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Completely Healed at Almost 7 months off After 7 Years of Klonopin!!


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I'm so glad you feel so much better. Good news for those who have been on a long time. Better days are coming and do come. Thank you for sharing your story. Wishing you well and a happy life ahead of you!
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Congrats morechocolate!! You have won the fight. It takes strength and courage to beat this. Your hard work paid off and now you can reep the benefits of being benzo free. I have 2 boys as well ages 11 and 12. I hope that when they are old enough this will be a gift to them as well.


Thanks for sharing,and continued success!!

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I needed this today. I was thinking all day am I ever going to feel good again?  I'm exhausted, can't exercise, and just feel bad most of the time. I'm looking at about six more months to rid myself of this poison. I hope I get better. What a nightmare. 
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  • 3 weeks later...
Thank you so much for your story! I read it aloud to my incredible supportive G.without whom I couldn't even be here writing to you.I'm at day 53 after an accidental cold turkey and I often find myself wondering if I'll ever get better.Then I come here and read stories like yours and I truck on! Thanks and have a Merry Christmas! :smitten: :smitten:
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  • 3 weeks later...
Now 8 months off. I can't believe it. Although it seems like it will take forever, the time really does go by fast. Still loving life and you will too. :)
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Thank you so much. In the middle of a bad wave, and needed to read something like this. My worst thought is that, since I suffered from anxiety and panic before Klonopin, that I may be stuck. Your story is proof that's a false thought. I hope somewhere down the road I can post a success story like this for others. Sometimes these stories are the only thing that get me through the day. I'm extremely happy you have your life back, and am so thankful you shared this. It's truly inspirational.  :thumbsup:
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I'm so glad my story continues to help people. :)


I also wanted to mention that I did not take any other meds or supplements throughout withdrawal. I am still med and supplement free.

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Thank you for your story. You give a glimmer of hope to this K withdrawal h... on earth. I would like to ask you one question though. You mentioned that one of your withdrawal symptoms was tinnitus but you did not mention it in the recovery part of the "gone" paragraph. I really want this screaming in my brain to go away. Does it? The living in a movie or dream is frightening enough. But this sound track is driving me up the remaining walls.

Peace and congratulations

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Thank you for your story. You give a glimmer of hope to this K withdrawal h... on earth. I would like to ask you one question though. You mentioned that one of your withdrawal symptoms was tinnitus but you did not mention it in the recovery part of the "gone" paragraph. I really want this screaming in my brain to go away. Does it? The living in a movie or dream is frightening enough. But this sound track is driving me up the remaining walls.

Peace and congratulations



You will get through this. Just keep tapering down. Don't hold for too long and definitely don't go back up. It will only start getting better once you're completely off. If I can do it, anyone can. The tinnitus is completely gone. It was really loud for me too. It was less frequent at about 4 months off and completely gone at 6 months. Don't worry all this creepy stuff goes away.



I apologize to everyone who sent me a pm and I haven't answered. I'm a single mom and I work 40 hours a week. Both my boys are also active in sports, so I'm super busy! I will do my best to answer posts on here, but pm's will probably not happen.



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Hi...just wanted to say I'm really happy for you...thanks for sharing your story here and encouraging others...people need these stories so badly. Take care and be well.  :) Colleen
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Thank you so much Morechocolate for your comforting words. I do look forward to that peaceful moment when this all ends. I am very happy for you that you have found that peace and yet are still writing in this forum. You stay busy and don't ever let any doctor talk you into another dangerous drug like Klonopin. I bet you are a really good Mom. Peace be with you always. :)
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Hi morechocolate, congratulations to you and thank you for the inspiration.  I am a mess now and being hit with a terrible wave at 3 months out. I have all of the symptoms you had and feel so heartbroken. I had a few windows but not enough. Ha ha. Need a touch of hope that I will get better too. Best of everything to you as you enjoy your new life. Thanks for helping those of us suffering.  PG
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Wow you quit smoking at the same time?  :thumbsup:


Yes, I quit on the 11th and starred tapering 10 days later. I am now a year smoke-free. :)

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Thank you morechocolate.  I was beginning to get despondent reading about so many terrible protracted w/ds's.

I quit smoking after 22 years recently as well - back in October 2013.  My recent cold turkey one week ago so messed me up I started back again but I am trying to stabilize and I know I can and will quit again!!

I have only been on this poison for a little over a year, at a low dose but I cannot even begin to describe the HELL I went through during my C/T and the worst part was that I was in a hospital and didn't even know what was happening to me and no one else noticed!! It was 7 days of a a living nightmare!

Your story give me hope.  Thank you, Peace, marybeth :)

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