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The Klonopin Klub#2


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RB, my Dr wrote me a prescription for my Liquid Diazapam, she really doesn't know a lot about benzo withdrawal but she tries hard to work with me.  One way I have read for a panic attack, is to breath deeply in and out , counting to 4 each way, don't leave where you are, that just enforces it, breath until you feel your hands becoming warmer, and if you have calmed down, try to continue what you were doing. 

But if you are in the car and driving, go sit outside the ER, makes you feel better go for it.  But try not to leave the place you are if you can help it.  Staying will start giving you confidence.  Good luck!

Mary 🍀🍀

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Hi all. My first post on the forums. I wanted to say that just knowing that there are so many others going through similar situations as my own is really helpful. There are sometimes I can feel so alone in this struggle. So full disclosure- I’m fighting down a panic attack while posting this on my cell phone, sitting in my car that’s parked near the ER. I don’t know if anybody else uses this “strategy” when a really bad panic attack hits but it has helped me. Simply being near emergency care takes the slightest edge off of the panic/anxiety and sometimes is just enough to help me cope. I know it’s weird, and I feel weird doing it but I’m willing to do anything that helps when the panic is bad enough.


So I had some questions about some techniques Ive read about here. First, who has experience with getting specific dosages prepared by a pharmacist in the US? It’s been my experience that any odd requests are often rejected off-hand by the medical world in the US, such as when I asked my primary if he would be willing to help me substitute diazepam for klonopin over time (As suggested in the Ashton manual) he smirked and said “absolutely not.” I honestly believe that the vast majority of medical professionals have no idea what they’re dealing with when it comes to benzo dependence and withdrawal.


Second, what are some of the methods, tricks, and techniques some of you use to help control a panic attack? I read one here that seems like it wouldn’t matter much but actually helped me. It was the advice to “let your tongue relax and come down from being stuck to the roof of your mouth.” When I read that I was struggling with a monster of a panic attack and I realized I was doing that and it caused tension in muscles of the area.


Anyway, so glad to have found this forum.


Hey RB, and "welcome" to the club. Not the kind of welcome I like to give people because I, like you, would prefer that you and ALL of us weren't even in a situation where we need to be here in the first place! I can't say what I do for killer panic because I'd get booted off the board, but as far as getting dosages prepared by a pharmacist...keep asking around, but my experience has been that tons of people do great at preparing their own liquid doses. Just sort of a plan B in case your search doesn't give you what you need. You're in total control of things and really have your hands on the pulse of the process and taper when you do it yourself. I initially found someone to compound, and then soon after that they changed their minds...basically they didn't want the responsibility, but heck, isn't that what compounding pharmacists do?! Good thing I wasn't deep into the process because I would've been in a world of hurt. Just a thought, and feel free to toss it aside.


Take care!



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Tomorrow I'm going to cut to 0.5mg, where I'll stay until Dec. 28 or 29.


Today I was anxious, which doesn't fit any pattern, so I've given up on looking for patterns. One thing that's new, and probably a byproduct of my being happier in general, is I feel like I want to get up and dance or sing, or move around in some way that isn't just normal adult exercise (I work out at a gym). Mainly I feel restless when I get withdrawal symptoms, but then my brain struggles with basic tasks like reading a menu at a restaurant.


I know there are compounding pharmacies in my area but I wanted to start my taper when I wanted to, and not wait until I had researched them, so I do a liquid homebrew. I've done both milk and vodka but think that vodka is better IMO.


Maybe a professional compound is something to consider in 2020. It's always nice to remember that there are many options.


I know the holidays can be tough so I just want to wish everyone well!

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Tomorrow I'm going to cut to 0.5mg, where I'll stay until Dec. 28 or 29.


Today I was anxious, which doesn't fit any pattern, so I've given up on looking for patterns. One thing that's new, and probably a byproduct of my being happier in general, is I feel like I want to get up and dance or sing, or move around in some way that isn't just normal adult exercise (I work out at a gym). Mainly I feel restless when I get withdrawal symptoms, but then my brain struggles with basic tasks like reading a menu at a restaurant.


I know there are compounding pharmacies in my area but I wanted to start my taper when I wanted to, and not wait until I had researched them, so I do a liquid homebrew. I've done both milk and vodka but think that vodka is better IMO.


Maybe a professional compound is something to consider in 2020. It's always nice to remember that there are many options.


I know the holidays can be tough so I just want to wish everyone well!


Are you dry cutting your pills?  I'm asking because I dry cut mine and lately I have struggled with my taper.


I use a Gemini scale and nail file.  I cut my pills in halves and then quarters for the smaller doses.  I then use the nail file to shave down to the dosage I need to get to.  Wondering if I am doing something wrong or if this is just the way it is with tapeing. Though I have has windows during my taper, I reall have struggled with depression, anhedonia and anxiety. 

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May I ask how low we should taper clonazepam ? And would 0. 04 mg still be considered therapeutic?

Would it do anything for sleep still ?


Though others may give your their options, I plan to taper as low as I can and then get off.  I think it's a personal choice on how low you want to go.  Do you feel it helps you sleep right now?


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Tomorrow I'm going to cut to 0.5mg, where I'll stay until Dec. 28 or 29.


Today I was anxious, which doesn't fit any pattern, so I've given up on looking for patterns. One thing that's new, and probably a byproduct of my being happier in general, is I feel like I want to get up and dance or sing, or move around in some way that isn't just normal adult exercise (I work out at a gym). Mainly I feel restless when I get withdrawal symptoms, but then my brain struggles with basic tasks like reading a menu at a restaurant.


I know there are compounding pharmacies in my area but I wanted to start my taper when I wanted to, and not wait until I had researched them, so I do a liquid homebrew. I've done both milk and vodka but think that vodka is better IMO.


Maybe a professional compound is something to consider in 2020. It's always nice to remember that there are many options.


I know the holidays can be tough so I just want to wish everyone well!


Are you dry cutting your pills?  I'm asking because I dry cut mine and lately I have struggled with my taper.


I use a Gemini scale and nail file.  I cut my pills in halves and then quarters for the smaller doses.  I then use the nail file to shave down to the dosage I need to get to.  Wondering if I am doing something wrong or if this is just the way it is with tapeing. Though I have has windows during my taper, I reall have struggled with depression, anhedonia and anxiety.


Hey Final, I know that there's been talk about some discrepancy when dry cutting since the med isn't evenly distributed within a tablet and every tablet varies. For example, someone could file off a bit of a piece and are actually filing off only filler of the tablet whereas other times they may actually file off a piece that's entirely medicine with no filler, etc. Not sure if that makes sense, but I can see how someone could get a change in sx if they filed off pure med in sequential days followed by pure filler in others. That would be really inconsistent as far as actual tapering goes, but who knows. I remember seeing some dry cutters here talk about that kind of thing. Heck, maybe it all evens out in the end!


Have a calm day.



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Tomorrow I'm going to cut to 0.5mg, where I'll stay until Dec. 28 or 29.


Today I was anxious, which doesn't fit any pattern, so I've given up on looking for patterns. One thing that's new, and probably a byproduct of my being happier in general, is I feel like I want to get up and dance or sing, or move around in some way that isn't just normal adult exercise (I work out at a gym). Mainly I feel restless when I get withdrawal symptoms, but then my brain struggles with basic tasks like reading a menu at a restaurant.


I know there are compounding pharmacies in my area but I wanted to start my taper when I wanted to, and not wait until I had researched them, so I do a liquid homebrew. I've done both milk and vodka but think that vodka is better IMO.


Maybe a professional compound is something to consider in 2020. It's always nice to remember that there are many options.


I know the holidays can be tough so I just want to wish everyone well!


Are you dry cutting your pills?  I'm asking because I dry cut mine and lately I have struggled with my taper.


I use a Gemini scale and nail file.  I cut my pills in halves and then quarters for the smaller doses.  I then use the nail file to shave down to the dosage I need to get to.  Wondering if I am doing something wrong or if this is just the way it is with tapeing. Though I have has windows during my taper, I reall have struggled with depression, anhedonia and anxiety.


Hey Final, I know that there's been talk about some discrepancy when dry cutting since the med isn't evenly distributed within a tablet and every tablet varies. For example, someone could file off a bit of a piece and are actually filing off only filler of the tablet whereas other times they may actually file off a piece that's entirely medicine with no filler, etc. Not sure if that makes sense, but I can see how someone could get a change in sx if they filed off pure med in sequential days followed by pure filler in others. That would be really inconsistent as far as actual tapering goes, but who knows. I remember seeing some dry cutters here talk about that kind of thing. Heck, maybe it all evens out in the end!


Have a calm day.




Hi Jeff,  Thanks for your response.


I'm so confused about what to do.  I'm not sure if I should try liquiid or not.  I'm afraid that if I try and it dosent work and then have to switch back.  I've heard people try it and it not work for them.  But if things dont improve I many have to try it. 

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I use a liquid vodka water homebrew for my taper. But, now that I'm on 0.5mg for the next week or so, I'll just take a pill. I moved to once-a-day dosing. I believe this is the best option for me.


I think the "best" method is the one you understand. Even if I had 20 math professors check my work, I would not undertake a plan I didn't understand myself. Just my opinion!


I don't think doctors reasonably expect us to do anything other than dry cuts, but that's why K is so problematic. I wonder what would have happened if I tapered off 1mg in 8 weeks like my previous doctor suggested I could by cutting 0.5mg pills into quarters, but I can't afford to be sick right now for the sake of proving an experiment. I already didn't trust that doctor.

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Tomorrow I'm going to cut to 0.5mg, where I'll stay until Dec. 28 or 29.


Today I was anxious, which doesn't fit any pattern, so I've given up on looking for patterns. One thing that's new, and probably a byproduct of my being happier in general, is I feel like I want to get up and dance or sing, or move around in some way that isn't just normal adult exercise (I work out at a gym). Mainly I feel restless when I get withdrawal symptoms, but then my brain struggles with basic tasks like reading a menu at a restaurant.


I know there are compounding pharmacies in my area but I wanted to start my taper when I wanted to, and not wait until I had researched them, so I do a liquid homebrew. I've done both milk and vodka but think that vodka is better IMO.


Maybe a professional compound is something to consider in 2020. It's always nice to remember that there are many options.


I know the holidays can be tough so I just want to wish everyone well!


Are you dry cutting your pills?  I'm asking because I dry cut mine and lately I have struggled with my taper.


I use a Gemini scale and nail file.  I cut my pills in halves and then quarters for the smaller doses.  I then use the nail file to shave down to the dosage I need to get to.  Wondering if I am doing something wrong or if this is just the way it is with tapeing. Though I have has windows during my taper, I reall have struggled with depression, anhedonia and anxiety.


Hey Final, I know that there's been talk about some discrepancy when dry cutting since the med isn't evenly distributed within a tablet and every tablet varies. For example, someone could file off a bit of a piece and are actually filing off only filler of the tablet whereas other times they may actually file off a piece that's entirely medicine with no filler, etc. Not sure if that makes sense, but I can see how someone could get a change in sx if they filed off pure med in sequential days followed by pure filler in others. That would be really inconsistent as far as actual tapering goes, but who knows. I remember seeing some dry cutters here talk about that kind of thing. Heck, maybe it all evens out in the end!


Have a calm day.




Hi Jeff,  Thanks for your response.


I'm so confused about what to do.  I'm not sure if I should try liquiid or not.  I'm afraid that if I try and it dosent work and then have to switch back.  I've heard people try it and it not work for them.  But if things dont improve I many have to try it.


That's ok. If you're afraid, then don't do it. Going in with fear of any kind will probably prevent it from working. No biggie. Just listen to yourself and do what feels comfortable. Everybody's situation is different. On to the next!



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I take .25  K three times a day.  Would like to plan a taper. How do I do this with three doses?  I am clueless.  Thank you for any suggestions you may have.  Maybe a liquid will work best?
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I take .25  K three times a day.  Would like to plan a taper. How do I do this with three doses?  I am clueless.  Thank you for any suggestions you may have.  Maybe a liquid will work best?


Somebody a lot brighter than I am will help you set it up, and you'll do fine! I've been dosing 3x/day for almost 25 yrs, including tapering close to 5 yrs. I dissolve my 1 mg k tablets in 3 mL of vodka, add enough water to make 100 mL, then take my doses from that for multiple days. I'm somewhere around .08 mg/day total at this point with 3 doses each day. Somewhere around 2 3/4 mL for each dose. I look forward to seeing you get started and see how it goes. Stay as positive as you can, and have a super week!



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I take .25  K three times a day.  Would like to plan a taper. How do I do this with three doses?  I am clueless.  Thank you for any suggestions you may have.  Maybe a liquid will work best?


Somebody a lot brighter than I am will help you set it up, and you'll do fine! I've been dosing 3x/day for almost 25 yrs, including tapering close to 5 yrs. I dissolve my 1 mg k tablets in 3 mL of vodka, add enough water to make 100 mL, then take my doses from that for multiple days. I'm somewhere around .08 mg/day total at this point with 3 doses each day. Somewhere around 2 3/4 mL for each dose. I look forward to seeing you get started and see how it goes. Stay as positive as you can, and have a super week!



Thank you so much for getting back to me, Jeff.  It gives me some home that this is possible.  So what percentage cut do you do and how often?


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I take .25  K three times a day.  Would like to plan a taper. How do I do this with three doses?  I am clueless.  Thank you for any suggestions you may have.  Maybe a liquid will work best?


Hi LookinUp,


Jeff is right that if you decide to liquiid, you can have someone on the titration board help you get started. 


I know that some people taper from one dose at a time, others taper from all 3.  It all depends on how much you decide to cut initially.  Some, like me are doing smaller percentages per month, while others can do a higher amount. 


If you read though the planning your tapers section of the home page, it can help you decide what you want to do. 


You can do it.

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I take .25  K three times a day.  Would like to plan a taper. How do I do this with three doses?  I am clueless.  Thank you for any suggestions you may have.  Maybe a liquid will work best?


Somebody a lot brighter than I am will help you set it up, and you'll do fine! I've been dosing 3x/day for almost 25 yrs, including tapering close to 5 yrs. I dissolve my 1 mg k tablets in 3 mL of vodka, add enough water to make 100 mL, then take my doses from that for multiple days. I'm somewhere around .08 mg/day total at this point with 3 doses each day. Somewhere around 2 3/4 mL for each dose. I look forward to seeing you get started and see how it goes. Stay as positive as you can, and have a super week!



Thank you so much for getting back to me, Jeff.  It gives me some home that this is possible.  So what percentage cut do you do and how often?



Hey Lookinup, I don't even do a percentage. I do a symptoms-based taper and just see how it goes. We're in a miserable financial situation thanks to all of my years on these meds, and I have to work full-time. I don't get paid for full-time (peanuts), but it's full-time hours and days. Lots of other stressors going on too, so I simply cut when my body and brain allow me too. I go so slow, but I have to, so I'll normally do a tiny cut and then wait to see how I react...maybe one cut every 7-9 days. Don't do what I do!! Keep the hope alive at your end!!



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Posting in K club

My dose of clonazapam

Is .5 mg 2 to 3 times per day

I ask if I could try Gabapentin

for sleep since I use .75 mg cloz

for sleep now. Psych dr not keen

No order given.

I have taken as high as 1 mg cloz for sleep

Plus melatonin 5 mg

And still choppy sleep.

Just look for comraderie.

Feel alone , fear.

It’s lonely and scary

Was think to cut cloz at night and try

Add otc sleep aide



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Healthy me:


I really crashed about six months after my dad died. I wasn't sure what was going on; it was awful. I wasn't tapering at the time and all of a sudden was a mess. Maybe you need to be kind to yourself and either not taper now or taper very slow. It's hard to lose a parent. Sorry you are going through all of this.

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I'm desperate for a way to make a Propylene Glycol only Solution to help lower my Clonazepam Dose without splitting the Pills into tiny pieces. Gudruna Forum Member made a post about how it's not as accurate as one might think especially the more smaller specifically splitting a Pill into quarter pieces, based on reliable sources.


I made a thread about it and I would search the Forums for it. I have found some things like in this thread specifically but nothing about 99.9% Food Grade Propylene Glycol Pill Solutions. I'm simply too sleep-deprived right now because I decided to try and lower my Dose and after like 11 Days I couldn't take it anymore and put my Clonazepam dose right back to where it was before but I'm still feeling the withdrawal... + my sleep schedule is out of whack.


Does anybody know a specific thread or person I can ask about making 99.9% Food Grade Propylene Glycol only Clonazepam Pill Solutions please, I'm losing hope here as Benzobuddies.org was my last resort to try and get my life back?

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Really just learning to use this site

Sorry above post I cannot help you.

Yesterday was stressful. Family drama

work and anxiety. Was glad I took

only 1.125 mg cloz for the day including

for sleep. But I have not started any

official taper. I may try to ‘hold’ at

this level. After being on BB and

just other persons stories I am

scared (understatement) of clonazapam.

Ironically as long as I’m scared I will

not be able to get off. Tyfl.

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Does anybody know a specific thread or person I can ask about making 99.9% Food Grade Propylene Glycol only Clonazepam Pill Solutions please, I'm losing hope here as Benzobuddies.org was my last resort to try and get my life back?


Please don’t lose hope!


Gudruna has responded to you at:




Her elaboration/clarification about pill-splitting is interesting.


Have you decided what taper rate and taper schedule you want to try?


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Really just learning to use this site

Sorry above post I cannot help you.

Yesterday was stressful. Family drama

work and anxiety. Was glad I took

only 1.125 mg cloz for the day including

for sleep. But I have not started any

official taper. I may try to ‘hold’ at

this level. After being on BB and

just other persons stories I am

scared (understatement) of clonazapam.

Ironically as long as I’m scared I will

not be able to get off. Tyfl.


If I were you I would try to stick to a regular dose. I am wondering ... do you need the klonopin during the day? Have you tried taking only at night, that perhaps might help you sleep? I know dosing for K is all over the place, some take multiple times a day, many (including me) take only at night.


It seems you have a lot going on, which definitely makes a taper harder. Maybe a few weeks of therapy while you hold the dose then restart a slower taper might make sense. I am very much in favor of being kind to ourselves when we can.

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