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Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Hello all,


i hope you are enjoying the weekend.


I am wanting some advice about mitazapine.


Im on about 13mgs of Mitazapine at the moment. I'm wondering if I could do a rapid taper from this amount of whether I should take it slowly. Is it the same a benzo withdrawal (I just can't believe it could be as bad as that was)


i have put on SO much weight from this medication and was only put on it because of the benzo-related withdrawal depression.


What have been other peoples experiences tapering from 13/15 mgs?


(they don't do liquid suspension in the UK that I know of)



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Ok, it's been 5 days since I reinstated when will I feel better??  I finally slept last night but these internal vibrations, tingly feelings and brain fog are very unsettling. Any words of wisdom or encouragement from someone who has been there?  :-[
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody, I used to be very active here, but at some point I decided it was better for my recovery to try to forget about withdrawal and to focus more on my goals. But I decided to stop by and let you know how I'm doing.


I completed my remeron taper in June 2013. I had a heck of a time doing it, especially by the end, and was forced to reinstate a couple of times. The first three months after completion were definitely the worst, and then I started improving very fast. Right now most of my discomforts are gone. Gone is the feeling of impending doom, the crazy anxiety, the twitches, the itchiness, etc. I had a harder time getting rid of the social phobia (never had that problem before remeron), and I still have to fight my impulse to flee certain situations (i.e., having small talk with people I don't know that well). But I've been living a pretty normal life, I passed an important exam, I've traveled extensively, and nowadays I only have periodic reminders of the remeron nightmare. I still have to deal with insomnia once or twice a week, I wake up many times throughout the night, I find it hard to get more than 6 hours sleep, but then I was a poor sleeper before benzo and remeron withdrawal, so that's not new.

Only PMS is still bothering me (I didn't have it before w/d). I feel down right before my period, and have a lot of  breast tenderness.


However, I consider myself pretty much recovered and I can't believe that just a year ago I was suffering so much. It seems so distant right now, like it happened in another life. So cheer up, be patient and remind yourself that your suffering will have an end, and that you'll have your life back to resume all your plans and dreams.

Sending you lots of healing, positivity, and love,


Tiger Lily

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I wanted to follow Tiger Lily and post that I've also mostly recovered from the Remeron withdrawal.  It took about 2.5-3 months after only taking around 7.5mg for about 6 weeks.  Some things still linger, but they are mild.  The first couple of weeks were hell, then it was just plain bad for a couple of more months.  Felt like I was dying everyday.  Breathing problems, sleep problems, fogginess, slowness, just awful.  I did not taper, just stopped.
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Goonie, I was also on a tiny dose (3.75 mg), but these meds are darn powerful! I'm so glad to be off of them! And I'm happy to hear that you too have recovered from most of your symptoms. When I was in the middle of w/d I couldn't even imagine what it was like to be normal again, and here I am now. I'm so grateful with life for this new opportunity.



Tiger Lily

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Tiger/goonie I'm on 1 mg and feel all those feelings you describe. my dr says its benzos WD but I don't think so. This is worst, the anxiety is unheard of and constantly thinking Ill never get out of this. I've been on 1mg for a little over two weeks, I came down from 1.7mg.


I want so much off of this just scared of jumping at this point cause even though my sleep is not good it will get to zero. Then is when I feel I'm going crazy!


I sometimes think I'll have to go back on benzos to get off of this! I hope not!


Did u jump at .75 ?  Can u describe your WD the first 3 months?

Thx Jrod

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Jrod, I replied to your PM.  Tiger Lily, I'm glad you're doing better too.  Mirtazapine hits so many receptors, it seems anything can happen.  I will say it helped with anxiety/sleep initially, but it stopped working quick and started to backfire.  I just had to stop it. 
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Thx Goonie ;

Mirtz did help me sleep at first but short after turned on me as it did you. I've been trying to stabilize    on Remeron  now for close to two months.

I'm almost at the point of just jumping off now, but

I'm just concerned of the insomnia that will follow as well as all the other sxs.


every time I dose just that 1mg it feels like  poison .


I've been seeing three doctors ones a veteran addiction psych specialist and understands benzo WD he says I need to hang in and understand it will pass.


they all say it in my head that a low dose of rem can't do what I say it's been doing.

I understand that there maybe some benzo WD under all this but once you've experienced the remeron turn you can pretty much distinguish between one and the other.


Was a mess !


Good luck on finishing your taper !






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Hi Jrod, sorry for my delay in writing you back, I was traveling. I'm sorry that you're having such a hard time getting off of remeron. I did, too, even though I was "only" on 3.75 mg. It's a powerful drug. I would say that the hardest part was when I went below 1.5 mg. Same as you, I was hit by massive insomnia, as well as anxiety, panic, social phobia, crying spells, fear, depression, twitches, muscle jerks, itchiness, and a long etc. I couldn't stabilize, even though I held each cut for several weeks, so in the end my naturopathic doctor advised me to jump from 0.75 mg. To my surprise, it didn't get much worse than what I had already endured. My doctor rightly thought that such tiny amount of remeron didn't have much effect on me anymore, but it was preventing me from healing.

The following three months were difficult as my symptoms didn't seem to improve, but then they started disappearing one by one. I don't considered myself 100% recovered yet, but I have my life back, and I know that eventually I will heal completely. So will you. You're very close now to being free. Focus on it. You'll get you life back and will emerge from this stronger and wiser.

Hugs, peace, healing.


Tiger Lily


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Hey T Lilly ;

Thks for taking the time to respond. I thought most of my issues and maybe still is are the underneath  benzo WD . But now that I'm getting more familiar with mirtz there's no doubt the mirtz is really a problem! I finally had a few days window and I decided to cut .1 from 1mg.

The .1 cut was made this past Tuesday and today Saturday 4 days later BAMM. Currently I'm on .9mg.


My doctor wants me to jump but I still have to function and if I'd do that I'd be out of commish for quiet some time most likely ,as well as the suffer for some time.

I know 10  % cut is big but I want off bad. I hope I feel better in a week or so if not I just may have to jump .


Thx ,glad your off this poison

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm on 15mg of this stuff, it's making me fat and could potentially cause serotonin syndrome as I am taking an ssri also, this is very rare (according to the little package leaflet) but I don't really feel any sedation at all really at 15mg of mirtazapine anymore, it use to work but now it's just making me gain weight. I was thinking of doing a cold turkey off this stuff. Is this unadvisable? I have the 15mg tablets which have grooves to pill split. Is it more sedating at 7.5mg? I've heard about it being more sedating at low dosages. Any info is appreciated!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes it is more sedating at lower doses. I recently cut from 15mg to 7.5mg and sleep better. I was dizzy/nauseous for exactly 1 week, then I felt totally back to normal. Eventually I will drop to 3.75mg, hold for a week and then drop it completely and pick up 10mg of Doxepin.


A lot of the withdrawal is psychological, Benzo withdrawal is dangerous - Remeron withdrawal not much so - doesn't mean you're going to have a great time, but it's short lived and won't hurt you - I would suggest those at low doses and tapering small amounts of Remeron just jump - you're merely prolonging the agony by drawing out something that is self limiting in duration. . . I of course would never recommend this on with benzos because of the risk of seizures etc - with Remeron you're looking at some crappy sleep and nausea.


At low doses, Remeron is essentially just a very potent antihistamine. . If you're having a lot of trouble sleeping - Try Unisom or Benadryl.

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I'm on 15mg of this stuff, it's making me fat and could potentially cause serotonin syndrome as I am taking an ssri also, this is very rare (according to the little package leaflet) but I don't really feel any sedation at all really at 15mg of mirtazapine anymore, it use to work but now it's just making me gain weight. I was thinking of doing a cold turkey off this stuff. Is this unadvisable? I have the 15mg tablets which have grooves to pill split. Is it more sedating at 7.5mg? I've heard about it being more sedating at low dosages. Any info is appreciated!


It is never advisable to CT any psych med, but I did a very short taper, and had no problems.  I was taking 22.5/day, so it cut to 15 for a week then 7.5 for a week, and off.  No WD sxs at all.


Yes, you will probably find 7.5 more sedating than 15.  I suggest you take your dose just before bed.

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I as thinking of going back on Remeron.  I took it in the past for sleep...it works.  6 weeks off benzos and I barely sleep...no appetite. I was thinking it might help.  I didn't realize withdrawal from it was so hard.
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It's not nearly as hard as benzos. For sleep you'd be better off with a real low dose anyways. But if I were you i'd try unisom or something first - or Trazodone or Doxepin prescriptions, low dose. . .
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Hi all.


I am new to your forum, but I belong to the gabapentin forum.  I suffered with anxiety for many years, tried all the ssri's with no success.  I take Xanax as needed.  Not every day.  I was put on gabapentin, 300 mgs, and it cured my anxiety within days!  No more anxiety!  None!  I was on it for several years, 3 maybe.  My pdoc said it was time to taper off. 


So, I decreased from 300 to 200.  By the end of the week I felt some anxiety return.  Then I decreased down to 100 mgs as directed.  Within 1 day all hell broke loose!  I was shaking, the worst panic nonstop, burning pain, suicidal thoughts to end the worst suffering ever!  I immeadiately reinstated to 300 mgs.  But I never felt better.  I ended up in the psych ward and pumped full of klonopin and others.


When I got out, I was still in terrible withdrawal and popping Xanax like pez candy.  It barely helped!  My pdoc put me on 75 mgs doxepin.  It was a miracle!  Anxiety stopped, I could eat and sleep again.  I obtained the gaba in liquid form and have been slowly coming off 10 mgs at a time.  I'm finally down to 55 mgs (down from 300).  It has been easy.  I've not had one symptom!


I also started to decrease the doxepin by 5 mgs a week. It too was easy!  No problems.......until I got all the way off.  Then the anxiety came roaring back.  It felt like the return of the gaba withdrawal.  Is that possible?  That was a year ago.  I feel like the doxepin is just masking the gaba damage.  I have read that withdrawals from gabapentin can be compared to the horrors of benzo and alcohol withdrawal.


Anyway.......I went back up to 75 mg doxepin.  It's been 2 weeks, and I'm waking with early morning anxiety still.  I hope the doxepin isn't ineffective now?  I wonder why it's not working as well as before?


My pdoc wants to put me on mirtazapine.  She said it will really help.  I asked if it was hard to come off of and she said, no.  I came home and found this forum and am speechless!  How can these doctors not know about this!  I am too scared to try this drug.  Maybe I can try increasing the doxepin.  I'm scared of getting hooked on another drug!  But I don't want to keep using Xanax either.  When the doxepin worked before, I needed zero Xanax.  And it was easy to get off the doxepin.


Doxepin helps you sleep, increases your appetite and helps with anxiety.  Maybe some of you can use it to get off the mirt?  I can't believe it saved me from the horrors of the gabapentin.  I wish now that I hadn't rocked the boat.  I should have waited to taper the doxepin when I was done with the gabapentin.


I know people use gaba to get off benzos.  I wonder if they get hooked on the gaba like I did?


Anyway, I'm thinking I should steer clear of mirt!


What do you all do for the horrific withdrawal anxiety while you are getting off the mirt?  How do you function?


I wish you all the best.  I know how hard this is.  One day at a time is all we can do.




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Hi all.









My pdoc wants to put me on mirtazapine.  She said it will really help.  I asked if it was hard to come off of and she said, no.  I came home and found this forum and am speechless!  How can these doctors not know about this!  I am too scared to try this drug.  Maybe I can try increasing the doxepin.  I'm scared of getting hooked on another drug!  But I don't want to keep using Xanax either.  When the doxepin worked before, I needed zero Xanax.  And it was easy to get off the doxepin.



Most folks find mirt extremely effective for anxiety, and very easy to come off of.


I took 22.5-30 mg/day for almost 3 years for a severe case of GAD.  It relieved my anxiety, and gave me a good night's sleep.


When I stopped, I did a 2 week taper...no WD sxs at all.

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Hi UtahGirl and welcome to this thread.  I am another one who has benefitted greatly from mirtazipine.  I take 3.75 mgs at night and sleep very well. I have quit several times just to be sure I wasn't 'dependent' and I had no problems quitting this low dose cold turkey.  I plan to quit altogether when I am either done with my diazepam taper or am lower in dose and not as symptomatic with withdrawal symptoms from the benzo. By the way, intermittent use of Ativan is what started my whole cascade of nightmarish events. I think occasional use of short-acting benzos can be very destabilizing to the central nervous system.  I would be more concerned about the xanax use than the mirtazapine. Maybe the mirtazipine can help you wean off the xanax?  I'm wishing you the best.  :thumbsup:
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I have been Xanax free for over 1 year. Now it is time to tackle getting off  mirt. I have already tapered from 15 mgs to 3.25mgs. The last  2 nights I have not taken any. My sleep was broken up, but I did manage to get in 6 hours. I hope this gets easier.


I have a question...During your taper, did anyone wake up all wet with sweat?


Blue :smitten:

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I'm just chipping in here. I was one of the unlucky ones that had a helluva time getting off the Mirtazapine. But I have to say compared to the Effexor withdrawals which I am still struggling with, it was much easier in comparison. Yes the Mirt withdrawals were awful but from 3 months off they did get steadily easier. I would say it took me about 4 1/2 months to get through them.


I seem to be particularly sensitive to any psych med and everything causes a strong reaction. In retrospect throwing other medications at me to help me get over my original panic attack which we have now discovered was due to stopping Effexor in the first place got me sicker and sicker. I personally believe it is best to not add anything else to the mix as it is a crapshoot as you just never know how you are going to react.  IMO time is the only healer.



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I have experienced the Effexor XR withdrawal and it was so horrible, I do not even have words for it. For some of us, the SSRI discontinuation syndrome is brutal. What I am going through now with trying to get off the Remeron is nothing compared to it. I sympathize with what you are going through. I have been there and was lucky to get past it without losing everything. It will get better Angel.


Blue :smitten:

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Thanks so much Blue. How long did it take you to feel better?  I assume you recovered fro. It as sometimes I don't think I will. I am 5 months off
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It took me at least a year, but it could be shorter for you. Do not let yourself get discouraged. It will happen.


Blue :smitten:

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Thanks.  That is the time frame my doctor gave me too :(. I am trying to carry on life as normal but it is very hard.  Thanks Blue and wish you well with your Mirtazapine detox xx
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