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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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TS, sorry for the bad night last night. Hang in there.  The road you are on is incredibly rough, but you are not alone.


I had a little better night with perhaps 3-4 hours of sleep. No muscle spasms at all. The knee was tender, but I could deal with that.


At 4 am, I heard someone in the hallway, as the hardwood floors creaked. Then I heard a door closing.  I contemplated if we were having a home invasion, as my husband almost never gets up in the night. Finally I decided to come up from the basement and see. All was quiet, so went down the hall to see about my husband and here is what he said. He needed to use the bathroom and didn't want to wake the dog, so instead of using his bathroom walked down the hallway.



I had a reasons to be happy.  We were not having a home invasion.  I assured him this morning that the dog would go right back to sleep, even if he used his bathroom. 

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Hi nightengale,


Glad you could smile about it.


My sleep was some 4,5 to 5 hours,  but with two bathroom visits in it.

After two better days,  with not much pain or anxiety,  yesterday was a bad one, especially the morning. Lots of burning muscle pain and stiffness. Thankfully the afternoon slowly brought some improvement.

This morning is awful again; woke up to a really sick feeling,  that something is very wrong. Nausea,  anxiety,  muscle pain,  evolving into exhaustion and desperation. Doubting if I will ever make it off this poison.

It could be because I cut from 3 to 2,9 mgs Diazepam in about a week. Or a fibro flare up. Or both.

Just sitting here, trying to survive the morning,  hoping the afternoon may be better.

Talking on the phone to my psychologist again this afternoon. Doubting if she can help me. Life is hard at the moment.


I hope you had a good sleep.  Wishing you an OK day.


Take care.

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TS, I wasn't smiling when I discovered what was going on, but it is the disease and I can't change that. There are times when I lose my cool and go off on him, but then I feel sad and guilty.  I have a lot of patience, but I'm no saint. 


You slept pretty okay and nice the pain and anxiety was not bad. Then it all comes back.  Please don't give up on yourself. We learned this is a horribly rough road with lots of obstacles, but you will make it. There was a time when I felt like you and thought I would never be free of the drugs, but somehow I made it.  The numerous hospital visits plagued me. I had no idea if I would succeed, I just knew that I had to, some way or other.  My key was to go at it at my own pace, which you are. My son loaned me his rock scales from his geophysics lab, so I could shave off very tiny amounts. Those crumbs never fooled my brain, but when I was finally down to such a tiny amount, someone said I could go ahead and jump as it was too small of an amount to register in my brain. I sat on that idea for a few days and then just jumped.

Of course I stopped sleeping, but it wasn't the drugs, it was my own fear.  Sleep has come and gone, my body is rebelling, but I'm still free of that horrible drug which makes it all worthwhile.  One day I will be healed.

Hang in there my friend. 


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Hi nightengale,


Thank you for your wise and supporting words. Means a lot to me!

In hindsight I shouldn't have posted this morning,  as mornings are always awful. So the post was " down " too. It's now almost 5 pm. overhere and I feel much better.

The nausea finally went away. The muscle pain and discomfort in my feet are much more bearable and the anxiety wasn't that bad to begin with. No fatigue this afternoon.

We're having wonderful weather this week.  So I went for a walk this afternoon, after talking to my psychologist on the phone.  She said I was doing fine.

After this cut I'm going to hold again for a few weeks.


I hope you have a nice day and a good sleep tonight.


Thanks again for your uplifting words.  :smitten::thumbsup:


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Hi TS, I am so happy to hear you had a better afternoon. You definitely needed and deserved that. A good idea to hold after this cut.  Doing that now and then really did give me the strength to keep going. 

That's great you are having nice weather and got out for a walk. We are here, too. I did not venture out today, but plan on it tomorrow.

Your psychologist sounds right on track with how you are doing. 


You are so welcome for the support. That you felt better today means a lot to me, too. Stay strong!


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After a 4 hour sleep night, today is a terrible day, in fact the worst so far. Constant nausea that just won' t go away. Nothing works.

Stomach and colon hurting,  feeling cold, tired, anxious, desperate.

Unbelievable what a difference a day can make!

Praying for a better night and day.


I hope you slept well.


Stay save.

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Slept some 5,5 hours.

Not much nausea so far, but now I have a sharp stomach pain,  like a screwdriver is being pushed all the way through.  Even my back hurts. Hope it goes away soon. Took OTC medication ( Iberogast)  yesterday evening and this morning. Maybe this cause the sharp stomach pain.


The pain went away around 11 am. But then nausea returned...Took a Rx tablet ( Pantoprazol)  to stop the pain. Had lunch, no stomach ache right now,  the nausea comes in waves ( just a few seconds at a time). Why?

Very tired,  not at all well. Hope it's improving this afternoon.


Hope you slept well.

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TS you are going through a rough time. The nausea is baffling to me. Has anyone ever given you a reason why this is happening?  I wonder if the stomach pain is related to the nausea.  I wish someone had some answers for you, because you are suffering terribly. 


Well, as for me, my sleep went down to an hour or so last night.  I am so far out from my last crumb of clonazepam, it makes me wonder if this is how it will always be.  I stopped drinking any alcohol in 2017 when I began my taper and to this day, rarely drink any alcohol. About six months ago I had a sip of my husband's margarita when we went out for Mexican food.  I exercised daily until this knee/leg/foot pain took over a few months ago.  I am doing everything I am supposed to do, but here I am.


Well, it does me no good to whine and complain, so I'll try to move on in a world that has turned upside down. 

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9!. woke rested and rejuvenated. no constant pee breaks, no night terrors or electric shocks, no muscle twitches or pains. blissful, sweet dreams and deep slumber cloud like sleep!


Have hope all. My sleep has returned which means your will too.

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Hello Nightengale,


Sorry your sleep has become that bad. I do hope it will improve soon. Being off the benzos for so long, it makes no sense why this is happening.

You're doing nothing wrong! How do you manage to make it through the day on hardly any sleep? Amazing. When awake, can you stay in bed comfortably and at least rest your body?


I will ask my GP next week about SIBO. That might well be the underlying cause of all the nausea,  stomach pain,  bloating,  etcetera.

Guess it will be a while before "normal" patients will be able to go and see a specialist in the hospital again, now with all this Corona stuff going on.


Pinky,  how wonderful!  Congratulations.  This is the news we all want to read.

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TS, good afternoon. I hope yours is going okay. 

The new rules for going to doctors has changed so drastically.  I'm hoping by this summer I will be able to see the ortho doctor about my knee, but who knows. 

Last night I could not go to sleep because my legs were constantly having muscle spasms. I took a costco otc sleeping pill and slept for almost 2 hours, then just stayed awake in a fog the rest of the  night.  How do I manage to get through the day? Saturday was one of those. I mentioned to my husband I was a wanted to make a homemade pizza  using the pizza stone and peel. He took off with that information, hurrying to get the stone and paddle.

I told him, that I didn't think I felt well enough to spend the afternoon making pizza dough, sauce, etc.  It was too overwhelming with so very little sleep.

Yesterday was a bit better and I did manage to make the pizza from start to finish. 

Some days are better than others. 

Hopefully you can get some answers from your GP about the causes of nausea, stomach pain, etc.

Hang in there.



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Last night I slept around 4 hours. It was hit and miss, but I still got some sleep.

I hope everyone is doing okay.

Hang in there.

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Hello nightengale,


Hope you feel better.

You're absolutely right about some days being better than others!

Yesterday I had a " better" day. No stomach pain or nausea after waking up around 4 am. Slept for 5 straight hours. Sat outside to  catch a few rays of sunshine in the morning. Lovely. Went for a walk in the afternoon. Visited my friendly neighbours. All seemed fine.


Last night I woke up around 2 am. Stomach pain and nausea that just wouldn't go away. Awful.

Phoned my GP this morning.  He has made an appointment for me to see the specialist again. This is getting worse by the week.

BTW; he had never heard of SIBO. 


Eating smaller portions but more often. Taken a pill to stop the nausea. Helps,  but still a little nauseous. Taken a PPI to hopefully stop the stomach pain.


Wishing us all better days and especially nights.


Stay save. Keep your distance.




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Good morning,


Had a wonderful night. 6 hours of sleep,  with just one bathroom visit.

And...no symptoms upon waking up! Wow.

The world looks very different after a good sleep. Praying I may see more improvement now.

The PPI is starting to work, so it seems.


Hope you slept well.


Stay strong. Stay save.

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HI TS, I am so happy you had a good night and are feeling better.  I agree, the world looks different with some good sleep.

I pray you will see some improvement, also.


Last night was a non sleep night. Left leg muscle spasms along with a strange radiating pain in my left hip.  I honestly think this will eventually go away like my shoulder pains did a year ago, so I'm hanging in there. Not much else to do, since I can't go for physical therapy or anything else.


Anyhoo...we went to the park (it's a small neighborhood one) to take the dog for a walk. The park is now closed (there's an inline skating rink and a basketball court), but there were people everywhere.  We came back home, again. 


Stay safe and well.




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Hi nightengale,


Sorry your sleep was non-existing last night. Nights like these seem to never pass. Every minute seems like hours, especially when in pain. We both suffer when that happens.  I hope it will improve soon. Most of  the time a bad night is followed by a ( somewhat)  better one.

I had issues with the muscles in my left thigh. Have an exercise I do every other day. Just 4 times ( 30 second lift while laying on my right side).  Meant to strengthen the outside leg muscles. It's doing its job, in that I don't wake up to that pain anymore.


Sorry your nice park has been close down. Maybe there's somewhere else you can go for a walk. I just walk the streets in and around my block. Works for me.


Hope you have a pleasant day.



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Some 5 hours, so that's OK. Unfortunately stomach pain returned later in the night. Eased off a bit after I had breakfast and took a PPI. 

My days are: one "better" one followed by a bad one. Makes me sad, nervous, not sure what to do about.


Hope your sleep was OK.


"A good sleep is worth more than all the money in the world".  Right? Right!


Stay save. Stay strong.


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Good morning/afternoon, a typical night, except that I had no knee pain or muscle spasms. Sometimes it is RLS, but nothing happened last night.

I slept an hour, then awake, which is the new normal. Not sure if I slept after that, so perhaps I did.

Listened to a healing relaxation video. Just knowing that today will be like yesterday as for what I do, is somewhat of a dreary thought, doesn't help.


My neighbor, across the street, is in the hospital with corona virus. For the last three weeks, we watched them come and go like it was March of last year.

They had three family dinners, every weekend, with a dozen people coming and going.  Each time, I wondered what they were thinking.

The whole family has probably been exposed.


On another note, my husband is feeling sick this morning with abdominal pains. He has not been anywhere for the last three weeks. I have only gone to the grocery store for curbside pick up. When I get home, I wash everything washable off and wipe the rest down with a Clorox cloth.


I am stressed.


TS, I so understand your good days followed by bad ones.  I am in that same routine. Yes, indeed a good night of sleep is priceless!

I'll try the leg exercise. It sounds like it may help me, also.


Stay safe and healthy.



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Hi nightengale,


Sorry you and I both just keep having so much problems with our health.


Some people seem to do their very best to get the Corona virus. I read about people in a town in the Dutch Bible belt, who still went to their church twice every Sunday. Last week 6 of them died within a couple of days...The Lord protects us, but gave us a brain to use too!


Hope your husband is OK again soon.


I forgot to mention: the leg exercise goes like this: 30 seconds lift of leg ( just a couple of inches),  then a minute of rest. Etcetera.

And only every other day.


I just recovered a little from a terrible, horrible afternoon.  So extremely exhausted. Hard to believe this exhaustion is possible. I have stopped taking the PPI ; it said in the information leaflet exhaustion is one of the side effects. How very, very true. Stomach pain is no joke, but this exhaustion was frightening.

Feeling more or less alive again now. Sigh. Ughh.


Hope you may find some joy in life this afternoon.  X



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TS we are broken records with our health issues.  Lately, I can only tell if I slept the first hour, after that, I am not aware of sleeping, but I believe I have dozed off. 

I have no idea what that is about, because in the past, I was always quite aware of the time passing throughout the night. 


I appalled with how some people handle the corona virus thing. They just don't seem to get the gravity of this disease.  I agree the Lord does protect us, but we must use the brains he gave us.


Thanks for more details about the 30 second leg lift at a couple of inches then rest one minute. I am going to try this.


Sorry about the horrible, terrible afternoon.  We are poster "children" of exhaustion.


Glad you are feeling better after stopping the PPIs. Hopefully the stomach pain doesn't bother you more. 


My joy was running to the pharmacy at the grocery store, wearing a cotton neck scarf over my face and sterile gloves. I felt like Bonnie from the Bonnie and Clyde history stories, except I only was armed with a purse. ha

They now have an armed female security person at the entrance just in case there are less than good people coming in wearing face scarves.


Stay well and safe.







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Well then, Bonnie...


I hope you slept well. You truly deserve it.


My sleep was more or less the same; some 4,5 hours. But not restfull. Luckely not much stomach pain, but I had to get out of bed by 6 am. Couldn't cope with that awful feeling of an empty stomach anymore. I had my first breakfast at 6.30 and the second one at 9.

Not feeling well, hope it will improve when the PPI wears off. All pills are awful. Very weak and tired. Lost some weight again, no idea why.

Getting underweight. Don't know how to change that.

Some nausea again, but not too bad.

We're going have a warm week - up to 22 C. Hope I can enjoy a bit of that. But nothing is enjoyable when you're having nausea or

don't feel well.


Let's try to keep our cool in this messed up world. Stay save.  :thumbsup:



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Good day TS,

I slept some, maybe 3-4 hours.  Upset stomach this morning.


That's good your stomach pain is less.  Hopefully the small meals help. I am sorry about the weight loss, though I am not surprised with all you are going through. 


I made a run to the pharmacy at the grocery store and wore a scarf tied as a mask over my face.  The whole scene seemed surreal when I walked into the store.

A lot of people were wearing some kind of face cover.  Picked up the allergy meds for my husband and left. 


Today the sun is shining and the little bit of snow is gone. I see pretty white puffy clouds floating by.


Stay strong and well.




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I had a good 5 hours of sleep last night, but I know tonight is going to be sleepless. I can just feel it. ugh!  :(
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Hi antibenzo, congratulations on the five hours. I know it is a downer to get a good night, followed by a bad night.  At least we know how it goes.

I also had a good night of 4 plus hours. I got up and did yoga and so my day began.


Today is another day like yesterday, except I'm fixing blueberry pancakes, plus the sun is shining!


Hang in there





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Glad you slept. Worth a million.

I slept some 6 hours last night. Wow.


Antibenzo,  I hope tonight will prove you wrong.


Hope your day is OK.

Mine was more or less OK, with a bad hour this morning ( nausea out of the blue) and an hour this afternoon ( mean head pressure).


Today we're having wonderful weather: sunny and 20 degrees Celsius. It's going to be like this all week until Easter.


Enjoy your pancakes, nightengale!

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