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I bought a coloring book today. Yep. Thats right. Im 34 years old, and i bought a coloring book. Its one of those coloring books for adults to relieve stress. You guys might have seen them. I get bored with my cardio and meditation routine, so i thought this might be a new tool for engaging and distracting my mind in a creative way. Im enjoying it so far. I bought some colored pencils. It keeps me out of my head. I highly reccomend it!




This is a GREAT idea and its a very positive and creative distraction. They seem to be getting very popular. My mom got one for Christmas and it is beautiful. I think I want one too. You could totally drown yourself in creativity and bright colors and keep your mind off this ordeal!  :thumbsup:

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I hear adult coloring books are all the rage now.  I don't know anyone that does it though.  I wonder if this would help you relax in bed before sleep, or if it would do the opposite for your mind.
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Bubbles and Lysa,


I think I will order the coloring book and try the Qigong.  My symptoms are all back again.  This is lousy.  I will start these new coping tools.  Thank you all for the advice.


I thought I had turned a corner and it's a bummer I'm back in the muck again.  Maybe I'll emerge with a higher baseline.  Wish I could get the 3am cortisol surging to stop.  I guess it will stop when it stops.  Nothing I can do but wait it out.



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Hi Buddies.


Judy, I may try the hot almond milk (dairy and I are estranged). I'm sorry to hear you've been gobsmacked by symptoms again. Boo for waves of all kinds.


Adult coloring books are a great idea. I've done some Zentangle and enjoyed it for distraction.


Today isn't as awful as yesterday but I have to get ready in a few minutes for a very long workday. Trying not to stress about that.


Keep swimming all.



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You're going to be symptomless today.  I just made up that word, I think.


Have a beautiful window day, Katie.


Love, Judy

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I made it through my long day. Yay! It's been what I call a baseline day--not good but not bad. We're preparing for a major snow in our area this Friday and I want to enjoy it rather than fret.


Has anyone tried the adult coloring book, "Unicorns are jerks?" Even the reviews are funny. I ordered it today. Distraction and laughter could be good: http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/1477468528?keywords=unicorns%20are%20jerks&qid=1453260344&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1


Sofa, I've had some warm almond milk and am hoping for the best!

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Let me know how the hot almond milk goes.  It makes me groggy, like hot cow's milk, without the upset stomach.


I'm so glad you had a moderate baseline day.  Stay warm and cozy in the house till the storm passes.


Love, Judy

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That coloring book looks awesome! My coloring book is mandalas and other "peaceful patterns" (that's what it's called). I think yours sounds more light hearted and good for a laugh. I hope you enjoy it.




I saw the movie "The Revenant" today with my mom. Well...i'll just say that for me, this was not the best movie to see while in the healing process. There's a scene that involves a man and a grizzley bear. Let's just say it doesn't go so well for the man. My sensitive nervous system had a hard time with the whole movie. Jeez. I could really use a great comedy. The first half of my day was bad. Things improved, and im now at baseline. Wishing you all a peaceful night. Will hold all of you in my thoughts. Any comedy movie suggestions?



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I hear adult coloring books are all the rage now.  I don't know anyone that does it though.  I wonder if this would help you relax in bed before sleep, or if it would do the opposite for your mind.


I guess the only way to find out is to get one that interests you and try it out. It could be like your healing benzo art project  ;)

Something interesting to look back one day for sure. Like an artful journal.




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That coloring book looks awesome! My coloring book is mandalas and other "peaceful patterns" (that's what it's called). I think yours sounds more light hearted and good for a laugh. I hope you enjoy it.




I saw the movie "The Revenant" today with my mom. Well...i'll just say that for me, this was not the best movie to see while in the healing process. There's a scene that involves a man and a grizzley bear. Let's just say it doesn't go so well for the man. My sensitive nervous system had a hard time with the whole movie. Jeez. I could really use a great comedy. The first half of my day was bad. Things improved, and im now at baseline. Wishing you all a peaceful night. Will hold all of you in my thoughts. Any comedy movie suggestions?




I hear you on this bubbles. I was not able to watch ANY movies like that. At about 7 months, my hubby and I took our kids to see Jurassic World and it bothered me for a couple days after. I felt so stupid, just total fiction and dinosaurs eating people! Nonetheless, it really revved everything up and I still at a year now, can't watch stuff like that. I stick to comedy's and love stories.

Hopefully I will be better by the time the next James Bond movie is out, I LOVE JB!  :thumbsup:

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Hope everyone is well today...it looks like we are all hanging in here. I had a better day today, like you said Katie, it was back to baseline day for me as well. Yesterday was not so fun, today better. I got lots of work done and grocery shopping. It felt good to get out and not be dreading it.


Judy, geek, katie and bubbles...rest well and have a great day on Wed!  :hug:



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Baseline day.  Hah.  I like that.    Not great but not horrible. 




Yes baseline is how I've been feeling the last few days.   



I'm noticing that the nights where sleep sucks don't make me feel like complete roadkill anymore.



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I've noticed the same thing. It's often not easy after a really bad night but more often I can just roll with it as long as it wasn't a super restless and wide awake night. After those nights I still tend to be roadkill. Great word.


I've had the same thing as others with being extra sensitive to films and TV. I'll cry easily--both from being touched and from disturbing material. However, I can handle pretty crazy stuff, even violence, if it's sci-fi rather than reality based so I do more of that and comedy now. Had some good laughs with the movie Spy and then Minions movies.


The warm almond milk didn't seem to do anything for me but I wasn't wired last night so that was good. Today is a baseline day mostly with some tummy upset from not sleeping. Not too bad. Baseline is doable.


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MT and Geek,


Are you guys able to do any cardio? When i was still having horrible insomnia (awake for three days straight on a regular basis for about 8 months) and having those tortutous cortisol surges, the ONLY thing that seemed to help was short bursts of cardio as intense as i could manage. I would find a hill, and depending how i felt, i would hobble, walk, or run up it as many times as i could stand. This really helped to cycle all that toxic energy through my body. Even if I didnt sleep, it made it more bearable to lay awake in bed because it got rid of the toxic cortisol surge feeling. If i didnt have the energy to go outside, i would do jumping squats, push ups and sit ips indoors. Anything to get my heart rate up and cycle the toxic energy through my body. I know a lot of you guys simply cant do that kind of exersise right now. If and when you are able, it really does help. wishing you all the strength you need to engage with another day.



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Morning buddies...


Had a pretty goods night sleep. Oh the ebbs and flows of this healing cycle. One moment you can feel like a crying, anxious mess, the next, back to baseline. Sometimes the changes are so subtle, you hardly know its happening, but looking back, I know they are.


I agree with the exercise. I ALWAYS feel better after I blast some chemicals out! I remember one day the cortisol was so BAD, that I just got pissed off and said, ok fine...then I will speed walk until it ends and thats exactly what I did. I went out and walked as fast and as hard as I was able, for hours...I don't even remember how long it was, I was in bad shape, but I fought back, using the right chemicals, to fix the wrong ones. That approach in time began to really help me. Now my goal is to speed walk 30 minutes every day.


I send hugs to you all and wish you a peaceful day, that was a little better than yesterday  :smitten:



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I'm a big believer of exercise and have often done it despite feeling pretty awful. Not sure what's making exercise this past week feel impossible. Too damn tired right now. And cold. This is turning into a day that I'm enduring more than anything.
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Hey buddies,


Well today has been another cortisol on steroids day.  I'll try speed walking and see what happens.


Love, Judy

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Could someone please tell me this ends?


Trying to cheer myself up by looking at the pretty snow. Some days are So. Hard.


Sofa, I hope that cortisol leaves the building. Let's kick this freaking misery to the curb!

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I wish i could tell you based on personal experience that "yes, this all will end!" Unfortunately, im in the same boat as you today, wondering when the h*ll this will be over. This evening, i got an insane headache, accompanied by chest pressure, shallow breathing, aching throat muscles, and while all of this happened, my voice turned all raspy and and it was a real effort to use my voice. Fantastic! And i consider myself 80% healed. This all lasted about an hour and a half. Ugh. Cant wait to write my success story and tell all you guys that "yes, this will end." Im hoping that day rolls around by spring. That would be a great birthday present. Still recovering from whatever the h*ll just smacked me. SO OVER THIS. Sofakingdone. Ha!!





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Well, it's 3:30am. I havent had a sleepless night in months. Ativan withdrawal; the gift that keeps on giving. My heart rate has been up since i woke up this morning, and now the insomnia rears its ugly head. Im feeling discouraged and defeated and alone. Ugh. Hope you all got some sleep. Sorry for the downer post.



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