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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Hello ladies,


I missed you.

Hope you're slowly doing a bit better.


It's been quite a week: had an endoscopy ( throat, Esophagus and stomach):  all fine. But boy, was I nervous. And completely exhausted afterwards.

Having a cold. Soar throat, can't stay warm, congested nose and left ear. Coughing.

And always nausea and so very tired. Nothing will make that go away. Perhaps I 'll try OTC tablets for travel sickness...


Feeling sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.


Going to have 4 sessions of EMDR therapy,  to hopefully lessen my anxiety. Starting next Wednesday.


Sleep is so so. But in general a little under 5 hours per night. And always waking up with nausea. How I hate that. Evenings are still the best part of the day.


Nightengale and healthyme,  I hope you may start and/ or continue to feel better.


I hope to be back again here somewhere next week.


Stay strong,  dear friends! Love you! X



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Hi TS you came and went!

good luck with therapies..

Hope you feel better

I had endoscopy months

ago and hated the recovery.

Glad that’s behind you.


NG I hope you are sleeping cos

you need it a lot. Glad you are here


I slept 2 hr on sofa(never think it

will happen but it does)

Then bed maybe 10 30 ish to

330am. Sad can’t sleep thru

6am. Miss old life before trauma.

Sleep was not an issue.

When I woke my mind kept

worrying about the news events

work etc so that does not help.

Must be careful on bb.

Triggering. I’ve become very afraid

of the med. Tc




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This is my one week off of the melatonin ( 1.5mgs I break in half and take in two stages )  that I keep reading about and my friends who take it also told me about . One week off every six to eight weeks .  First two nights I slept 6-7 hours , last night I don't KNOW what went on . I started at 9:30 but was awake 25 min later and I am pretty sure I woke every hour and some hours I stayed awake for a while until 6am or it sure feels like that and I saw the clock also .


I have had these nights since last dose 14 months ago , I am sure I am awake but my daughter who was still at home then would tell me that I was asleep .

I did have too much sugar so there's that .

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Last night was a discombobbled night for sleep. No idea why, but it just didn't happen. I got up and walked 30 minutes and passed on doing any yoga or mindful meditation.


Welcome back TS! It was great to see you posted again. The nausea is still hanging on, I see. I'm so sorry. I wish you success with the EMDR therapy. It sounds promising. 

Glad the endoscopy procedure is over with. I hope you recover from your cold and sore throat soon. Sounds like a lot is going on with your ear, congestion, etc.


hang in there!


HM, it is sad that sleep is elusive for you throughout the night. I also wish I could go back in time to before benzos. We had no idea what these drugs would do to us. Most of us are innocent victims.


BlueDutchess, welcome to Sleep Tracker! It would seem that like everything that works in the beginning, Melatonin stops after a one or two nights. No idea why, but that's just how it sadly is. We do sleep without being aware of it as your daughter noticed. I guess something is better than not at all.

Take care


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My sleep weird yesterday.

5 pm had sudden vertigo. Why?

It sometimes happens.

drank water and took 25 mg

meclizine used for that. I lay down

after and suddenly nap 1.5 hrs.

By then time to eat leftovers for dinner.

Then took half evening dose bc I

figure I’m already tired? Did fall

asleep- just happened suddenly

930 ish. Awoke 1240 am. This is

where it gets tricky. I decide to

take other half of evening dose .25

and 3 mg melatonin. But awoke

to nausea and groggy. My doses

really messed up yesterday.

Lower overall. But my health so so.

Emotional issues and depression.

After mom died I’m still stuck

trying to tidy her affairs. Brother

very far away. Sister not functional.

and she asks me to her help with everything.

I can’t hardly do much for her.

Emotional and physical are very connected.

I should feel rested after all

those bouts of sleep but do not.

Results of physical exam will

be forthcoming. I am in protracted

grief. Called hotline too. They don’t think

any symptoms I have may be related

to meds. Could be something else.

My bowels messed up. Testing is being done.

It would help if my extended family

cared more about what I’m going through.

Ty I know this is unpleasant.




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Hi HM, you did have a strange time for sleep. You definitely have a handful with your sister and your then brother being far away. 

Interestingly my pcp does not think any of my symptoms now are from benzo brain damage. My worst symptom I'm dealing with is leg stiffness. It keeps getting worse. My shoulders are stiff a lot, also. I'm in the process of making an appointment with a rheumatologist to see what he thinks.


I had vertigo a lot when I was in my early days of taper and withdrawal. It has gone away.


My mom is old..she had her 100th birth day in December and still lives alone on the farm. I worry I won't handle losing her very well, but this is inevitable.  The home she lives in has been inhabited by four generations of my dad's family, so there is a lot of history and "stuff" still there.  I'm hopeful my kids will help going through things along with my sister and family who lives on the east coast. Anyway, all this is something everyone goes through, so I must too, one day. 


My bowels were such a mess early on, but they improved with some Costco gummie probiotics. I had tried various other kinds/brands before I found one that actually worked. 

Hang in there, for we know the road is difficult.

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Probably slept 5 hr 40 minutes.

Still average 1 mg per 24 hours.

Thinking to explore using some Benadryl

at night to help reduce. Still

very early wake ups.

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Not much sleep last night. Maybe 3 hours.

My legs and really my upper body are still stiff, but noticed after eating some walnuts and almonds the stiffness was less, yesterday.

This morning I got up to walk and no stiffness, but it soon was back.

Hope this resolves itself before I get in to see the rheumatologist.


HM, hopefully the Benadryl give you some sleep relief.


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I was afraid to post yesterday 4.5 hours last night as opposed to 9 the night before . I am still on my off week from melatonin . I am not sure If I will go back on or wait.

HM , I totally get where you are coming from . Now that I am off the poison I have to deal with the sudden death of my fiance of a decade 2 years ago . He was my life and me finally getting off the benzos was his greatest hope , we had so many plans .  I have to go to the grief counselor for complicated grief and my therapist cannot believe it happened my last year of a VERY long difficult taper . He had an accident at 53  and we spoke just minutes before he died . Its like I have to do it all over again , last year I was WAY too out of it to cope with it at all .

NG I think from you I have learned acceptance , which has been a huge help . I lurked and posted on and off on this board since maybe oct . I have struggled with acceptance badly, I have just wanted this all to be over so bad for so long .

  I was given this very wrongly for pain and never had sleep problems before I hit tolerance a long time ago . If I cannot sleep , I know I am not alone , and I may hate it but the anxiety about it is gone , so I thank you alot


My melatonin does work but I have to take it a certain weird way  chew half of part of a non chewable tablet , the other half under the tongue , only 1.5mg  and take a 1-2 week break every 2 months . Any less does nothing , any more I get groggy during the day .

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Hope you all slept better last night.

My sleep was some 5 hours again. Now stomach pain keeps me awake after 4 am.

My nausea seems to respond well to a cup of ginger tea after breakfast. Hope it stays that way...

Muscle pain and stiffness vary throughout the day. Sometimes I can barely stand, an hour later I 'm out for a 15 minute walk. Crazy stuff.

Sunday and yesterday were "better" days, especially because the crushing head pressure was hardly there. Makes all the difference between surviving and being alive. You now what I mean.


Wishing us all a better day.  :thumbsup:

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Didn’t reply. The Psych NP wants me to

take Paxil or Abilify. And I’m very confused.

I wanted to be med free. They only like

drugs. I did sleep and was grateful for it.

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I slept maybe 4 hours after taking a Costco OTC pill last night.  Waiting a few weeks didn't help with the med working better.

My body continues to stiffen. Hopefully the rheumatologist will shed some light on what is going on when I go next Monday.


HM, I share you feelings about meds, however you should talk to your doctor about the positives and the negatives concerning those medications, then you can make a more informed decision.

When I get a steroid shot in my wrist, it does a number on my sleep, etc., but the pain is constant when it sets in, so having the shot is a given.  The injection site reaction was worse then the first time, but oh well. For now the pain is gone and if I am careful, hopefully it was stay away. 


Hi TS, so good you are back. That's good news the ginger tea is helping the nausea.  I hope it stays that way, also.  Keep on walking when you can. 

Yes, I indeed know what you mean concerning being alive and surviving.


Hi BlueD, the last time I slept 9 hours was probably when I was two years old. ha. Seriously, I have no recollection of ever sleeping that long. Perhaps once up on a time I did. I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your fiance. What a shock that was for you. The journey you have been on is incredibly difficult.


As for acceptance, I really don't accept this outcome I've been given, but there is no Plan B, so my choices are limited. Every new day, I hope things will be better. Hope is all I have.







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Last night a blurr. I think 10p to 4am.

Work today. did usual sleep ritual med wise

no incr or decrease and ended up on sofa most of night.

I started SSRI .25 tablet tapering up.

My trying to taper benzo without help is not working.

So maybe AD will reduce need for cloz.

idk. I don’t like meds but my instability

is not sustainable. Will try. I have got

to stay busy and occupied. Best wishes.


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Healthyme,  Sorry your sleep is still not good. Same here. Last night I woke up at 2.30. No more sleep. But thankfully no stomach pain or nausea. But I 'm so tired. Can't begin to imagine how I should be doing a job in this state. And you do, wow! Amazing.

What SSRI are you now on, if I may ask. Hope it works for you.


Had my first session of EMDR yesterday. Boy, it completely drained me, emotionally and physically. Was exhausted all afternoon and most of the evening. Followed by a night of very little sleep. Just like the previous one. Needless to say how I feel today. It is supposed to take three days for the brain to process this therapy. So Sunday might be a better day again. One session down, three to go...


Nightengale,  I know what you mean with finding it hard to accept all this. Same here. But, like you said, there is no plan B. How's your knee doing? Are you able to go for a walk? Sorry you have this stiffening as well. It's one of my worst symptoms. Stiffness and overall weakness at the same time.

I hope you slept well.


BlueD,  9 hours of sleep! That's 2 nights for me. Hope your sleep improves again.


Have a pleasant day,  everyone.  :thumbsup:


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I slept fairly well last night, perhaps 6 hours.

Not a lot of anxiety, which was nice.

Got up and walked for 30 minutes. My legs are still stiff along with my upper body.

I was going to listen to a relaxation/healing video after my walk, but my laptop took too long to load, so just got up and had some coffee.


TS, I am sorry the EMDR session wore you down. Hopefully things will get better. 


HM, staying busy and occupied helps me.  I wish you better days.



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I wish I knew how long , I was asleep somewhere around 10:15 but was up again by 10:55 then 3:15 am , then alot of the 4 am hour , fell sleep about 5:15 am then woke again at 6:15 . I am so tired.


NG : 9 hours was my lifetime normal , I always loved to sleep and slept really easy too anywhere , I sure miss that .


I have noticed when I see my grief counselors I sleep very well then as the days go away from them it worsens , I am still off the melatonin . NO reason really just to see if I can .  Walking 7 mi a day , feed my horses and play with one a day gently , I am not back to work at all yet with them .


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After having had the EMDR on Wednesday,  Thursday was a good day. Did a bit of sun tanning,  went for my daily walk and had a cousin and his wife over for a visit. Felt surprisingly well.

The following night I slept 5 hours. Not bad. But I woke up feeling exhausted. That lasted all of the Friday. Unbelievable how tired I was. Spent most of the afternoon in bed, no joy. Just so tired.

Last night I slept from 11 pm  until 2 am. Again waking up sick. And exhausted. I hope it's the reaction to the therapy the psychologist announced would happen. If so, then today will be another bad day. And Sunday should be better. Let's hope and pray that's true.

My health anxiety is shouting at me. I'm so scared.

Don't think I can handle more days like these. So probably am going to stop taking this EMDR therapy. Start an SSRI?

Sorry about all this, but I needed to vent.


Hope you're all doing better.



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I've been going through a rough time with this body stiffness, so thought I would spare the details, but here goes today.

Anyway, while lying in bed last night, I realized I am not stiff and can move my legs, etc., around with ease.

That gave me some relief, though I still did not sleep.

As soon as my feet hit the floor, I stiffen up.

Maybe it is all just tension.  Dealing with Alzheimer's on a day to day basis is very stressful.

I drove us to Ft. Collins (70 miles) for a check up on the dog's eyes and he would say over and over, we are there!

No we have ten miles to go or whatever,  and then, there's  American furniture or Costco or whatever.

I am not blind, I can see exactly what he sees.


Coming home, he repeatedly says, "We're home!" Not yet..we are 20 minutes or 15 minutes or 5 minutes away.

Not sure what that is all about, but there probably is no point in wondering with Alzheimers.

So, I'm not sleeping much..maybe 3 hours or less last night.

Hang in there everyone.



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Blessings to you all. My post disappeared.

Slept okay last night. Today almost done.

Must have slept good bc Friday end of week.

Also stress since had to make emergency

dental visit. My crown came off and

tooth cannot be restored. So we see what comes next.


TS best wishes on your treatments or ending them.

I can understand. On video looks like could make one dizzy.


NG May Universe bless you for all you do.

May you get restful sleep.


The SSRI is the same as before. Not sure how I’ll do.

Will try. Cold today. Didn’t take a walk. Tc one and all!

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Hello all,


Slept from 11 pm until 3 am. Hopefully this worsening in sleep is only temporary and was caused by the EMDR therapy. My psychologist told me of things happening in the aftermath. Less hours of sleep is one of them.

It is supposed to take 3 days and nights for the brain to process all this. Thursday was OK, Friday was terrible,  Saturday was OK, today should be OK again but isn't so far. Might improve this afternoon,  like it often does.


I hope you all slept well, despite the hardship you have to go through.

May your Sunday be a pleasant one.

Take care.

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TS, sorry to hear your sleep is worsening.  Hopefully today will be okay again.


HM, a disappearing post is awful! Lately I've been highlighting everything I type to save it, just in case.

That's too bad about the crown coming off. I didn't know that could happen. Darn!


Well, we started DST so sleep didn't happen last night. I decided to listen to a sleep hypnosis youtube video around midnight and just as I was nice and relaxed, my shoulder started hurting. Got up to take some Tylenol and so started the video all over again. Dozed off for an hour or so and woke up again. Restarted the video but was not aware of going to sleep after that. I was in no mood to get up and walk or do yoga.

My ears are screaming with tinnitus and my head feels full. Hopefully tonight will be better.

Tomorrow I go to the rheumatologist.



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