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Z-Drug Support Group (Lunesta, Imovane, Zimovane, Ambien, Sonata, Zopiclone)


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Ha LadyDen,

I am not doing great. The mornings and noons are still tough. I will go swimming later today. Maybe I will play some sax too. How are you doing? Hug Jerry  :thumbsup:

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Jerry I hope things have settled down for you now. Please give me an update.

Have you been swimming?


Team Z, hope your weekend was great!


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Helen??. Check in!

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It's good to hear from you Lady Den and HAPPY 33 MONTHS TO YOU! You're amazing and encouraging and inspiring.  I'm glad you had a good weekend too.  :thumbsup:


I'm now 21 1/2 months and am slowly but surely emerging from a whopper of a bad wave that lasted almost 9 days.  Woweee, it was a nasty one. I had about 14 symptoms and they did not let up for all those days.  I'm coming around finally and just had lunch out with 2 friends. I cannot remember the last time I did that.  I felt a few uncomfortable feelings while out but was happy  and smiling to feel like a normal human.  That last wave has made me a little paranoid but I'm going to keep taking it day by day and moving forward as best I can.


Jerry, I'm sorry you are having it rough.  Boy do I understand. I hope you are doing everything you can to comfort yourself.


Jb, if you are reading this I'm always thinking of you too and hope you will be turning a corner soon. It's a rough road and we understand here. 


Agoura, I'm happy to hear that things are improving for you and hope your sleep improves soon. Mine comes and goes so I understand the struggle. 


Welcome to KtKat and Hunnybear. 


Take care all. I'm not going to be on here too much but I'd love to hear how you are doing.



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Hi Z-Drug recovery family,

Its been months since I've been on this site.


Just reporting in that March 29, 2022 was my last night using ambien.

It was very difficult for a few months.


For the past 6 months, I SLEEP better than I have for years. It feels like a miracle. My life, health, and spiritual connection are better than ever.


No more interdose with-drawals and related pain with ambien which I experienced for years.


Wanted to thank this board because this is where my recovery started. SERIOUSLY I SLEEP great.

Today, I do go to NA which still helps with the addiction I have to ambien.


Peace, love, and hope.


One night at a time,


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Thanks for letting me in.  :)


I decided to come off z-drugs because of inter dose withdrawals after 10 years on it. Also I was longing forward to take the double dose, 20mg Zolpi or 15 mg Zopi, early in the evening. I never took it daytime even if I wanted to. Waking up wanting more got me horrified and I realized I was addicted. Came here to read and learn and got shocked by many of the testimonials but also surprised how different they are. So here is my testimonial of tapering so far:


Went to see the doctor a month ago to get help tapering but he never heard of interdose withdrawals and he suggested that I should take z-drugs every other day instead of tapering. In my country there are no acknowledgements of daily withdrawals when taking therapeutic doses up to 20 mg. The addiction is purely related to sleep according to Swedish health care, as long as you do not take larger amounts during days. Dr seemed offended when I told about low dose Diazepam tapering. "That is like treating a head ache with opiods" he said. Then he asked me if I had problems with hyphocondria. :(


Crazy and an unprofessional suggestion to skip days so I took my own decision to taper from 20 mg. 10 mg for 2 weeks. 5 mg for 2 weeks and now I am 3 days at 2,5 mg into week 5. 


3-4 days in each taper I got night sweats and jolts of sudden awakening and vivid nightmares. One night in the first taper I could not lay still. Definitely signs of a to rapid taper but the second week in each taper I sleep very good, happy dreams, and I have very little interdose withdrawals day time. That is what is encouraging me to keep up the fast taper. I have got Melantonin and Prometazin to substitute the z-drugs but I dont feel any noticeable effect from those.


I expect to have a few rough nights to come and same after my last dose. I expect to feel a bit jittery, maybe also nervous, and that my spiked Tinnitus will be persistant for a few months.


Some testimonials suggest that it is togher in the end.  Is that soo? And why do some stay at 1-1.5 mg if the therapeutic value of such a low dose only lasts for minutes. Is that to push you into sleep on an empty stomach or can such a low dose effect day time anxiety in a good way?




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Is the thead dead?


I just want to know if I can jump from 2,5 mg Zolpidem. I never done real benzo. 

10 years on 10 mg but tapered down to 2,5 in a month time.

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Is the thead dead?


I just want to know if I can jump from 2,5 mg Zolpidem. I never done real benzo. 

10 years on 10 mg but tapered down to 2,5 in a month time.


Personally, if you've been doing this well on your taper, I feel you can jump.  Yes, you'll most likely have some insomnia but I think you're going to be just fine.  Some are able to stop z-drugs without too much trouble, I was one of them, it looks to me like you may able to stop it without too much more trouble.

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Thank you for replying Pamster. :)


I have read through your threads and I have learnt a lot about z-drugs and their withdrawals. To summ it up. I was in constant withdrawals while taking it in the end and and those kind of day time withdrawals disappeared while tapering. However night time difficulties in sleeping after each taper. (sweats, pain, waking up with a zap/volt) can not be avoided unless a very long taper. Z-drugs can be tapered faster than benzo with a cut of 25% weekly by cutting tabletts with a razorblade. I did 50% every two weeks and suffered a few night.


Coming off Z-drugs is difficult but I never had the acathasia, restlessness, and anxiety day time that is related to Benzo-withdawals. If you have a history of coming off benzo or alcohol you should be more carefull not to wake up old withdrawal symptoms.


Also do not multitaper different medications because many of the SSRI/SNRI, Mirtazapine, Gabapentonoids etc gives similar symtoms such as brain zaps and onset of panic sensations and sorting one withdrawal from another is impossible.


Thanks god for this positive experience and my message to everyone coming off this drugs is that it is immedeatly very rewarding. Google search "ambien withdrawals" and the time lines shown in all this pages with a peak of withdrawals in 3-5 days is quite accurate for each taper (small or big). A slow taper makes for less symptoms and could make post acute withdrawals less prone.


God bless you!

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Morning hugs Team Z!

Welcome Sebastian. I agree with Pam. You probably could jump at that dose. If you’re too concerned about it, then drop one more mg wait a week then jump. I’m cheering you on! You’ll be much better in the long run. Congrats on your bravery and job well done on tapering.

I apologize that I haven’t been very active here….but I’m definitely very active at home now that I’m physically able to do more things. I’ve made good leaps in my recovery so now that I have, I’ve been filling my day with self care, walking, light exercises, car rides every so often, etc. I do miss everyone but it’s time for me to get my brain used to doing more. I’ve waited so long! It’s well worth it! I’m definitely going to pop in here every couple of days or so. I hope everyone is doing better too!  Sending love and happy healing wishes.


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


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Hallo LadyDen and team Z,

I have started with tapering cipramil, an anti depressivant, since last Thursday. Like the zopiclone, I also do this taper with small steps. If that is easy I go faster and otherwise slow. Now I have gone from 40 mg to 38 mg. From my zopiclone taper I have learned that going slow works best and is easiest. Tomorrow swimming and my sax lesson.


LD, great that your life is improving so much, you have become so much more active and more healthy. Super!!




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Hallo LadyDen and team Z,

I have started with tapering cipramil, an anti depressivant, since last Thursday. Like the zopiclone, I also do this taper with small steps. If that is easy I go faster and otherwise slow. Now I have gone from 40 mg to 38 mg. From my zopiclone taper I have learned that going slow works best and is easiest. Tomorrow swimming and my sax lesson.


LD, great that your life is improving so much, you have become so much more active and more healthy. Super!!




Hugs Jerry! Good to see your post. I’m doing fine. Enjoying my new life. Feeling pretty good most days. I still have waves but they’re mild. I might get one tougher wave maybe once a week for a day or two then it goes back to very mild for many days in a row. I’m walking further, doing things I haven’t done in years and able to stay up for many hours without being forced to go lay down. I’m loving it! My love life is also going very well. I’m so happy!!! The car rides are improving but going slow. For the first time in years I walked to my mailbox by myself without any fear of falling. It felt so great! Since then I’ve done it twice more. I’m looking forward to finally going somewhere soon.

Glad to hear you’re still playing sax and swimming.how is your Dad? Congrats on your new taper. I wish you the best, my friend. Big hugs! 🤗

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Good morning Team Z! Wishing you a great day! Hope your weekend was great. Please remember that this isn’t a straightforward process. It’s like a dance…back and forth for awhile. Then once your brain learns the steps again, it’s much smoother.  :thumbsup:

If you read through my posts, you’ll see I was in such an AWFUL state….bedridden for a very long time. I’m not saying I chose to lay in bed, I didn’t have a choice! Could not stand up or sit up for more than a couple of minutes. Could not get up to run a bath and certainly couldn’t get in it! Couldn’t walk to get my mail, cook a meal, go outside for fresh air….etc etc….No walking then no nothing! I’m 33 months now and doing great by God’s grace. I’m walking 20-30 minutes at a time OUTSIDE nearly everyday and some days I do that twice. I can cook delicious meals and sit at the table with my family to hear all the “ damn this is so good!”. Play with my grandkids. Run a bath and take it then get out safely anytime I want. Sit up and watch a movie anytime I want. My favorite is…I can wake in the mornings immediately get up even in a small wave go fix a decaf coffee….sip it as I stand there watching the birds and sunrise from my patio to start my day! Just about 3 months ago, I struggled doing these but they began to get easier. Now I don’t even think about them…I just do it. It’s amazing because it’s like the struggle never happened. Wow! I’m now working on car rides and then try driving. Once I master those two I’ll be back to normal. The boatiness is mild now. When I go for walks or try car ride, it kicks up for an hour or so but after resting it settles back down or goes away. It used to be constant! I’m NOT bragging!!! I’m hoping to share something that will help someone know that it will be alright down the road if given more time. I’m a living testimony!!!

I get dressed, put on my shoes and go outside to enjoy the Spring. God is good! I’m a little boaty sometimes but it’s just a little annoyance now. I keep going with confidence that I’m alright!

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👏👏👏👏🌈🌈🌈🌈🏆🏆🏆🏆 :smitten:


Lady Den! I am so happy for you! You've made HUGE STRIDES!

I'm so glad I checked in today to see this! So glad you're having such joyful days & enjoying the outdoors! You are such an amazing inspiration!


Oh my, this makes me so happy!

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Lady Den!! You are amazing and have been such a strong and guiding voice for others through all of this. It gives us such great hopes to  hear about your healing. You have done your very best in VERY tough circumstances and good things are coming to you now.  Please don't worry about "bragging". I see it as sharing good news and spreading hope!


Miss F, good to see you here. How are you doing? 


Jerry, how is your progress with your new tapers? Are you getting to play your sax and swim much? I hope so.


Jb, I think about you still and hope your suffering is decreasing. 


Anyone else reading here, I send my best to you as well.


As for me, I've certainly had my ups and downs. My winter and spring involved some travel (nothing terribly distant but more than I have been able to do in a long time).  Some of it went well and some of it was very hard.  I'm in a wave now and it's been tough but I do know that Im moving forward and hope to be like LD and feel closer to real life soon.  I'm no longer pinning my hopes on a certain month to be better. I'm taking it day by day and trying to find some joy in each of them.  My nervous system is much calmer now.  What I notice now are periods of body pain, nausea, skin crawling and ears buzzing and ringing more.  Things shift but still don't feel so good. I take the shifting as a good sign though despite the icky feelings. 


QUESTION: do any of you have very stuffy ears?  Mine are sooo stuffy. I spoke with Angela Peacock yesterday and she says that is part of the dysautonomia brought on by the meds. 


OK, I'll check in again in the next week or so.


Hugs to all,



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Hello to all.  I have never been on this board as I have never taken a Z drug (Valium was my poison) but while I was scrolling through the news today, an ad popped up about a memoir written by Laura Cathcart Robbins, titled Stash, My Life in Hiding.  It is her personal account of her years long addiction to Ambien. 


I just wanted to put it out there should anyone be interested in reading this five star memoir.



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Good morning Team Z! Wishing you a great day! Hope your weekend was great. Please remember that this isn’t a straightforward process. It’s like a dance…back and forth for awhile. Then once your brain learns the steps again, it’s much smoother.  :thumbsup:

If you read through my posts, you’ll see I was in such an AWFUL state….bedridden for a very long time. I’m not saying I chose to lay in bed, I didn’t have a choice! Could not stand up or sit up for more than a couple of minutes. Could not get up to run a bath and certainly couldn’t get in it! Couldn’t walk to get my mail, cook a meal, go outside for fresh air….etc etc….No walking then no nothing! I’m 33 months now and doing great by God’s grace. I’m walking 20-30 minutes at a time OUTSIDE nearly everyday and some days I do that twice. I can cook delicious meals and sit at the table with my family to hear all the “ damn this is so good!”. Play with my grandkids. Run a bath and take it then get out safely anytime I want. Sit up and watch a movie anytime I want. My favorite is…I can wake in the mornings immediately get up even in a small wave go fix a decaf coffee….sip it as I stand there watching the birds and sunrise from my patio to start my day! Just about 3 months ago, I struggled doing these but they began to get easier. Now I don’t even think about them…I just do it. It’s amazing because it’s like the struggle never happened. Wow! I’m now working on car rides and then try driving. Once I master those two I’ll be back to normal. The boatiness is mild now. When I go for walks or try car ride, it kicks up for an hour or so but after resting it settles back down or goes away. It used to be constant! I’m NOT bragging!!! I’m hoping to share something that will help someone know that it will be alright down the road if given more time. I’m a living testimony!!!

I get dressed, put on my shoes and go outside to enjoy the Spring. God is good! I’m a little boaty sometimes but it’s just a little annoyance now. I keep going with confidence that I’m alright!


LadyDen, you have been such an immense source of pride for so many people on this community. It had been a pleasure to watch you along this story. Congratulations. Such big hugs to you. I will remember your story for the rest of my lifetime. So so much love to you. <3

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Hello to all.  I have never been on this board as I have never taken a Z drug (Valium was my poison) but while I was scrolling through the news today, an ad popped up about a memoir written by Laura Cathcart Robbins, titled Stash, My Life in Hiding.  It is her personal account of her years long addiction to Ambien. 


I just wanted to put it out there should anyone be interested in reading this five star memoir.




thank you GG!

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P.S.  I thoroughly agree with all the lovely remarks Helen posted about everyone’s favorite BenzoBuddy, LadyDen.  Such an inspiration all the way through her own walk to recovery, never forgetting all her buddies who always find great comfort and solace in her words of warmth and wisdom🙏😍❤️
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Hallo LadyDen and team Z,

I have started with tapering cipramil, an anti depressivant, since last Thursday. Like the zopiclone, I also do this taper with small steps. If that is easy I go faster and otherwise slow. Now I have gone from 40 mg to 38 mg. From my zopiclone taper I have learned that going slow works best and is easiest. Tomorrow swimming and my sax lesson.


LD, great that your life is improving so much, you have become so much more active and more healthy. Super!!




Hugs Jerry! Good to see your post. I’m doing fine. Enjoying my new life. Feeling pretty good most days. I still have waves but they’re mild. I might get one tougher wave maybe once a week for a day or two then it goes back to very mild for many days in a row. I’m walking further, doing things I haven’t done in years and able to stay up for many hours without being forced to go lay down. I’m loving it! My love life is also going very well. I’m so happy!!! The car rides are improving but going slow. For the first time in years I walked to my mailbox by myself without any fear of falling. It felt so great! Since then I’ve done it twice more. I’m looking forward to finally going somewhere soon.

Glad to hear you’re still playing sax and swimming.how is your Dad? Congrats on your new taper. I wish you the best, my friend. Big hugs! 🤗


Ha LadyDen,

Thanks for your reply! My Dad is doing well. He is very active with lots of different things. Yesterday he was here and we had a meal together and we watched music and football together. It is easter here at the moment. It is great to hear about all the progress you are making. Wooow!



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👏👏👏👏🌈🌈🌈🌈🏆🏆🏆🏆 :smitten:


Lady Den! I am so happy for you! You've made HUGE STRIDES!

I'm so glad I checked in today to see this! So glad you're having such joyful days & enjoying the outdoors! You are such an amazing inspiration!


Oh my, this makes me so happy!

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Miss F!! How are you doing, sweetie? Thank you for this post. Always you’re so sweet and an inspiration as well. I think of you as well. Please tell me you’re doing well???

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Lady Den!! You are amazing and have been such a strong and guiding voice for others through all of this. It gives us such great hopes to  hear about your healing. You have done your very best in VERY tough circumstances and good things are coming to you now.  Please don't worry about "bragging". I see it as sharing good news and spreading hope!


Miss F, good to see you here. How are you doing? 


Jerry, how is your progress with your new tapers? Are you getting to play your sax and swim much? I hope so.


Jb, I think about you still and hope your suffering is decreasing. 


Anyone else reading here, I send my best to you as well.


As for me, I've certainly had my ups and downs. My winter and spring involved some travel (nothing terribly distant but more than I have been able to do in a long time).  Some of it went well and some of it was very hard.  I'm in a wave now and it's been tough but I do know that Im moving forward and hope to be like LD and feel closer to real life soon.  I'm no longer pinning my hopes on a certain month to be better. I'm taking it day by day and trying to find some joy in each of them.  My nervous system is much calmer now.  What I notice now are periods of body pain, nausea, skin crawling and ears buzzing and ringing more.  Things shift but still don't feel so good. I take the shifting as a good sign though despite the icky feelings. 


QUESTION: do any of you have very stuffy ears?  Mine are sooo stuffy. I spoke with Angela Peacock yesterday and she says that is part of the dysautonomia brought on by the meds. 


OK, I'll check in again in the next week or so.


Hugs to all,


Stuffy ears….HELL yeah! Excuse my “ French”. Mine does that then poof gone…few days later, it’s back. But it’s milder than a couple of months ago and staying away longer.  :tickedoff:

Hope that helps you.

Thank you for your lovely kind words. You’re so awesome, Helen! You are doing well even though it doesn’t feel like it. You’ve traveled and did your best. I’m proud of you! I’m motivated by you. I see you….I see your strength and understand how you feel. Especially after doing well for a bit. This happened to me around the same time frame as you…it WILL pass. Hold on!!! I’m here for you always…if you need to scream, cry, vent or cuss!!


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Lady Den, Helen HMB


Thank you for asking.


I actually had some improvements that started towards the end of February. We started to leave the neighborhood more. Me as a passenger. It started out going straight from our home to a local park just 5 minutes away. The ride was sometimes a bit of a challenge, but hanging out at the park with the dog playing ball with him went well. Then riding around in the car became much easier. The car sickness subsided & I am building confidence.


We went shopping for Easter. Then things improved even more. We started going to coffee shops (water for me. Coffee for hubby) & enjoying the little bistro tables outside and making little videos of this. Then when I come home to rest I edit the videos to make Instagram reels, while I am resting. They are quirky fun videos.


I started to do more because my body was allowing me. Going on rides 2x a day sometimes. Sometimes gone for just 20 min. Sometimes an hour or more. I was able to go to my sisters and pet her horses. I started to feel things "catch up" with me a bit. I hadn't been doing this much on a regular basis since last July. I started to get that "hung over" I'm doing too much feeling a week ago, & then serious fatigue. But, the boatiness & equilibrium issues have remained infrequent, mild & manageable- thank God.


I dialed it back all last week & cut back on activity. We had a "loose" (if I was up to it) invitation to go to my dads, only 30 min away, for Easter. All last week I was pretty worn out & did not think I'd be able to go. Well, Easter morning I had slept good all night & felt pretty perky & we were able to have a beautiful Easter visit with my dad & family. I laughed a lot & had fun. It was one of the best times I've had in this whole journey.


I'm forgetting some other things we've done. We've been out to parks quite a bit. When I look back on my journal March & April so far, I've been at a higher level of functioning. Today I am taking it easy & probably most of this week.Seeing how well my body bounces back.


Because I've thought I was done/healed  a few times, I get discouraged when I think I'm almost there, & I'm hit with a wave or an uptick in symptoms. . The discouragement & disappointment can cause stress, & in turn, symptoms. I have try learn to be as accepting as possible.


I have to trust the process. It is "back & forth" until it is done. It is a one day at a time thing. I have improved a lot overall. I see this improvement & i get excited. It's like an excitement mixed with fear. Fear that I'll slide backwards. But, on my good days, I don't have that fear. That fear is a symptom in itself.


After doing activities and our little excursions out of the house. I have to take resting & lulling my system down, very seriously. I meditate & use positive imagery. I'm doing this more than ever. My husband gives me at least 2 reiki treatments a day. Its just as simple as him placing his hand on my forehead and the back of my neck and transfer of positive energy. (Maybe your sweet new man can look into this & try it on you) - Its really just healing touch. He's not a reiki master or anything.


I hope I continue on this trajectory. We are spiritual people & we pray & pray. I pray for you to continue improving & everyone on here.


I still have challenging days, or parts of days that are challenging. I just want to get a little bump to that higher level with consistency so that I feel more confident. I do know if I don't sleep well, which still can happen a few times a month, I definitely need to do less that day.


So glad to hear of your exciting improvements dear.  Let's all keep moving forward.  :smitten:

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Jerry….check in buddy! How are you?

Hope you’re doing good.

Love and hugs 🤗


Ha LadyDen,

I already wrote you a message, a page back, I guess you didn’t see it. I am busy with my new taper of an anti depressivant. Every two weeks a new step. I do it slow, so I can live my life normally. It will probably cost me just less than a year, but that is fine by me. I think that is the best way to do it. Just like with my zopiclone taper which is a success. Because of the side effects I now experience I feel less motivated to play on my saxophones. Maybe this is just in the first week of a step. I still continue swimming though. My life is quite basic and simple, but it is what it is. Yesterday night was nice, because an uncle of mine came to my house to play chess with me. He is a former doctor. We have an equal level of chess playing which is very nice. After two games we watched football together. He is fan of the same football club as me.

Lots of huggsss,

Jerry  :thumbsup:

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