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in despair after so called psych appointment


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Thank you Obsid



This equivalent is according to Ashton.



But the hospital is going to do what they think best regardless of what Ashton or an internet forum recommends.

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Hey Dandy, I hope you could sleep well in the end. They're not going to let you suffer over there, so don't worry and don't think too much, just let go. Focus on getting well and outta there well on your way to a full recovery from all your ailments.

Good luck mate

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I think he is suffering guitarman . I agree with river. They have to understand how much u have been taking dandy. This needs to be very clear. I guess that's why they have the anti fitting drip set up for you. I am SO sorry u feel so bad . This is not a journey for the faint hearted  is it!

                    Hugs Pinkee

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hey dandy,


i did try the remeron very early out after i c/t'd and didn't like it and didn't wish to do my recovery that way but if it helps you. and also, i heard that the lower the dose, about 3.5 or 4mg is best for sleep. but your brain and my brain are in two very different places so it may work easily for you. just wanted you to know in case you want to talk to Doc about using it in lower dose's for sleep.


hope you can stabalize and feel more comfortable soon.



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Actually he was on a benzo dose equivalent to 200 mg of DIAZEPAM.


Hello Obsid.  If I recall correctly Dandy's high doses of clonazepam were taken intermittently.  He is likely to need a much lower dose if it's taken regularly.  Both diazepam and clonazepam will build up if taken regularly.


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After an hour both nurse and doc came and gave me another 50 mg diazepam and that did the trick. Felt much better and got about 4 hours sleep.

No need for lorazepam drip yet. Managed to eat breakfast.  Doctors now doing rounds.


I will try and explain situation because only on call doctors around over weekend.





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Thanks Tom


Apologies for not replying earlier have a snooze.


Saw doctor this morning and the plan is to stabilise over weekend and then start intensive tests next week.


Being loaded with diazepam but feeling ok.


Thanks for your kind interest


Take care



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Hi Svenhoak


Hope you're doing okay.  I have not had a bad day. They are giving me diazepam how much I am not sure but fairly comfortable. I had a 15mg remeron last night. It gave me a very dry mouth. Will discuss with nurse whether to take one tonight although it did help me sleep. It is now 22.00 here and doc will call in before lights out.


I am eating quite well and have tv plus this phone. Brother and sister visiting tomorrow.


Take care and give love to other buddies who I know are also unwell.





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Hi Svenhoak


Hope you're doing okay.  I have not had a bad day. They are giving me diazepam how much I am not sure but fairly comfortable. I had a 15mg remeron last night. It gave me a very dry mouth. Will discuss with nurse whether to take one tonight although it did help me sleep. It is now 22.00 here and doc will call in before lights out.


I am eating quite well and have tv plus this phone. Brother and sister visiting tomorrow.


Take care and give love to other buddies who I know are also unwell.






Remeron literally saved my life after an acute cold-turkey.  I had not eaten or slept in 7 days.  I was thinking I was going to die if I didnt' reinstate - didn't know what else "to" do. I couldn't even drink water and keep it down. Seriously.


I started on 15mg of Remeron - an hour after my first pill I had a whole 12-inch sub. I slept 10 hours that night.  I slept every night through acute withdrawal. This was the most hellish thing imaginable but I made it. I tapered off the Remeron that same first year off. I'm now almost 2 years off benzos and I'm thriving. Not FULLY healed but SO MUCH BETTER that I'm close.


Do not be afraid.  Some docs really do know what they are doing. It's trial and error for everyone, but Remeron is a drug that many benefit from during healing.  Benzos are a "poison" so to speak.  Some adjunctive meds that can help us heal from this - and that are wisely used - can be of benefit. Some people aren't "bad enough" to need a medication to make it through this - and others of us are in a very desparate place - not with just anxiety - but with short-term brain injury that makes it impossible to stay alive without help of some sort.  It is a BIG deal to handle benzo tolerance and withdrawal. Nobody can or should judge another person for using doctor--guided medications to get out of this mess.  They helped me SO much - and I am a good example of someone who is no longer on that drug and still doing very well at this point in time. I share that because I want you to know there is no need to be stoic - rather - just survive this.  Remeron was easy to taper WHEN it was TIME.  I tried to taper it the first year off and had a heckuva time once I hit 3mg. The benzo healing underneath was far too strong. But I had a rapid improvement from months 9-11 and was able to taper the rest of the Remeron at that point. 


You were on a hefty benzo dose, so Remeorn may not cover all the symptoms. But it may help take the edge off and make a benzo taper more successful.


Remeron acts on Histamine receptors to make you drowsy (this is why it's a good sleep aid and also gives you dry mouth).

It also DIRECTLY releases serotonin into the brain.  At lower doses less than 15mg it has a mild/mod effect on norepinephrine, but the histamine response is so much stronger at this dose that it's not as easily felt as at the higher doses - at least as far as the standard online forum information goes.  But that effect is also very individual.


All in all - this med helped me survive and intense early recovery. I am grateful to have had it. I slept 10 hours a night. I think that aided my healing tremendously.



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Hello Parker


It is so good to hear from you. I have always found your posts inspiring. So glad that your feeling better.


I was given the 15mg remeron but not yet taken. But based on your experience will take it right now. Doctor said it's okay to take with diazepam as I obviously still need benzos. Doing a very slow taper.


Next week they will start treatment on my stomach/liver. However good news is that early indications is that my liver will be okay as long as I abstain from alcohol. We shall see.


Back to the remeron I hope I derive the same benefits as you. That would be great.


Thanks for info and God bless



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hi Dandy and a big hi to Parker :)


Thank you for posting this info on remeron Parker. Perhaps it will serve Dandy well :thumbsup:


Dandy, I am a successful graduate of Ashton's crossover method. I am also one who has gotten by with small amounts of remeron. As Parker has put it, it was a lifesaver in helping with sleep and mood issues. I really hope that this is a med that can benefit you especially after all the suffering you've gone through. I have been keeping track of your posts. I may be silent in not posting as much, but I am keeping track of your situation. It is my sincerest wish that you may have a complete recovery and fullness of healing!

Best wishes to you Dandy! I will keep you in my intentions this Sunday. I am the volunteer cantor at our church this weekend. They say when you sing, you pray twice...  :angel:

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Hello pangelingua


Thank you for your kind words of support. I am not really religious but was confirmed Church of England when I was 12.


I don't know what time you're service is on Sunday but maybe I could say a prayer too. The only prayer I really know is the Lords Prayer.


I really appreciate your sentiments it adds perspective to the situation.



God bless



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Your welcome Dandy :)


I added your name to the 'prayer request thread' a few days ago so that other members can pray for you there.

Our Mass is at 9:00am Pacific Standard Time.

The Lords prayer is an excellent one for comfort during times of stress or just getting through a day. I start every work day with that prayer.

Again, best wishes to you and I'll be singing Sunday especially for you to receive many blessings in these coming days :angel:

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I knew this was too good to be true.  Apparently I had an anxiety attack with horrible dreams.  I came around and pressed the nurse call button several times.  It  was horrible. I was sweating and incoherent. A doctor also arrived and they put some iv lorazepam in my arm which immediately calmed me down. The nurse was fantastic and calm and got me a cup of tea. She stayed and talked to me and explained the clonazepam was still leaving my system and i probably did not have enough diazepam to  cover it. She put the bedside light on because it seemed too dark.


The nurse told me she had just got an mba in clinical psychology and was leaving nursing.


Anyway I have calmed down: don't know too much about iv lorazepam took it orally a few years back. Just put the BBC news on too stressed to sleep.


Never want to go through that again I reckon  combination of diazepam and remeron could have caused it.


God bless and yes please pray and sing;  shall have to work out time difference I think it's about 6 hours.


Take care



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Well that may be the last time it happens. It sure sounds similar to my benzo withdrawal experience. It gets better. Be happy you're getting that crap out of your body!


Rest easy my friend.... ;)

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Yeah Svenhoak


That was awful. Doc says I was hallucinating but it was so vivid. Managed to get back to sleep. I am never going to take clonazepam again: or for that matter any benzo. This stuff just make you crazy. When I think of some of the crazy things I have done under the influence of clonazepam and alcohol make me shiver.


Sorry fellow buddies


God bless



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You are in the best place dandy. Sounds like they will help u thru these rougher patches. It is the most difficult thing I have ever experienced . Stay in the moment and try not to stress too much. What's done is done and we ALL make mistakes. Hugs Pinkee
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Hi dandy,

I suspect, too, that the first night or few on remron can be very nasty, it kind of puts you under and then you wake up an hour later with a hangover from hell kind of feeling!

I tried it one night and one only, and that was my CT trigger back when!

Still, I believe that these symptoms do only last a couple of days and then go away.

After that it probably starts to do its job properly, and it seems to be the only thing that many have reported good results from.

Supposedly you can rapid taper it once the benzo WDs have gone.

Good luck, and hope you can get through this badness. it will take much disciplin to keep tapering after the hospital has done the initials for you!

For now, you will probably still suffer, but you are safe!

I'll say one thing for the very young doctors too.

They are often more likely to be curious and want to know about things, and more interested in individual cases.

They haven't yet learned to compartmentalise people and symptoms, and can often find things that the older, more compartmentalised doctors miss because they have developed more strict and inflixible procedures for things!

They may also have more recent memories from their training.


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