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Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Thanks!  I've been off of remeron for 3 weeks now, I wasn't sleeping while I was taking it so things haven't really been too much worse.  I definitely won't go back on it.  I felt more depressed while taking it than I do now.


I've been staying up until 1am and get up at 6.  It's the only way I'm tired enough to go to bed.  I had 2 nights of solid sleep in a row (woohoo) but the. Racing heart last night and I was up all night. I suppose that the magnesium will help with that. 


I'm going to go to the health food store today to see what I can find for magnesium.

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Perfect and I hope you find that kind there!!  Do you live in the US?  I do and I'm thankful we have health food stores!

Please let me know how you do on it!


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I'm in Canada.  We have a Nutrition House in my town.  I checked online and didn't see Kal.  Should I just look for something with citrates or orotates?  I don't want it mixed with calcium right?


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Right.. no other vitamins mixed with it.. use the same kind I had, if you can't find the same name brand then buy they same type of magnesium I have.  400 mg magnesium hydroxy acids with orotates
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I went to both health food stores and the only thing I could find was magnesium citrate 150 mg.  I guess I'll try that tonight (probably 300mg to start).
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Hi Sleepless,


The citrate might work fine for you. And your idea for a starting dose sounds reasonable. Please report back. From what I have experienced first hand, magnesium citrate, malate, and glycinate work very well. That is to say they absorb easily and are easy on the digestive tract. Sounds like Coralashley has hooked into something that works for her too. Too bad it is only available online, but might be worth investigation.


I think you made a good choice w/ the citrate. Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD/ND recommends citrate for anxiety and sleep. I take mine 45 minutes to an hour before I plan on sleeping.


Please let us know.





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Thanks Dave for your thoughts!


How are you doing by the way?  You were gone for a while..

Are you feeling ok? 

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Hi Coralashley!  :)


I am o.k. I'm actually dealing w/ a little up-tick in symptoms at the moment, but hanging in there sister.


How are you? Holding up ok? I love your positivity. Makes my day every time!


Check this out. I just posted it. This Friday is my 1 year anniversary off of benzos. I wrote a post about it today.




Keep me in the loop and let's hope our friend Sleepless catches some zzzz's on the magnesium tonight.


Any word from Angel or T. Lil lately? Haven't looked back to far. Think about everyone often.


Healing blessings,



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Hi Dave and I'm glad you are back!


Sleepless please keep us update on how you are doing!!


Tiger Lily is still posting here and there, she seems to be doing well.  She cut her remeron once again.


Angel wont be on for a while, she went back to her doctor and they upped her remeron to 15mg.  She just needs some more time to heal.


I read your link to the post you made Dave.  I'm sorry you are having a rough time!  Thank you for the comment about me! At what time did you go on remeron, was it while you were on the benzo?  And I apologize b/c you probably answered this and at what time did you start tapering off of the remeron.

The reason I am asking is b/c I want to make sure I give myself enough time to heal from the benzo before I start to come off the remeron.  I hate the weight gain though on this stufF!


I've been doing pretty good except for today.. I have a foggy head and foggy vision!  I'm not sure if it is because I started to see this doctor who specializes in Chinese medicine and acupunture.. he put me on some herbs and a tonic that has valerian root.. I know I never do well on herbs!  what do you think, do you think it could be those darn things?  The dr says it should help me and not hurt me.. he was a pharmasist for 12+ yrs... I think those dr's only know what's in their text book and just b/c it works for the average person.. we r not average people right now b/c there aren't too many patients I'm sure that they work with that have just come off a benzo after 13 (off an on) yrs.

Let me know what you think and thanks!


I posted about it on this thread:



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I had a great sleep last night.  Thanks for asking :). 5 solid hours woohoo.  Feel like my old self for today.


Coralashley: I gained 25 lbs on remeron really quickly.  I was only 125 lbs to begin with, so it was a lot to carry around.  I wasn't sleeping, felt like crap and none of my clothes fit.  Remeron did nothing for me!  I decided that I would rather not sleep and be off of meds than not sleeping but full of meds doing god knows what to my system.  Hopefully you can begin to taper soon.


3 weeks off and I have lost about 12 lbs...no change in diet.  Hopefully the rest comes off as easy.


I go for acupuncture once or twice a week.  I find that it really helps to relax my system.  I haven't had much luck with herbs.  They haven't hurt me though.

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I'm sooo happy to hear you slept 5 hours straight last night!!  If you by chance have a bad night know that it will get better!

Thanks for letting me know about your remeron use, the length of time, your weigt gain and now your weight loss.


I've only gained 8 pounds, but on a 4' 11" frame that is alot.. I was 103 pound and now I'm 111.  It is sooo sad, I am not able to wear my normal size.

I've been trying to eat like I once did to diet down for a figure show, by increasing my metabolism with some good starchy carbs and it's only caused me to gain weight.

So I'm going to just eat a little oatmeal in the morning and no starchy carbs the rest of the day, which is sad to have to eat like that.. but at least I'll shed 2 pounds and be 109 instead of 111.


Anyways, i'm sooo happy for you and please keep posting and keep us posted!


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I can relate (I'm 5'2").  I found that it didn't matter what I ate or didn't eat...the points just kept coming with the remeron.  Evil stuff.  I wonder if some of it is water weight too.  I look forward to wearing my clothes again soon...good thing it's summer and I'm on mat leave so I can wear my stretchy stuff.  ;)
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Oh so you must of had a baby not to long ago.. congratulations!

In canada how long do you get to take off of work for materinity leave?  In the states it depends on the company but most of the time 12 weeks.

I have to sons, 7 and 4.  Do you have just the one child?



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Dave, I'm glad that you're back! I read your one-year-off benzos update, you've been through a lot! And I'm sure that you will heal, 80% is a lot and I'm sure that you'll continue to improve.  :thumbsup:


Coralashley, congrats on your recently gained benzo freedom! :)


sleepless, good to hear that sleep restriction is working! I had to do it to get rid of jet lag and it's not fun! but it was worth it in the end, and now I can take naps and stay in bed for as long as I want.


Now my update: I jumped off remeron 8 days ago. Sleep has been a problem from day 1, but it was a problem even at 0.75 mg, so I didn't have much to lose. I had stayed at 0.75 mg for 5 weeks and could never stabilize, so my options were to updose or to jump off, and I was tired of updosing. I must say, it doesn't feel that much different than taking 0.75 mg, just worsening of insomnia. Some days I sleep 1 or 2 hours and then I'm wide awake, so I take a book and start reading for a couple of hours until I'm sleepy again, then I sleep for another 2 or 3 hours. I usually take a nap in the afternoon. I have many symptoms that come and go, like itchy scalp and some massive headaches (like right now). Two  days ago I started having muscle jerks that kept me awake nearly all night, but last night I didn't get any and slept 6.5 hours and woke up only twice. I get waves of anxiety for no reason. I still see no change in my weight (actually I think I've gained weight since I jumped off!).

But despite the discomfort I couldn't be happier about not being on that darn drug anymore. Everything it's well worth it. I realize that my major source of anxiety is the fear of going mad for the lack of sleep. But I realize that my body catches up with sleep after a couple of days of insomnia, like last night. I'm trying to stay positive and decided to ride out whatever comes. I'm seeing friends, walking Madrid every day, and tomorrow will travel to a beautiful town in Malaga. I'm keeping myself distracted. My partner is a darling and he stays up talking to me when I can't sleep.


Sending you people lots of love and positivity,

Tiger Lily

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Congrats Tiger Lily for jumping off remeron!

I know u will start feeling better soon!

Please keep us posted so I have something to look forward to when I start my taper off remeron!

How soon did u start tapering off remeron when u jumped off benzo?


Also keep me updated about ur weight! I know u will lose weight here soon! I know lack of sleep can cause weight gain b/c that's when we burn off lots of calories and when our body heals!


Keep up the positivity! Do u have to travel a lot with ur job?


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Coralashley, we are very fortunate here and get a year for mat leave!  My son is 9 months (he's my first).  I have to go back to work in September. 


Tiger lily, congrats on being free from remeron!  It feels so good to not take it, even with some w/d symptoms.  I can completely relate to the random waves of anxiety...I think all of my anxiety is related to fear of not sleeping.  Then I get all worked up and can't sleep, then I blame myself for not sleeping.  Gah.  Would love to have a normal relationship with sleep again!  Keep us posted on your recovery.  I found myself with digestive issues about a week after jumping.


Did anyone else get weird headaches from remeron?  A numb tingly sensation at the front of the left side of your head.  I had them everyday on the rem and they now seem to finally be lessening. May dr. Told me I was imagining things.  I'm pretty sure I haven't imagined a 5 month headache ;)


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Congratulations to you both, Tiger Lily and sleepness nights http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa351/margarita1959/congrats-5-1.gif being Remeron Free


Well done!! you should be so very proud :thumbsup:



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Coralashley, I started tapering the remeron when I was 4 weeks off Valium. I didn't feel any discomfort at that time. How long do you plan to wait until you start tapering the remeron? I'm a grad student and I'm lucky to have paid (and very long) holidays. I'm not back to school until mid August, so I'm taking advantage of this opportunity to get rid of the remeron and let my body heal. Grad school is very competitive and demanding and I found it very hard to survive insomnia while teaching, preparing for exams and attending conferences. I really admire you people who undergo withdrawal while raising your kids!


sleepless nights, I can relate to the fear of not sleeping, it's awful. Now that I'm on holidays I don't  worry too much because I know that my body will catch up with sleep eventually, I don't need to be up for work, so I basically sleep whenever my body feels like it :) I know it's a luxury I can't afford the rest of the year, that's why I wanted to finish my remeron taper this holiday. I didn't get headaches while on remeron but I sure have them now I'm off.


magrita, thank you so much! I'm glad to have jumped off! I had some rough days but overall is not too bad, and I'm so relieved to bee drug free  :thumbsup:

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Hi sleepless, that is nice you get a year for maternity leave! Yes I got headaches when I discontinued Remeron but not While on them. It's just a side effect you're feeling. I got digestive issues when I stop Remeron and there's nothing I could do about it.

When I stopped the Remeron, I was obsessing about not being able to sleep. Which caused anxiety because of the same thoughts you're having. So know that this is normal side effect and that it too shall pass. You just have to be strong and know that it isn't you it's the medicine.

Be thankful that you have a night of sleep, this too shall pass. Just make sure that you keep your mind off of sleep and on something else. Do this during the day obviously.

I wish I would have known about this forum when I jumped off Remeron in February. But it is what it is and I'm glad to be offer the valium. And in a couple weeks if i still feel still good I'm going to start my slow taper off of Remeron!

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Hi everyone so I need ur advice.

My natural doctor, who specializes in cheese medicine and acupuncture says he can help me get off the remeron sooner.

How? By seeing him 2x a week, taking some herbal stuff and some other things, etc...

He was a pharmacist for 12+ yrs, so he knows a lot more then the average acupuncturist.


I am a little scared but I want off all meds. I just don't want to have paniky times, or breathing issues, etc.

He says the bers will help heal the brain,etc. I know acupuncture works, I just want to do the right thing!


Let me know what u think.

Thanks, C

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How fast is he suggesting you taper?  You haven't been off of the benzos long, so you may want to be careful.  What are his recommendations?


Thanks for your pep talk earlier :). I'm just scared, since I wasn't sleeping while on the remeron, so I'm worried that its all me and not just the meds.  How does one know the difference?  Just so sick of feeling Crappy.  I feel like a bad mom too since I'm just not feeling like myself.

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I understand about feeling like a bad mommy, but u aren't!

Your son isn't going to remember all this, he's too young. U r doing the right thing now so in the future he wont c u like this.

U has mentioned that u had tried other meds to help u sleep, correct?

I'd say u don't need meds, just let the Lord heal u so u can sleep naturally!


The dr said I could taper off the amount I'm on in a month...so I'm on between 1/4 - 1/2. So 5.6m liquid remeron.

If I wait 3 weeks, I'll of been off for 1 month and then I could start the taper to c how I felt.

He says yes the drug makes u gain weight that's why they prescribe it to the elderly to help them gain weight.

He is very knowledgable, but he says it's easier to get off a faster acting benzo then a slower acting.. So he obviously doesn't know the hell we go through.



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Just popping in.


Congrats Tiger Lily on being Remeron free and am sure the w/ds will settle soon for you.


Coral Ashley. Also congrats on being Benzo free!


Dave I hope the taper is going well.


I am in some difficulty.  I am now working closely with a doctor who is very experienced in getting people off drugs. I am suffering very badly on the Rem. Am having very bad ideations which are quite compelling at times.  I am now on Venlafaxine to try and get off the Rem and suffering side effects and w/ds from all the messing around I have done.  I am suffering a lot right now.  The idea is to reduce the Rem very slowly once the Ven kicks in.


I am trying to keep away from the forums right now.  I hope you understand.  I will be back with updates once things improve but it might take a long while.


Wishing everybody all the best for now.


Angel xx

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we ndertand angel! I wish you the best of luck!

I am going to start my slow taper off remeron in about 3 weeks and see how i do, if its not worrking I'll hold and wait.


Wish everyone well!


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