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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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It's been a rough week. My knee issue really is not any better. The brace helped until it didn't. I'm just struggling.

Sleep is just a few hours a night. 


I am sorry to hear you are having muscle pain much of the time. I wonder how we can keep going through all of this. 



Glad you are having some rain there. We finally had some today. We need more.


Hang in there.


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Good morning, I slept 4-5 hours last night. Went right to sleep after my self hypnosis, deep breathing and pressure points, which works 98% of the time, but only when I first go to sleep. After that it does not.


Had some strange dreams towards morning. My legs were quiet last night. 


This morning I feel groggy.


I have an electrical stimulus pad for my knee, which is helping. Hopefully it keeps up. I can only use it in the morning, as later in the day it causes RLS and or muscle spams.

This was purchased two years ago from Costco for my shoulder pain.


Hang in there.






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nightengale i am glad that you have found something that works to help you sleep, never heard of those pressure points before anyway i am gonna google them ....


My dream aren't vivid as before,  the last night i couldn't get more that four hours of sleep and i woke up tired, unrefershed.


So sorry for your knee, seems like each one of us have his/her fair share of challenges and struggle


Take care and be well

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Good morning,

Another night most like the others, though I did go back to sleep after my initial wake up.  I just keep deep breathing and talking myself down so my mind doesn't race.

No walk this morning. I just didn't feel like it.

My legs were a more active last night. I go from thinking it was some sugar I ate to sugar withdrawal.

It's probably neither..


Survivor200 do google the pressure points. I start with my wrists and hands and then move to my head. There are feet pressure points, but not as easy to do before sleep.


Many of us do have our challenges and struggles.  At least we are not alone, though many times it feels that way.



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Hello nightengale and survivor,


We are indeed not alone.  So many people are struggling with all kinds of ( benzo related) issues. But it sure is a lonely struggle. Glad we can share a bit here on BB.

After making a cut on Sunday evening, I had an awful Monday. Followed by a sleepless night! Ughh. The following day went surprisingly well. No where is the logic in that?

Last night (from May 5th to 6th) I slept for 6 solid hours. Woken up at 5 am. to go to the bathroom.  For the first time in ages I felt more or less rested. Wow. Hope today is going to continue to be a good one.


Hoping you all had a good sleep. And may you have a better day. :thumbsup:

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Good day TS, I believe there is no logic to what happens with benzo withdrawal and recovery. We just have to wade through it all.

I am so glad you slept so very well. What a gift that was and even better yet, how well you felt afterwards. Those times are what keeps us going.


Last night I could not go to sleep. That doesn't happen very often, but when it does, I feel so awful and incredibly frustrated. 

Finally around 1 in the morning, I put on a sleep hypnosis video and dropped off a couple of times. I wish it worked better than that, but it does not.

Anyway, I slept an hour or two.


Today we are doing a ZOOM birthday party for my aunt's 96th birthday. She lives alone in her home and because of the virus, her BD party was cancelled.

This will be a surprise for her. 

My mother was stressed over what she was going to wear. I wrote and said probably only her face and neck will show. Hopefully I am right. She was dusting and cleaning, as her cleaning service has not been coming for the last two months.  She's 100 living alone on the farm where I grew up. Out of 12 kids, four are still living alone in their homes.

Mother is the oldest living right now.

I could not sleep after receiving the email about my mother being stressed over what to wear and cleaning her dining room. ha

Well enough on that. I get stressed easily too. The apple didn't fall far from the tree.


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Hello nightengale,


That good sleep was followed by a horrible day! So tired and in so much pain.  The night that followed was "back to normal",  with a doable day.

Today is OK until now, no nausea or anxiety, but the muscle stiffness and pain in feet are  really bothering me. Without those two issues I would be so much better.


Hope you slept better and have a nice day.


Stay hopeful!  :smitten::thumbsup:

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Hi TS, I'm glad you had a better day. The pain and stiffness really can wreak havoc on us.  That's good the nausea and anxiety stayed away. 

Keep holding on for more better days. 


My sleep is still at bay. I just try to wade through the nights.  My knee continues to be stiff and painful. I stopped doing the electrical stimulation, which seemed to be making my RLS and muscle spasms worse. 


This morning I managed to walk for 30 minutes with the pain somewhat manageable.


Take care,




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I have some good news. Really!!

Last night I went to bed an hour later..10pm and was asleep by 10:30, after doing the self hypnosis, relaxation, pressure points and reading.

Woke up an hour later, but went right back to sleep. I woke up two more times and still went back to sleep.

The last wake up was at 5:30, so got up at 5:35 and walked for 30 minutes.

My sleep time was 6.5 hours. approximately.

it has been close to a year since that last happened.

So what happened besides the hour later going to bed? I was trying to find a movie to finish watching and the TV/cable froze up. Unplugged the TV,  and cable box. Nothing helped..

My husband had tried to help and in the process pulled out the cable that goes from the TV to the cable box. When I finally found this, I said that this was unplugged and didn't know which slot  it went in.  He said matter of factly that  he knew it was unplugged and knew exactly where it went. I was shocked he knew where!

I asked why he had not told me this in the last 40 minutes and got no response other than to growl at me. I growled back. He went to bed not long after that.  I  turned on Forrest Gump and watched the last 30 minutes of that and had a scoop of ice cream.

This won't be repeated if I can help it, with the exception of staying up until 10.

Stay safe



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Hi nightengale,


Wonderful news and a very special story to go with it! Congratulations on a good sleep! You truly deserve it.


I try to be in bed by 11,  fall asleep quickly ( benzo)  and sleep till 4 or sometimes 5 am. Then the pain prevents me from going back to sleep. No improvement in sight.


Today is my 65th birthday. I hope to have a pleasant day with my siblings.


Wishing us all a speedy return of a more normal life with more sleep and less problems.


Stay strong.




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The nights slip away with very little sleep after the good night three nights ago.

Put a sleep video on or at least tried to. The one I had saved was not available, so did a search and my Norton Security popped up and said my computer was being attacked and disconnected me. I was good with that, except I had lost my internet connection. Forty minutes passed before I was able to reconnect and finally found something to listen to, but that's all I did, listen until morning. How can I struggle to keep awake to watch a movie on TV during the evening, yet lie wide awake all night. It makes so very little sense.

Anyway, I got up and walked 30 minutes. My knee is still stiff and sore, but I can walk.


TS, Happy Birthday! I wish you a very pleasant day and many more to come. Enjoy spending time with your siblings! 

I'm glad you can sleep as long as you do, even with the benzos.  Pain is so unsettling and more so when you are trying to sleep.


Take care,





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Hi nightengale,




Last week we talked about all of this benzo stuff making absolutely no sense. You just mentioned another example. Almost falling asleep in the evening and not being able to sleep at night. Enough to drive you crazy.

Glad you're able to walk. Every step helps.

My leg muscles are so horribly stiff and soar at the moment, together with increasing pain in my feet, making it very hard to walk.

I was in pain all morning while entertaining my visitors.  Had to go to bed for an hour this afternoon,  after I had taken a couple of painkillers.


Hope tonight at least may bring me some relief.


Wishing you a pleasant day and a good sleep tonight.

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Hi TS, what you are going through is so stressful. The not knowing if it will go away at our age is also a concern.  My thoughts are it will, but getting there is such a difficult road to be on. Undoubtedly the worst road you have ever been on.  We have been so incredibly hurt and damaged by these drugs.  Most of the world outside of BB really has no clue.


I constantly walk like I have a wooden leg, not bending the knee because it causes more pain. Now and then my leg feels like it will give way. So far it hasn't. 


When the pain is so great, there is no thinking about much else.  I hope your siblings understand what you are going through.  My mother and sister both seem to, but they really have no idea the magnitude of our suffering. 


Last night I slept better. Three hours straight to begin with and then back to sleep for another couple of hours.

Walked for 30 minutes this morning and then massaged my knee after that.


The biggest concern falling over me is finally getting in for physical therapy and not being able to leave my husband alone.  I'll give the doctor a call today and see what she suggests. 

Take care,



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Hi nightengale,


Yes, this suffering many of us are going through, is hard to imagine for other people. It's unbelievable for us too.

Sorry your walking is getting worse. But I 'm happy to see you're sleeping a little better again. Hope it will continue to improve.


My sleep has been OK this last few weeks: some 5 or 6 hours most nights. But I still wake up tired.


My siblings don't care a lot about what's happening to me. Makes me feel so lonely. I would want to scream at them to help me, but I don't,  cause I know they can't. This is our battle,  our body and mind against the poison.


The symptoms changing constantly make it much harder to get to grips with all of this: Wednesday: lots of muscle pain, Thursday: a more or less acceptable day, Friday: hardly any symptoms at all(!), except painfully knees while walking,  which was a first for me.  Today: unbelievable exhaustion. In bed for most of the morning. Now it's 1.30 pm and it is going away, thank the Lord.


I went to see a neurologist this week,  after they started seeing more patients again since Corona is on the decrease. She did a series of physical, neurological tests: so far, so good. Is going to do an EMG again. And perhaps test for Lyme's disease too.

I still worry over lots of symptoms. Some I have come to accept,  others still make me anxious.


I do wish you have a better day today, and may we all get the strength to carry on. :smitten::thumbsup:




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Sleep last night was a 3. I forgot that was the original point to this post. I wish the number was better.


Good day TS,

I remember my mother asking how long this would all take when I first began my taper. I tossed out a guess that 5-6 months after I read some success stories on here.  Here I am heading towards three years off and still waiting for a mostly complete recovery to happen.


There has been a lot of improvement over that first horrible 9 months of taper and the first few months off.  Certainly my worst nightmare came to pass.

Maybe this is it for my recovery, but I trust it is not. Only time will tell.


I agree it would be so good for us if our families understood what we are going through. In all honesty, none of them can truly imagine. When this is all said and done, I believe we will be stronger human beings because of or in spite of this.


That's great news you are getting better sleep. Hopefully the waking up tired goes away.  I'm happy your symptoms were mostly gone on Friday, except for the painful knees. Uff.


I remember those mornings of wanting to stay in bed. Sometimes I would walk out of the shower straight back into bed. That no longer happens, thankfully.


The neurologist did a fine job of running tests on you. Thankfully the neurological tests came back okay. Hopefully the EMG test doesn't show anything going on, as well as the Lyme disease test.  I do believe it is helpful to have those answers.


Best wishes,









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Sleep has been OK this last week or so. Mostly 5 hours.

Last night it was more than 6 hours. And not too much pain after waking up. But still tired when I got up.


Hi nightengale,

Planning a taper and recovery are impossible,  as we both found out. I had hoped to be off the benzo last December,  and here I am,  still at 3 mgs 5 months later. You have been benzo free for over two years and still have issues. It's all so hard to except,  but that's how it is. Keep hoping things will get better.

My morning tiredness is probably because of Fibromyalgia. This could stay with me forever,  or maybe it might improve with time. Who knows.

How's your knee doing?  I hope it's not bothering you too much.

Haven't heard from my neurologist again.


Hope your sleep gets better soon.


Take care.

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Sleep was better last night. Perhaps 4-5 hours. I don't feel rested this morning, but I don't feel awful, either, so that's a plus.


Heard a loud noise when I woke up after an hour of sleep last night. Not sure what the noise was, so got up at 11 and walked around the house checking everything.

Nothing was amiss and I could hear my husband snoring away.

Went back to bed and did go back to sleep.


TS, I am glad you are sleeping better. That's always a plus.  A former neighbor had Fibromyalgia which did eventually get better. It was amazing to see the transformation in her as the symptoms faded. 

One day you will finish that taper.  I had so many things going on with me while I was on clonazepam, I just knew I had to get off. I suppose I rushed the 9 month taper, but it didn't seem like it, as I would hold a taper for a month depending on what I had going on.  Then I counted the days for when my system should have been totally drug free after I jumped.

I was one sick person for awhile and in all honesty, have come a long way since those early days. 


My biggest issue now is my painful knee and stiff body. I'm going to call the doctor's office today to see what she suggests. I have referrals for physical therapy, but don't see that an an option right now. 


Hopefully you hear from your neurologist soon.


Take care,



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A good night last night. Probably a five. I actually feel better this morning than I have in a long time.


My left knee pain and body stiffness are still there. I walk like I have a wooden body. Ufff




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Last night was a really good one: I slept from 11 pm until 5.30 am. Just one bathroom visit. Hardly any pain after waking up. The night before that I had no pain at all. Amazing feeling.


Hello nightengale,


Congratulations on your good sleep and feeling better the next morning. Hopefully you have had a few equally good nights since. Sorry your knee is still hurting. I hope a physical therapist will be able to help you with that. I understand your worry about leaving husband alone.  Maybe a friend or neighbour could help in some way.


I' ve started taking magnesiumtaurate with vitm b6 for my painful and stiff muscles. In another thread someone spoke highly of it, as well as taurine. Will let you know how it goes.


Hope you have a nice Sunday. X

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Not much sleep last night, though I did nod off some. 


My leg/knee bothered me all night long.  My right leg had some muscle spasms, also. I've not had any sugar in my diet for the better part of a week, so it was not from that.


Have an appointment with the rheumatologist on June 8. I'll see if she has any new ideas and suggestions about PT.


TS, your sleep the other night was great! No pain was amazing too! 


I am curious about the magnesiumtaurate and vitamin B6 results.


Take care

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The last nights were all OK, except for one, where I woke up around 2 am. feeling nauseous. Didn't get back to sleep. The other nights I managed to sleep for some 6 or 6,5 hours. No muscle pain in my thighs for 4 nights in a row now. Unbelievable.


Hi nightengale,


Still having those nights; I feel for you. I hope better sleep may return to you soon.

Sorry your knee and leg  are still bothering you. Pain makes a person so tired. Perhaps the rheumatologist can be of some help with that.


Two weeks ago I started on Paxil and have made it so far. Most of the side effects are starting to disappear now. Hopefully it will lessen my anxiety and the neuropathy in my feet.

Yesterday was an exceptional good day, a window. No anxiety, no fatigue,  no nausea, hardly any pain, walking and standing went much better. Wow,  I felt so good. A glimpse of how life was before all this started. Today is less, but not too bad so far.


Took one magnesiumtaurate capsule last Saturday: had some issues on Sunday. It wasn't diarrhea,  but my intestines felt upset. Didn't take another one yet...


Wishing you a better sleep and a nice day. Stay strong, NG.  :thumbsup:


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Last night I slept at least six hours. Only up to the bathroom 2x. No RLS or muscle spasms. It was indeed a great night.

When I walked this morning, I had body stiffness, but no knee pain. This is all stranger than fiction.


TS, that is really great news about the sleeping with no muscle pain for four nights! It is nice to know things like this are possible, so there is always hope. 

Sorry about the 2 am wake up with nausea and no further sleep. 


Thanks for the feedback on the magnesiumtaurate capsule. I'll hold off on trying it for the time being.


I will keep staying strong. You do the same!




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Wonderful news about your sleep! You so deserve it.


Everything benzo related makes absolutely no sense.


Nights like that ( or days like I had yesterday)  make it easier to keep faith in recovery.



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Last night was better than so many nights in the past.  I did awake around 4:30 and that was it. I walked for 30 minutes. Same knee pain and body stiffness, but I got by.

Had a strange dream from many years ago. Like some, it seemed so real. The message in it would have changed my life.  Anyway, it gave me pause for thought.


TS, I hope you are having better days as well. 



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