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@finalhealing - Are you having a really bad reaction to the mirtazapine? I remember you said it's not helping with sleep but I'm wondering what negative effects it seems to be having, apart from your just not wanting to be on another drug, which I understand.


I know you're dealing with a lot healthwise, and hope everything is heading in a better direction.


@Openroad: I don't think I'm feeling any unusual symptoms of withdrawal. I generally feel hungover in the morning and then a flatness during the day.  When I cut I feel nausea, headpressure, some anxiety and low grade depression.


I am just feeling an impatience and frustration about being on medication and I long to find ways to move faster and have less symptoms of withdrawal.  I know that's everybody's wish. I am always curious and researching about ways to make the whole process more comfortable.


The good news, and it is huge for me, is that the anhedonia from surgery setback has lifted. That was a horrific symptom to have and it finally shifted after 6.5 months. Since it has lifted I have more of myself to help during withdrawal.


Sleep issues from the setback still exist but I'm thinking they will resolve over time. I hope for that.


Thank you for checking in Openroad.

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I don't know if this will be helpful, but one of the best pieces of advice I got through all of this is that there's nowhere really to go. We're all "waiting to get back to our lives," but also this is our life right now. So how do we occupy that "right now" space?


I wonder, if it's possible, FH, to just focus on the aspects of your experience that are improving (thank goodness that anhedonia is lifting!!) and be in less of a rush about the rest? If the cuts are causing you nausea, and the drug isn't harming you, why not go a little slower? (Nausea is a very common mirtazapine w/d symptom - when I slowed down my taper, though, it stopped!)


If this isn't helpful just disregard. You have to trust yourself. Sending lots of care your way.

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@final healing - the reason I asked was b/c it was sounding more like you mentally wanted to get off the drug moreso than it was making you sick.


I don't know if this will be helpful, but one of the best pieces of advice I got through all of this is that there's nowhere really to go. We're all "waiting to get back to our lives," but also this is our life right now. So how do we occupy that "right now" space?


I wonder, if it's possible, FH, to just focus on the aspects of your experience that are improving (thank goodness that anhedonia is lifting!!) and be in less of a rush about the rest? If the cuts are causing you nausea, and the drug isn't harming you, why not go a little slower? (Nausea is a very common mirtazapine w/d symptom - when I slowed down my taper, though, it stopped!)


If this isn't helpful just disregard. You have to trust yourself. Sending lots of care your way.




Thank you for your thoughtful response. Much of what you have written resonates with me.


I do think putting the medication in the background of my life ,as opposed to the foreground, will be helpful. Getting free from the anhedonia will allow that to happen more. To be free of that symptom is beyond words as it had me pinned down emotionally for 6 plus months.


The physical symptoms, like the nausea, mainly hit me in the morning and then dissolve as the day goes on. Unfortunately, my sleep is still poor but the root of that is my setback. Mirt withdrawal doesn't help but on some level, I think I know my sleep will heal eventually. It's just tough going though these nights of light or no sleep. I do use supplements and sometimes they help.


Knowing myself, I probably will not slow down my taper. My monthly percentage is not high and cutting less will be psychologically hard for me. However, I am staying mindful of my cuts and when I need to hold longer. I won't sacrifice the strides I've made healing from my setback nor my ability to stay functional.


Thanks again and I look forward to hearing your updates as  you get even lower on your dose.





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Thank you for your thoughtful response. Much of what you have written resonates with me.


I do think putting the medication in the background of my life ,as opposed to the foreground, will be helpful. Getting free from the anhedonia will allow that to happen more. To be free of that symptom is beyond words as it had me pinned down emotionally for 6 plus months.


The physical symptoms, like the nausea, mainly hit me in the morning and then dissolve as the day goes on. Unfortunately, my sleep is still poor but the root of that is my setback. Mirt withdrawal doesn't help but on some level, I think I know my sleep will heal eventually. It's just tough going though these nights of light or no sleep. I do use supplements and sometimes they help.


Knowing myself, I probably will not slow down my taper. My monthly percentage is not high and cutting less will be psychologically hard for me. However, I am staying mindful of my cuts and when I need to hold longer. I won't sacrifice the strides I've made healing from my setback nor my ability to stay functional.


Thanks again and I look forward to hearing your updates as  you get even lower on your dose.




Sounds like a good plan, and I'm a fan of a good plan! I'm sorry sleep is still elusive - that's awful. I hope it evens out soon.

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Hi Openroad,


I forgot to ask you (and anyone else who wants to weigh in) about fatigue from Mirt.


I know I'm tired from my sleep stuff but I also feel very sedated from the Mirt.


Do you have that and has it gotten any better as you’ve gotten lower? I'm thinking the less medication in my system, the less I will feel so dragged down.  It would be so nice to feel energy again.  I don't drink coffee anymore but there are days when I am tempted.



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Am I remembering correctly that you are also in treatment for something else? Isn't that what the surgery was for? How are you feeling from that?

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Yes, but those treatments ended in September.


Thanks for sharing your experience about the fatigue. I'm getting a range of opinions from yes, fatigue to no, fatigue at at all at different doses. I guess I fall into the feeling fatigue camp.



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Slowphie, so sorry about Covid, that sounds terrible. Ask, Final, Open - thoughts with you guys.


I have been off the forum for a while. For me it has been a struggle.


On 9/9 I was down to 5.5 mg. I tried to continue tapering and switched to liquid and that did not work and had to go back to tablets.


Around 12/1 I got so fed up with symptoms I jumped at 5.5 mg (dumb idea). That lasted about a week and I re-instated at around 2.5 mg and tried that dosage.


That did not fare very well, and I continued my dumb thinking and decided to jump on Xmas day. 


I have been off of Remeron now for 9 weeks and am struggling very much with tremors, shaking, prickly sensations all over my head (especially forehead and top of scalp) also with ringing in the ears and very sensitive to some foods as I have restricted my diet.


I am struggling with very much the decision to reinstate. I really do not want to be on the drug anymore (the only other thing I take is between 3-10 mg melatonin to sleep) but am beaten down from the klonopin w/d and this. The 2 months have been a struggle and if I knew very soon, I would see improvement I would tough it out.


I also fear kindling and going back on the med may not help and then I have to taper again.


I really had a good plan to taper...until I did not...


well wishes to all.





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Hi Seeking,


I'm sorry to hear about the symptoms you've been struggling with from your jump.


Reinstatement is such a personal decision and I know that it takes time to stabilize once you do.


Have you had any breaks or mini windows at all?

That might help make your decision for you.


I hope you get some relief soon.



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Hi thanks. No real windows. Never felt stable cutting or found a dose to be stable at. Not sure what is worse. Could go back on and feel worse and Cho through this all over again.


How are you doing?

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Hi thanks. No real windows. Never felt stable cutting or found a dose to be stable at. Not sure what is worse. Could go back on and feel worse and Cho through this all over again.


How are you doing?




I'm sorry you haven't had stability on Mirt or when you were cutting.  I get that it's a big decision and hard to make when you are not feeling well.


I'm doing okay. Just plugging away at this taper and hoping for the symptoms and side effects to subside as I get lower.




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Hey seeking, I’m sorry finding that stability was so tough and you made the decision to abruptly discontinue. I can only imagine how nerve-wracking that must have been and I really hope you see some progress soon. ❤️ Hang in there.


I’m over 7 weeks out from my positive covid test and still haven’t fully recovered. 😞 I feel like I’m making some progress but it is very very very slow. So frustrating, I really hope I will be able to go back to my job at some point this year. 💔

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Still tapering Remeron after 3 years and almost 3 months use. Started struggling with bad insomnia for almost 3 weeks by now. Difficulty falling and if get to fall, waking up every hour. Sleeping from 2/3 hours to 7/8 broken hours if lucky. But even when averaging 7/8 hours, still waking up feeling as if it was 0 hours. Question: Is it normal to wake up feeling like slept 0 hours even though sleeping 7/8? Does this let up in time? Did anyone had it and it resolved or until leaving the drug completely? I'd appreciate any reply please...so scared and desperate...
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Hey seeking, I’m sorry finding that stability was so tough and you made the decision to abruptly discontinue. I can only imagine how nerve-wracking that must have been and I really hope you see some progress soon. ❤️ Hang in there.


I’m over 7 weeks out from my positive covid test and still haven’t fully recovered. 😞 I feel like I’m making some progress but it is very very very slow. So frustrating, I really hope I will be able to go back to my job at some point this year. 💔


Glad you are making progress Slowphie. I can imagine how frustrated you are. Hope things are resolving more.

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Still tapering Remeron after 3 years and almost 3 months use. Started struggling with bad insomnia for almost 3 weeks by now. Difficulty falling and if get to fall, waking up every hour. Sleeping from 2/3 hours to 7/8 broken hours if lucky. But even when averaging 7/8 hours, still waking up feeling as if it was 0 hours. Question: Is it normal to wake up feeling like slept 0 hours even though sleeping 7/8? Does this let up in time? Did anyone had it and it resolved or until leaving the drug completely? I'd appreciate any reply please...so scared and desperate...


Hi Rosemarie,


I don't really sleep well on Remeron and feel tired when I wake up.


However, I do know people who have slept better as they got lowere and then helped their sleep when they got off.


What is your current dose at this time?


There is hope for healing post Remeron.


Final healing


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Hi Final Healing! Do you sleep a lot on Remeron and wake up exhausted all day long too? Their sleep got better when they got off? Not sure how can i meassure the dose but its quite high...how to tell?
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Hi Final Healing! Do you sleep a lot on Remeron and wake up exhausted all day long too? Their sleep got better when they got off? Not sure how can i meassure the dose but its quite high...how to tell?




No I don't sleep a lot on Remeron but it's very sedating so I feel flat and tired on it.


Yes, their sleep did get better when they got off.


The way you would tell your dose is by tracking how much you cut each time. How are you tapering off your dose?




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Did it lost it's effect already? So you're battling insomnia too?


So it is until one is completely off the drug then...


I am afraid i am doing a wrong taper...i usually reduce quarter the pill each time...

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Jumping in to see if anyone can advise! I jumped off Clonazepam last August (6 months off now.) I was also on 25 mg Lactimal and 15 mg. Remeron. I cut the Remeron to 7.5 mg rather quickly, and then to 3.75 after a few weeks. I was going to jump but was advised on this string to consider taking hit slow, so I have!


I am dry tapering so instead of going my milligrams, I have to go by weight. I'm at 27 grams, visually about 1/4 of the 7.5 mg pill.


I don't know which med is responsible for which side effect or withdrawal symptom at this point. I have many issues, none horrible. Tintinnitus, slight jitteriness, hot then cold flashes, dizziness, tiredness and lack of appetite.


The worst thing though is a general lack of pleasure in anything. The most pleasurable thing I do is eat, even though my appetite is poor. I get up in the morning and feel dread for the coming day. I try to make it through each day, one foot ahead of the other. Things that used to bring me pleasure don't anymore. My hope is that by going off the remeron and then the lacrimal, I'll get some interest in life back.


Anyone have any experience with this?

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Did it lost it's effect already? So you're battling insomnia too?


So it is until one is completely off the drug then...


I am afraid i am doing a wrong taper...i usually reduce quarter the pill each time...




It did not help me sleep from the beginning.


No, I think there are some people who sleep better as they get lower. Then there is more healing after they are off.


If you want to do a more precise taper, you can ask for tapering advice by posting on the introduction thread of BenzoBuddies. 



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Jumping in to see if anyone can advise! I jumped off Clonazepam last August (6 months off now.) I was also on 25 mg Lactimal and 15 mg. Remeron. I cut the Remeron to 7.5 mg rather quickly, and then to 3.75 after a few weeks. I was going to jump but was advised on this string to consider taking hit slow, so I have!


I am dry tapering so instead of going my milligrams, I have to go by weight. I'm at 27 grams, visually about 1/4 of the 7.5 mg pill.


I don't know which med is responsible for which side effect or withdrawal symptom at this point. I have many issues, none horrible. Tintinnitus, slight jitteriness, hot then cold flashes, dizziness, tiredness and lack of appetite.


The worst thing though is a general lack of pleasure in anything. The most pleasurable thing I do is eat, even though my appetite is poor. I get up in the morning and feel dread for the coming day. I try to make it through each day, one foot ahead of the other. Things that used to bring me pleasure don't anymore. My hope is that by going off the remeron and then the lacrimal, I'll get some interest in life back.


Anyone have any experience with this?


Many of these meds cause a general flattening of emotions.  I have just had a major stretch of anhedonia lift after 6 months due to a setback.


Now as I taper Mirt, I do go through periods of feeling emotionally flatness. It does lift a bit when I stabilize from my cut.


Mornings are difficult for many tapering from meds and it is a pretty common withdrawal symptom.


Just keep taking those steps to get off.


Final Healing


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Hi Final Healing,


Thanks so much for responding! I looked at your boilerplate and I saw both Lactimal and Mirtazepine listed there. It made me glad that I am not alone in being on both of these.  You're a huge help to so many. I appreciate your kindness, we are such desperate people!


Are you still on Lactimal?


Are you having trouble getting rid of the Mirtazepine?


Oh how I hate the way meds change you. Longing to be myself again.


Thank you Final Healing!

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Hi Final Healing,


Thanks so much for responding! I looked at your boilerplate and I saw both Lactimal and Mirtazepine listed there. It made me glad that I am not alone in being on both of these.  You're a huge help to so many. I appreciate your kindness, we are such desperate people!


Are you still on Lactimal?


Are you having trouble getting rid of the Mirtazepine?


Oh how I hate the way meds change you. Longing to be myself again.


Thank you Final Healing!




You're welcome.


No, I'm not on Lamictal any more. Remember,

Lamical and Mirtazapine are both sedating medications so it makes sense that you feel emotionally flat.


I am struggling right now in my Mirt taper with my most recent cut. Really looking forward to getting lower and being myself again too.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,


checking in to see how everybody is doing and to give an update. I've reached 6,7 mg now and so glad my taper is going well. I taper around 0,3 mg which is about 4%. It's generally recommended to taper in % and not mg but I feel as long as I stay below 5% it's fine. Read my signature and see how much I progressed over time after my healing progressed. :)


I generally have a lot of good days and some lesser days, but it's never unbearable. And it sounds crazy, but I actually look forward to going down in my dose again because I feel like I am becoming more and more like myself. I felt so sedated and at the same time a little overstimulated but since I reached 7 mg I feel much more confident to drive, even in the afternoon.


I've gained additional weight though which I didn't expect but I figure since I am a small female, the point where I start losing weight is lower than most people since the dose is higher for me relatively due to my small size. It bums me out, but as long as I keep going it will come off eventually.


I have no idea when I will be off in this pace, but I don't care. I just take it step by step. I take supplements (multi, silicium, kelp, vitamin C and fish oil) but no DAO. Pollen season is coming up though, so I might use it to keep my histamine managable.


How is everybody doing?


@Slowphie, how are you? Are you feeling any better?

@Hotcoldhotcold, I'm sorry you are not feeling OK. Hope you feel better soon. I can not give you medical advise, but I think it helps to play

around with the amount you want to taper and the period between tapers. I generally do a 4% cut and wait 14 days after that. In the beginning I could only handle a 2% cut and it was much worse to handle. I guess my nervous system has healed in the meantime.

@seekingtoheal, how are you doing now?

@Rosemarie, welcome. Haven't seen you before. Hope you get a lot of information here.

@Finalhealing, I read you asked about feeling sedated. It's gotten better since I got below 7 mg, but yes! I feel major sedation. It's the main reason I wanted to get off so bad.

@Quinn, how are you doing?


Sorry if I forgot anyone. Keep up the good work everybody! Small progress is progress too. :)

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