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Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Shalom from Israel!


I am on this dreadful drug and have gained 2st! So much weight and my diet really hasn't changed that much. It does make me crave sugar. I'm wondering if people start to notice themselves losing the weight they gained on  Remeron when they start to reduce.


I love that this medication has worked so well depression wise but the weight is becoming a real issue now


Toda raban


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Hello jinglyjo-

Actually no my weight continued to creep up as I tapered off of it . It causes a lot of water retention and inflammation in the body.

I've been off of it for over a month now and I've lost 6-7 pounds without doing anything different.

I gained up to 9 pounds while on it but I worked out hard and ate really clean. If I hadn't of then I would have gained a lot more.


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Hey ash sorry that I haven't been on recently.


How are you feeling now? Do you still have any symptoms and if so what?


I am better them I was but still have some symptoms.


Thanks for your beautiful Christmas message and happy new year.


Hugs ruby

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Hi Ruby, hope your new year was great!

Things are going well, they're not 100% but I'm thankful they are better than they were! How are things with you? How was your sleep? Are you still able to work? Have you lost any weight? What symptoms are you experiencing?

I'm not sure if my symptoms are rare mom related or T3 related. But for the past week or so my sleep hasn't been that great! But I'm thankful that I am getting sleep and I'm thankful that I'm able to continue working and socializing.

I do sometimes worry/wonder if I'll be able to be anxiety free without any Meds, But then I remember that God is the great physician and he knows that I've asked Him to heal me and I have lots of faith in Him.

Do u ever feel that way ?



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Swooping in to say hey Dave!  I came back here to read about some old pals, and had to look you up too.  Hope you and your family had a great Christmas.  I'd love to catch up when you have a chance.  Take care!
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Hey Ash how are you?


I am doing ok I guess, hopefully slowly getting better but it really feels like it is 1 step forward and three back.


I still have constant daily symptoms that vary in intensity.


I still feel somewhat out of it and confused. also still fatigued sometimes. I am also still feeling really detached and disconnected from life with some depersonalization. not so much dr  now though but it does still come and go.


I am also still having a lot of anxiety and almost constant anxious thoughts and some depression/mood swings.


also still have daily nausea, some head pressure and brain fog.


some of the physical symptoms have gotten better.


the disconnection and dp is really driving me nutts. I just don't feel like myself at all and I feel flat most of the time like I just cant feel normal emotional connections to things or others around me and I also feel like I just am not connected to life around me.  it is as if I am seeing life behind a window but I cant feel it and I hate this. it is as if I have lost the spark for life or that it has no colour or flavour right now.


I also find all day is just one mood swing to the next but never just stable. one minute I might be anxious then depressed then brain fogged and around and around and it seems to change by the hour and even minute sometimes.


are you still having any symptoms or are you still feeling any of what I have described above still?


I do also still get crying spells too and sometimes lack of motivation as well.


it is driving me crazy that I still feel this bad so long after coming off this crap.


and I also feel like this withdrawal has changed me into a different person. I know this is because the brain chem is off so of course I don't feel like myself.


I just can't believe how long this is taking and how slow it is and how severe it is still.


I guess I am a bit better than I was but maybe only by like 10 to 20 percent at the most.

I was doing a bit better last week and had a few days of slight windows but the recovery sure isn't linear. its the windows and waves thing which sucks.


I sure have learned though that I will never take another ad again in my life, no freaken way.


and yes I do worry that I will have anxiety forever but I also know that I was practically anxiety free before going on rem and that the fear of being like this for the rest of my life is more likely the wds talking.

I also think this is why some end up back on these dam meds. you get like 2 months away from the med and still feel like crap and are fooled into thinking it is you when it really is the withdrawal still.


if we just hang on a bit longer hopefully we will be fine.


let me know how you are doing?


I have talked to my naturopath a lot about this and he says it can be very slow to fully recover and may take 3 to 4 months to fully recover.


hugs ruby

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Just a quickie to say Happy New Year everyone. I am doing fine. On my final Effexor drop which was a bit dodgy with symptoms for about 12 days or so but nothing like the evil Mirtazapine which really messed me up - for me it acted in a poisonous way


Ruby: don't worry. Everything you feel is very normal. I can't tell you the number of times I was tempted to take one for relief but so glad I didn't. Your naturopath is  correct. It took me about 4 1/2 months to be over it. The anxiety WILL go I promise tho' its hard to believe right now.


Hope everyone is doing well. What a relief it is to be off that evil stuff.  Another few weeks I will be off the Effexor (travelling right now) and once that is out my system I will never touch another brain drug again. Am feeling great tho' and life is back to normal mostly.



Angel xx

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Hi,  I'm interested in anyone's experience tapering from Remeron? I am 7 months off Klonopin and still symptomatic. I took 18 months to liquid taper from .6mg of Klonopin. I waited 5 1/2 months before starting the Remeron taper from 15mg. I'm 2 months into it now, almost 25% off, and the symptoms are pretty nasty, worse than before I started to taper from the Rem.


It's hard to separate out what is still from the Klonopin WD and what symptoms have worsened from the Remeron taper. I started the Rem liquid taper at a pace of 5%/ week and did this for about 3 weeks. Then the really nasty GI symptoms, along with the other stuff worsened , and I have slowed it down to 5%/ two weeks, or 10%/ month. This is at least tolerable, but not great. My current plan is to continue at 10% per month.


Curious about anyone else's  Remeron WD and how it was. Appreciate any of your thoughts. Thanks.



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Hey angel thanks south for your message. So glad you are doing so well.


Did you ever feel with the wd that your brain was just throwing out random thoughts , feelings, messages that didn't make much sense? Almost is if the brain is throwing our any thought or emotion in an attempt to heal or rewire but that the reworking wasn't fully properly wired yet and the wired were still a bit crossed?


I will also get strange emotion reactions to normal situations!


Did you have any of this.


And from my experience as well as yours Effexor actually seems easier to come off of.


So glad you are doing well and happy new years.

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after a year of tapering, i am TRYING to jump from 1/2 mg of remeron and i feel as though i won't be able to make it it's been 4 days now and my condition is terrible some sxs include



cant sleep

cant hardly eat at all

feel like flu

feel chills and pain

feel feel weird

tones are changing in tinnitus

get cold mostly but too warm sometimes

stomach upset

no thirst or hunger


cold right hand


irregular heartbeats

feel like i am going to pass out when i stand up



the list goes on and i was having seizures before i started remeron, strangely enough they stopped after i got on the remeron and was able to sleep some and eat but it turned on me after about 3 to six months but i was on remeron from 3/2012 til now.



i feel doomed either way i go staying on or getting off!  anyone make it off remeron after being on it this long?




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Ruby, everything u r feeling is normal..

I have good days and bad.. I can't take any supplements though, only magnesium at night. Today was a pretty great day!

Angel I'm so happy to hear you're almost done with your tapper! Ladies let's keep the faith let's keep on pushing to the finish line!


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I'm on Xanax 2.5-3 mg daily for the past 2-3 years or thereabouts. My psych's prescribed 7.5 mg Remeron everyday with 30 mg librium, to be upped to 15 mg Remeron to quit Xanax. Is he doing the right thing, or is there another way?
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I called my psych like right now and didn't wanna go to his office again. He says drowsiness is a sign that the Librium 10 mg is working, and wants me to start Remeron 7.5 mg tonight along with Librium 20 mg. I'm so so worried, how in heaven am I gonna let go of my daily 2.5- 3 mg Xanax fix (he wants me to quit TODAY). He's Czech-american, maybe they do the withdrawal thing differently in Europe. I'm still worried!
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Hi Ash, yeah I'd be worried too coming off that much Xanax too!

Slowly taper off of it... Find the Ashton manual and use that to taper off it.

U may have to go even slower than that!

It shouldn't be different in the world when it applys to coming off a drug...most everyone experiences withdrawals. Please go slow and listen to your body what it's telling.

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Its been 35 days off the benzos. Basically c/t at a detox.

I know it s not the thing to do but I had no option. Since the taper before going to detox and while at Detox I tried several meds for sleep:









I was never on more than 4-5 days on any of these except kept coming back to Remeron because it seemed to help best with sleep. I have probably been on it for over two weeks straight on a low dose of 3.75M.


Two nights ago I had anxiety,tinitus and all that stuff that comes from Benzo w/d. I increased the remoron dose to 7.5 and slept a good 8hrs but found myself very tired and then depressed later that day> so last night I went back to the 3.75m and I'm still slow and depressed. Went to a AA meeting and had to walk out i was so depressed. I had experienced dispersion at the treatment center and once I got home but I feel that the Remeron might be the Culprit. Ive also been taking The last 4 days 3mg of melatonin which I'm almost sure causes some dep.


So if I just stop am I likely to experience w/d from the Rem since Ive been on it 2/3 weeks now?

Its just tough to know if your still on a med whether its benzo w/d or other meds. My friends say its best not to take anything that way one knows.


Anyone that's been on remeron that might have experienced similarities?



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Hey guys!


I know that you are all really suffering trying to cut Remeron. However, I wanted you to know my story-- See below-- and let you know that you could choose to wait until you are 18 months-2 years post-benzo before cutting the remeron, and it will be MUCH easier.  I have been cutting it by 15mg each cut and it has been a breeze, in stark contrast to when I tried to cut it at 6 months post benzo.


My story:


Without Remeron, I would never have been able to get off or stay off benzos.


I added Remeron when I got down to 1.5 mg of Valium on my taper. A week after I added it (at 15mg), I was able to walk off the rest of the benzos without too much of a problem.  (which was amazing considering how disabled I had been before). I still had the occasional panic attack but that was it.


However, I gained weight - 17 pounds. Because I was still having a lot of the negative thoughts and depression caused by benzo withdrawal, I decided that I hated myself fat and couldn't abide the weight gain. At 3 months off, I started trying to taper the Remeron and I had a huge return of benzo withdrawal symptoms. AWFUL!! HUGE MISTAKE! I then had to up the Remeron to 45mgs to make it go away. Then, again at 6 months off benzos, I tried to taper Remeron again because of weight. Again, huge return of most horrible benzo withdrawal symptoms, freaking out agony, and I had to go up to 60mg Remeron to make the symptoms go away.


After that, I decided that I was not going to try to taper the Remeron again until I was sure that the worst of my benzo withdrawal had passed. I was hopeful that I was healing under the Remeron. (which I was!)


I started tapering the Remeron after 18 months-2 years ? (see sig, I can't remember) off benzos with NO problems at all-- cutting it by 15mg at a time. This was in huge contrast to earlier in benzo withdrawal where I would cut it by 3mg and all hell would break loose. My CONCLUSION: the horrible withdrawals that people on here report about Remeron are actually BENZO WITHDRAWAL symptoms, NOT Remeron withdrawal symptoms. The Remeron covers up the benzo withdrawal symptoms, so when you quit taking it, they come raging back. Every cut of remeron that I did much later into benzo withdrawal has been a breeze-- one night of slightly fitful sleep and then fine.


I am now down to 15mg remeron and plan to make my final cut next month. And then I'll be off Remeron AND off benzos.

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Hi All Rem Peeps:


I started taking 3.75 mg. (1/4 of 15 mg.) of remeron in March, 2013 (almost two years off benzos).  I have since discovered that my thyroid has been under treated, and beginning in Aug., I doubled my dose of T4.  Also, started taking 2.5 mcg. T3 the first of January.  While I do still have some insomnia and a few hot flushes, it is getting better with the additional thyroid meds. 


I went down to 1/8 of 15 mg. Remeron, Jan. 1st (approx. 1.8 mg.).  And have not felt any ill effects from this reduction.  I plan to be off Remeron Feb. 1st, after the one month taper.


Hopefully, it will smooth sailing off this teeny dose.  :-* :-* :o :o


Best regards to all,


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Thank you to all who post their experiences with Remeron w/d. Please continue to update us as to your current status--CoralAshley, Ruby, Dave, Angel, cnotr-- it is invaluable to hear about what you experience as the medical community is often unaware of or is confused by this entity "Remeron withdrawal." I am about 1 month out from jumping and have had a very tough time. I tried Sam e for the depression . It worked in a small dose for me (100 mg the first day, 50 mg. the 2nd day) but after a 50 mg dose on the 3rd day, I was overwhelmed by the stimulant effect. I also have severe anxiety so this was intolerable. There was a definite mood lift noted on day #1 ad day #2, and I was so happy but the side effects were too great. I have not entirely ruled this out for use in the future for sporadic use at a very small (12.5 mg?) dose. If you have depression without anxiety/agitation , you may want to discuss this with your Dr.  There are several (47 now)reviews by patients using Sam e for depression on WebMD, Just be aware of the side effects--read about homocysteine and the use of B vitamins if you are considering this substance.

I have been sorely tempted to go back on Remeron but have not given in. The taper I did was done slowly and correctly.

At this time I am on Ambien (1/5=1 mg) prn sleeplessness and also for anxiety. For me Ambien  also works as an anxiolytic. I try not to take it every day though. The other thing I have for anxiety is Cannabidiol (in glycerin tincture form) which is medical marijuana--that has anti-anxiety and other effects. It has a low THC:CBD ratio so I don't get any high. This is available in California with a doctor's prescription. So with these 2  and a lot of meditation, and exercise, fish oil, yoga, therapy, practicing CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), reading and listening to Claire Weekes, trying to go out of the house, taking probiotics, Pharma-GABA, acupuncture and playing board games, I am trying to keep a positive outlook. But I suffer daily, and I know what you all are suffering with.

You are not alone. We can help each other and shore each other up.


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Hi Thankyou....


Thanks for your kind message. Contrary to many others experiences there are several of us who have found discontinuing Remeron to be a nightmare irrespective of the length of time we stopped using benzos.  It can be a very difficult drug to stop and you only have to search other threads online to see the rough time some people have had. For me personally it was as bad as although not so lengthy as benzo withdrawals. I went to hell and back and I can't believe I got through the ordeal.  It took about 4 1/2 to 5 months in all to recover I think.


My own update:  I jumped off the Effexor I was cross tapered to to get off the Remeron 2 days ago after a 3 month taper.  The taper was not bad and I was fully functional throughout. I am not feeling too bad.  Absolutely no comparison to the Remeron withdrawals.  And this despite the fact many say that Effexor is the worst to come off. For me it's not. Remeron was by far the worst antidepressant ever.  I am relieved to be off all psych drugs and shall never touch another sleeping tablet, benzo or antidepressant in my life. I want to be in control of my own brain. 


Good luck in your own current taper and to anyone else going through Rem w/ds.  I hope you have an easy ride and, if you don't, know it will eventually end.





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Just to add.  To the person who indicates  the severity of the Remeron withdrawal is related to the length of time one has been off benzos (I myself was only ever on benzos for under 4 weeks back in 2011 with 14 months withdrawals approximately and never took benzos and Remeron concurrently. I took Remeron well after benzo recovery for poor sleep issues but just used this board for support as it is friendly):


1) The wonderful addictions doctor who helped me through this says that Remeron can be one of the worst AD's to be withdraw from. He helps many patients in the same sh*t I was in and he never prescribes it


2) Many people with Remeron w/d problems have never taken a benzo and still get the same reaction.  Check the other sites especially the long thread on patients.co.uk relating to Mirtazapine (Remeron)


So do not generalise just as I am not. I am very happy you had no difficulty and I am sure many didn't but please appreciate many DID!


You can see how traumatised I was by the whole thing by the mere fact I need to express this!


Anyway am almost out of the final tunnel now



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Hello Angel

Thank you for taking the time to reply. First it is wonderful to hear of your success with getting off Remeron. Thank you for sharing your experiences. This helps so much. Thank you again.

I hope that your w/d from Effexor will continue smoothly. You are strong, knowledgeable, and have come far. Keep these thoughts with you.

I am sitting here struggling with severe anxiety, insomnia, and depression. I am tempted to go back onto Remeron. I started on Remeron last March because of severe anxiety and a black depression. It took me out of the hole. I tapered very slowly over many months. Each taper was hard-- feelings of anxiety and some depression increasing within a few days of the taper--but I did it because I did not want to stay on Remeron. I had an increase in liver enzymes for awhile which was very disturbing. This normalized but it was still a worry. My main concern with Remeron is its effect on my cognition. After I came off of it I realized how mentally slow I had become. I read scientific papers and now can read with a clarity that had diminished signifiicantly while on Remeron. Problem solving using spatial orientation and the process of strategizing have improved significantly. However, I am a "basket case" and struggling, miserable, full of anxiety, with episodic depression thinking about going back on Remeron to take myself out of this misery. So the price of mental clarity is the sheer hell of living in this state of intense misery.

What a story.

Thank you for listening, Angel and any others who read this.

I welcome support . Thank you again.

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Hello again Thankyou


Yes am doing fine off the Effexor so far (4 days).  No major symptoms so far apart from sweating and quite bad insomnia.  But my head is feeling clear for the first time in months which is wonderful. I think all these drugs do a number on your mental alertness.  Remeron is a big culprit.


I am sorry you are feeling as you do.  There is no way I personally  would suggest you go back on the Remeron.  I personally would prefer to jump in the deepest river!  But our experiences are very individual and one man's meat is another's etc etc


Have you spoken to your doctor about the way you are feeling?  I am not for antidepressants but am not against them either if they are needed. Most doctors think quite highly of Effexor.  I was on it 11 years ago for a bout of depression and it worked like magic and gave me my life back.  This time I only used it as a tool to get off the Remeron.


Also I can't see the screen or your signature but I think you said you were on Valium?  I was only on it briefly but I hated it. It made me feel bad and depressed.


I hope you sort it all soon. You sound a lovely person and don't need all this.





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Hello Angel

Thank you for the update on your d/c of Effexor. I am pleased to hear that mental clarity has improved. I am also pleased to hear that you are doing well except for the sweating and insomnia. I hope that you have figured out some remedies for insomnia that work for you. Lots of calming and comforting thoughts coming your way to help you with whatever you need. Remember how strong you are and what you have already accomplished. You will succeed.

You are quite right that last year I was on Valium for several months. It was a depressant for me as it was for you and I was taking it to relieve severe anxiety. I struggled with the depressing side effects that came with some anxiolysis. As the anxiety decreased with the Remeron useage, I was able to decrease my dosage of Valium and finally get off of it in June, 2013. I was scared of the withdrawal process but because I was on Remeron with much less anxiety, I began to need less and less until finally was able to d/c it. I do not want to use it again for anxiety.

All along I have used, as judiciously as possible, Ambien for sleep and anxiolysis. The anxiolytic properties of Ambien have been described anecdotally on the web. I went to research this question because Ambien is described in the pharmaceutical literature as a "weak anxiolytic" but for me it was an effective and significant anxiolytic---as good as ativan but with a much shorter half-life. So I try to get by with the smallest dose possible because of the side effects which include memory problems!

I consult some learned people about my problems. I will take all the help I can get--not ashamed to ask for or to seek help. The medical establishment is helpful if you can find the right people (intelligent , knowledgeable, and compassionate).

Thank you for your reply. I understand what you mean about jumping into the deepest river before considering going back on Remeron. I understand this because I feel likewise about lorazepam (ativan).

Good evening to you and I wish you a soft and restful sleep!

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