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Medical Cannabis and Cannabis CBD Oil Group


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I use hemp based CBD and CBD (Charlotte’s Web) from cannabis. I mix it with a high THC FECO. As my Klonopin dose lowers so does my tolerance to THC. I’ve been a medical cannabis user for 6 years and CBD products with high THC helps my pain so much. I just really can’t stand feeling “stoned” lately. Makes my anxiety spike and my therapeutic dose is actually micro dosing for the past month. Good with me. It’s not cheap even if one grows and extracts him or herself. 👍🏻 THC without a significant ratio of CBD & other cannabinoids never helped my pain much. In fact, THC isolates trip me the hell out. I’m fortunate to have safe access to FECO. Cannabis definitely isn’t for everyone
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Hey all! Good morning!


First, I wanted to advocate for Mmj, largely due to my own personal experience and also from watching others succeed.


To me, the most important thing to do when beginning to experiment is to find reputable sources. It's crucial to finding an objective way through all the hype. Personally,  I would never purchase anything at a smoke shop. Period. I am fortunate enough to live where Mmj is legal. For those of you that dont, look into The Realm of Caring.com. It can be one of the most valuable resources you will ever find on the internet at large. They are partnered with John Hopkins university school of medicine and are researching all things cbd, thc, etc....


There is alot of information and misinformation out there and for anyone that values truth in healing, there's no better place to start!


Peace &Love



100% agree!!!!

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Thanks all for your assistance and advice for my son. We are going to be starting with the Charlotte's Web hemp oil tonight based on dosing recommendations from Realm of Caring. The doctor said no medication until we get the final test to confirm Crohn's. My son is on board; my husband, not so much but I don't care. I am hoping we get some relief. I have used the CBD in the past to help with nausea and found it helpful for a long time until my K taper became unbearable. Now I do use mmj in microdoses which is amazing. Will need to figure out how comfortable I might feel with having my son have a medical card at 16. Because these prescription medications are terrifying with the side effects. But he needs to feel better.
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Thanks all for your assistance and advice for my son. We are going to be starting with the Charlotte's Web hemp oil tonight based on dosing recommendations from Realm of Caring. The doctor said no medication until we get the final test to confirm Crohn's. My son is on board; my husband, not so much but I don't care. I am hoping we get some relief. I have used the CBD in the past to help with nausea and found it helpful for a long time until my K taper became unbearable. Now I do use mmj in microdoses which is amazing. Will need to figure out how comfortable I might feel with having my son have a medical card at 16. Because these prescription medications are terrifying with the side effects. But he needs to feel better.


Bless you!! Indeed these prescription meds are soooo scary.  I know so many people whose diseases are managed with cannabis. ♥️

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Thanks all for your assistance and advice for my son. We are going to be starting with the Charlotte's Web hemp oil tonight based on dosing recommendations from Realm of Caring. The doctor said no medication until we get the final test to confirm Crohn's. My son is on board; my husband, not so much but I don't care. I am hoping we get some relief. I have used the CBD in the past to help with nausea and found it helpful for a long time until my K taper became unbearable. Now I do use mmj in microdoses which is amazing. Will need to figure out how comfortable I might feel with having my son have a medical card at 16. Because these prescription medications are terrifying with the side effects. But he needs to feel better.


Hi NJStrength,


Unfortunately, other than Charlotte Figi and the children helped by Realm of Caring, I don't know anyone. Although we sell CBD in the lobby of our dispensary, we don't have a lot of repeat CBD customers, which is a shame, because I've seen higher markups than ours online by some companies we buy from. Charlotte's Web seems to follow fair and typical retail practices. If you join their email list, I think they'll send a coupon for 20% your first order after joining.


For Charlotte, all the prescriptions she was taking eventually affected her development, so the CBD was an obvious choice for them. "The mix of different drugs she was taking was beginning to cause a myriad of developmental damage – she was swiftly approaching a point of no longer being able to grow as a person." https://www.marijuanabreak.com/is-cbd-safe-for-kids


There just isn't any research available yet, and it's a real shame. I'm attaching a link to one of the only studies I know of, by a doctor here in CO. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5101100/


I'm sorry your hubby isn't quite on board yet. Perhaps if your hubby sees your son improving without prescription medication, he'll come around!

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Thanks all for your assistance and advice for my son. We are going to be starting with the Charlotte's Web hemp oil tonight based on dosing recommendations from Realm of Caring. The doctor said no medication until we get the final test to confirm Crohn's. My son is on board; my husband, not so much but I don't care. I am hoping we get some relief. I have used the CBD in the past to help with nausea and found it helpful for a long time until my K taper became unbearable. Now I do use mmj in microdoses which is amazing. Will need to figure out how comfortable I might feel with having my son have a medical card at 16. Because these prescription medications are terrifying with the side effects. But he needs to feel better.


Hi NJStrength,


Unfortunately, other than Charlotte Figi and the children helped by Realm of Caring, I don't know anyone. Although we sell CBD in the lobby of our dispensary, we don't have a lot of repeat CBD customers, which is a shame, because I've seen higher markups than ours online by some companies we buy from. Charlotte's Web seems to follow fair and typical retail practices. If you join their email list, I think they'll send a coupon for 20% your first order after joining.


For Charlotte, all the prescriptions she was taking eventually affected her development, so the CBD was an obvious choice for them. "The mix of different drugs she was taking was beginning to cause a myriad of developmental damage – she was swiftly approaching a point of no longer being able to grow as a person." https://www.marijuanabreak.com/is-cbd-safe-for-kids


There just isn't any research available yet, and it's a real shame. I'm attaching a link to one of the only studies I know of, by a doctor here in CO. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5101100/


I'm sorry your hubby isn't quite on board yet. Perhaps if your hubby sees your son improving without prescription medication, he'll come around!


Thanks for sharing that study. I do think it is really unfortunate that there has been so little research. The federal government should be ashamed of themselves for not supporting more research on the benefits of cannibis.


My son feels he is seeing some relief for a short period of time after taking the CBD oil. So we are increasing the dosage a little each day to see if it helps. I know he will end up on "traditional" medication but at least between now and the final test next month, if we can get him feeling a bit better, that would be such a gift.

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Hey NJStrength, good to hear from you!  I have no idea what science says, but for me, I smoked a lot of pot as a teenager with many other people, and my brain was great until benzos.  I think smoking pot will do way less damage than so many other things, and also I don't think CBD is in that category at all.  Isn't the THC that is supposed to harm the growing brain?


We have a bunch of education pamphlets about this all over Canada right now, as they just legalized it a few weeks ago for everyone.  Most people are seeing these as scare tactics.  The science that I have seen is all relational.  Basically saying that people who smoke pot have less IQ later, but also saying that they are more likely to drop out of school.  I also think that kids who smoked pot in my day, were WAY more likely to try any drugs, because during the "Just Say No" campaign, they were all grouped together, so once you tried one drug, lots of kids thought that they were all like that.  These studies could really be done better than just questionnaires being sent out to school stoners ten years later.



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This guy is phenomenal! I’m a subscriber to his site and this showed up the other day, a subject very near and dear to my heart. A comprehensive guide to help decrease opioid usage.  :highfive:  I’m so pleased PA was the first state to approve opioid dependence as an approved condition for medical cannabis.




Here is a link to a documentary he was involved with and featured in on the same subject.



I truly fear far too many more responsible legitimate pain patients will continue be affected adversely by the rapidly changing opioid prescribing laws.




However as a survivor of OxyContin living with the after effects of long term use and dependence myself, I applaud this forward thinking for those who have access and can tolerate cannabis as an adjunct to reducing usage.




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Hey NJStrength, good to hear from you!  I have no idea what science says, but for me, I smoked a lot of pot as a teenager with many other people, and my brain was great until benzos.  I think smoking pot will do way less damage than so many other things, and also I don't think CBD is in that category at all.  Isn't the THC that is supposed to harm the growing brain?


We have a bunch of education pamphlets about this all over Canada right now, as they just legalized it a few weeks ago for everyone.  Most people are seeing these as scare tactics.  The science that I have seen is all relational.  Basically saying that people who smoke pot have less IQ later, but also saying that they are more likely to drop out of school.  I also think that kids who smoked pot in my day, were WAY more likely to try any drugs, because during the "Just Say No" campaign, they were all grouped together, so once you tried one drug, lots of kids thought that they were all like that.  These studies could really be done better than just questionnaires being sent out to school stoners ten years later.




Hope you are doing well post jump.


I started him on the CBD oil then stopped because he was put on omeprazole which is metabolized through that same CY thing pathway. The omeprazole is now giving him terrible headaches and he wants to stop. I have no idea of what to do. I know it's not a good drug. I feel so jerked around by the doctors, we are still going through all these tests and I truly think it could be months before we have a real diagnosis (thought it was Crohn's, apparently still trying to confirm this).


Meanwhile, he continues to not gain any weight. I am so stressed out. I would like to just him give some of my medical marijuana but I legally cannot do that. I don't know how to get him a card .... I don't know if I can find a prescriber for him in NJ, plus it needs to be two doctors. It's so frustrating. And his illness is a lot to manage while working full time. It's a lot of calls during the day.


The marijuana is helping ME at least stay sane; I just need him to feel better.

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Hey buddies i'm going to buy some CBD oil and was wondering the one from cannabis is more effective than from hemp correct?. I heard the hemp CBD has very weak cannabinol's is this true?. Anyone use it more muscle problems and get relief?.
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This guy is phenomenal! I’m a subscriber to his site and this showed up the other day, a subject very near and dear to my heart. A comprehensive guide to help decrease opioid usage.  :highfive:  I’m so pleased PA was the first state to approve opioid dependence as an approved condition for medical cannabis.




Here is a link to a documentary he was involved with and featured in on the same subject.



I truly fear far too many more responsible legitimate pain patients will continue be affected adversely by the rapidly changing opioid prescribing laws.




However as a survivor of OxyContin living with the after effects of long term use and dependence myself, I applaud this forward thinking for those who have access and can tolerate cannabis as an adjunct to reducing usage.




Amazing. 👏🏻

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Found this dated 11/6/18 from SCIENCE:


Today, cannabis continues its slow march toward nationwide decriminalization with voters deciding whether to allow recreational use in Michigan and North Dakota, and for medical purposes in Utah and Missouri. As states keep chipping away at federal prohibition, more consumers will gain access, sure—but so will more researchers who can more easily study this astonishingly complex and still mysterious plant.


At the top of the list of mysteries is how a galaxy of compounds in the plant combine to produce a galaxy of medical (and, of course, recreational) effects. For example, THC feels different when combined it with cannabidiol, or CBD, another naturally occurring compound in cannabis, but the reasons aren’t fully known. It’s called the entourage effect: THC, like a rock star, only reaches its full potential when it rolls with a crew, consisting of hundreds of other compounds in the plant that scientists know about so far.


But the problem with researching a schedule I drug is that the government doesn’t want you to do it. Yet as more states go legal, cannabis continues to climb out of the scientific dark ages. Because it’s not just about giving people a comfortable high, but about developing cannabis into drugs that could treat a massive range of ills.


First, some cannabis basics. THC and CBD are cannabinoids, which means they bind to receptors in the human body’s endocannabinoid system, specifically the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Researchers only discovered the endocannabinoid system in the early 1990s, but it appears to regulate things like mood and immune function.


You may have noticed that cannabis’ effects can differ wildly from experience to experience. Eat a weed brownie, for instance, and the THC goes straight to your liver, where it’s metabolized into 11-hydroxy-THC. That metabolite “has five times the activity at the CB1 receptor, the psychoactive one, as THC itself,” says Jeff Raber, CEO of the Werc Shop, a cannabis lab in California.


That’s why it’s so easy to overdo it with edibles. When you smoke cannabis, the THC at first skips the liver and goes straight to your bloodstream. It’s about five times less potent that way than if you eat cannabis, meaning that chowing down on 10 milligrams of THC is roughly equal to smoking 50 milligrams of the stuff.


Mode of ingestion, then, is a big consideration in the cannabis experience. But so too are factors beyond your control. “We're pretty aware that the endocannabinoid system is not a static picture throughout the day,” says Raber. “Why it changes, what causes those changes—those are other levels of complicated questions.” Cannabis might hit you differently during the day than at night, and can also depend on your mood or whether you’ve eaten.


But that’s not all. THC also interacts with other cannabinoids in your system, and it has a complicated relationship with CBD in particular. Anecdotally, cannabis users have reported that CBD can modulate the psychoactive effects of THC—think of it sort of like an antidote to the paranoia and anxiety that comes with being too high. That might be part of the reason edibles can feel so powerful: If you eat a brownie loaded with just THC, you aren’t getting the CBD you would if you smoked regular old flower. (Not that some manufacturers aren’t also adding CBD to their edibles. CBD is so hot right now, but it's hard to find flower with high CBD. Cultivators have over the decades bred highly intoxicating, THC-rich strains at the expense of CBD.)


With cannabis growing more legitimate as a medicine, researchers are finally putting hard data to these anecdotal reports. They’re beginning to understand how CBD might modulate the often unwelcome effects of THC.


Consider the drug Marinol, a synthetic form of THC available since the 1980s. It’s a good appetite stimulant, but it’s also good at getting patients high and paranoid. “When you just stimulate the CB1 receptor with this pure molecule, it's very intoxicating and patients don't tolerate it very well,” says Adie Wilson-Poe, who researches cannabis for pain management at Washington University in St. Louis.

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Hey buddies i'm going to buy some CBD oil and was wondering the one from cannabis is more effective than from hemp correct?. I heard the hemp CBD has very weak cannabinol's is this true?. Anyone use it more muscle problems and get relief?.


No difference in the quality of CBD from the hemp or marijuana varity. Also, Cannabinoid (cbn) wouldn't be different either.  There might be certain strains of marijuana that have been bred to have higher levels of cbn though.


Hemp is a variety of cannabis sativa, its just a variation of cannabis that is more fiberous and is lower in thc.


I have no experience with concentrated cbn, and have only used cbd for anxiety

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Hey NJStrength, good to hear from you!  I have no idea what science says, but for me, I smoked a lot of pot as a teenager with many other people, and my brain was great until benzos.  I think smoking pot will do way less damage than so many other things, and also I don't think CBD is in that category at all.  Isn't the THC that is supposed to harm the growing brain?


We have a bunch of education pamphlets about this all over Canada right now, as they just legalized it a few weeks ago for everyone.  Most people are seeing these as scare tactics.  The science that I have seen is all relational.  Basically saying that people who smoke pot have less IQ later, but also saying that they are more likely to drop out of school.  I also think that kids who smoked pot in my day, were WAY more likely to try any drugs, because during the "Just Say No" campaign, they were all grouped together, so once you tried one drug, lots of kids thought that they were all like that.  These studies could really be done better than just questionnaires being sent out to school stoners ten years later.




Hope you are doing well post jump.


I started him on the CBD oil then stopped because he was put on omeprazole which is metabolized through that same CY thing pathway. The omeprazole is now giving him terrible headaches and he wants to stop. I have no idea of what to do. I know it's not a good drug. I feel so jerked around by the doctors, we are still going through all these tests and I truly think it could be months before we have a real diagnosis (thought it was Crohn's, apparently still trying to confirm this).


Meanwhile, he continues to not gain any weight. I am so stressed out. I would like to just him give some of my medical marijuana but I legally cannot do that. I don't know how to get him a card .... I don't know if I can find a prescriber for him in NJ, plus it needs to be two doctors. It's so frustrating. And his illness is a lot to manage while working full time. It's a lot of calls during the day.


The marijuana is helping ME at least stay sane; I just need him to feel better.


Hey NJ.  That sounds so stressful.  I hate that the medical system is like this with everything now.  I recently dealt with tons of doctors appointments for my mother, spanning about 2 years, and getting her off the pills they put her on, just to finally find out that the best thing for her to treat her a-fibrillation is actually nothing, since all the medications have terrible side effects for her, and maybe lots of people.


Have you thought of taking him to a nutritionist?  Or trying a special diet?  I'm sure you probably have.  Acupuncture might help too.  I am just trying to think of non-medical things that could help.  I used to never think of these things as options.  Also is it possible that he is depressed?  Of course who knows which way that would go, it might be depressing to become sick, and you might get sick from being depressed.   


Hang in there.  It sounds like you're doing a pretty good job as a Mom.  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Hey buddies i'm going to buy some CBD oil and was wondering the one from cannabis is more effective than from hemp correct?. I heard the hemp CBD has very weak cannabinol's is this true?. Anyone use it more muscle problems and get relief?.


Scooby, I just this article posted in a different group.  https://soothelife.com/blogs/news/is-there-a-difference-between-hemp-oil-and-cbd-oil?fbclid=IwAR1RehuvJ-WDpDQ48aNnoePGcKPmnYycvDRoBC3Pxzq_sFkhEN_2iQ5TGMs



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I have just started using a brand of CDB Oil that a Dr recommended to help with my anxiety.  I take it when I am having anxiety issues and I am not sure that it does very much or anything.  Are you supposed to take it every day, or only when the anxiety hits?


Thanks for your help.

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I have just started using a brand of CDB Oil that a Dr recommended to help with my anxiety.  I take it when I am having anxiety issues and I am not sure that it does very much or anything.  Are you supposed to take it every day, or only when the anxiety hits?


Thanks for your help.


You can take it every day. It's like a wellness supplement. Most people start at a low dose and increase until they find a beneficial dose.


It affects us all differently, though, and you may find overall it isn't helpful, especially during these times, when our systems are in a healing state and fragile.


I suggest taking it every day for a couple weeks, then stop, and see if it was helping, or not really making a difference.


I take it daily as a supplement to help just take the edge off my anxiety and balance any ill effects of all the THC I ingest. Good luck!

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Hey everyone, I’m 22 months off now and I’ve been a complete purist through this process. Almost scared to try anything....I find myself worse than I have ever felt and I am having a really hard time. I am very curious about cbd oil...I was told charlottes web is a good brand. I really don’t want to take something if it may make me worse....do people that take these things ever get better? I’m just very confused and need some guidance.
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Hey everyone, I’m 22 months off now and I’ve been a complete purist through this process. Almost scared to try anything....I find myself worse than I have ever felt and I am having a really hard time. I am very curious about cbd oil...I was told charlottes web is a good brand. I really don’t want to take something if it may make me worse....do people that take these things ever get better? I’m just very confused and need some guidance.


I'm sorry you're still suffering. I wish you progress in your healing.


CBD is considered a wellness supplement, so in theory, it should be helpful rather than hurtful, it's just difficult to predict how it will affect each individual, especially during this time when our systems are healing and fragile.


I sell CBD where I work and help people get set up to take it for the first time. I'm not a medical professional; I have to gather information from my own and customer experiences. I think it helps take the edge off my anxiety, just like the ashwaganda supplement I take does. Your experience may differ.


I'd suggest trying 5-10mg 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks, then stop and see if it was providing any benefit. If it makes you feel noticeably worse, discontinue.


Charlotte's Web is a good reliable brand and they ship to all 50 states. I trust their product and prices. Their company is local to me.

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I did try Lazarus Naturals CBD capsules 25mg for the first time yesterday. I got very good results from it. and most important, ZERO 'high', mostly a subtle feeling of calm.

would recommend this brand so far. (aside from Ezrahelps)

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I did try Lazarus Naturals CBD capsules 25mg for the first time yesterday. I got very good results from it. and most important, ZERO 'high', mostly a subtle feeling of calm.

would recommend this brand so far. (aside from Ezrahelps)


I'm glad to hear you had a good experience with this company and their product! I'm also taking 25mg capsules right now, from a local (to me) company called CBDistillery.


I have a question for you: are your capsules filled with powder or oil? The ones I'm taking right now are oil, but I've also had powdered capsules from Charlotte's Web.

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they are oil. I am thinking of trying a higher dose. but I also know there is a point where bigger doses of CBD work slightly psychoactive.

so the goal is to find that 'sweet spot' where you got maximized effects without negative s/x.


I did try Lazarus Naturals CBD capsules 25mg for the first time yesterday. I got very good results from it. and most important, ZERO 'high', mostly a subtle feeling of calm.

would recommend this brand so far. (aside from Ezrahelps)


I'm glad to hear you had a good experience with this company and their product! I'm also taking 25mg capsules right now, from a local (to me) company called CBDistillery.


I have a question for you: are your capsules filled with powder or oil? The ones I'm taking right now are oil, but I've also had powdered capsules from Charlotte's Web.

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I’m having a terrible time with my taper

I just ordered Charlotte’s Web


Less than .3% THC or no THC that is my fearful question...


does anyone know if it’s safe for us to have the .3% THC

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I’m having a terrible time with my taper

I just ordered Charlotte’s Web


Less than .3% THC or no THC that is my fearful question...


does anyone know if it’s safe for us to have the .3% THC


I'm not sure exactly what you're asking about <.3% or 0% THC CBD. Can you clarify?


<.3% THC CBD products are usually full-spectrum (whole plant extract) and 0% THC CBD products are usually isolate (just CBD is extracted...no other cannabinoids). If you want to ensure there's no THC, you can buy CBD isolate products, rather than full-spectrum products.


I've been taking CBD and THC throughout this journey and have been just fine; it's my godsend in all this, really, BUT I'm a long-term regular THC (26 years) and CBD (4 years) user.


CBD is considered a wellness supplement, so in theory, it should be helpful rather than hurtful, it's just difficult to predict how it will affect each individual, especially during this time when our systems are healing and fragile.


I sell CBD where I work and help people get set up to take it for the first time. I'm not a medical professional; I have to gather information from my own and customer experiences. I think it helps take the edge off my anxiety, just like the ashwaganda supplement I take does. Your experience may differ.


I'd suggest trying 5-10mg 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks, then stop and see if it was providing any benefit. If it makes you feel noticeably worse, discontinue.

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I’m having a terrible time with my taper

I just ordered Charlotte’s Web


Less than .3% THC or no THC that is my fearful question...


does anyone know if it’s safe for us to have the .3% THC


I'm not sure exactly what you're asking about <.3% or 0% THC CBD. Can you clarify?


<.3% THC CBD products are usually full-spectrum (whole plant extract) and 0% THC CBD products are usually isolate (just CBD is extracted...no other cannabinoids). If you want to ensure there's no THC, you can buy CBD isolate products, rather than full-spectrum products.


I've been taking CBD and THC throughout this journey and have been just fine; it's my godsend in all this, really, BUT I'm a long-term regular THC (26 years) and CBD (4 years) user.


CBD is considered a wellness supplement, so in theory, it should be helpful rather than hurtful, it's just difficult to predict how it will affect each individual, especially during this time when our systems are healing and fragile.


I sell CBD where I work and help people get set up to take it for the first time. I'm not a medical professional; I have to gather information from my own and customer experiences. I think it helps take the edge off my anxiety, just like the ashwaganda supplement I take does. Your experience may differ.


I'd suggest trying 5-10mg 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks, then stop and see if it was providing any benefit. If it makes you feel noticeably worse, discontinue.



Thank you. My psych dr keeps wanting me to try it but she just says cbd oil and says she can’t recommend....like she’s not allowed to...how helpful of her. Does she have any idea how many are out there ?


I just am not sure if I should take cbd with no THC at all or if the .03% is so trace it will not cause a psychoactive effect. So I’ve been too scared to try it. I never did well with regular pot even as a teen.


Is Charlotte’s web a good brand?

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