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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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Hi Shamo, Shake...

Yes, day by day, ever forward...

still sorting things out and aiming for stable..  -a new lesson every day...


Be well...

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Hey guys just dropping by. I've had some good improvement the last week....Touch wood. I'm 10 months off. My head symptoms feel like they have cleared up a bit. I've noticed I'm not having as much ocd, intrusive thinking and depression. I noticed it when I woke up the other morning and didn't have that heavy feeling. Things have been better since then.


Hang in there guys. Can'tFly I hope you are doin alright. Seems like you are keeping the troops positive.  And the rest of you I hope you are all fighting through as well. This whole thing truly is a war. All you can do is move forward day by day. When I was tapering I blocked out all thoughts of the future etc and just focused on surviving the days.

So Pleased for you Shamo, so happy you stuck to your guns and I see only good things ahead for you. :thumbsup:
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Great Shamo to hear from you and that you're getting better and better every day ! It sounds so hopeful ! We surely will never be the same again after this experience.


Heath i'm also one of those "Lucky" girlz .. ahummm...... who needs to go very slow.. i'm going like .01 every 7 days so that's .04 a month. I would love to go faster if i could but i have a husband, 2 kids, a dog, birds .. who are counting on me and i need to be well enough to do the things i love to do and to give my kids the chance to do what they want to... I used to be in the pits of hell aswell.. but once i've accepted that there will be no end date and i have to take things the way they go .. it feels like a rock of my chest.. Just keep talking to yourself that this will end and it will be all a bad memory.  That's what works for me.. it will be over and we're gonna enjoy life more than anyone else.


Good luck all ! We're gonna make it to the other side !



Hey Shake you are  doing so well, it has been a long run for us, but we got this... :thumbsup::smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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I have now completed my 10 day taper at 0.85mg, and will hold again for a month, I know my taper plan is different, but each persons is this way, it has to be, there is no cookie cutter taper here, sure the liquid and dry cuts prevail, but we each must find our own way to what will work for us. I had very little blips and I am grateful for that, those who know me, know that this is not my first go round, I have been to the pits of hell and had every bad sx there was, but after two failed tapers and the good sense to stop unbearable suffering..., I am in a good place. :thumbsup:
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Well done BG... Finding the way that works for us is Key...

-no point in worrying about an end date if one has no way of getting there..

Stay Well...


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[glow=red,2,300]Thanks [/glow] Cant for your support and keeping this thread going. :thumbsup:

I just like this thread cos I can count the numbers on my toes...


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[glow=red,2,300]Thanks [/glow] Cant for your support and keeping this thread going. :thumbsup:

I just like this thread cos I can count the numbers on my toes...

[glow=red,2,300]Ummm Web toes.... :angel:[/glow]
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[glow=red,2,300]Thanks [/glow] Cant for your support and keeping this thread going. :thumbsup:

I just like this thread cos I can count the numbers on my toes...

[glow=red,2,300]Ummm Web toes.... :angel:[/glow]

yup, turtle speed tapering toes... -say that 10 X fast..
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[glow=red,2,300]Thanks [/glow] Cant for your support and keeping this thread going. :thumbsup:

I just like this thread cos I can count the numbers on my toes...

[glow=red,2,300]Ummm Web toes.... :angel:[/glow]

yup, turtle speed tapering toes... -say that 10 X fast..

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Thought I posted here, but I guess I didn't!  Been waiting to be able to join this group!  I'm down to 2.6 mg's and it's kicking my butt!!!


Pushing through daily micro tapering as I need off!  I'm sick if I hold, if I don't and in between. 


Anyone try Remeron and found relief?  My stomach is messed up and zero appetite!  I only weight 117 now and can't lose anymore.



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I am at a standstill with my 1.5mgs...this has been the hardest (symptom wise) ever.  my sleep has been crushed...my days are horrific  I can not do anything at all now...evenings are not even good anymore...no windows at all



so I guess I have to put on the brakes and taper just 5-10% off from here on out?  I hate the weighing & shaving etc..especially when my head is not thinking properly at all


but I realized if I cut another .5mgs that's over a 30% cut!!!  how do ppl do that?


I am being referred to another neurologist in another city at a top Hospital there because my Dr said "he has never seen anyone this severe coming off benzos!!!???"    just what you want to hear, that you are the worse case ever


so Begood, have any advice?  I need it badly

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Laniey, Stop taper, go up indose, get your life back, I was just like you, I was not willing to die. Then get stable then after long while resume taper, but I know you do not and will not do this. So Pray and I will also for you. So sorry, but it is what  I feel will work, you asked.
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Laniey, Stop taper, go up indose, get your life back, I was just like you, I was not willing to die. Then get stable then after long while resume taper, but I know you do not and will not do this. So Pray and I will also for you. So sorry, but it is what  I feel will work, you asked.


I second that BG.  Lainey, it took two weeks but I am on my second window day in a row..  I know it could all change tomorrow but today I am optimistic.. 

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I am at a standstill with my 1.5mgs...this has been the hardest (symptom wise) ever.  my sleep has been crushed...my days are horrific  I can not do anything at all now...evenings are not even good anymore...no windows at all



so I guess I have to put on the brakes and taper just 5-10% off from here on out?  I hate the weighing & shaving etc..especially when my head is not thinking properly at all


but I realized if I cut another .5mgs that's over a 30% cut!!!  how do ppl do that?


I am being referred to another neurologist in another city at a top Hospital there because my Dr said "he has never seen anyone this severe coming off benzos!!!???"    just what you want to hear, that you are the worse case ever


so Begood, have any advice?  I need it badly


I think you'll find that there's a lot of terrible cases out there...especially here. It's just that doctors wouldn't see it much. So don't feel like you are standing alone there. All my doctors said it's not possible to be healing and suffering past a few weeks off. They literally know nothing about this. I never let it get to me because I knew this is a very real circumstance and that probably millions across the world are dealing with it.

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I taper .01/ week so very slow and i try to keep my sxs as low as possible cauz i need to be active with my kids. i can go out to workout twice a week and teache one dance class a week. Surely i have days that the fatigue is hanging like a cloud over my body, some nausea, and muscle aches but i take care of me and push through. Sometimes i feel to tired to workout but i leave and feel much better after. Even on this low rate, when i feel it has been enough, or that i need a little break.. i hold before it's 2 late. It might take years but i rather live than suffer.

Good luck x

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If at first you dont succeed, try and try again...

-each attempt should come with a little more experience...


I know you have tried many things, but if Nothing is working, keep trying and dont give up...


There will be a way...


Best wishes...

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Shake so glad to hear you are doing well with your taper and yes living a Life the best we can in trying times is a blessing, keep on trucking you got this. :smitten::thumbsup::smitten:
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Well done BG... Finding the way that works for us is Key...

-no point in worrying about an end date if one has no way of getting there..

Stay Well...



Hi Cantfly and others,

Anyone here experiencing severe physical withdrawals (burning, Paresthesia, extreme muscle tension, twitching, inner vibrations, 4:30 am blasts) for which long holds were/are successful for? 


Much appreciated.



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Heres the problem...I have not felt well on any dose of Valium...really...so what do  amount do I updose to?


so freaking scared of this and am just not able to make good decisions


this is crazy feeling like this all day long  and if going to 2 mgs would relieve it I would do it at this point  but I was bad at that amount too


I have the MTHFR gene...would that play a part in any of this I wonder?



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Heres the problem...I have not felt well on any dose of Valium...really...so what do  amount do I updose to?


so freaking scared of this and am just not able to make good decisions


this is crazy feeling like this all day long  and if going to 2 mgs would relieve it I would do it at this point  but I was bad at that amount too


I have the MTHFR gene...would that play a part in any of this I wonder?




I think your just going way too fast. If you go back to 2 mg. and stay there until you settle down that may do the trick but it may take some time to settle.


Just my opinion.


Lets see what others say.



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Well done BG... Finding the way that works for us is Key...

-no point in worrying about an end date if one has no way of getting there..

Stay Well...



Hi Cantfly and others,

Anyone here experiencing severe physical withdrawals (burning, Paresthesia, extreme muscle tension, twitching, inner vibrations, 4:30 am blasts) for which long holds were/are successful for? 


Much appreciated.


yes, all that physical stuff left after a month or two, and the GI cramps have eased... But I have a little way to go with the insomnia and fatigue...


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I have severe physical symptoms, crushing fatigue, trouble walking and going up stairs, muscle and joint pain and all kinds of horrible sensations.  Valium was a horrible choice for me. Had I suffered through Ativan I would have been off already; regardless, once under 3mg of Valium I am stuck on the couch. I can't do a thing, too weak. I know I started fast and made mistakes with large cuts but I'm getting off this poison. For me updosing is not an option, I consider that prolonging the agony.  I'm just making smaller cuts more often. Have I felt better? Has my function improved? Can I do anything without my husbands help? No to all, but I will cut and get off no matter what.  Just my opinion, not  suggesting  anything. 🙏
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Heres the problem...I have not felt well on any dose of Valium...really...so what do  amount do I updose to?


so freaking scared of this and am just not able to make good decisions


this is crazy feeling like this all day long  and if going to 2 mgs would relieve it I would do it at this point  but I was bad at that amount too


I have the MTHFR gene...would that play a part in any of this I wonder?

If I were faced with a similar problem...

I know from my history that it takes months for some SX from previous big cuts to work their way out, so To be sure I would go back 4mths in dose (atleast) -assuming there was no stable point for me... In reality I would be aiming for whatever dose would get me stable... (noting that you didnt have one).

Then I would hold for 4 mths (atleast).. -Aiming for stable... Then very tentitivly taper by sx from there...

If this was obviously not working, or going very bad.. -I would consider C/O back to original med..

-and do similar...

I know its hard because a hold hasnt worked in the past. Im not sure if you updosed at all there..?


Other than this, I would consider taper aids... even the ones that are not recommended, were I realy stuck...  In my case I have a medicine specialist for this, and it becomes very individual...


I havnt lost hope yet, possibly because I have never found myself without another option to try...

I dont tend to rule out things that didnt work in the past, as they may work in the future, or in another combination...


I dont know much about genes, but I did read a post explaining that if one had it from the start then it shouldnt affect the tapering as nothing has infact changed throught the time on med... It was from one of the science guys on here... not sure where...

There is a thread on mthfr..


Probably nothing here you havnt considered, its just how I would initially approach a seemingly dead end... Knowing that I am not too interested in Post Accute or protracted...


Best wishes...

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