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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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Heres the problem...I have not felt well on any dose of Valium...really...so what do  amount do I updose to?


so freaking scared of this and am just not able to make good decisions


this is crazy feeling like this all day long  and if going to 2 mgs would relieve it I would do it at this point  but I was bad at that amount too


I have the MTHFR gene...would that play a part in any of this I wonder?


I would guess 4 - 6 mg would be needed at this point (my humble opinion only).  You could try 2 though...

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What is the MTHFR gene?




I'm new here. I have the same question as Heathcliff. I looked on Wikipedia but still confused. Can anyone give a user friendly answer, or a link? I feel pretty awful since I landed at 3mg diazepam. I feel so horrible, it's like I have this overwhelming fear due to a severely altered mental state. I feel like I'm being electrocuted too. It's terrible. I'm hoping and praying... I want to get off but feeling this way, I start to doubt if I can. It's that bad.

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Redwoods...I am right there with you...this suffering is to much



I have the MTHFR gene and from what I understand its more about metabolizing the B vitamins

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What is the MTHFR gene?




I'm new here. I have the same question as Heathcliff. I looked on Wikipedia but still confused. Can anyone give a user friendly answer, or a link? I feel pretty awful since I landed at 3mg diazepam. I feel so horrible, it's like I have this overwhelming fear due to a severely altered mental state. I feel like I'm being electrocuted too. It's terrible. I'm hoping and praying... I want to get off but feeling this way, I start to doubt if I can. It's that bad.

well, I thought it stood for -Might Try Holding For Recouvery... but no... wrong again...


So there was a thread or two dedicated to it, and some posts...


One of the "science" guys did point out something that roughly translates (IMO) to... -If one has the gene issue pre benzo, while on benzo, tapering and post benzo... Then nothing changes as to how our body reacts to, or processes the benzo. So in theory at least, It might be a moot point...

Sorry, thats about all I can remember...

Oh, and there were some links posted favouring the idea that it might be a bit of a scam... but I remember thinking that they werent very credible either way... It seems the test is simple enough. Its getting it interpreted properly, and treated/corrected, thats the problem...??


So I guess Im still in the dark, but with some interest too...


I did ask my Dr about it... -She had done other liver tests to ensure I was processing V ok... But thats not the same thing...



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What is the MTHFR gene?




I'm new here. I have the same question as Heathcliff. I looked on Wikipedia but still confused. Can anyone give a user friendly answer, or a link? I feel pretty awful since I landed at 3mg diazepam. I feel so horrible, it's like I have this overwhelming fear due to a severely altered mental state. I feel like I'm being electrocuted too. It's terrible. I'm hoping and praying... I want to get off but feeling this way, I start to doubt if I can. It's that bad.

well, I thought it stood for -Might Try Holding For Recouvery... but no... wrong again...


So there was a thread or two dedicated to it, and some posts...


One of the "science" guys did point out something that roughly translates (IMO) to... -If one has the gene issue pre benzo, while on benzo, tapering and post benzo... Then nothing changes as to how our body reacts to, or processes the benzo. So in theory at least, It might be a moot point...

Sorry, that's about all I can remember...

Oh, and there were some links posted favouring the idea that it might be a bit of a scam... but I remember thinking that they weren't very credible either way... It seems the test is simple enough. Its getting it interpreted properly, and treated/corrected, that's the problem...??


So I guess Im still in the dark, but with some interest too...


I did ask my Dr about it... -She had done other liver tests to ensure I was processing V ok... But that's not the same thing...


Hmmm... I had to laugh when you said, Might Try Holding For Recovery.  :laugh:  So, if we have the gene are we doomed? Maybe we don't metabolize the benzo right?

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I had another thought on the meaning of MTHFR...but its not exactly appropriate...


ugh, wishes for healing to all

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What is the MTHFR gene?




I'm new here. I have the same question as Heathcliff. I looked on Wikipedia but still confused. Can anyone give a user friendly answer, or a link? I feel pretty awful since I landed at 3mg diazepam. I feel so horrible, it's like I have this overwhelming fear due to a severely altered mental state. I feel like I'm being electrocuted too. It's terrible. I'm hoping and praying... I want to get off but feeling this way, I start to doubt if I can. It's that bad.

well, I thought it stood for -Might Try Holding For Recouvery... but no... wrong again...


So there was a thread or two dedicated to it, and some posts...


One of the "science" guys did point out something that roughly translates (IMO) to... -If one has the gene issue pre benzo, while on benzo, tapering and post benzo... Then nothing changes as to how our body reacts to, or processes the benzo. So in theory at least, It might be a moot point...

Sorry, that's about all I can remember...

Oh, and there were some links posted favouring the idea that it might be a bit of a scam... but I remember thinking that they weren't very credible either way... It seems the test is simple enough. Its getting it interpreted properly, and treated/corrected, that's the problem...??


So I guess Im still in the dark, but with some interest too...


I did ask my Dr about it... -She had done other liver tests to ensure I was processing V ok... But that's not the same thing...


Hmmm... I had to laugh when you said, Might Try Holding For Recovery.  :laugh:  So, if we have the gene are we doomed? Maybe we don't metabolize the benzo right?

No, what they were getting at is that it shouldnt matter as our body is used to functioning like that the whole time... -Am sure there are many theories though...


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Just had the best week ever at 2.5mg Valium and thought how good it will be when we are fully healed. I had no sxs at all for a week


Im so glad I had a window into normal life with zero anxiety. Healing happens for sure as we taper!


Never give up guys ..taper at a pace you can keep up with so healing can occur. Since I swapped to dosing 3 x a day as opposed to one ive been so much better. It really has helped me..


Peace and well wishes to my benzo soldiers


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Just had the best week ever at 2.5mg Valium and thought how good it will be when we are fully healed. I had no sxs at all for a week


Im so glad I had a window into normal life with zero anxiety. Healing happens for sure as we taper!


Never give up guys ..taper at a pace you can keep up with so healing can occur. Since I swapped to dosing 3 x a day as opposed to one ive been so much better. It really has helped me..


Peace and well wishes to my benzo soldiers

Great stuff... keep up the good work...


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Thanks Cantfly!


Even with the last little bit it still seems miles away. One foot in front of the other we soldier through..

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hi mrD.  You have made huge progress, I was reading over your sig and noticed you have c/o to 20mgV - that is fantastic!! keep on persevering as your brain heals, you are going to make it! :smitten:
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Hi, I am now at 2,5mg Valium and extreme anxious. Good luck to all!!


Good work getting down to 2.5mg. It certainly gets very challenging under 5

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My experience was that it got easier the lower I got.


SJDADL I see you are dropping 1 mg a month.

I dropped at 1 mg in 2 months at lower doses.

Just a suggestion if you are suffering!

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Hi jp49!


I was perfect at 2.5mg Valium and had no sxs. It was the best I had felt in years. Unfortunately I did go a bit too quick and had a number of sxs for the week. I have revised and will listen to you.

I figure I can keep up with 0.5mg a month under 2.5 but anything more is pushing it.


I hope you are doing well post taper. I can't wait to join u..thx

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Hi all, I am now on 2.5mg Diaz and not doing too great at all. I was originally on 6mg when I started the taper and wasn't too bad until now. The funny thing is I didn't start to feel bad until a week after the latest taper (15th May)


The tension and mind fog are really bad and finding it hard to breathe. I am occasionally  nauseous and dizzy. Craving sugar which I think makes me feel worse.


Can someone advise me should I go back up a dose? :(





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Irishlass, I wish I could give you advice and hopefully someone here can/will


I just wanted to say that since I have gotten to 2 mgs and under its been bloody HELL..worse then anything ever


It has not been "good" for a long time but now I am really bad


My head has so many symptoms I seriously worry about damage


I have all your symptoms but have had them for a LOOOONG time now


unlike all the rest here I am worse the lower I have gotten and am thinking of reinstating otr getting on something to help


I see neurologist on June 5th...my off balanced/rocking/swaying/bobbing head pressure is debilitating...Have to use shower chair and hold onto walls to walk

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Hi all, I am now on 2.5mg Diaz and not doing too great at all. I was originally on 6mg when I started the taper and wasn't too bad until now. The funny thing is I didn't start to feel bad until a week after the latest taper (15th May)


The tension and mind fog are really bad and finding it hard to breathe. I am occasionally  nauseous and dizzy. Craving sugar which I think makes me feel worse.


Can someone advise me should I go back up a dose? :(


I get serious sugar cravings too... then feel sick from binging... lol


Not sure on ur taper speed and cut sizes etc to over think it all...  but for now, I would probably be keeping it simple and giving it a little time... cuts can take months to work their way right out, but this is noticed more at low doses...

Are you still on lyrica? And if so, have you reduced it at all recently...?


Unless things are too bad, I would settle in for a bit of catch up time... and just see how things go...

They might even get a little bit worse or different, right before they get better... Now isnt the time to rush on through, in my opinion...

More listen to your body time...

Not that im against updosing to get stable...


Stay strong, ur getting there...


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Hi Cantfly, thanks for your sound advice. Your message was so  comforting and reassuring to me.

Meant a lot!!


I'm still on the Lyrica. I take one 75mg dose in the morning. Another in the afternoon and 2 in the evening. I'm beginning to wonder if it's any good or if it's causing me harm :-/

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My head has so many symptoms I seriously worry about damage

Hi Iaineyk, please don't worry about damage. I've heard that it is very rare that the brain becomes damaged. Injured, maybe...but an injury that will heal in time.



I see neurologist on June 5th...my off balanced/rocking/swaying/bobbing head pressure is debilitating...Have to use shower chair and hold onto walls to walk


That sounds really awful but perhaps the brain just needs time to heal as it's become 'lazy' due to a foreign substance doing all the 'work' I wish you well xx

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I'm about to drop down to 5 V in the next few days so I took a look at Ashton's taper schedule to see what was recommended as I head into uncharted territory. I was kind of surprised to see the schedules had you dropping 1mg every two weeks.


That seems a little fast to me. Even though I've completely stabilized in a week from 6.2 to 5.6 (except for some extra broken sleep and more loud T days), I'm still skeptical.


What's the consensus around here for cuts when you get to 4 or 3? I'm kind of just winging this whole thing, trying to not make cuts much larger than 10 percent at a time. 

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We are all different, but I know that many find Ashton speeds and sizes to be too much...

The people that I know that have been around a while are having success with slow tapers guided by their SX, and holding without time constraints when needed...


If I see a Valium sig below 5mg that is cutting more than 0.5 a month, I generally see problems sooner or later...  -just my observations...


Irishlass, The lyrica can be complicated, or fine... I use it as an updose type thing on occasion for getting to Drs etc... simply put, I treat it like a benzo... -but find it very addictive...

But we are all different, and if it has been a constant in your taper, I wouldnt think it a primary problem...

I would first look at your taper speeds, which I know is a bugger, But thats my opinion... sorry...


There is a Long Hold Support Group, with some interesting info recently posted, that addresses your questions rather well... look for a pic of a chook standing on a turtle... It is a compilation of posts from past members (and some present ones)...


My best to All...



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Hi all, I am now on 2.5mg Diaz and not doing too great at all. I was originally on 6mg when I started the taper and wasn't too bad until now. The funny thing is I didn't start to feel bad until a week after the latest taper (15th May)


The tension and mind fog are really bad and finding it hard to breathe. I am occasionally  nauseous and dizzy. Craving sugar which I think makes me feel worse.


Can someone advise me should I go back up a dose? :(


Irishlass I would hold and let your system stabilise. Once we get lower it's important to make even smaller cuts more regular. I use a daily micro taper of 0.02mg which is fine if I stick to it. Just can't rush the process.


Chat soon

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Hi all, I am now on 2.5mg Diaz and not doing too great at all. I was originally on 6mg when I started the taper and wasn't too bad until now. The funny thing is I didn't start to feel bad until a week after the latest taper (15th May)


The tension and mind fog are really bad and finding it hard to breathe. I am occasionally  nauseous and dizzy. Craving sugar which I think makes me feel worse.


Can someone advise me should I go back up a dose? :(


Irishlass I would hold and let your system stabilise. Once we get lower it's important to make even smaller cuts more regular. I use a daily micro taper of 0.02mg which is fine if I stick to it. Just can't rush the process.


Chat soon

Yes, A Great way to go for many people... -and not nearly as complicated as it might first appear... If you get stable first, then micro taper slow enough for your needs, you should be able to do it with very little discomfort...


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Hi all, I am now on 2.5mg Diaz and not doing too great at all. I was originally on 6mg when I started the taper and wasn't too bad until now. The funny thing is I didn't start to feel bad until a week after the latest taper (15th May)


The tension and mind fog are really bad and finding it hard to breathe. I am occasionally  nauseous and dizzy. Craving sugar which I think makes me feel worse.


Can someone advise me should I go back up a dose? :(

Irishlass I would hold and let your system stabilise. Once we get lower it's important to make even smaller cuts more regular. I use a daily micro taper of 0.02mg which is fine if I stick to it. Just can't rush the process.


Chat soon

Yes, A Great way to go for many people... -and not nearly as complicated as it might first appear... If you get stable first, then micro taper slow enough for your needs, you should be able to do it with very little discomfort...


Hi CF  :hug: I just noticed you have cut by 1mg V that's 50% drop sweetie, when did you cut and why such a big cut? And also are  you dry cutting it, if so what method by eye balling or weighing it? And what problems did you have with trying DLMT? or have you retuned to it again? Just wondering about your situation, and how your doing overall lately :)



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


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