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Daily Micro-Tapering Support Group


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Well folks, the day is here.


Last night I took the final dose in my Klonopin Taper.


This 125 day 0.001 mg microtaper has been overall pretty tolerable.  I know how bad it can get - just read my signature from when I first cut too fast from 0.5 mg.


I think the last 7 days of this taper were getting a little bit harder BUT I also wonder if other areas of my health are improving as the total amount of Klonopin reduced.


I suppose I will learn much in the next few weeks.


[move] :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:[glow=red,2,300]Congratulations, Bob! :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:[/glow][/move]



Please keep us posted on your recovery!

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Well folks, the day is here.


Last night I took the final dose in my Klonopin Taper.


This 125 day 0.001 mg microtaper has been overall pretty tolerable.  I know how bad it can get - just read my signature from when I first cut too fast from 0.5 mg.


I think the last 7 days of this taper were getting a little bit harder BUT I also wonder if other areas of my health are improving as the total amount of Klonopin reduced.


I suppose I will learn much in the next few weeks.


[move] :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:[glow=red,2,300]Congratulations, Bob! :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:[/glow][/move]



Please keep us posted on your recovery!

Thank you for the cool graphic. Yes I’ll keep you all posted.

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Congratulations Bob!!  Wishing you the VERY BEST and praying that you do swimmingly well in your REBIRTH and FREEDOM! 





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Congratulations Bob!!  Wishing you the VERY BEST and praying that you do swimmingly well in your REBIRTH and FREEDOM! 





Thank you Uni- you are sweet.  I love how you put it / rebirth and freedom!



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Maybe I'm asking this question in the wrong thread/group, but this is the only thread I go to. Anyway, I learned last year that fluoroquinolones are a horrible class of antibiotics that react terribly with benzos. What about doxycycline? Does anyone know (or know where I can ask)? If doxy is bad, then what's a good antibiotic that does NOT react with benzos?


Thanks, all!




For clarification, quinolones do NOT "react" with benzos.  Quinolones interfere the benzo binding at the receptor site, so they receptors are unable to respond to the benzo.  The quinolone "blocks" the benzo from attaching to the receptor.  If you are currently taking a benzo, it can cause a CT-like response.


No other class of antibiotics have s similar action.


I looked at the other site Gard mentioned, and I saw where someone named Huraqan (??) said the same thing about doxy. It's all really confusing.




Maybe he was confusing it with difloxacin, which is a quinolone antibiotic.


BTW, I think Begood has taken doxy without any problems. She has a blog, if you want to look her up.

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good morning Buddies,


havent posted in a really long long time and dont even know if anyone will remember me..so heres just a piece of my story because i am needing some input and some help please


I was on 4mgs of k for 34 yrs when i started my taper and the cut and hold helped for just a bit then i switched to micro dry tapering..with the math being done  for me ever so often as i cant for some reason get it right switching mgs to gms for my scale..i got all the way to 1.75 but lost my mom and my 38 yr old son within 9 days of each other its been 3 yrs this past july..

and my doc wanted me to hold but i kept on thats how i got to 1.75mg.


that dec of 2015 i was getting sick they couldnt find anything wrong with me..i got to where i could only swallow liquids and by march weighed 90lbs from 130lbs...and then the end of june ended up in the hospital had SVT hr was 280..and now have POTS also..no harm was done to the heart..was then in a wheelchair until the next march..and i decided to updose during the hospital stay and being in a wheelchair...


i updosed twice once to 2.25 mgs and that didnt do much so went to 2.75mgs and i started getting relief and was able to eventually get my strength back and i am almost 100 percent functional now and have been for over a yr now. I can drive , shop and do most anything..i still get my bad days with the heart rate but oh well and now have dry eye syndrome and have to use drops everyday.


i dose 3 xs a day now instead of 4


So my problem..i want not only off this poison but also with all the talk of the ban or stopping the scripts for benzos i am terrified..i have a small stockpile but nothing like i would need to get off because at the rate i would be tapering it would take me about 4 yrs..and i am ok with that..my husband said to do what i think is right but he never wants to see me like i was then..and my best friend of 20 something yrs lives with us and took total care of me because i was basically so weak so would have to get me in the shower and also walk me to the bathroom and help me get my pants down..she said shes ready to do what ever she needs to and get me through it.


What would you all do if you were in my shoes??? I am scared..but i am ready to start my taper slowly like real slow..not sure how slow one can micro taper..


but i need someone to do the math for me please..as i would crush my pills and weigh them i found that it seemed they worked better that way then cutting pieces..not sure why.


i am on


2.75mg of k 3 times a day 


average weight of pills .175gms


could someone tell me what my doses should weigh? cause right now i take 1mg whole at 4:30 a.m.  .129gms at 12:30 P.M ..and then a whole 1mg tab at 8:30pm

and which dose would you recommend me starting to cut or would you convert all the doses to gms and cut .001gms ever so many days alternating doses as i did before?


i would appreciate any and all help on this one..this is a big and scary step for me to take after getting so sick and pulling out from the updose.


thanks in advance..and hope everyone is holding strong



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Deep, I'm sorry you're in such a difficult place, and I'm so sorry for your losses. If you feel ready to taper, a slow micro taper sounds like the best way to start. You also might try tapering a week and holding a week as you start out.


I've also been concerned about losing my supply, so I always fill my script the very first day the insurance will allow. That enables me to get ahead by a few days each month. I have also tapered without my doctor's permission, which also has enabled me to get ahead. I think I'm just being paranoid, though. I don't think he will cut me off. He shows no inclination to do so.


I'm doing liquid, so can't help with your method, except to say liquid would be easier and more accurate. This thread is not very busy. If you don't get an answer, you might try one of the main boards to see if someone who is using your method can help.


Gardie :)

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Hi gardie and good to see you


an thank you for saying something about my losses..its been really hard and it doesnt seem to get much easier to be honest.


I thought my taper at .001gms alternating doses every other day i think at the end was slow it was like something 3 percent or so..maybe 4 percent a month much slower and i wouldnt be tapering..


And my doc gives me my script just like i am doing 4mgs a day and they know i am at 2.75 but he says dont worry about it..and he wouldnt be stopping them...but florida just did the thing with opiods july 1st for 3 day supply on a script..thats what scares me..and you cant go back and get more..i dont have anything but the k i am on..never have..


and its ok and sorry the thread isnt very busy anymore..i went to a couple of the threads and it seems like the k thread isnt very active either not sure why.


Deep :)


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Deep sorry to hear about your losses & taper struggle. I’m a newbie , havnt tapered so sorry can’t help, but am on a boat load like you were, 3.5-4mg/ day. Good luck.


Any & all what is this talk of a ban & or stopping scripts for benzos??um... my doc & I spoke of it briefly months earlier & I said what is the hover going to do about it.? He just shrugged & said he didnt know.


Crap now I’m holding trying to adjust to antidepressants that may or may not work & I have to worry about a ban.? 4mg/day peeps oh please inform me & guide me as to if I should be concerned about benzo ban etc?

thanks SC

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good morning Buddies,


havent posted in a really long long time and dont even know if anyone will remember me..so heres just a piece of my story because i am needing some input and some help please


I was on 4mgs of k for 34 yrs when i started my taper and the cut and hold helped for just a bit then i switched to micro dry tapering..with the math being done  for me ever so often as i cant for some reason get it right switching mgs to gms for my scale..i got all the way to 1.75 but lost my mom and my 38 yr old son within 9 days of each other its been 3 yrs this past july..

and my doc wanted me to hold but i kept on thats how i got to 1.75mg.


that dec of 2015 i was getting sick they couldnt find anything wrong with me..i got to where i could only swallow liquids and by march weighed 90lbs from 130lbs...and then the end of june ended up in the hospital had SVT hr was 280..and now have POTS also..no harm was done to the heart..was then in a wheelchair until the next march..and i decided to updose during the hospital stay and being in a wheelchair...


i updosed twice once to 2.25 mgs and that didnt do much so went to 2.75mgs and i started getting relief and was able to eventually get my strength back and i am almost 100 percent functional now and have been for over a yr now. I can drive , shop and do most anything..i still get my bad days with the heart rate but oh well and now have dry eye syndrome and have to use drops everyday.


i dose 3 xs a day now instead of 4


So my problem..i want not only off this poison but also with all the talk of the ban or stopping the scripts for benzos i am terrified..i have a small stockpile but nothing like i would need to get off because at the rate i would be tapering it would take me about 4 yrs..and i am ok with that..my husband said to do what i think is right but he never wants to see me like i was then..and my best friend of 20 something yrs lives with us and took total care of me because i was basically so weak so would have to get me in the shower and also walk me to the bathroom and help me get my pants down..she said shes ready to do what ever she needs to and get me through it.


What would you all do if you were in my shoes??? I am scared..but i am ready to start my taper slowly like real slow..not sure how slow one can micro taper..


but i need someone to do the math for me please..as i would crush my pills and weigh them i found that it seemed they worked better that way then cutting pieces..not sure why.


i am on


2.75mg of k 3 times a day 


average weight of pills .175gms


could someone tell me what my doses should weigh? cause right now i take 1mg whole at 4:30 a.m.  .129gms at 12:30 P.M ..and then a whole 1mg tab at 8:30pm

and which dose would you recommend me starting to cut or would you convert all the doses to gms and cut .001gms ever so many days alternating doses as i did before?


i would appreciate any and all help on this one..this is a big and scary step for me to take after getting so sick and pulling out from the updose.


thanks in advance..and hope everyone is holding strong





I can help with math.


Are your pills 1 mg in dose per pill (not 0.5mg?).


If I were you, I would decide how much I want to reduce per day and then make a month's worth of pills, each one having the desired reduction.  You can do this by crushing your pills and weighing them into empty gel capsules.  I buy these:    https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E40DJ82/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&th=1


If you want to learn how to do this, PM me.




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good morning Buddies,


havent posted in a really long long time and dont even know if anyone will remember me..so heres just a piece of my story because i am needing some input and some help please


I was on 4mgs of k for 34 yrs when i started my taper and the cut and hold helped for just a bit then i switched to micro dry tapering..with the math being done  for me ever so often as i cant for some reason get it right switching mgs to gms for my scale..i got all the way to 1.75 but lost my mom and my 38 yr old son within 9 days of each other its been 3 yrs this past july..

and my doc wanted me to hold but i kept on thats how i got to 1.75mg.


that dec of 2015 i was getting sick they couldnt find anything wrong with me..i got to where i could only swallow liquids and by march weighed 90lbs from 130lbs...and then the end of june ended up in the hospital had SVT hr was 280..and now have POTS also..no harm was done to the heart..was then in a wheelchair until the next march..and i decided to updose during the hospital stay and being in a wheelchair...


i updosed twice once to 2.25 mgs and that didnt do much so went to 2.75mgs and i started getting relief and was able to eventually get my strength back and i am almost 100 percent functional now and have been for over a yr now. I can drive , shop and do most anything..i still get my bad days with the heart rate but oh well and now have dry eye syndrome and have to use drops everyday.


i dose 3 xs a day now instead of 4


So my problem..i want not only off this poison but also with all the talk of the ban or stopping the scripts for benzos i am terrified..i have a small stockpile but nothing like i would need to get off because at the rate i would be tapering it would take me about 4 yrs..and i am ok with that..my husband said to do what i think is right but he never wants to see me like i was then..and my best friend of 20 something yrs lives with us and took total care of me because i was basically so weak so would have to get me in the shower and also walk me to the bathroom and help me get my pants down..she said shes ready to do what ever she needs to and get me through it.


What would you all do if you were in my shoes??? I am scared..but i am ready to start my taper slowly like real slow..not sure how slow one can micro taper..


but i need someone to do the math for me please..as i would crush my pills and weigh them i found that it seemed they worked better that way then cutting pieces..not sure why.


i am on


2.75mg of k 3 times a day 


average weight of pills .175gms


could someone tell me what my doses should weigh? cause right now i take 1mg whole at 4:30 a.m.  .129gms at 12:30 P.M ..and then a whole 1mg tab at 8:30pm

and which dose would you recommend me starting to cut or would you convert all the doses to gms and cut .001gms ever so many days alternating doses as i did before?


i would appreciate any and all help on this one..this is a big and scary step for me to take after getting so sick and pulling out from the updose.


thanks in advance..and hope everyone is holding strong





I can help with math.


Are your pills 1 mg in dose per pill (not 0.5mg?).


If I were you, I would decide how much I want to reduce per day and then make a month's worth of pills, each one having the desired reduction.  You can do this by crushing your pills and weighing them into empty gel capsules.  I buy these:    https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E40DJ82/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&th=1


If you want to learn how to do this, PM me.





You are a good person Bob7, you will be in good hands deepcanyon :smitten:

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I can help with math.


Are your pills 1 mg in dose per pill (not 0.5mg?).


If I were you, I would decide how much I want to reduce per day and then make a month's worth of pills, each one having the desired reduction.  You can do this by crushing your pills and weighing them into empty gel capsules.  I buy these:    https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E40DJ82/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&th=1


If you want to learn how to do this, PM me.





You are a good person Bob7, you will be in good hands deepcanyon :smitten:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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good morning Buddies,


havent posted in a really long long time and dont even know if anyone will remember me..so heres just a piece of my story because i am needing some input and some help please


I was on 4mgs of k for 34 yrs when i started my taper and the cut and hold helped for just a bit then i switched to micro dry tapering..with the math being done  for me ever so often as i cant for some reason get it right switching mgs to gms for my scale..i got all the way to 1.75 but lost my mom and my 38 yr old son within 9 days of each other its been 3 yrs this past july..

and my doc wanted me to hold but i kept on thats how i got to 1.75mg.


that dec of 2015 i was getting sick they couldnt find anything wrong with me..i got to where i could only swallow liquids and by march weighed 90lbs from 130lbs...and then the end of june ended up in the hospital had SVT hr was 280..and now have POTS also..no harm was done to the heart..was then in a wheelchair until the next march..and i decided to updose during the hospital stay and being in a wheelchair...


i updosed twice once to 2.25 mgs and that didnt do much so went to 2.75mgs and i started getting relief and was able to eventually get my strength back and i am almost 100 percent functional now and have been for over a yr now. I can drive , shop and do most anything..i still get my bad days with the heart rate but oh well and now have dry eye syndrome and have to use drops everyday.


i dose 3 xs a day now instead of 4


So my problem..i want not only off this poison but also with all the talk of the ban or stopping the scripts for benzos i am terrified..i have a small stockpile but nothing like i would need to get off because at the rate i would be tapering it would take me about 4 yrs..and i am ok with that..my husband said to do what i think is right but he never wants to see me like i was then..and my best friend of 20 something yrs lives with us and took total care of me because i was basically so weak so would have to get me in the shower and also walk me to the bathroom and help me get my pants down..she said shes ready to do what ever she needs to and get me through it.


What would you all do if you were in my shoes??? I am scared..but i am ready to start my taper slowly like real slow..not sure how slow one can micro taper..


but i need someone to do the math for me please..as i would crush my pills and weigh them i found that it seemed they worked better that way then cutting pieces..not sure why.


i am on


2.75mg of k 3 times a day 


average weight of pills .175gms


could someone tell me what my doses should weigh? cause right now i take 1mg whole at 4:30 a.m.  .129gms at 12:30 P.M ..and then a whole 1mg tab at 8:30pm

and which dose would you recommend me starting to cut or would you convert all the doses to gms and cut .001gms ever so many days alternating doses as i did before?


i would appreciate any and all help on this one..this is a big and scary step for me to take after getting so sick and pulling out from the updose.


thanks in advance..and hope everyone is holding strong





I can help with math.


Are your pills 1 mg in dose per pill (not 0.5mg?).


If I were you, I would decide how much I want to reduce per day and then make a month's worth of pills, each one having the desired reduction.  You can do this by crushing your pills and weighing them into empty gel capsules.  I buy these:    https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E40DJ82/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&th=1


If you want to learn how to do this, PM me.






Bob..yes i am using 1mg tabs... and i crush them when i was tapering and i use pharmacy paper and weigh it on my scale then tare it out..then i put the crushed pills on there until i get it weighed out then take the paper and fold it and it goes in pill holders i do 18 days at a time..been doing that for a really long time..but since i have been on this really really long hold..i take a whole pill in the morning then .129gms at 12:30 then another whole pill at 8:30 at night so that evens out to 2.75 mgs a day..not sure in gms..average weight being .174gms..I cant do capsules because i cant swallow them..


but sure would like to know what you think about getting rid of the afternoon dose by tapering it all first..or since that would take away a dose wait and do it alternating doses...and i was at 2 doses for 34 yrs but when i got lower in my taper i had to finally go to 3 and then 4 doses a day but now that i updosed i finally just went back to 3 doses a day and did fine but was afraid to go back to 2 doses a day.


and now with reading the thread about them changing the teva brand i need to figure a way to slowly taper over to that new brand i have 10 months worth put back i can work with..so want to now wait to start my taper until i get on the new brand..this has really cramped my style finding that thread today :(


thank for any and all help and its nice to meet you :)


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Hey Deep,


It is so nice to hear from you, I am so sorry for all you have endured and girl you are one who perseveres!!

May I Encourage you as you press on towards the goal of slowly MT off.  You will do this and taste the sweet victory as you cross that finish line. You will not be alone in this slow taper and as you know so well, we remain here for you - ALWAYS! :smitten:


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Hey Deep,


It is so nice to hear from you, I am so sorry for all you have endured and girl you are one who perseveres!!

May I Encourage you as you press on towards the goal of slowly MT off.  You will do this and taste the sweet victory as you cross that finish line. You will not be alone in this slow taper and as you know so well, we remain here for you - ALWAYS! :smitten:

I'm glad everyone is here for each other. I've been feeling a bit down because of my symptoms and on a month hold right now.

I don't write in this thread often. I have PM'd Bob for assistance with my taper and just kinda do my thing. I check and read this thread often to keep up.

I just needed to see this, that there is an end in sight.

Thank you everyone!  :)

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Hey Deep,


It is so nice to hear from you, I am so sorry for all you have endured and girl you are one who perseveres!!

May I Encourage you as you press on towards the goal of slowly MT off.  You will do this and taste the sweet victory as you cross that finish line. You will not be alone in this slow taper and as you know so well, we remain here for you - ALWAYS! :smitten:

I'm glad everyone is here for each other. I've been feeling a bit down because of my symptoms and on a month hold right now.

I don't write in this thread often. I have PM'd Bob for assistance with my taper and just kinda do my thing. I check and read this thread often to keep up.

I just needed to see this, that there is an end in sight.

Thank you everyone!  :)


Sorry about your symptoms, Peace. I think a hold is very wise. I sure hope things turn around for you soon.


Gardie :)

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Just reading right now -- the very good advice that is being offered. :smitten: :smitten:

Hi Peace and Deep , so sorry that things are so rough for you atm....

This is a good place to be.


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Hey Deep,


It is so nice to hear from you, I am so sorry for all you have endured and girl you are one who perseveres!!

May I Encourage you as you press on towards the goal of slowly MT off.  You will do this and taste the sweet victory as you cross that finish line. You will not be alone in this slow taper and as you know so well, we remain here for you - ALWAYS! :smitten:

I'm glad everyone is here for each other. I've been feeling a bit down because of my symptoms and on a month hold right now.

I don't write in this thread often. I have PM'd Bob for assistance with my taper and just kinda do my thing. I check and read this thread often to keep up.

I just needed to see this, that there is an end in sight.

Thank you everyone!  :)


Sorry about your symptoms, Peace. I think a hold is very wise. I sure hope things turn around for you soon.


Gardie :)

Just reading right now -- the very good advice that is being offered. :smitten: :smitten:

Hi Peace and Deep , so sorry that things are so rough for you atm....

This is a good place to be.



Thank you, both of you! It's been a little over a week and my sleep is starting to improve. Possibly my inflammation is going down but too soon to tell. I will keep you all updated.  :)

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I'm switching to cutting.005mg at a time, to .001mg.  I've got 500ml of soy milk, and a .5mg tablet of klonopin.


Just want to check my numbers here.  So, 1ml = .001mg, and my current dosage of .040 = 40ml.


Does that sound right?

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I'm switching to cutting.005mg at a time, to .001mg.  I've got 500ml of soy milk, and a .5mg tablet of klonopin.


Just want to check my numbers here.  So, 1ml = .001mg, and my current dosage of .040 = 40ml.


Does that sound right?



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I have a question. A bit of current history here first.


I was on 70mg of Valium and was able to cut by a decent amount at first, then later on when I got to a smaller dose I was cutting .25 mg a week and then .25 mg every 10 days. I obviously had been cutting too fast and in June I got hit with very severe withdrawal. It was horrible.


I wonder if I can feel better by cutting the same amount by doing a dry micro taper off my Valium. Or should I cut only.5 mg? The people on SA told me if I want to cut by .5 mg a month I would have to cut .0001 grams five times. That seems odd to me because I dry MT my K by .001 grams every day. I don’t want to do liquid.


Does anyone have any advice for me? Thanks



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I have a question. A bit of current history here first.


I was on 70mg of Valium and was able to cut by a decent amount at first, then later on when I got to a smaller dose I was cutting .25 mg a week and then .25 mg every 10 days. I obviously had been cutting too fast and in June I got hit with very severe withdrawal. It was horrible.


I wonder if I can feel better by cutting the same amount by doing a dry micro taper off my Valium. Or should I cut only.5 mg? The people on SA told me if I want to cut by .5 mg a month I would have to cut .0001 grams five times. That seems odd to me because I dry MT my K by .001 grams every day. I don’t want to do liquid.


Does anyone have any advice for me? Thanks



Would be happy to give you my opinion but I need to understand a little bit better first. Are you currently tapering off both of valium and Klonopin?  What are the exact rates And your current dose?

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I finished my K taper I’m December 2015. I currently am at 16 mg of Valium. For the past several months I have been cutting.25 mg every 10 days. I got hit with very bad withdrawals and had to updose to my 16 mg. My signature says what other meds I am on. Thanks

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