


Last night I slept 6 hours and 40 minutes.  I don't feel the best, but it's not the worst either.





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Same here, about 3 and 1/2 hours last night. But I went back to sleep during the daytime and woke up at 3:00 p.m. so I think I got 8 hours all together. Problem is, now I'm probably going to be up until 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.
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Worst night in a long long time. Just 3,5 hours. In pain and cold. Thankfully I fell asleep after 3.30 am.


Not a great day, obviously!


Hope you slept better.



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Good morning all,

TS, sometimes we all do seem to fall into the same sleep routine.  It makes us wonder what is going on. 

I am so sorry to hear about your bad night with so little sleep along with pain and cold.  Hopefully tomorrow is better. 

That is good news about the ortho shoes.  Less foot pain would be wonderful!


Justintime, how did you sleep after the nap? You certainly needed one after so little sleep. 


Well, my sleep is just fair. I slept 4.5 hours last night.  I wasn't stressed as I lay awake, so that is good. 





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GM Buddies..


Nice to see everyone. I got a little over 4 hours last night and quality was poor.....kept having weird dreams...constantly waking up and then falling back asleep. Ugh.


Good to hear about the 7.5 hours TS.


Hang in there everyone. Try to enjoy your Thursday.



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Hello NG,  too bad your sleep was on the short side again. So glad you didn't feel any stress laying awake.


AB,  sorry you had a bad night. My silly dreams are back again too. Makes you wonder somehow...


Did a bit of biking the last couple of days because the weather has improved. But, yesterday I got caught by a rain shower, so came home with a damp pair of jeans. I didn't change into a dry pair.  In hindsight not there smartest thing to do. I suppose that's what gave me the cold and pain last night. Oh well.


Stay safe, folks!



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RnR,  :thumbsup: at the 7.5


TS, yes, the crazy dreams suck. I slept ok last night and no bizarre dreams. I did not track the amount of sleep, however.


Enjoy your Friday everyone.

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Hi all,

AB, that's good you didn't have any bizarre dreams.  Mine have been bizarre lately, also. 

I think I figured out the reason my sleep is so broken. There was a time in the last few years that I did go to sleep for 3-4 hours and then back to sleep after I awoke in the night, so my guess is that the hydroxyzine I take sometimes once a week that is doing that. I was prescribed that a little over a year ago.

It seems that there is nothing to take that is really side effect free.  Plus I've survived okay with so little sleep, I really should not ever take anything else. 


R&R congratulations on 7.5 hours of sleep.


TS, too bad about the pain and cold in the night.  Who would have thought.  Did you get much sleep?


I slept around 6 hours. My knee became painful after my flu shot on Monday, so that's been bothering me all week.  It hurts less if I don't bend it when I walk. My therapist has no idea what's going on with that.


Take care,


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That is weird NG. Why would the flu shot cause your knee to hurt? I have never gotten a flu shot. I did get the shingles vaccine.
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AB, hopefully the little bit of flu shot ingredients didn't cause my knee pain.  It was just coincidence, I suppose.  This knee has been difficult from the start.  Some knees are like that for no good reason. I'll just soldier on until things improve.


I've not had the shingles vaccine, but did get the shingles the week of finals in college, which was terribly painful. I suppose I should get the vaccine, but have not, yet.  Maybe one day. 



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RnR, great sleep you had! Congrats.


AB,  Glad you slept better without any crazy dreams.


NG,  are you sure they didn't inject the flu shot into your knee? Ha. I hope the pain and bother are leaving soon.


My sleep was much better the night after the one with the pain and cold. I guess my body and mind had some catching up to do.

Last night was worse again in that sleep was broken and very shallow. I hurt " all over". But, what can you do?


I wish us all a peaceful weekend.



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TS said>>>

NG,  are you sure they didn't inject the flu shot into your knee? Ha. I hope the pain and bother are leaving soon.


LOL TS  :laugh:

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My nap was good the other day, but now I'm back to being nocturnal again. I've been waking up around 4:00 in the afternoon and not going to sleep until about 6:00 a.m., and my sleep has been divided into two.


I was sleeping the best from around 12 months to about 18 months, and then everything got screwed up again. I believe I'm still getting 8 hours of sleep total each day, but divided and at the wrong times.


It's weird because my sleep was back to normal again for a short period of time, and then It reversed itself. Our brains literally have a mind of their own during benzo withdrawal, you can't fix it no matter what you try.


Trust me, I've kept myself up for 40 hours at a time on multiple occasions, and I've also forced myself to sleep on certain days before my bedtime and before I'm tired. I've also divided my sleep, I've tried setting alarm clocks, I've tried exercising myself until I'm exhausted, you name it. No matter what I try, my sleep goes back to the exact same times.

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My nap was good the other day, but now I'm back to being nocturnal again. I've been waking up around 4:00 in the afternoon and not going to sleep until about 6:00 a.m., and my sleep has been divided into two.


I was sleeping the best from around 12 months to about 18 months, and then everything got screwed up again. I believe I'm still getting 8 hours of sleep total each day, but divided and at the wrong times.


It's weird because my sleep was back to normal again for a short period of time, and then It reversed itself. Our brains literally have a mind of their own during benzo withdrawal, you can't fix it no matter what you try.


Trust me, I've kept myself up for 40 hours at a time on multiple occasions, and I've also forced myself to sleep on certain days before my bedtime and before I'm tired. I've also divided my sleep, I've tried setting alarm clocks, I've tried exercising myself until I'm exhausted, you name it. No matter what I try, my sleep goes back to the exact same times.


Wow, that is really weird, JustInTime. <scratching my head>

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Good evening all,

Justintime, that is interesting how your sleep time has changed. Like AB, I'm scratching my head, too.

It does seem our brains have a mind of their own when benzos are involved. 


TS, lol, you gave me a good laugh. I can't be sure, as I look away when anyone come near me with a needle, but it did feel like it was my arm and not my knee. :)

My knee is still acting up, but hopefully with another day of  rest, it will get better. 


Last night I slept almost 7 hours. I am still tired.



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