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The Klonopin Klub


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New Girl:  Yes.  My blood pressure can get as low as 80s over 50s.  Seems to happen when I'm tired at the end of the day.  I try to put some salt on my food and in my water to raise it back up.  By morning, it's usually back to 100/60s.  Do you get light-headed?


chief46: welcome but, sorry you are having a rough time.  I updosed clonazepam once but it really didn't help much.  Sorry, but I'm not sure what to say about diazepam but, there are folks here who can help you with it.


Liberty and Derek11:  sorry you are going through so much, too.  It's so hard to figure out what's the best dose/drug, etc.  I have a lot of those symptoms too Derek.  Hang in there.


Had a bit of a window today, but, it's a rough evening.  I'm hanging in there.  Take care all.

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My bottom number of the blood pressure is only 58/59. Anyone else get any reads like this?

It makes me anxious 😖 and even then my numbers don't go up.


New Girl


Hi NewGirl,


All my life until I was in my 40's my bp was 90/50- to 55.  It was as low is it could go, but still safe.  Do you get dizzy when you stand up, or do you get very cold for now reason?  Those are signs you should try to bring it up...I sometimes had those symptoms, but I was healthier then than I am now.


Hugs and I don't think you should worry; also, home bp monitors change a lot.


Nomo :smitten:

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That's horrible. Any chance the clonazepam caused the parkinson's symptoms ?




Similarities and differences. And regardless of other things, it seems you have more access to docs while I'm mostly stuck in primary care.


I'm in a bad place. I know that some time ago I wrote that diazepam made me sick. But I can't go on on clonazepam. So go back to diazepam ??  :idiot:

I don't know what else to do. I got that offer for a flumazenil detox, but it seems nuts. Why would I feel better during a flumazenil infusion ?

If anybody has other ideas ? I know, I know ... I wish I were stuck on any other drug.


Flumazenil is only used if you OD on a benzo.  It will pop every benzo molecule right off all your receptors and put you into cold turkey hell until you reinstate and come full circle.


Flumazenil  :laugh: .  It's like saying Narcan (Naloxone) can cure Heroin addiction  :laugh:  I am sorry for laughing but I have seen more valid science used on StarTrek episodes :laugh: 


An antidote cannot repair receptor changes or correct for brain chemistry changes.  Slow taper does since the brain is always in flux all our lives, always changing and adapting and is part of life.


Please forget about Flumazenil treatments unless you took a whole bottle of benzo's on accident.

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Popping in to say hello. Wishing everyone a good night. I know it's been rough for many folks.


I posted here about my pain situation. It's where I'm at.



Scuffled to the garden but didn't lean over. Spotted a zucchini, the size of a small alligator. Will stuff and mount it above the fireplace.  :D




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My bottom number of the blood pressure is only 58/59. Anyone else get any reads like this?

It makes me anxious 😖 and even then my numbers don't go up.


New Girl


Hi NewGirl,


All my life until I was in my 40's my bp was 90/50- to 55.  It was as low is it could go, but still safe.  Do you get dizzy when you stand up, or do you get very cold for now reason?  Those are signs you should try to bring it up...I sometimes had those symptoms, but I was healthier then than I am now.


Hugs and I don't think you should worry; also, home bp monitors change a lot.


Nomo :smitten:


Hope your days are getting sunnier Nomo!!!

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Thanks Burned, Betsy and Nomo. It has put my mind at ease to know that others have had this. My top numbers is usually around 95-100. I can't really say that I am dizzy, it's more of s light headed feeling. But I'm going to try the salt in the water or salting the food a little extra. I do believe I am still deficient in Vitamin D. And I know I am not drinking enough water. Hmmmm...need to make some some changes here I think🤔Thanks again for replying all.

❤️ New Girl

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Popping in to say hello. Wishing everyone a good night. I know it's been rough for many folks.


I posted here about my pain situation. It's where I'm at.



Scuffled to the garden but didn't lean over. Spotted a zucchini, the size of a small alligator. Will stuff and mount it above the fireplace.  :D




Hey Bennie,


Just read your update  :therethere:.  So sorry the pain hasn't let up.  Wanted to passed along some info on Mg - a brand suggested by our very own Mg expert, and your taper twin, Vanessa :smitten:.  I've taken three doses so far (max dose) and tolerate it well.  Woke up achey, and now poof - gone (I get most of my tension in my neck and upper back, by shoulder blades). I also slept better than I have in a long time last night, not sure if it's related yet or not.




Big hugs and love,







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Popping in to say hello. Wishing everyone a good night. I know it's been rough for many folks.


I posted here about my pain situation. It's where I'm at.



Scuffled to the garden but didn't lean over. Spotted a zucchini, the size of a small alligator. Will stuff and mount it above the fireplace.  :D




Hey Bennie,


Just read your update  :therethere:.  So sorry the pain hasn't let up.  Wanted to passed along some info on Mg - a brand suggested by our very own Mg expert, and your taper twin, Vanessa :smitten:.  I've taken three doses so far (max dose) and tolerate it well.  Woke up achey, and now poof - gone (I get most of my tension in my neck and upper back, by shoulder blades). I also slept better than I have in a long time last night, not sure if it's related yet or not.




Big hugs and love,





Good Morning  ~ WR , hope your doing well your pretty close to jump day right?  Me think I will be taking it slow today been pretty active `maybe too much this week? @ Bennie, sorry about the pain I got a lot of things pain wise going on also is it still the klonopin miss firing things I really don`t know but sure be nice if it let up ! Huggs to ( ALL ) ~ CD
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Good Morning  ~ WR , hope your doing well your pretty close to jump day right?  Me think I will be taking it slow today been pretty active `maybe too much this week? @ Bennie, sorry about the pain I got a lot of things pain wise going on also is it still the klonopin miss firing things I really don`t know but sure be nice if it let up ! Huggs to ( ALL ) ~ CD



Good morning CD. 


It's always been hard for me to know what is pushing too much, not enough.  I'm finding fewer patterns lately, so just rolling with however I happen to feel each day.  Yesterday I had one of the most active/full days of my taper...felt 100%, while for a few days prior I was wrestling with a storm of symptoms.  :crazy:


Yep, the final countdown...7 days left and I'm forever benzo free.  It's hard to wrap my mind around.


I'm heading out now for my first swim of the season.  I didn't go to the pool once last summer b/c too symptomatic - agoraphobic, aversion to water/cold, etc.  What a difference a year and 2.5mg less of Klonopin can make.  :)


Stay cool, easy does it. 


Big huggs,








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Question: does anyone struggle with inner vibrations?  I used to get them once in awhile.  Usually in the morning upon waking it would last for about 5-10 mins. and just fade away.  Lately, it has started to increase to various times throughout the day.  Does anyone know why these vibrations happen?



WR, you are in the countdown!!  Congrats!!


Bennie, thinking of you.  This to shall pass.


EVERYONE, Hope the day gives us all some much needed relief.



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Question: does anyone struggle with inner vibrations?  I used to get them once in awhile.  Usually in the morning upon waking it would last for about 5-10 mins. and just fade away.  Lately, it has started to increase to various times throughout the day.  Does anyone know why these vibrations happen?



WR, you are in the countdown!!  Congrats!!


Bennie, thinking of you.  This to shall pass.


EVERYONE, Hope the day gives us all some much needed relief.



Try, I believe they are from muscle inactivity or just our crazy nerves misfiring from the benzo reduction ! Not going to get into anything scientific but it`s pretty common for most ! Hope your doing well ~CD
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Question: does anyone struggle with inner vibrations?  I used to get them once in awhile.  Usually in the morning upon waking it would last for about 5-10 mins. and just fade away.  Lately, it has started to increase to various times throughout the day.  Does anyone know why these vibrations happen?



WR, you are in the countdown!!  Congrats!!


Bennie, thinking of you.  This to shall pass.


EVERYONE, Hope the day gives us all some much needed relief.




Hi Try! I get tinging (paresthesia), which I suppose feels like mini-vibrations.  This happens to me usually in my legs, but sometimes around my stomach also. 


I know Bennie spoke of inner vibrations.  I think it was one of her most nagging sxs throughout taper.


Hope it settles down for you pronto!


Big hug,




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Wow NYC - congrats on 7 more days to go. I will be done by next Saturday so just a couple of days after you so we will be jumping buddies after all.  I can barely see my pills - I am sure yours are around the same size.


Can Do - power on my friend and get the poisons out of your body. I guess I believe if I am going to feel like crap I may as well be cutting but that is me.  I hope it is cooler there for you - here it is the usual steam bath.


Try: As I got lower on the Klonopin I started getting what I call electric jolts in my shoulders, back etc.  They are awful. They came at the end of my taper and I have had them on and off (mostly on) throughout my Valium taper.  I think it is what Can Do says and from what I have read very common.  People told me Magnesium helps with them but I didn't want to add anything to the mix given how I react to everything. 


A shout out to everyone here- so sorry to read about the suffering this awful drug causes. 

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Can, thanks for the reply.  Hi, how are you doing?  Hope you get some well deserved rest today.


Try, I am hanging in there, decent days , not so decent days I think you can relate. I hope your doing ok as can be expected, I am just trying to accept this whole thing and roll with it like WR- aka TG is doing . Not a lot of ryme or reason to it is there? ~CD : ps if I sit around and rest I get crazy a catch 22 ! (:
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Kgirl,I'm right there with you.  No adding anything to the mix.  You know how the mind works in these situations, right away I'm Googling Parkinson's.  Guess I'll just add it to my never ending list of things to distract from.


You and WR are hitting dust and about to be FREE!!!  So So Happy for You!! 



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Can, thanks for the reply.  Hi, how are you doing?  Hope you get some well deserved rest today.


Try, I am hanging in there, decent days , not so decent days I think you can relate. I hope your doing ok as can be expected, I am just trying to accept this whole thing and roll with it like WR- aka TG is doing . Not a lot of ryme or reason to it is there? ~CD : ps if I sit around and rest I get crazy a catch 22 ! (:


Can, I totally, totally understand.  I'm ready to get off the ride.  Big Hug, Try

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Question: does anyone struggle with inner vibrations?  I used to get them once in awhile.  Usually in the morning upon waking it would last for about 5-10 mins. and just fade away.  Lately, it has started to increase to various times throughout the day.  Does anyone know why these vibrations happen?



Why? That's the $64,000 question. I imagine it's as CD says, misfiring or over activated nerves and muscles. Concentrated in, or around the stomach? Our spinal column is sending lots of different messages from the CNS, many that don't make sense. I had this symptom in PPI withdrawal too, which is when I first noticed it. I was really upset it came back during K taper, but then relieved when it would pass. The lower I went, the more I had them. But being off has significantly spaced out intervals.



I think I have that magnesium. I figure that although I'm sensitive, it doesn't cause significant problems. At six months out  I'm willing to try again, especially after recent debilitating pain. I am happy you are off to the pool! And no more K soon, hard to believe.


I'm not out of bed yet but pain has largely left me. That may have been one of the worst episodes of full body pain, ever. CD, I will ask for the MRI scan and get second opinion.


What remains is nausea and twitching muscles that kept me awake through the night. I slept with a bowl. It just occurred to me that sleep is otherwise good. Once I fall asleep, I don't wake until morning.


I'm in new territory now. Better equipped, hopefully, for whatever K throws at me next.


Kgirl, you're almost done. Hallelujah! Wish I could send you cool coastal breeze. Hope it's not a Monday Monday on a Thursday. Funny, I don't know what day it is half the time.


Gilster, Burnedout, Swickey, b strong, Liberty, Gilster, Steve, Klonopin addict, Maya and anyone not mentioned—keep the faith it will get better. Gotta keep picking up each other!



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Here is a great post by perserverance about nerves that helped me:



I just thought I would post it since I see talk about nerves, paresthesia, trembling etc. I had some bad nerve pain/spinal burning/back pain this week. Also with cramps. Of the 3 times I have had my period two were similar to this. I didn't get my period which shocked me. The back/spine pain freaks me out a tiny bit becasue of my sister's back issues and it is part of the pain that induced my first and only panic attack this year.


I have been doing pretty good. My baseline has improved. I have had some nice Windows. I am also having to continue to put my energy into eating healthy and enough, walks, yoga etc. I wish I had more energy. I miss everyone a lot. I am doing some things for benzo awareness. I hope others will participate in whatever way you can especially for W-BAD. I know it's hard while we are sick. I think of all my KK buddies every day. I have to go eat more, but I will wrote more soon.


Sending lots of love, light, and healing thoughts


XXO Maya

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Try, thank you for asking....see my post above. Thankfully, pain not racking me. Nauseous though.  :sick: How grateful not to feel tortured. I mean, truly tortured. My pain threshold is higher than I ever imagined. I think our CNS is being replaced with steel... Very glad you went to movies. What's your next challenge?


CD, I saw your back stats.  :idiot: At least it's not like a Jenga game. Hang in there. Do what you can while you feel 'good', and pamper as much as you can when wavy crazy, like today. But lay off icecream and lasagna combo  :D or else... Throne room. That's wouldn't be good.


Hi Maya!!

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Bennie, I attempt a challenge a day.  I haven't decided what today's challenge will be.  Still trying to settle down from the movies.  But, I have done the drive thru carwash twice, Target, two hours in the cellphone store, highway driving, online timed test for a job, Trader Joe's, and multiple grocery store's all by myself.  While looking and feeling like total YUCK!


Our thresholds are far superior to the average person.  We are capable of enduring so many things.


How's your garden?

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Bennie, I attempt a challenge a day.  I haven't decided what today's challenge will be.  Still trying to settle down from the movies.  But, I have done the drive thru carwash twice, Target, two hours in the cellphone store, highway driving, online timed test for a job, Trader Joe's, and multiple grocery store's all by myself.  While looking and feeling like total YUCK!


Our thresholds are far superior to the average person.  We are capable of enduring so many things.


How's your garden?


Wow wow wow!!!


You go girl !!!


You had me at 'two hours in cell phone store'!


I have multiple gardens and they are getting away from me. Everyone here should be my neighbor for free produce.

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Try, thank you for asking....see my post above. Thankfully, pain not racking me. Nauseous though.  :sick: How grateful not to feel tortured. I mean, truly tortured. My pain threshold is higher than I ever imagined. I think our CNS is being replaced with steel... Very glad you went to movies. What's your next challenge?


CD, I saw your back stats.  :idiot: At least it's not like a Jenga game. Hang in there. Do what you can while you feel 'good', and pamper as much as you can when wavy crazy, like today. But lay off icecream and lasagna combo  :D or else... Throne room. That's wouldn't be good.


Hi Maya!!

Bennie, now you know why my back hurts lol ! The Lady and Myself went for a walk yesterday to scope out some Timber and stupid Me decided to climb down a damn Mountain Goat trail going down was easy getting back up not cool. It was our date day poor Woman not sure why or how She deals with me . Feel better and I hope your pain takes a long walk off a short bridge ! @ Maya , great to see ya I thought you left us maybe went on a trip to Vegas or something lol! Hope your doing well missed ya ! @ kgirl nice up north today about 75-80 with a nice breeze good day to do nothing which I am doing ;)    Huggs ~CD
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Bennie, I attempt a challenge a day.  I haven't decided what today's challenge will be.  Still trying to settle down from the movies.  But, I have done the drive thru carwash twice, Target, two hours in the cellphone store, highway driving, online timed test for a job, Trader Joe's, and multiple grocery store's all by myself.  While looking and feeling like total YUCK!


Our thresholds are far superior to the average person.  We are capable of enduring so many things.


How's your garden?


Wow wow wow!!!


You go girl !!!


You had me at 'two hours in cell phone store'!


I have multiple gardens and they are getting away from me. Everyone here should be my neighbor for free produce.


Bennie,I'd take you up on that produce.  The quality of our produce here is really bad.  Nothing beats fresh out the garden. 


Maya, thank you for the link.  Thinking of you, hope all is well.  W-BAD.  JULY 11, 2016

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