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Lyrics stuck in head? Anybody


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It's strange how this sx comes and goes. I had it for months and months. Then it stopped for a while. Then it came back. And now it's sort of off and on day to day. Like today at lunchtime a song started looping but it only lasted a few hours. It's gone now and nothing replaced it. This sx is so hit and miss. You just never know when it hits you if it's going to stay for months and months on end or be gone in a week. I'm confident that, in the end, it will go away entirely with the exception of the "normal" song-stuck-in-the-head thing that we've all experienced in our lifetimes.




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i get strange flashback memories often , its really weird because usually the random memory is just something minor that happened around the same day/month just another year. starting from as far back as when i was in elementry school memories from then :(
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thank you for showing this to me mom of one :),  in the past i was worried sick that a brain tumor was making me have these weird thoughts or something i was hospitalized sept 16 2012 from a panic attack they gave me a cat scan mri test and i was ok.

ive had memory problems awhile i have trouble remembering names and details i feel so bad if i talked to someone before a long time i forget who they are sometimes or i couldnt remember someone's name who approached me at a store recently and they started talking to me remembering me

my memory is good when it comes to recognizing cars since i like to look at old cars online i could recognize a make  model and years made of an american car made from the 1960s - until current years so that reassurs me that im ok


i think my memory problems are associated to my difficulty in writing i know sometimes when  i write online people have told me that my sentance structure isnt good i graduated high school with decent grades so its not that im not educated

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i get strange flashback memories often , its really weird because usually the random memory is just something minor that happened around the same day/month just another year. starting from as far back as when i was in elementry school memories from then :(


i've been having more and more of these random memories come up that don't even make any sense to me why they would and i think it's the most healing sign of them all. i totally welcome this kind of thing and most likely means that not only my memory centers are healing and coming back to life -- but also that i am integrating memories and feelings that have been long supressed and sedated.

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has anyone here ever had a dream of a song? around 6 months ago i had a flashback memory dream of someone at elementry school singing a song from Enya- Sail away! , i havent heard that song in years since i prefer heavy metal music or classic rock i started listening to that enya song again and liked it :P:laugh:
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I love that Enya song sail away. The albums is "a day without rain" I believe.


I am still not finding pleasure in listening to music.:(

I know it will come back.


Off topic but hey it is about music.


I am still waking up with an instant song going many times a night

The waking is not because of the song, but it is funny that it is instantly playing in my head.




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i use to play that Enya record when i was working as an Esthetician for my clients.




same with me about the song that is just right there as i wake up. i am amazed by that. it's either a tune or a saying from a movie i just watched or from a sitcom i just watched. it usually has a rhythum to it. i guess the brain likes to hang on to rhythums'. i'm going to research this. it like hangs out on a nerve ending or something?

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i have 2 favorite songs i discovered in late febuary and early march of this year i heard them played on the radio many times i just never knew the names until i heard one on a soundtrack of a movie, Gerry rafferty - baker street and Eric clapton wonderfull tonight, music helps me new music to me , if i listen to old heavy metal music like alice in chains seether  or type o negative or any kind of classic rock that type of music those songs remind me of how i liked to listen to them when i had a drink thats what bothers me most not being able to drink than not being able to be energized enough to go out much as i used to :(
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The one song that I wouldn't mind hearing is Elton John's, Your Song.  I just love the sound of his voice.  My friend got me a new Sony mini stereo which I set up in the back room and listen to some old CD's on it.  I'm not into music now much either for some reason, but I just put some music on and then try to relax and then I like it.
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Gerry rafferty - baker street


this is such a great song! reminds of Bruce Hornsby 'The Way It Is"


they played "Baker Street" in the fight scene in 'Good Will Hunting" moive and it was just perfect!


i just learned a new song on piano that i sing as well called "Hook Line & Sinker" by Jon Brion. it's the very first song i've listened to and played in 23 months since i couldn't have any enjoyment from music and i'm a musician. i am so grateful for that song!

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  • 3 weeks later...


This is withdrawal, when I cut 5 mg Librium (2 mg Valium equivalent) I woke up 2 weeks later with a snap and a song looping in my brain at high speed, it was not even normal speed... this went on every morning until I reinstated that cut and started over.




I still get music in my head from tapering but it is less intrusive.



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Time and Tide by Basia has been stuck in my head for a couple of months now.  About once a week I have to pull it up on YouTube to hear it for real, I play it until I can't stand it anymore, then play something else Classical without words, Corelli, Nadja, gives me a bit of relief for a day or two, but Basia always sneaks back in.  Wondering if radical brain waves are re triggering a memory of the song?  I believe, in psychiatry, this might be considered some form of repetitive thought disorder, triggered by the increase of anxiety levels. 
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  • 1 month later...
When I was in rehab getting CT'ed I had Flux Pavillion - I Can't Stop in my head THE WHOLE TIME.
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When I was in rehab getting CT'ed I had Flux Pavillion - I Can't Stop in my head THE WHOLE TIME.

I can fix that. Just take a listen to this....you're welcome >:D



Ay ay captain !!!!

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When I was in rehab getting CT'ed I had Flux Pavillion - I Can't Stop in my head THE WHOLE TIME.

I can fix that. Just take a listen to this....you're welcome >:D



Ay ay captain !!!!


OH HELL NO. That song used to get stuck in my head pre benzos OMGGGGGG NOOOOOOOO hahahahahaahaha.


I've got you beat -

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Wayyyyyyy before benzos I had this song stuck in my head for like 2 weeks straight I kid you not, I would wake up with it in my head would go to bed with it in my head, it was in my head driving me insane 24/7 all day long -
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I want to update that even know all my other symptoms are not improving I think this one is starting to, it takes breaks for days and comes back.
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It happens in deep meditation also when your mind get stuck on a point and do not comeback, mostly at that time the other person blow a horn in the ear of practitioner if he feel that the practitioner has been stuck on something for hours and not able to come back. It happens with mantra also, when it get stuck in mind.


Although in benzo case it is not sure if we will be able to tolerate the harsh sound of horn.

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i'm noticing a pattern with this symptom. it goes away when i am in a really bad revving wave where i am holding on for dear life and it comes back when it's lifted a bit.


i also noticed images in my mind that get stuck. and little thought obsessions. i am now starting to believe it's all chemical.

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  • 3 months later...

This is one of my remaining symptoms, and honestly, at this point (2 years, in two weeks!) I think its more a mental habit than anything else. Drives me nuts, whatever the cause.


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