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I am trying to navigate getting off of Ativan approximately .25 once a day as per my scale.

I took Ativan prn approximately 10 years 3-5 times a month at dose 1/4 or 1/2 of a .5. Pinching pieces. In Feb I stated to have sleep issues. I started trying 1/4-1/2 of Ativan every couple of nights and then trying other things between - tried getting back in 1.5 Lexapro but made worse, tried trazadone 2 nights made worse, tried clonidine hydroxezine etc..  never realizing that the nights I was using att an it was causing me to be tolerant withdrawal and maybe kindling…. All this time sleep disappeared worse than when I started. Anxiety terror fear like I’ve never had. Akathasia off on. So I was chasing healing this not knowing it was Ativan. After 5 weeks of almost no sleep at all my family and dr(unknowingly) said just take a .5 Ativan for a few nights bc I needed sleep and I was having medical tests. I did this for a bit over a week. Then I went down to 3/4 pill and played with that then 1/2 and since last week been on a half only .25 approx at night. I’ve been sick the whole time. I’m 5’1” and was 115 lbs now 100. Having lots of symptoms. Feeling unwell and scared. When I look back over these years I can piece together how those monthly doses were negatively affecting me. I am having paradoxical effects and inter dose withdrawal and whatever they call it. I want to jump from this dose bc the only thing that .25 allows is the sleep that I lost due to the Ativan. I want to dry scrape from that pill over weeks to get off. I am so sick I cannot take months and years bc it will harm me greatly. I cannot be ocdand obsessive about the perfection of it either. All the charts and details and numbers are so daunting and cause me to feel worse. My thought processes are simple snd I don’t want to be obssessed with it.

Can someone help me who has gone this?

I don’t want to be in fear either.

I don’t want to switch to Valium bc I am so sensitive to any and all meds that that might not work.

I’d appreciate help.

Thanks do much for allowing me yo post.

I appreciate the info and help here.

peace and blessings



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Yes! You did fine. Just reading your situation  - am sure you will get some help 

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Hi @[Ba...],

I was on Clonazepam, but I think that, according to online conversion calculators, that .25 mgs of Ativan is roughly equal to .125 mgs of clonazepam.  I jumped from .0625 of Clonazepam and it was rough.  

If I've read correctly it seems like you've had a lot of changes to your dosing lately.  If that's the case, the best thing to do right now might just be to hold your dose where you are for a while and see if you start to feel better.  When you do, you can reevaluate how you want to taper.  I understand not wanting to be on this any longer than necessary, but as someone who tapered too fast at the end, I think there is value in slowing down at the lower doses.

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I really appreciate your response.

im so sick though and my body is in distress. My body is just maxed out.

In the beginning my sleep was affected and extreme fear and anxiety and now even more so…. With so many symptoms….

I wanted to start filing a tiny bit each night.

I was hoping and praying I’d get better as I did that.

thanks again.

I hope you are well now.



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1 minute ago, [[B...] said:

I hope you are well now.

It's very kind of you to think of my situation when you are suffering so much, thank you.  I am slowly getting better.

I think maybe that filing a bit each night might be a bit rough on your system right now.  Can I ask how long have you been at your current dose?

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I think I’ve been here about 2 weeks roughly give it take because I don’t have accurate measurement

a scale just started using a week ago 

the dose has gone from 3/4 to 1/2 but somewhere between

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Gotcha.  That's a lot for your brain to deal with.  Hopefully holding for a while will settle things for you, but I know it's miserable.  Hang in there, this stuff does get better with time. ❤

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I had a really tough night

i keep trying to figure out how to do this to stop the sickness

i thought about switching to Valium all night bc maybe that would stop the severe discomfort dry ness all over internal wrestless ness tension queasy etc…..

how would u switch to Valium taking 1 dose daily about .25 of Ativan?

I feel desperate to find comfort. My body wil not withstand this….. it is screaming for it to stop.

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I just read about Klonipin crossover? 
if I have to stay on Ativan .25 once a day at night(taking like this bc it gives me maybe 3-4 hours sleep) I will not be able to go forward. I am in fulL blown panic heart pals fight flight can’t keep weight on fear inner wrestlessnrss and akathisia insomnia muscle tension severe dry mucousa…… my body can’t hold on like this.

I’m 54 and am so scared I’m aging rapidly and that I’m losing all the health I’ve worked so hard my bc whole life to obtain!!!!

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I know how hard this is, I do.  I hardly slept for 2 1/2 months last fall and have dealt with many horrible symptoms, as have all of us here.  You are in good company and we all really understand.  I am so very sorry for everything that you are dealing with.  I know you want something to just help you to feel better now, but often the only thing that helps is time.  You might try looking into talk therapy, meditation or other over-the-counter supplements to help your symptoms.  Switching back and forth among other benzos though will most likely make things worse right now.  Klonopin (clonazepam) is also a long acting benzo and probably will not make any helpful difference in your symptoms and may make them worse.  The same goes for Valium. 

I really think that the severity of the symptoms that you are feeling right now are from all of the changes that you have been through with your dosing and other medications recently.  If I were in your spot (and I have been before) I would hold every medication where you are and focus on looking into some other coping methods to get you through this difficult time.

Here's a link to some coping methods for insomnia: 


Many people have also found relief from anxiety symptoms and help with insomnia by using meditation apps. such as Headspace, Calm or Abide.

You might try looking in the Alternative Treatments group for other things to try for your symptoms.

I hope some of this helps. Please just hang on and take it an hour at a time.  We're all here for you


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Thanks so very much for sharing. I appreciate your time and encouragement.

All that makes sense.

I will look into it all.

I’m only on the .25 Ativan right now.

i really want to daily shave taper over the next weeks to get off bc I know that these same symptoms will be there then as well.

The sleep is the worst part. This has been going on for several months. My body is so tired as my organs are letting me know. All systems of my body are crying out. I am too.

so appreciate your help and hope.🫶

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hoping someone from the withdrawal help group could chime in too….I’m really feeling so sick on this one dose of Ativan!!!!! It’s ruining my life. I am withdrawals all the time. My scale is not so accurate. I’m trying to get .25 every night which is about .032 on my scale I think after averting the whole pills at .060 ish. 
I don’t want yo take more during the day anc at this point don’t think that will help b. Of my low dose,

I need help getting off bc I’m so sick, my husband and don are suffering bc of this. This drug is stealing my body and mind!!!! Not my spirit!!!!!

please if you can chime in!!!

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Hello @[Ba...]

First of all, I'd like to clarify a few things with you.

In your opening post, you write of paradoxical and interdose withdrawal effects. These are two different things. Paradoxical effects occur a short time after taking your new dose; whereas, interdose effects rise as you approach your next new dose. Which of these best describes what's happening to you?

Are you still taking hydroxyzine or clonidine? If so, at what dose and how often?

Have you stabilised your dose? If you are splitting your pill, I suggest using a good pill-splitter. If you are roughly guessing your dose, or you are taking a yo-yoing dose, this might be making you feel worse.

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I am having both I think

When I take my dose at 11:00 pm I start getting worsened symptoms of heart racing etc.,., 

ivevhad akathasia inner wrestless ness nausea no appetite weight loss increased anxiety and hypervigilence no sleep at all nap unless I take the only dose nighttime since 2 months ago now all my mucous membranes completely dried out and more 

I only took those other drugs for a few days each back a month or so to try to sleep and those nights I’d skip the Ativan 

um ONLY taking Ativan by splitting and weighing 

the splits aren’t so good bc my splitter doesn’t make 1/2s well so I have to take pieces of another to weigh to make .031/32 which seems to be about 1/2 after measuring all the whole and dividing the whole is around .060/.061

i am so sick physically

i don’t think I should stay on it 

i really need guidance

mt husband and I don’t know anything about these detailed measuring dosing etc..


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Both interpose and paradoxical 

I think protracted withdrawal as well

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1 hour ago, [[B...] said:

I am having both I think

When I take my dose at 11:00 pm I start getting worsened symptoms of heart racing etc.,., 

ivevhad akathasia inner wrestless ness nausea no appetite weight loss increased anxiety and hypervigilence no sleep at all nap unless I take the only dose nighttime since 2 months ago now all my mucous membranes completely dried out and more 

I only took those other drugs for a few days each back a month or so to try to sleep and those nights I’d skip the Ativan 

um ONLY taking Ativan by splitting and weighing 

the splits aren’t so good bc my splitter doesn’t make 1/2s well so I have to take pieces of another to weigh to make .031/32 which seems to be about 1/2 after measuring all the whole and dividing the whole is around .060/.061

i am so sick physically

i don’t think I should stay on it 

i really need guidance

mt husband and I don’t know anything about these detailed measuring dosing etc..

If you are not doing so already, I think it worth grinding up the pill, since it is far from guaranteed that the active ingredient is distributed evenly throughout.

Have you discussed with your doctor about the possibility of taking two half-doses across the day? If you are suffering from paradoxical effects a short time after your dose, a half-dose might reduce the effect. And taking another half dose about 12 hours later would help mitigate against interdose withdrawal effects.

1 hour ago, [[B...] said:

Both interpose and paradoxical 

I think protracted withdrawal as well

'Protracted withdrawal' refers to withdrawal effects for a very extended period after completion of the taper. Around here, we tend to use the phrase only a year or more out from the last dose. Protracted withdrawal does not apply to your situation.

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thanks so much

i understand 

I am unsure about crushing the pill

You would  crush it weigh it and make doses from there?

im sorry to be ignorant but I don’t know much about how to do any of this 

no I haven’t tried having 2 doses

i thought it be harder to taper from there 

because all I want to do is get off as soon as I csn

if I did 2 doses then each would be 0.125

and I’d take am and pm?

are there other pill suggestions other than crushing to get the amount?

so all my symptoms I’ve mentioned would be less if I dosed 2 x a day?

im wondering if you’d be interested in talking to my husband about all this bc he might understand better?


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1 hour ago, [[B...] said:


thanks so much

i understand 

I am unsure about crushing the pill

You would  crush it weigh it and make doses from there?

Yes, crush the pill into a fine powder, and then weigh the proportion you need for your dose. It might make little difference, but I think it is worth trying - it surely must be more accurate than shaving a pill, using fragments.

You should understand that pills are generally only guaranteed to have evenly distributed active ingredient across manufactured score lines.

1 hour ago, [[B...] said:

im sorry to be ignorant but I don’t know much about how to do any of this 

no I haven’t tried having 2 doses

i thought it be harder to taper from there 

because all I want to do is get off as soon as I csn

if I did 2 doses then each would be 0.125

and I’d take am and pm?

Yes, that's the idea. To be clear, there are no guarantees, and you should first discuss this with your doctor. And since you appear to be taking this for insomnia, reducing your night-time dose might have too much of negative impact upon your sleep. But given what you have described, it might be worth a try.

Further to this, you might gradually move part of your dose to the middle of the day, rather than make a sudden switch. This would allow you to better assess if this is taking things in the right direction for you, but also avoiding sudden changes which can be tough too.

1 hour ago, [[B...] said:

are there other pill suggestions other than crushing to get the amount?

so all my symptoms I’ve mentioned would be less if I dosed 2 x a day?

im wondering if you’d be interested in talking to my husband about all this bc he might understand better?

I cannot state anything with certainty. But if you are both suffering a spike in symptoms a short time after your dose, and are later suffering interdose withdrawal effects, I think it might be worth exploring splitting your daily dose into two parts. Again, though, you should discuss any changes with your doctor.

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I really appreciate all the time you took to share your careful words here

id say sleep is important so the 1 dose makes sense 

but the other makes sense as well

my Dr does what I ask…. He’s not informed about all this… he just prescribes

i just know I want to get off and have been uncertain about the best way

ive read so much and gotten confused

i dont want to harm myself by not doing what’s best

either way to get off of end up being on the one dose to reduce to get off

i could try the 2 doses and see

have you seen others stay on the 1 dose of Ativan and go from there? Because I’ve only ever taken 1 dose…


thank you





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On 10/05/2024 at 19:41, [[B...] said:


hoping someone from the withdrawal help group could chime in too….I’m really feeling so sick on this one dose of Ativan!!!!! It’s ruining my life. I am withdrawals all the time. My scale is not so accurate. I’m trying to get .25 every night which is about .032 on my scale I think after averting the whole pills at .060 ish. 
I don’t want yo take more during the day anc at this point don’t think that will help b. Of my low dose,

I need help getting off bc I’m so sick, my husband and don are suffering bc of this. This drug is stealing my body and mind!!!! Not my spirit!!!!!

please if you can chime in!!!

It may be worth it to switch over to a longer acting benzodiazepine like Valium or Clonazepam. Lorazpam is short acting so you will feel the withdrawal symptoms fast. Also if you are cutting when you dont feel well it will compound your symptoms. I also suggest when you make a cut to hold until you feel well. Cut small and hold to see how you feel. Hold for 10 to 14 days. Small cuts at first. If you can handle the small cuts then increase your next cut. If you are suffering you are tapering too fast or to much. I was initially on lorazpam and about a month after starting it had tolerance withdrawal symptoms. I was taking the same amount as usual but was getting withdrawal symptoms. My Dr switched me over to Clonazepam. I suffered in the beginning of my taper but kept going.i waited until I felt better before I continued. 

When you make a cut do not updose and go backwards. You will kindle your brain and your future tapers will be more difficult. Hold until you feel better. I found it was about 14 days.

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