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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Thanks Torch and nightengale! I hope you guys start getting more good quality consistent sleep also. Nothing feels better than a good night of restful sleep. You get to shutdown and forget about all the crazy painful benzo w/d sx's.  :)
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Good day all, I hope sleep was restful and enough for everyone.

I decided to try something new last night.  Instead of reading, I would keep my eyes closed and my mind clear. Reading helps to clear my head, but then I am doing something else with a book light on. 

It worked fairly well. I believe I slept around 5 hours.

Will it work the next time, well, typically not, but I'm going to stick with this a while and see how it plays out.


TS, the leg exercise you told me about did help, I felt. I'm going to keep with that and hope the muscle spasms stop completely.

It definitely helps for more sleep.


AntiB, it is nice to shut down at night and forget about benzos.


Hang in there everyone.


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Wednesday,  so a visit to BB is allowed...


My sleep has been quite OK the last three or four nights. Once even more than 6 hours.

Last night was 5 hours. But no more waking up to nausea and stomach pain.  That's a relief.

Walking getting harder to do, because of leg muscles stiffening and more jelly legs. Plus the neuropathy in my feet has changed again from a sharp pain with every step, to walking on moss again. Gives me more feeling of dizziness.


Nightengale,  I 'm so glad the exercise works for you!  It still does for me too. Sometimes I forgot to do it, but feel that at night. Hope you're doing OK. Hang in there. Wishing you many good nights.


Antibenzo, you're so right. Sleep frees you from all the misery for a couple of hours. Makes you able to tackle another day of "benzo fun and joy". 


Stay strong.


Sleep well, get better.



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Good day all, my sleep is still in the pits, but the good news is I walked for 20 minutes this morning. The first time in weeks since my knee started hurting. 

It actually felt better as I continued to walk instead of getting worse. I really am happy!


So, I tried my "no reading" during the night, which gave me a little more needed sleep two nights ago. The next night was back to no initial sleep, then dozing.

Last night, I did go right to sleep last night, after reading a few paragraphs, doing the self hypnosis and pressure points. I do this every night when I first go to bed, which typically puts me to sleep, but doesn't keep me there.

Anyway, the "no lights" all night did not work, the second time around. I am bummed, but not surprised.


TS that is good news, actually great news that you slept so very well and the nausea and stomach pains went away! It is indeed a relief!

I am sorry to hear the walking is harder to do.  The neuropathy sounds awful.


I wish you all the best.


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I went right to sleep and woke up an hour later with that being it for the night.

Did the  20 minute walk again, thought today the soreness did not walk out. 

This is incredibly frustrating!

I'd give anything to go back to my pre-benzo days when I would have a wakeful night maybe once a week, but I still slept 5-6 hours.


Got up and finished the puzzle we have been working on.

My brain is suffering with memory issues.


Be safe and well everyone

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My sleep is mostly 2-3 hours and I'm no longer able to nap.

Not sure why.

Easter dinner was just my husband and me. 

The kids called and I called my mother.

it was probably the most relaxing Easter dinner I've ever had.

Stay well everyone

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Like most of us I had better and worse nights. Sometimes almost 6,5 hours, on other nights just 4. Getting woken up to pain in my thighs is still there. I wanted to have it looked at by a specialist,  but my GP won't have it.

My feet are getting more painful by the week,  legs stiff and jelly like at the same time. Walking is hurtful and difficult. By far my biggest concern.


Nightengale,  glad you at least enjoyed your Easter dinner.

Sorry your sleep is still troubling you. Hoping for better times or us all.


Stay strong. Stay safe.

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Woke up this morning to a major snow storm. Not really a big problem, as most people are working form home or not working at all.

For those who are out on the road, we can only hope that the snow plows are out working.


My sleep is still gone. I could not go to sleep last night at all, so listened to a sleep hypnosis on youtube or whatever. I had it on low, so could not hear everything she said, but did drift off now and then.  I feel much the same as I do every day when I get up.


My knee  brace arrived yesterday. Not sure if the knee feels any better with it on, but it doesn't feel worse, so I'll wear it.


TS, I am sorry to hear you are not doing very well.  The GP really needs to let you be seen by a specialist. 

I assume you need a referral to be seen by anyone but the GP?

My GP can be such an airhead at times, I'm glad I don't have to depend on him for referrals. I just go to whomever I want, when I want. 

Not sure why I don't have to have referrals, as I know some people here who do.

Take care TS.







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Last night I slept between 4 and 5 hours.

So what did I do different. Well the night before I found a good sleep hypnosis video. I liked what it said, but didn't sleep much listening to it. That's just how I am for some strange reason. Anyway, I kept repeating to myself what she said after I woke up the first time last night and did go back to sleep, every time.


I also received my knee compression knee brace two days ago.  It does seem to be helping, so I got up and walked 20 minutes this morning.


Things are looking up!


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Hey friends, I took a break because the anger and frustration were overwhelming me. My sleep is worse than ever and I’m waking up between 2-4 every night like clockwork. Nothing helps and I’m in absolute hell. I can’t enjoy anything because I feel out of it and dizzy the whole day from the lack of sleep. Quite amazing.


Hope you are sleeping better.

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DBM, I know we are suffering, but complaining gets me nowhere, so I just make an attempt to not think too much about my suffering.

I assume it will get better, but only time will tell.

Last night I went back to my usual two hours of sleep.

This morning I got up, put my knee brace on and walked 20 minutes.

Today is a new day, that's all I can ask for.

Hang in there.


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Last night i got only 2 to 3 hours of unrefreshing sleep, i feel like sick today, all kind of crazy thoughts are running through my head ....

that happens because i ate too much carb and sugar, and i think the whole wave that i am in right now was caused by stress and too much caffeine,


Two years off and still can't live normally...... 



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Hi everyone,


DBM, wow, so sorry you still suffer this much. I know exactly what you mean, when you say, it's so hard to find any joy being in such a dark place. Waking up between 2 and 4 am happens to many of us. Those last couple of hours before getting up seem to never end. Minutes seem like hours. Dizziness is awful, I know about that too. Hold on, and hope things will improve.


Nightengale,  I admire your spirit. The way you start every new day with a positive mindset is wonderful!  Truly inspirational. So glad you're able to do some walking again. Let's hope normal sleep may return soon too.


Survivor,  knowing what may have caused your bad sleep is the way to go forward. No more sugar and coffee. Carbs we need, but caffeine and sugar we don't. Stress is something we don't have much control over. I hope  you slept better last night.


My sleep last night was more than 6 hours. Amazing. Unfortunately an good sleep isn't a guarantee for a good day. Today so far  has been much worse than yesterday. Nausea ( which was gone for almost a week) is back. Fibro pain is really bad this morning. And tired again. I' m trying Seroxat again ( at a snail pace) but every cell in body and brain cries "NO". Don't think I can do this. Having been on benzos our CNS are so super sensitive,  anything added or removed throws the whole lot even more off balance.


Hope you all slept well. Stay strong and save.

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My sleep is ever so slowly creeping back up.

It's been so long, I assumed it would stay down to 2-3 hours or less, but here we go again, heading back up.

I believe I slept between 4-5 hours, perhaps more.  Life is good.


TS, that's great news you slept better. Sorry about the nausea and fibro pain ramping up along with exhaustion.

I agree, our CNS has become awfully sensitive. Mine still ramps up at night, though not as bad as in the beginning.

Like you, anything that goes into my body is suspect for causing CNS issues.


Hang in there



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Hello nightengale,


So glad to see your sleep is slowly improving! Wow. Praying it will continue to do so.

Does your knee pain allow you to go for a walk?


Had another couple of nights with 6 hours of sleep.


Last night was a night with just a couple of hours of sleep. But not too much pain.

Stomach and bowel are feeling unhappy with this extra meds. This breakfast time I increased the amount of Seroxat again by just 1 mg. Have to take it really slow. Hope to succeed this time.

Walking is harder to do. My legs don't seem to be willing to do what I tell them to. Back ditto. And my feet are still hurting too.


Talking to my psychologist again today.


Another week of wonderful springtime weather!  Sunshine all day long. Nice temperatures. I wish there was some way I could enjoy that more. At the moment it's hard to enjoy anything. Praying things will get lighter as soon as the SSRI kicks in. All those physical problems are really taking its toll.


Thankfully things are getting better overhere on the Corona front. Numbers going down!


Wishing you a good night and a lovely day, nightengale!  All the best to you.

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Last night i had about 4 hours, i wake up feeling miserable not only because of lack of sleep but also my mind is so overwhelmed by all the drama that's going on in my life, it's taking me too long to heal because i have so much stress. I have struggled so much in my life for nothing, still struggling financially and ocd torturing me relentlessly besides other debilitating anxiety symptoms.     
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Ah, survivor,


So sorry for all your misery. I partly know how you feel. Poor sleep wears us out, but that horrible anxiety is so much worse.

Hoping  you get the  strength to hold on.


Stay strong!

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Good day all,

My sleep has continued to go up. Last night it was at least 6 hours.  I still don't have much energy, but given some added nights of sleep, I may feel better.

This morning I got up and walked 25 minutes.  The knee compression "sleeve" I ordered from Amazon is giving me some relief.  I don't wear it constantly, but when I am doing more walking, it goes back on. 


TS, life has its ups and downs. You deserve to feel so much better. Sorry about the stomach and bowel problems along with the leg, back and foot issues. We are a member of the walking wounded group. Those who have not been on this road, have no idea the suffering that goes on. 


The weather is lovely here too. I'm happy it is there, also!  I agree, going out does not do a lot for my mood, but the dog is delighted.

That's great news the corona virus numbers are going down there. Getting past this crisis will help everyone. 


survivor200, I am so sorry you are going through a rough time. Insomnia and anxiety are extremely tiresome. Hang in there!




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Torchsetter, nightenagle, Thank you for compassion and sympathy. We all  trying to do our best with our hard circumstances but fortunately last night i slept better and i woke up feeling less anxious.


I always try to get enough sun shine if it's possible and read/listen what spiritual teachers tells us about life adversities and sharing our hurts with others definitely help.


Best wishes for all....

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Stopped Seroxat after this afternoon 's ordeal: an awful headache and extreme exhaustion After a morning with horrible muscle pain.  It was making my sleep worse too. No more trying to take an AD. Getting off the benzo is the only way to go, IMO.
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My sleep has gone back down again. Not that I was surprised, after three nights of somewhat decent sleep.

I put on the sleep hypnosis video last night and did doze off twice into strange dreams. 

Finally turned it off early morning and got up to walk for 25 minutes. My knee seems to be doing better. 


TS, I am sorry you are going through so much.  Some drugs do have a bad effect on us. Some do not, so it is a toss up. I found the best way was to do like you and give the med a try and stop if I feel worse. 

The best thing we can do for ourselves is to get off of benzos. 


Survivor200, that's great you slept better and woke up with less anxiety! Sunshine is a plus for our bodies.  I'm glad the spiritual guidance helps.


Take care,






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Hello nightengale,


Just here to wish you a good weekend. Hope you're able to relax a bit and do some walking.

Sleep is a gift most people take for granted, but we know better than that!

Some of my nights haven't been not too bad last week. I even managed a six hours one. Followed by a bad day...There's no telling, is there?


Stay strong.  :thumbsup:

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Hi all, I wish I had something good to share, but not today. 

Went right to sleep and woke up an hour later.  Finally around 1 am, I listened to a sleep hypnosis video. I dozed and had some strange dreams. 

Walked 25 minutes this morning. The elastic knee brace does help. 


The weather has turned quite lovely. Perhaps today we will take the dog up the park to walk around the outskirts, as the park is officially closed. 


I do remember back to before things changed, how well I could sleep at night. It was just a given with no thought about ever not sleeping.


Maybe one day.






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Hi nightengale,


Yes, let's hope that day will come soon!

Glad the knee brace is working for you.


My sleep is more or less the same: some 5 to 5,5 hours. But still I wake up in pain ( outside of both thighs) and never refreshed. Muscles are stiff after each sleep. Must be from Fibromyalgia. Trying Seroxat for a few weeks gave me an overall setback. Never again. I need less poison,  not more...

We've had 6 weeks of dry and sunny weather,  but last Monday the weather has changed to a cooler and wetter type. The rain is very welcome after 2 dry years.


I hope you're well enough keep going for your walks.

Wishing us all further healing and the return of normal sleep.


Stay save. Take care.

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Not much going on here at the moment. Probably all sleeping like babies... 😀

Hope your week has been OK. Mine was cruel. Lots of sharp and burning muscle pain and stiffness. Exhaustion through the roof at times.


Somehow must keep hope we'll  heal...

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