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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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I feel the day has finally come. Just feeling a light depression but overall no bad sxs. I have liquid tapered down to 0.25mg Valium from 40mg and it has taken me 2 years. I don't think I could have made it sticking with the cut and holds through the Ashton method. The liquid taper definitely got me through.  :thumbsup:


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Like Ed said - congrats, that is absolutely fantastic!! You have persevered, endured and are victorious.... taking that knowledge and ability will carry you far into the future.  :smitten:
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It's been 48 hours and no sxs yet. It's early days as Valium has a long 1/2 life. I jumped at 0.25mg Valium after a 2 year taper from xanax and cross to 40mg Valium. I had been on xanax for 14 years at around 5mg daily. The journey hasn't been easy but moving to a liquid taper got me over the line. Sharing this journey with supportive benzo friends helped so much. I chat daily with friends in USA that I met in benzo recovery groups.

This is what helped me :

Exercise daily, I do 45 min cardio at gym

Eating healthy , lots of healthy fats and clean fruit and vegetables , limited dairy

Dosing : Valium was dosed 3 x a day and used a liquid micro taper. It took me 6 months to reduce last 10mg Valium

Support: I had several benzo buddies I would chat to on a daily basis. I recommend having at least one that you can confide most things to

Patience: this process can't be rushed. We heal most of the way if we reduce slowly.

Stress: keep to a minimum. It revs up sxs.

There u have it, peace and love on your way to freedom 🙂



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Well done on getting so low, it won't be long now! I jumped at .25mg, since I was making .25mg cuts towards the end. I still went through acute and it probably would have been worse if I jumped at .5mg. But everyone is different, you just have to make the best guess based on how your own body has been reacting to reductions.


Hi Grapejuice


I have followed your progress logs for some time. I'm glad you continue to heal. I noticed you tapered slow and I used your blueprint so thanks reducing at 0.25mg every 10/14 days.



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[glow=red,2,300]"Congrats" [/glow]On your walk off of Benzo's wrath, you are now in a new area of your life, being Free of that which made our Brains do a twilight sleep, now you will be awake fully and enjoy each day to the fullest. I hope the rest of your healing Journey will be smooth. Best to you always. Stay Strong. :thumbsup:
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Yes, my goodness - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Long Journey on a rough road, May you experience the freedom with continued healing and peace of mind, as you live life to the fullest! :smitten:
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Thanks Kasey and Begood


It's one week tmw and I'm feeling great since jump. I'm feeling more happy and joyful. Loving not having to worry about medications and feeling around 92 percent healed.


I was waiting for a acute to hit but I'm optimistic that I had a pretty good liquid taper and this is my new normal :)  :thumbsup:



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Thanks Kasey and Begood


It's one week tmw and I'm feeling great since jump. I'm feeling more happy and joyful. Loving not having to worry about medications and feeling around 92 percent healed.


I was waiting for a acute to hit but I'm optimistic that I had a pretty good liquid taper and this is my new normal :)  :thumbsup:

[glow=red,2,300]"Fantastic News" Thanks for keeping us updated, this is just the best news I needed this today. Have the best Life ever!! :thumbsup:
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I don't really follow BB anymore, although I did when I first started my taper. Now I'm just chugging along. Thanks to this forum I know how to manage my taper, when to cut and when to hold. Anyway, I thought of this thread today as I'm officially at 2mgV. Doing well at avoiding major sxs but have had some minor sleep trouble, and some pelvic muscle pain, T, and now indigestion (don't know if it's a benzo sx). Doesn't trouble me too much. These are good milestones to celebrate.
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I don't really follow BB anymore, although I did when I first started my taper. Now I'm just chugging along. Thanks to this forum I know how to manage my taper, when to cut and when to hold. Anyway, I thought of this thread today as I'm officially at 2mgV. Doing well at avoiding major sxs but have had some minor sleep trouble, and some pelvic muscle pain, T, and now indigestion (don't know if it's a benzo sx). Doesn't trouble me too much. These are good milestones to celebrate.

[glow=red,2,300]"Congrats" [/glow]for reaching 2mg, some of what you are feeling could be from the lower dose, I know I felt many of those things, but be sure to keep a check and if needed see a Doctor to rule out any underlying disease. Now that I am at .70mg I am having less sx and feel really good. The thing to remember is that the lower you go the percentage is higher so the cuts will be more, and I had to adjust my taper or I would have been in trouble. Best to you. :thumbsup:
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Hi buddies.  I guess I'm now officially a member of this club as I cut to 3 mg diazepam on Sept 15.  Congrats to all of you for getting to this milestone and especially to those of you who have "graduated" into benzo free land! 


I had to hold at 5 mg for 4 months while I moved and have been tapering .5 mg every two weeks since early August.  My sxs are pretty bad.....existential terror, depression, fear, negativity and akathisia.  I also have a very hard time being around groups of people as I go mute and am very uncomfortable saying anything.  I long for companionship (I am single, no family and live alone) but then can't function in groups, so it's a paradox.  I feel like I'm on a bad LSD trip all the time (I wouldn't know from experience...just from descriptions of others). I wasn't much better when holding so decided to taper as rapidly as possible without going into acute.  Slowing down just seems to draw out the agony.  Not sure if I can keep cutting at this aggressive rate, but will try.  I don't feel any particular cut, just a gradual, continual decline in function and cognition, so am not sure how switching to a liquid taper would help.


Anyone else having a similar experience? 

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...Anyone else having a similar experience?

Garden... I couldn't make large cuts so started liquid microtaper months ago and it seemed to help with all those issues you describe so well.    I was "functional" for several months over the summer, not feeling great but coping without a job.  I still could not work.  Unfortunately the past 2 weeks hit me with a bad wave and almost all the sxs you describe are back so even though my taper is extremely slow I am not immune to horrid turn arounds.  It's like my brain is saying "You can't fool me...I know what your trying to do and you're going to pay anyways"  I am also getting horrible nightmares that wake me with a start, the moment I fall asleep it seems. This is happening several times a night and is indescribable. Insomnia is killing me.  I sometimes think of just cutting fast again but am just to scared to end up in hospital. I can't get well there for sure as I have been there. The only way to know if microtaper works for you is to try it for a long while.  I can only commiserate with you and wish you luck in your journey back to health. 

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Gardenlady -  I am in the same boat as drummerboy. I did find that I was unable to do a c/h around the 4-5mg mark. I then shifted to DMT. I had c/o from Ativan to a liquid roxie V, after adjusting to that I was then able to begin a DLT, wh/ enabled me to stabilize to what i call my yucky baseline. But I love that I have this baseline as I know when I need to hold for a day or 3. For me, I have better control over my reducing with DLT & a shorter recovery time.  I hope this info is helpful, as everyone is so very different with their reductions and healing.  I wish you the best of luck and know you can complete this and hit the beautiful coveted 0 mark and healing! It will happen!!! :smitten:
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Thanks, drummerboy and kasey!  It helps reading about the experiences of others.  I held at 5 mg for 4 months and never stabilized, so I realized that I was going to be miserable, regardless, and that I wouldn't feel better until I am completely off and healed.  Thus, the decision to resume the cut and hold.  I'm wondering how doing a slow liquid taper would be any better than holding.  Not sure I get the rationale on that but am open to any thoughts. 


If I were to switch to a DLMT, do you have suggestions on how to go about doing that?  It sounds terribly complicated and the grade school arithmetic required to do it seems overwhelming to me.  My doctor isn't really pushing me to get off it, but strongly encourages me to do so as it is a controlled substance.  My internist feels the same.  Again, they're not pushing me or making me go against my will, but they want me off it as quickly as my body is able to do so. If I do a liquid taper, I'll have to dissolve pills as my doctor has given me enough to finish the taper cutting .5 mg every two weeks, so I can't get another prescription for liquid.  I have mostly 2 mg pills remaining and some 5 mg tablets as I am now down to 2.5 mg which I get by cutting 5 mg tablets in half. 


Another issue is that I have an antidepressant taper waiting on me after I get through benzo withdrawal, Lord willing.  I am at 48 mg of Cymbalta which I get by weighing the beads in the 60 mg. capsules.  It's very tedious to do that, but I don't want to give up the 12 mg I worked so hard to get rid of.  Thus, another reason for wanting to finish up the benzo taper as quickly as possible.  It's such a long road and the thought of dragging out the valium taper for months on end while weighing pesky Cymbalta beads indefinitely is almost too much to consider. But, we all must do what we have to and not get sidetracked by discouragement with what is in front of us.  Easy to say, harder to do!


Again, I'm curious as to how the DLMT would help with the symptoms when holding for 4 months didn't, added to the fact that I don't really feel any particular cut...just an overall, gradual, slow decline in function, cognition and, well, sanity. 


Thank you for your patience with my many questions.  I admire both of your and how encouraging you are to others, especially to me!  I wish the best for both of you and am glad you have found a way to taper that allows you to function. 

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Thanks, drummerboy and kasey!  It helps reading about the experiences of others.  I held at 5 mg for 4 months and never stabilized, so I realized that I was going to be miserable, regardless, and that I wouldn't feel better until I am completely off and healed.  Thus, the decision to resume the cut and hold.  I'm wondering how doing a slow liquid taper would be any better than holding.  Not sure I get the rationale on that but am open to any thoughts. 


If I were to switch to a DLMT, do you have suggestions on how to go about doing that?  It sounds terribly complicated and the grade school arithmetic required to do it seems overwhelming to me.  My doctor isn't really pushing me to get off it, but strongly encourages me to do so as it is a controlled substance.  My internist feels the same.  Again, they're not pushing me or making me go against my will, but they want me off it as quickly as my body is able to do so. If I do a liquid taper, I'll have to dissolve pills as my doctor has given me enough to finish the taper cutting .5 mg every two weeks, so I can't get another prescription for liquid.  I have mostly 2 mg pills remaining and some 5 mg tablets as I am now down to 2.5 mg which I get by cutting 5 mg tablets in half. 


Another issue is that I have an antidepressant taper waiting on me after I get through benzo withdrawal, Lord willing.  I am at 48 mg of Cymbalta which I get by weighing the beads in the 60 mg. capsules.  It's very tedious to do that, but I don't want to give up the 12 mg I worked so hard to get rid of.  Thus, another reason for wanting to finish up the benzo taper as quickly as possible.  It's such a long road and the thought of dragging out the valium taper for months on end while weighing pesky Cymbalta beads indefinitely is almost too much to consider. But, we all must do what we have to and not get sidetracked by discouragement with what is in front of us.  Easy to say, harder to do!


Again, I'm curious as to how the DLMT would help with the symptoms when holding for 4 months didn't, added to the fact that I don't really feel any particular cut...just an overall, gradual, slow decline in function, cognition and, well, sanity. 


Thank you for your patience with my many questions.  I admire both of your and how encouraging you are to others, especially to me!  I wish the best for both of you and am glad you have found a way to taper that allows you to function.

Hi gardenlady. I know this question isn't directed to me but it caught my attention. I've found a DMLT to be beneficial in keeping sxs to a minimum level. It also helps you keep the sxs from getting away from you as you can hold if you feel them creeping up on you. I did find holding helped me but I had to hold for 6 months.


If and when you want to try a DLMT I can help you with the math.  :)--V

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VU, Thanks so very much for your kind reply.  I am all ears as to what to do about getting started on a DLMT.  I am so miserable and feel like I'm on a bad LSD trip (from what I've read about, not by experience!).  I was bedridden today and couldn't even go to church.  I have to remain functional enough to be able to stay clean, drive my car and get food, which I don't think I could have today.  How do you suggest I get started?  I just cut to 2.5 mg on Friday.  Thanks again for the wonderful offer of support!
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VU, Thanks so very much for your kind reply.  I am all ears as to what to do about getting started on a DLMT.  I am so miserable and feel like I'm on a bad LSD trip (from what I've read about, not by experience!).  I was bedridden today and couldn't even go to church.  I have to remain functional enough to be able to stay clean, drive my car and get food, which I don't think I could have today.  How do you suggest I get started?  I just cut to 2.5 mg on Friday.  Thanks again for the wonderful offer of support!

I would personally hold until sxs are manageable and then start with a very gradual reduction. I started at 5% a month and then increased it a bit. Do you want to do the whole dose in liquid form or use a combo of liquid and dry? I personally use a combo.  :)--V

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Gardenlady, I'm in the car right now and will post again later but I found it best to stick with 2mg pills vs mixing with the 5mg. Get your supplies ready: 100ml graduated glass  cylinder(tall and narrow for accuracy), 10ml o-ring syringes, 3ml syringes, small mortar/pestle. All are readily available and cheap  online. This will allow you to reduce by as little as 1/4% if you want.That is really tiny.There are also a lot of threads on  this forum and YouTube videos on exactly how to do this. One point which seems a bit controversial is what solvent to use to dissolve the pills. I use 45 % alco vodka because that's all I can get.
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Thanks everyone.  I have a 100 ml cylinder, 10 ml & 1 ml no-needle syringes.  What is an o ring syringe?  I have some old Voka which will have to do. 


I've tried reading the titration threads and just can't absorb it....it's too complicated and I can't keep it straight.  Guess my brain is too whacked out.  I have no idea whether to do a combo of pills & liquid or all liquid.  Just whatever is easiest and least complicated.  Sorry to be so helpless, but I can't figure this out on my own or by reading how others do it or even watching videos.  That's one reason I've avoided going to a liquid taper as it seems like there are so many decisions I have to make....how much do I want to cut, combo pills & liquid or all liquid, etc.  The problem is that I don't know what I want....I'm that bad.


Thank you again for your kindness and patience.

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Thanks everyone.  I have a 100 ml cylinder, 10 ml & 1 ml no-needle syringes.  What is an o ring syringe?  I have some old Voka which will have to do. 


I've tried reading the titration threads and just can't absorb it....it's too complicated and I can't keep it straight.  Guess my brain is too whacked out.  I have no idea whether to do a combo of pills & liquid or all liquid.  Just whatever is easiest and least complicated.  Sorry to be so helpless, but I can't figure this out on my own or by reading how others do it or even watching videos.  That's one reason I've avoided going to a liquid taper as it seems like there are so many decisions I have to make....how much do I want to cut, combo pills & liquid or all liquid, etc.  The problem is that I don't know what I want....I'm that bad.


Thank you again for your kindness and patience.

Hi Gardenlady,

I can't do the math for you but would suggest doing a combo of pills and liquid.  When I switched completely to liquid it felt as though I just couldn't get enough medicine in my system.  When I went back to mostly pills and some liquid it went really well. :thumbsup:

There is a Daily Micro Taper Group you may want to ask your question in, although there may be lot of folks here who can advize...


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Thanks everyone.  I have a 100 ml cylinder, 10 ml & 1 ml no-needle syringes.  What is an o ring syringe?  I have some old Voka which will have to do. 


I've tried reading the titration threads and just can't absorb it....it's too complicated and I can't keep it straight.  Guess my brain is too whacked out.  I have no idea whether to do a combo of pills & liquid or all liquid.  Just whatever is easiest and least complicated.  Sorry to be so helpless, but I can't figure this out on my own or by reading how others do it or even watching videos.  That's one reason I've avoided going to a liquid taper as it seems like there are so many decisions I have to make....how much do I want to cut, combo pills & liquid or all liquid, etc.  The problem is that I don't know what I want....I'm that bad.


Thank you again for your kindness and patience.

Hi Gardenlady,

I can't do the math for you but would suggest doing a combo of pills and liquid.  When I switched completely to liquid it felt as though I just couldn't get enough medicine in my system.  When I went back to mostly pills and some liquid it went really well. :thumbsup:

There is a Daily Micro Taper Group you may want to ask your question in, although there may be lot of folks here who can advize...


I wouldn't consider combining pills and liquid to be easiest if gardenlady is already having difficulty. Unless you mean dry pill plus mixing your own liquid with another dry pill. Thats pretty straight forward.  Also if you have been using just pills up to now, switching from one to the other may be problematic as others have stated if you search the forums.  Sounds like you may need some personal direct help Gardenlady.  Is there somebody close you could ask for help with the logistics and math.  It doesn't have to be complicated.  It could go something like this:Here is my routine when I was at 3.5mg V and didn't want to split pills.  I took 2 2mg pills,  Made a paste with morter/pestle. mix in 2ml vodka in to dissolve the V.  In the glass cylinder put in exactly 98ml water. 2+98=100. We always start with 100ml liquid.  Mix this gradually into the bowl and poor into a good glass mason jar that doesn't leak at all and shake well. So now we have a solution or "suspension" of 100ml = 4mg V. I need to now remove .5mg V to get 3.5mg and drink the rest. 4 - .5 = 3.5mg.  Lets leave the rest of math out of it for now, which converts .5mg of V into  x ml of liquid.  So lets say you did the math calculation and figured out you have to remove 12.5ml of liquid to end up with 3.5 mg of V.  Great, because you don't really need to do any more math for a while. Why?.....because now all you need to do is the taper with the syringe.  Now you can start removing a larger amount each consecutive day. ie:  The next day I would remove 13ml.  The day after that I would remove 13.5ml and then 14 and so on. no more math.  The whole process takes 5 minutes once you have done it a few times.  The idea behind this is that your brain is not getting shocked by a large cut.  The cut is actually so small your brain hardly detects it but your still getting a decent cut after a week or month.  I have never used the prescription premixed liquid valium so I can't comment on that but mixing that with dry pills has to be more complicated than just using dry pills.  If you go with prescription liquid stick with only that until you know if it will work.  I know some people could probably do this but IMO it's not for the math challenged crowd. Oh....the O-ring syringe has a very narrow o-ring that is more accurate and lasts way longer than the big rubber thingy.  If you search O-ring syringe on the net you will find them.  Let me know how this sits with you.

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