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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Hello folks,


Congrats on your sleep, as of late. That's great. I have done a keto diet many times, in the past and gotten quite lean on it. Down to 118 on a 5'5" frame. I weigh about 140 right now but I am considering the keto too.


I got home at 5 and laid down at 6am and was lucky enough to get an hour of sleep or so. Maybe an hour and a half. That is the first time in over a year that I have been able to fall asleep in those circumstances. I didn't get much sleep, obviously, but the fact that I fell asleep in the morning is very nice. Healing is happening! Wish me luck tonight. Home alone and safe in my own bed.



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Hello everybody!


Hi Jo,


How was your night? Any luck with sleep?  I do hope things have been improving a bit lately!

Must be really tough to have too little sleep night in night out.


Hi HM,


That's so wonderful you got some sleep after you had such a rotten night. Congrats!

Hope you were lucky again last night. No better place than your own, right?


Hi NG,


Really glad your head and neck are OK. Could have been so much worse. Your sleep  not being affected by it, is great news, too.


I slept at least 8 hours last night! Went to bed early because I felt tired, especially my eyes. I had one bathroom break and slept on like a baby. This morning brought torrential rains and strong winds, so I didn't feel like getting up. I killed the alarm and slept on until after 9.

After the clouds had gone away, the sun came out. Lovely!  So I had a walk. Went to the farmers market for some organic rye bread. Now it's raining again, with thunder on the way....


Enjoy your day!



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You are on a roll TS. 8 hours are terrific.  :thumbsup:


I think I got in almost 6 last night but it was broken sleep.


Enjoy your day everyone.

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Good day all,

AB, six hours is okay. The broken part is a pain. That's how mine has been since I kindled on benzos and then finally got off of the drug.

My thoughts are this is just the way it is, but I do remember back when I could sleep all night except for one bathroom break.  Maybe that will one day return.


TS, you are doing oh so well with sleep. It means there is hope for the rest of us!

The rain storm gave you some extra sleep, which sounded lovely.  The farmer's market sounded like a great place to go and buy bread.  Enjoy that rye!


I initially went to sleep for three hours, then couldn't go back to sleep. I finally slept another two hours of broken, but I'm not complaining.


Not sure what is on my agenda to do today.  Maybe some more yard work. The telephone pole on my radar. ha




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The telephone pole on my radar. ha


LOL, stay far away NG. Enjoy the yard work. I hate yard work myself.  :laugh:


Happy Friday everyone.


I think I slept between 5 & 6 hours last night.


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Hi ladies


Glad you both had a more or less decent sleep. Although 3 and 2 hours with a long wake in between isn't that great of course.

My sleep was a lot worse than the kind of sleep I 've been having lately. For some reason ( I'm often looking for a reason, shouldn't do that, I know) I couldn't get to sleep. It feels like I was awake for most of the night, which isn't true, of course.

It's a thin line between sleeping and just lying in bed.

Anyway, this morning i was glad to get up.


I had the gardeners in this morning. They finished the 'Spring cleaning.' With the heavy work out of the way,  I can now start doing the normal jobs.

After a warm and dry March, we had 2 weeks of cold weather,  with first snow, followed by lots of rain. From Monday the warmer weather is back. So everything is going to burst open and start to grow.


I second AB's warning: please be careful in the garden, NG. Telephone poles seem to be quite sturdy,  or so I heard!


Enjoy the rest of your day!





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Look at all those big numbers. I am so envious. Sorry, TS about your rough night. I have had nights like that too, where I literally don't know how much or if I slept. The night before last was 7 hours. SO nice! Then LAST night was ZERO and I mean NONE. Wide awake all night. I am so exhausted. Pray for me that my brain drifts off tonight and I get some good ZZZ's. It's bedtime for me.


Make it a good one.



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Hi people,


HM, wishing you lots of ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZs

And that goes for all of you, of course!


I slept a little over 7 hours last night, so I seem to be back on track!


Enjoy your Saturday.



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Hello Jo,


That’s good to hear. Slowly but surely your sleep is going to get better.

I know it's doesn't always feel that way, but trust your body and brain.


I hope your day is a pleasant one.


Take care.



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Good day all, I hope everyone's weekend is going well. 


AB, I can say that I don't love yard work, but the end result can be rewarding.  Years ago, my husband planted rose bushes along our driveway. I always kept them pruned and fertilized, while he them kept the grass pulled from around their base.  Then two years ago, he stopped doing that.  Now the grass has taken over and so I must do something to save the rose bushes.  Roses are unforgiving plants with their sharp thorns, so I end up with lots of scratches trying to pull the grass up.

I'm thinking of digging up each bush and pulling out all of the grass and replanting them.  There are eight bushes.

I need a gardener. LOL


I hope your sleep is doing okay.


HM, I hope your sleep is being consistent.  Time is usually in our favor. 


TS, glad to hear you are back on track with sleep! Keep it up!


I slept around 5 plus hours. I'm doing better when I first go to sleep and can get two to three hours before I wake up, then I toss and turn for another two or three hours before I go back to sleep again.  Hopefully I get past that and will eventually stay asleep.


Enjoy the weekend!




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LOL NG, my mother had me plant some rose bushes she bought from Lowes in two flower beds of hers in the front yard and yes, they are very thorny so you have to be really careful. My mother loves her yard plants but she is physically unable to tend to them anymore.


Hang in there sleepyjo and I hope your sleep gets better and longer.


Glad to hear about the 7 hours TS.  :thumbsup:


I hope HM was able to get in some sleep.


I think I got 5.5 hours last night....hoping for better tonight but who knows. :)


Enjoy your Sat. everyone.

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So glad you all got some sleep last night.


TS, Congrats on getting back to your 7 hours.

Jo, Your sleep is greatly improved! I remember when mine first started improving. Feels so good.

NG, Congrats on your 5 hours. That is wonderful Glad things are going well for you.

AB, Another 5.5 person! A lot of you were at the 5-hour mark last night.


After a zero night where I was so awake, I barely closed my eyes and got ZERO sleep, last night was about 7 hours. I never know what I am going to get. Can't wait until my 7 and 8 hour nights are far more consistent.



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Hi everybody,


Looks like we all had better sleep!  Yes!


NG, you're right; as garden owners we have to stay on top of the weeds or they 'll take over in no time at all. When I was still physically OK, I was working in the garden a couple of hours almost every day of the gardening season. Not a weed in sight and everything tiptop. Now, not so, alas! A good thing I don't see too well atm.  ;)


My sleep was a bit of a funny one last. The first 1,5 hours sleep just didn't want to come. Got up around midnight for a bathoom visit. Went to sleep after that in less than no time at all!  Crazy, right? Slept until 7 am. So a good night after all.


Wishing us all a blessed Sunday!




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Good day all,

It rained last night! Yes! The fertilizer I put down last week is finally watered in to the lawn. 


AB, you are a great son to plant roses for your mother.  They are so beautiful to look at during the summer and fall months and the aroma is amazing.


TS, your dedication to caring for your garden is impressive.  Perhaps one day you will feel like doing that again. Not seeing them, now, too well is definitely a plus.

Your sleep sounded good once you got there. 


HM, the fact that you do sleep 7 hours or more is promising for a good recovery. 


Sleepyjo, your sleep will get better too. it just takes time. 


My sleep was around six hours, but according to my fitbit, I had no deep sleep.  Tonight will hopefully be better.



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6 Hours is decent NG. Your sig says you got put on benzos and z-drugs for insomnia and your ticker says you are over 4 years benzo free. What was your sleep like before you ever started taking these drugs? Was there ever a time in your life when sleep was not an issue.


Congrats. TS....seems like you are back on track.


I think I slept 4-5 hours but it was not good sleep IMO.

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Good morning, all.


Hope you enjoyed your weekend.


Slept 6,5 hours without a bathroom visit. Pretty good, right? Best of all: no pain!  :thumbsup:


Have a good Monday.









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Good day all,


The sun is shining this morning.  Snow is on the way tomorrow, but it should be short-lived. 


AB, I never had sleep problems. I would go to bed and sleep throughout the night.  After I got married, my husband snored, but if I went to sleep first, I did fine.

As time went on the snoring became worse and I became more of a light sleeper.  Sleep became more of a challenge with the snoring, so I would take my pillow and go to the living room and sleep on the sofa.  It wasn't the best, but my husband said that my not being able to sleep was not his problem.


Eventually I went for counseling and the counselor sent me to a psychiatrist who prescribed the benzos.  She said one would put me to sleep and one would keep me asleep. I had no idea what I was being put on. This was before google and so I trusted the doctor.  I was so happy being able to sleep. 

Within a few years, I felt I wanted off of the medication because I had to have the pills to sleep and became stressed if I was running out.  I was addicted.


So began my journey of trying to get off the drugs.  One time I managed to taper off of clonazepam and almost off of the 10mg of Ambien. We were going to visit my mother, so I didn't take any sleeping pills with me and never slept the week we were there.  As soon as I got home, I started taking both meds again.  A few years later, I tried again, but only lasted a few days. 


The drugs no longer worked for sleep, and I became sicker.  I started searching on the internet and found the BB site and the rest is history. 


Why do I still have this insomnia? I assume it is because of the daily stress of caring for a spouse who has Alzheimer's. He does fairly well, but I do not leave him home alone.  I don't mind that, but I do become stressed when I am running all around trying to find where he is and what he is doing. 

He was looking for the chain saw a week or so ago to cut down a bush by the garden.  Our son has the saw, thankfully. 

Mostly I handle everything okay, but my sleep does suffer.


TS, congratulations on the good sleep and no bathroom break! 


Take care,





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Thank you NG,


Wow  what a story you shared with us! I'm so impressed by the way your handled, and nowadays are handling the things life throws at you! A big thumbsup!


When will those medical types ever learn..?


Yours is only one of many, many thousands of stories just like that. So many people 's lives were messed up by a few words on a piece of Rx paper. The mind boggles!


So, real April weather too where you live.  Hopefully the snow will pass soon and the warmer weather will take over again.


I worked in the garden some 3 hours today, nicely split up in a  morning and afternoon part. Now my back is about to pack it in.

Rest and recreation are on the menu tonight.


Seeing the eye-doctor again tomorrow. Nothing new, still lots of large floaters and foggy conditions. Waiting for my cataract op.


Enjoy the rest of this Monday.




Ps. Still taking a only 'course' of Swedish. Nice.

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