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in despair after so called psych appointment


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I do not want to argue either.  You have helped me.


I just think it is inappropriate to imply that another person's brain is impaired on a forum.


By the way panic/anxiety attacks are temporary and will possibly not recur according to the Consultant I saw this morning. He even suggested it maybe because of the alien environment in which I currently exist.


Take care

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Hi Dandy,


In all fairness to Polenta, most every member on this forum has some sort of short term cognitive impairment due to their withdrawal of benzos. It's almost impossible to get away from. It has been assumed that you might also be suffering from this same common impairment. That's all that was meant by that. If you don't feel impaired I couldn't be happier for you....and I'm green with envy.  ;)

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Please don't be so quick to defend yourself. All of us here want your best. If we miss speak, we are human, but we really want this to be successful for you.  I think, by looking at this thread, we, and I mean me, just think that it could be any one of in your posiiton. We feel for you. It is not an easy journey. No it is not, and I am 9 months out. I am still hoping to be completely healed someday. In the meantime I keep myself busy. And try to be supportive for those that are still suffering.


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Well your consultant has obviously not got too much experience with benzo wd,  which is why I worry about you being taken off them far too quickly.


I am not being rude about him, it is just par for the course, not many consultants have got any real experience with benzo wd, usually they just switch people on to "less harmful" drugs and think they have solved the problem.



All I care about is that you should have a successful outcome,  I am not interested in anything else.


If you do not want to benefit from my experience please feel free to tell me and  I will not post on your thread any more.

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I don't want to enter into semantics or subjective views. You have both been supportive and offered plenty of encouragement in recent days/weeks. Everyone is different thank heavens and react differently.


If polenta is of the opinion that my brain is impaired then he is entitled to that opinion. But it is only an opinion.


I have enough to deal with at the moment without engaging in petty squabbles. Frankly I would rather listen to a hospital Consultant with whom the subject was discussed at length.


Again,  that is my opinion and of course is subject to scrutiny and dispute.


That is just freedom of speech.


Take care

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Well, they do directly affect the brain, that much is obvious. Whether you regard that as an impairment is, probably best left there, because this thread is for support.


As for the alcohol and tobacco, I agree, if alcohol were just discovered, it would be banned immediately, but it's too entrenched now. But it took many years before they discovered the harm that smoking causes. In fact, it was once considered healthy! Also, tobacco, as far as I know, doesn't have quite the same damaging effects on the mind, and withdrawal is an easy ride in comparison.  I see it more as a habit than as addiction.

Just my opinion.


You're doing well Dandy,


keep it up and good luck with the biopsy tomorrow.



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Well your consultant has obviously not got too much experience with benzo wd,  which is why I worry about you being taken off them far too quickly.


I am not being rude about him, it is just par for the course, not many consultants have got any real experience with benzo wd, usually they just switch people on to "less harmful" drugs and think they have solved the problem.



All I care about is that you should have a successful outcome,  I am not interested in anything else.


If you do not want to benefit from my experience please feel free to tell me and  I will not post on your thread any more.



Hello Polenta!  Dandy's use of alcohol has caused stomach and liver problems in addition to affecting GABA receptors, depleting thiamine, provoking encephalopathy (the brain impairment Dandy is currently debating), perhaps electrolyte problems, etc.  The primary objective would appear to be abstaining from alcohol.


It would seem that the benzos are being used partly as an alcohol substitute and partly to prevent benzo withdrawal.  Tapering benzos would start once alcohol abstinence has been achieved and that has barely begun.


I'm aware that Una is knowledgeable about alcohol and benzos and I have spoken to her about both in the past.  I know too that you have extensive personal experience of benzos.  However it seems that in Dandy's case, coming off benzos whilst in alcohol withdrawal is not feasible unless an alternative alcohol detox medication, such as carbamazepine, is used.

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Braban I agree,  I am  worried that they might start tapering D off benzos too quickly, Una runs alcohol/benzo groups as I am sure u are aware
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Hi coots


Hope you are doing okay. I think the point I was making about tobacco is that it causes more than double the deaths in the UK than alcohol according to the statistics I have seen.


Take care




As far as I am aware carbazapine use in alcohol/benzos is anecdotal. It is used primarily as an anti-seizure medication However, I am not a pharmacist.


As previously indicated I feel I am being adequately medicated and feel well enough to eat supper which has just arrived.


Take care



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You should do what your doctors suggest and what you're comfortable doing. Our members are just expressing their concerns for your well being based on a lot of experience. These folks have seen their fair share of suffering. They truly do know what they are talking about but as I have said, you should do what feels right for you. Keep in mind we are posting with the best of intentions.

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Just to complete my answer whilst I was eating my supper you should be aware that I am being fed Pabrinex which I am sure you have heard of which prevents the brain impairment you describe.  I am also on saline drip to stabilise my electrolytes. Carbamzepine acts as I suspected and is no substitute for the traditional medications for withdrawing from alcohol and stronger benzodiazipines.


I trust that allays your worries but appreciate your concern.


Take care



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Unless i'm mistaken Pabrinex is used to prevent/treat Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome in recovering alcoholics during withdrawal. It doesn't magically reverse the cognitive effects of long term alcohol abuse.


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Hi Dandy,

Yes, it is all about choice, and it's sad and hard to watch people toss away a life just because they don't have the desire commitment or guts to help them selves.

Sadly all too often, that one rescue dose is the thin end of the wedge. It's the first step to a premature death.

It will take you iron will to do this, you will have bad days, but if you can do it, you will win, and things will be better than ever!

If you can't, it will kill you, I hope you can stick it out for the next year or so, or whatever it takes.

Perhaps you might even inspire your brother. If he sees what you are fighting and can win, he might try to kick it himself. If the 2 of you are both coming off adictions, you will have that much more support from eachother, .

Make yourself a solim promise, that you will *never* have a rescue dose or updose.

Good luck, and remember, all anxiety and fear is an allusion.

You are not about to die, and things are better than they feel, even when they feel so rotten you want to end it. It isn't real, and it does go away.


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Hi Dan,


I just dropped by for another quick hospital room e-visit. I am happy to hear the good news about the liver tests. I am sorry to hear about the terrible panic attack you had - how frightening! I am glad that it happened while in hospital so that the staff could assist and support you through this episode. It also sounds like you will be in hospital for a little while longer. When you are discharged your friends here at BB, including myself, will continue to support you. I wish I could send you a big lovely bouquet of flowers, but will a bouquet of positive thoughts do just as well?  Thinking of you each and every day.  Your friend, Obsid.

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Hello Tom12345


Good to communicate again. Yes you are correct Pabrinex is used predominantly for the condition you describe which left untreated can't lead to an irreversible undesirable debilitating mental state.


In terms of your mental state at the outset of treatment one's cognitive condition if iniated quickly can prevent progression to WK and following a period of abstention your brain will revert to it's former state. Therefore if your normal iQ is 100 provided you have abstained for an adequate period of time it will revert back to 100.

Of course I have no idea the level of it by taking a free test on the Internet if you are curious.

Although a lot of folks don't want to know. Apparently 100 is about average. Trust the response is satisfactory for you.



Because I am using a mobile phone with a 5" screen this taking a while and can't review your post but will do my best.


I seem to remember suggesting my brother is an addict and that he should give up. If you knew my brother he will not take any notice of some random stranger.


As I recall the remainder was all about being patient, obeying the rules and if I do not there may not be a happy ending (I paraphrase). You then go on to say a good normal life could follow if I don't relapse in the similar way that Tom can never

Drink again. One tip Tom whilst on antabuse  watch out for spirit vinegar in some condiments; it caused a bad reaction when I was on it some time ago.


It looks like I'll be in here for another week and I have a biopsy on my liver to look forward to tomorrow.


Well special 1 that I think is the main thrust of what I can recall but I apologise if I have missed any salient points.


I will say good bye for now but please let me know if i have missed anything really important.


Take care




PS: My IQ a few years ago was 141 which places me in the top 5% of the population. Today when I tested on the Internet I managed a score of 139.

Why don't you test yours just Google free IQ tests. Good luck and take care.




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Hi Obsid


Always glad to hear from you; quite a few other buddies want to challenge me about one thing or another and occasionally it gets a bit tiring. I have a biopsy on my liver tomorrow so we shall see what that brings.Otherwise everything is routine apart from that panic attack last night. The Consultant said it would be unlikely to recur and could just be down to the alien surroundings.


Any how must try and get an early night in preparation for tomorrow.


No need for a bouquet of flowers but it was a lovely thought Take care.




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...if alcohol were just discovered, it would be banned immediately,




Actually, I believe if alcohol were just discovered, the pharma industry/medical community would herald it as the greatest psychopharmaceutical discovery ever!  As most of us know, it is a sedative, an anxiolytic, a sleep-inducer, and it relieves inhibitions.  And its cheap and easy to manufacture.


For most people, it does not produce dependency, and taken in moderation ("as prescribed") has no significant side effects.  In fact it has several known health benefits.


The vast majority of people who use alcohol can use it all of their lives, and never suffer any negative effects.


(BTW, I'm unfortunately NOT one of those people!)



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Hi builder


You raise a very interesting question to which I guess would cause much debate. The statement you quoted from me was actually said to myself by a councillor when I first got into trouble with alcohol many years ago.


Of course, as you say the vast majority of people can go down the pub,  have a few pints with mates/wives etc. For others like myself it is poison and in my case after far too much alcohol know I will feel awful in the morning and would not be able to function without either more alcohol or benzodiazipines. That's just the way it is for me. Sad but true. This state of affairs was caused by too many years of heavy drinking eventually causing dependence and addiction. I still have relapses but have not taken a drink for 21 days because my liver is damaged or but if I abstain reversible. That is a brief summary of my story.


Having said all that I am not sure I truly believe that statement you are querying. Why punish the majority because of the folly of the minority.


You hint you may have issues with alcohol what is your view?


Best of luck



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Hi builder




Having said all that I am not sure I truly believe that statement you are querying. Why punish the majority because of the folly of the minority.


You hint you may have issues with alcohol what is your view?


Best of luck




I am a recovering alcoholic, 25+ years sober.  For many years drank a quart or more of vodka a day.  But I still went to work every day, maintained my home, paid my bills, cared for my family, etc.  I am convinced that if I ever take that first drink again, I would  be right back where I was 25+ years ago.  So alcohol is not an option for me.


But my views on alcohol are pretty much what I put in my post...for most folks alcohol can be an enjoyable part of their lives with several positive effects.  I have 3 adult children, and I spend a week at a resort with them and their spouses each year.  They have wine with dinner, and cocktails later in the evening.  They all enjoy alcohol, and have no problems with it.  They are also health nuts, vegetarians, work out, run, do yoga, and lead very active healthy lives. 

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Wow Builder that is some achievement with all the temptation around. I have a fairly high tolerance but could never function everyday at work after drinking that much. Was it the arrival of your kids that made you want to stop?  Did you you go to rehabilitation to get off the alcohol. Anyway congratulations on 25 years I bet you're life is sheer bliss compared to before. I wish I had your life.


I am currently in hospital in the UK trying to get off alcohol (now 21 days) and also benzodiazipines which is proving more tricky. I have a biopsy on my liver tomorrow just to confirm damage is hopefully not too bad.


Hopefully I should be released next week and put on a programme to taper off the tablets.


I an finding the benzos more difficult than the alcohol. I will post the results of the biopsy as soon as I know. Must go now it's 01.30 here but very good to share experiences with you.


Best of luck



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Wow Builder that is some achievement with all the temptation around. I have a fairly high tolerance but could never function everyday at work after drinking that much. Was it the arrival of your kids that made you want to stop?  Did you you go to rehabilitation to get off the alcohol. Anyway congratulations on 25 years I bet you're life is sheer bliss compared to before. I wish I had your life.


I am currently in hospital in the UK trying to get off alcohol (now 21 days) and also benzodiazipines which is proving more tricky. I have a biopsy on my liver tomorrow just to confirm damage is hopefully not too bad.


Hopefully I should be released next week and put on a programme to taper off the tablets.


I an finding the benzos more difficult than the alcohol. I will post the results of the biopsy as soon as I know. Must go now it's 01.30 here but very good to share experiences with you.


Best of luck




Didn't really quit until my youngest had graduated from college.


I had re-married, and my new wife and I undertook a major relocation, and major life change.  I just knew that for this new life to succeed, I had to quit alcohol...and I did.


Prior to that, I had been through 2 hospital-based  30 day detox/re-hab programs...neither one "stuck".


And yes, benzo WD is far more difficult than coming off of booze.  Anytime I quit booze , my WD sxs usually lasted from 3 days to a week.  The worst (and last) lasted about 2 weeks.

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Hi D,


I have been following this thread as well as earlier posts you made and it is really inspiring to see the positive progress your mind has been making and the sheer bravery and honesty of your sharing your daily experience during this particular storm is teaching me a few things that I needed to learn.

Whatever you are doing now continue because I honestly feel that is the way forward. To thine own self be true.


God bless...

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This is Stephen's (dandyhighwayman) brother.  He wishes to convey thanks to you all but will not be posting again and also wishes god bless to you all.
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