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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Sorry your sleep is a mess at the moment.  Especially after it having been so much better for a while. That's proof your brain is still able to sleep, though. So, don't give up hoping.for better sleep to return. I admire how you're able to have a job as well as being a full time mom! A big thumbs-up!




That's not too bad- 4,5 hours. But it's not what we hope for, of course. Good luck tonight.


My sleep was one of different segments. Waking up quite often, not much in the way of deep sleep. More pain and now itching spots here, there and everywhere.  Perhaps a side effect of the antibiotics I started talking because of my tick bite? Didn't feel rested after getting up. No getting any sunshine for me while on these meds. ( 10 days).  Had the car serviced this morning. Fine for another year.


Hope your day will be a pleasant one!



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TS said>>>

I admire how you're able to have a job as well as being a full time mom! A big thumbs-up!


Ditto to that! Benzo withdrawal is nothing short of a living hell for most ppl.

Hope the pain and itching subside soon TS.

I got in just 4 hours but is was good sleep IMO.


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Good day all,


Heyilona, hopefully you had a better night of sleep. As TS said, your brain still is able to sleep. You'll get there. 


AB, the 4.5 hours isn't what you want, but you are heading in the right direction.  Stay strong.


TS, sorry about the itchy spots, pain, and waking up more often. The antibiotics might be the culprit.  Hang in there.


Yesterday, I went to my primary doctor and he said he thinks I have Myofascial pressure. It is probably related to the head injury from a few weeks ago. 

He also thinks I had a concussion.  I hopefully will recover with heat and massaging the areas. There is always physical therapy, but I'm going to go the heat and massage route first.


As for sleep last night, I had 7 hours and 45 minutes. I am so happy to keep up the sleep. Even my deep sleep and REM sleep time is going up. 


Take care everyone,




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Hello folks,


I have been reading through your posts the last couple of days and there is quite a variety going on. Good for you, NG, for your 10-hour night! wow! I hope that is me sometime in the near future. I see you're still getting your 7.5-hour nights, TS. AB, you seem to be in a run for the last little while, like I have been a few times. Heyilona, I am so sorry for your slim to nothing nights. TBH, I actually don't know how much I have been sleeping. I am in and out quite a bit. I wake up frequently. If it wasn't for remembering my dreams, I wouldn't know that I do, in fact, drift off here and there. My best guess is last night was another 4-hour night. 5 at best. I could be off, though. I might have only slept 3 hours and I am just used to it at this point.


I remember when I first started my taper, a year ago, I was absolutely devastated the first time I had a "broken 5-hours" of sleep. I was so accustomed to 8 to 10 hours. At this point, I have had hundreds of 1,2-,3- and 4-hour nights and I am still here.


We will get through this. It's all good.




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Not so good here. I fell asleep about midnight and woke up at 2am. I had this crazy feeling that I had to manually make myself breath. I’ve never felt anything like that before and it was terrifying. It took about an hour for that to go away and then I drifted off for another 2 hours of light sleep. I’m hoping for better tonight. One of these days I’ll get back to fighting to stay awake instead of fighting to go to sleep.



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Not so good here. I fell asleep about midnight and woke up at 2am. I had this crazy feeling that I had to manually make myself breath. I’ve never felt anything like that before and it was terrifying. It took about an hour for that to go away and then I drifted off for another 2 hours of light sleep. I’m hoping for better tonight. One of these days I’ll get back to fighting to stay awake instead of fighting to go to sleep.




That feeling could be a panick attack

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Previous night 2,5ish... last night 5,5 but could have been 7, my 7 year old keeps kicking me and rolling against me abd even woke me from deep sleep to pee but she lied! Just wanted to talk to me at 4:30...


I ordered a new matrass but will take 6 weeks to deliver. Then i will put it below her high bed so we can sleep there and she can get used to not feeling me at night. She kicks and tosses and turns all night and looks to feel me it drives me mad. I cant believe i used to sleep through that pre benzo... think she got a lot stronger and bigger.


You are so positive HeartMost, yes we are still here wjth the broken sleep and it has to keep improving right even at snail pace.

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Glad I had a good sleep last night. Some 7,5 hours. Refreshing sleep.  No pain or itching.


Not a good day so far. As always backpain ( started much earlier this morning), neuropathy worse, slightly dizzy at times. Lots of huge floaters.  But otherwise doing great...lol.


Hope you all slept well.


Wishing you a pleasant Friday.





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Got about 6 hours last night. But I have to qualify that by saying it’s not organic. I had to take some mirtazipine to fall asleep. The hours sound great but the quality is not good. I wake up feeling like I barely slept at all. This has been the trend lately. I’m getting the hours but not the quality. Hopefully that comes back soon as well.
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I hear you Xray on the drug induced sleep. It is often not refreshing like natural sleep but sometimes, we need a little push while we work on the natural part. My mother takes OTC sleep aids a few times a week and I have a best friend who takes OTC Benadryl every night before bed.


:thumbsup: TS! 7.5 hours is great. Glad the pain and itching have settled down for you.


Hang in there HM. I know how not being able to sleep or get adequate sleep  makes you feel. Sleep is so important to overall health.


NG said>>>

As for sleep last night, I had 7 hours and 45 minutes. I am so happy to keep up the sleep.

This is great news. I am so happy on mornings when I can get in a good night of sleep like this because I know overall, my entire day is going to be so much better. :)


Try to enjoy your Friday everyone.



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I had a glorious 48hr window. 7hrs sleep, felt human when I woke up. No morning horrors. This morning I woke up to the wave creeping back. I am telling myself the window means I am healing.
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I had a glorious 48hr window. 7hrs sleep, felt human when I woke up. No morning horrors. This morning I woke up to the wave creeping back. I am telling myself the window means I am healing.


This is great to hear healing. Ty for sharing. We all know the healing process is not linear, so don't be discouraged if you feel really good one day and bad the next day. Eventually, the good days should become more and more and the bad ones less and less. Personally, I don't expect the remainder of my life to be all good days. Virtually All ppl on the planet earth have bad days. That is just a part of life and living but the bad days should not considerably outnumber the good ones and overwhelm us when we are feeling mostly good. :)

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Good day everyone,


heyilona, that's good news the hypnic stuff us less intense.  The being awake from 2 am sounds awful.  Hopefully tonight is better.


AB has made an excellent point about the good days and the bad days in our lives.  Eventually the good does outnumber the bad as we recover from benzos. 

My first few days, weeks, and months, when I started my taper, were all bad.  I was in survival mode. 

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine going through this torture, but I did, so I focused on putting one foot in front of the other believing that I would make it

through this nightmare. 


The BB site has such an amazing variety of sources to help us understand what is happening to our brains and bodies.  I can honestly say, without the support I received on here, I would not been successful tapering off of clonazepam.


healing231, the 48 hour window with 7 hours of sleep is amazing! You are making it, one day at a time. 


xray, that's good that mirtazapine helps you get to sleep. Eventually you will manage without that medication. 


TS, the 7.5 hours of sleep is wonderful along with the no pain and itching! Sorry about the morning backpain, neuropathy and floaters. I like your positive outlook about otherwise doing great! ha

Stay positive!


I'm doing quite okay with a little more than six hours of sleep.  My headache and neck pain is not so bad today.  I've decided I'm still recovering from my head injury and need to take a few steps back and let myself heal. 



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Sorry to hear this heyilona. According to your signature, you were only on the klonopin for 3 weeks and had no prior problems sleeping. Hopefully, you will recover soon despite the CT. I wish I was in your shoes. I have been on this brain toxin for over 30 years. :'(
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Hey guys,

Last night was slim for me. Not much sleep. I went to bed late, got just a couple/few hours, was awake at 6:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. I am exhausted and I also have a headache. I took Tylenol. Hopefully, I will feel better soon.


I'll try to write more later,



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Sorry to hear this heyilona. According to your signature, you were only on the klonopin for 3 weeks and had no prior problems sleeping. Hopefully, you will recover soon despite the CT. I wish I was in your shoes. I have been on this brain toxin for over 30 years. :'(


So sorry  :-\ but you are off now, supposedly we will all get there some day right

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Hey guys,

Last night was slim for me. Not much sleep. I went to bed late, got just a couple/few hours, was awake at 6:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. I am exhausted and I also have a headache. I took Tylenol. Hopefully, I will feel better soon.


I'll try to write more later,



Wishing you better nights soon

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Good day everyone,


heyilona, that's good news the hypnic stuff us less intense.  The being awake from 2 am sounds awful.  Hopefully tonight is better.


AB has made an excellent point about the good days and the bad days in our lives.  Eventually the good does outnumber the bad as we recover from benzos. 

My first few days, weeks, and months, when I started my taper, were all bad.  I was in survival mode. 

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine going through this torture, but I did, so I focused on putting one foot in front of the other believing that I would make it

through this nightmare. 


The BB site has such an amazing variety of sources to help us understand what is happening to our brains and bodies.  I can honestly say, without the support I received on here, I would not been successful tapering off of clonazepam.


healing231, the 48 hour window with 7 hours of sleep is amazing! You are making it, one day at a time. 


xray, that's good that mirtazapine helps you get to sleep. Eventually you will manage without that medication. 


TS, the 7.5 hours of sleep is wonderful along with the no pain and itching! Sorry about the morning backpain, neuropathy and floaters. I like your positive outlook about otherwise doing great! ha

Stay positive!


I'm doing quite okay with a little more than six hours of sleep.  My headache and neck pain is not so bad today.  I've decided I'm still recovering from my head injury and need to take a few steps back and let myself heal. 



Yep take good care of yourself :)

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You will all get there one fine day.


I went on Benzos for mild insomnia....maybe like a good thunderstorm for comparison!


The Benzos worked for about 8 or 9 weeks then they slowly stopped working....


After my CT,  I was hit with Category 5 Hurricane insomnia that lasted around 10 months, maybe a bit less, until I started getting some sleep every night and I averaged 4-5 hours!

The zero nights were finally over and I thought I was completely healed from insomnia...


Fast Forward 4+ years and my sleep is almost pre-Benzo.  According to my latest toy (FitBit) I am averaging just over an hour of deep sleep each night along with 4-6 hours of light sleep and 1.2 to 1.8 hours of REM sleep so far.  I also have a sleep number bed that corroborates the numbers and from how I feel I'd say they are almost spot on...within minutes.


It was very up and down until it evened out.  I'd have weeks or even months of good sleep then I'd get hit with a nasty stretch of very poor sleep just like in the bad old WD days.

I had sleep waves or setbacks at 18, 32 and 52 months off.  The last one lasted about 6 weeks.  But since that time I've slept very well for over 14 months.


I say all of this to not only give you hope, but also so that if you get hit with a late wave of poor sleep...don't freak out.  It seems to happen more than you'd think but is a lot shorter in duration.


Good luck to everyone still having sleep issues.  :thumbsup:



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NG said>>>

The BB site has such an amazing variety of sources to help us understand what is happening to our brains and bodies.  I can honestly say, without the support I received on here, I would not been successful tapering off of clonazepam.

Ditto NG! + good to hear on the 6 hours of sleep. I think I got about 6 hours too, and it was pretty decent. :)

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Hi AB, you are doing fairly well too. Yes, indeed it is pretty decent!


ThEwAy2 the cat five hurricane is spot on.  We have suffered beyond our wildest dreams but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. 


Thanks for sharing about your sleep number bed and Fitbit. I also am typically getting around an hour of deep sleep and 1-1.5 hours of REM plus four-five hours of light sleep according to my fitbit. 

I wasn't sure how accurate those numbers were, but beings yours matches up with your sleep number bed, I'll stop being skeptical with mine.




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About 6 to 6,5 hrs but super broken.


My first block was only 2,5 hrs and with a micro awakening. Then the rest of the night 1 to 1,5 hrs a bunch of times but never awake for long. Has been a few days since i had my at least 3 to 4 hr solid blocks at the beginning of the night hope that will return soon.


Day 2 of my cycle. I am starting to believe this wave WAS induced bybcoming off the birth control pill. Hope it doesnt take months and months to regulate.


Glad you had a decent night antibenzo!

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less than 4 hours tonight. woke up with stomach in knots around 2am and then again at 4am. trying so hard to keep breathing and stay in bed to get the best "rest" i can. Whole house came down with a cold including me, so keeping the household going has been my focus. Have a major deadline I was suppose to be working for monday to qualify for a new job. I feel like everything is spinning out and this WD is stealing another opportunity from my family and I am failing.


The fear of the next wave is a real thing. I have not figured out how to mitigate it it.

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