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Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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love, love, love and healing everyone.


haven't been able to post in a bit, but will be back soon. just want you ALL to know i am thinking of you. this is a terrible process - withdrawing... from anything really. we will get there, but lord knows the guts it is taking...


holding you all in my thoughts... angel (so sorry for your suffering - you are a survivor - remember those damn ideations are just that - ideations), coral (with your amazing positive vibes), T Lil (so rational and forbearing and kind - you jumper you!), sleepless (holding strong despite a night of solace and a night of none)... everyone... truly... in my thoughts...



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Hi everyone and thanks Dave for ur positive post about all of us! We r a family!


I've decided after being in prayer and c'ing how hard the 10% taper has been for everyone and with it being unsuccessful for some.

That am going to do and complete the taper I posted about a few posts back.

If u think about the taper plan it makes perfect sense b/c remeron stays in ur system for a while and by cutting out a dose per the taper plan I feel that this will work! It's all about what the levels in our blood system. If u only cut out 10% ur body is looking for the other 10% for the weeks we've cut it. So by cutting out a dose and then by taking it the next day u find u have what ur body was looking for. I hope that makes sense!


If I feel I've made a mistake I'll be able to stay on the dose I'm at and hold. I'm going to start this taper in 19 days if I'm still feeling week enough to do it.


Let me know what u all think!


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Hi Coralashley,


Personally, I feel that if it is a taper (which it is), not a cold turkey (which it isn't), then why not, so long as you feel personally fortified enough to do it.


You know we'll be here for you and want to hear all about it.




-Dave :)

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Thanks Dave! I really want off this stuff and I am going to do that taper I posted a while back! I'm going to start it this Friday night!


Here is something someone posted about her using this method:

So each week you are cutting out one day of the week's dose which I have found really suits mirtazapine because if you just drop down a dose the withdrawal hits you really hard 2 weeks after and by 3 weeks on the dose I was horrifically depressed. If its too fast you can do the week 1 pattern for 2 weeks etc which I did for a while. I do see what they mean about mirtazapine having a short half life because it does hit you in the face at the 3 weeks marker, it is as if it just leaves the body very quickly between 2 and 3 weeks of dropping a dose. The gradual withdrawal that I ended up doing I think really suits mirtazipine because of this aspect.


I hate being heavier and I can't wait to live pill free! I've tapered off the benzo for 1.4yrs and I'm sooo excited to be off these.

With the method I am looking to do, I'll be off the remeron in 12 weeks (once I start the taper)


I'll keep u all up to speed with how I do. I'm seeing me acupuncture dr sometime this week so I'll ask him what he thinks.. He says he could have me off of it in a month. But I may stick with a proven plan!



Thanks, M

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You know M, this taper you are going to embark upon is sounding more and more appealing to me considering how miserable I feel 2 to 3 weeks after a cut of ANY size.


I am going to be paying very close attention to what you are doing, because if you begin having luck w/ it, I might hop on that train w/ you.


You're about 1 mg less than me @ this pt - you're @ 5.6 mg liquid and I am @ 6.7 mg liquid. Soooo.... Will be very curious. I'm having zero trouble w/ sleep. I am having mucho trouble w/ dizziness/lightheaded, nausea, anxiety, depression, shakiness, and muscle twitches. Lovely stuff! Some underlying benzo symptoms? Probably, even @ 12 months out. But the Remeron adventure is not helping.


So yeah, please keep us in the loop. I mean it makes sense in theory, so in practice? Well that's the big question.  :)



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Thanks Dave, I really feel like this is going to work. I've watched/listened to how hard u all have struggled and no med is a like sI every taper plan cannot be the same...

That's why this taper plan is only for this med... All the other meds in the book r tapered differently.

They helped others get off and by golly they'll be helping me.

I will keep u posted!

I'd like to start it this Frday evening if all goes as planned!



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Angel, I hope you get off all drugs at your own pace with the help of your doctor!


Coral, I had read that article before and it sounds sensible, I hope it works for you too!


I'm on my 12th day off mirtazapine and doing well!

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hi Tiger L, how r ?

im so glad u posted! so glad u r doing well... please keep  us posted!

have u lost any weight?

what suppliments r u taking now? how is ur sleep?



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Hi Coralashley, thanks for asking! Sleep is reasonably well considering the circumstances, I'm sleeping five interrupted hours and I usually get a 45 minute nap during the day. I wish I didn't wake up so often to pee, but still I'm getting my rest. Weight is another story... I haven't lost a pound yet, but I don't have the ravenous hunger anymore. I'm going to start doing zumba again and will see if it helps me dropping the pounds! It's nearly summer and can't see myself in a bikini!

Supplements... I take magnesium citrate (200 mg x1) and seriphos (x1), all in the morning. I'm back at meditating, a practice that helped me through benzo w/d and for some reason I abandoned in the last months. Meditation really helps me clearing my head and putting me to sleep.

Hey Coral, according to the schedule you plan to follow, you should be dropping 0.75 ml every 7 weeks, right? Why did you say it's going to take you 14 weeks? Isn't it 35 weeks?

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Hi tiger L, thanks for replying, what is seriphis? Never heard of it.


Actually if I will be off after 12 weeks.

After Every two weeks I will be cutting out a dose and holding for two weeks.  So it will be sooner than later I'll be off.

Some people have suggested I wait for 20 days to start this plan so I can c if I have w/d from Valium.

I havent decided yet if I'm going to wait. I tapered off Valium real slow so I know the worst is behind me.

I was going to wait for 3 months before I started to taper of remeron but I can't handle the weight gain anymore!!!



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How is everyone doing this week?  I'm not doing that well.  I think that I've gotten about 3 hours of sleep in the last 2 nights. 


I don't know if there is something else I should be trying or just ride it out. Last night I got all freaked out about sleeping before I went to bed that guess what?  I didn't sleep.  I'm stuck in this never ending cycle of anxiety and sleep deprivation. 


I tried 300mg of magnesium, but had a hard time tolerating, so I cut back to 150mg.  Is this withdrawal or just me.  I know that I obsess over sleep, but I just don't know how to stop.


When do you start your taper coralashley?

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hi sleepless - when you say you didn't tolerate the 300 mg mag, do you mean intestinal? i tend to do no more than 200 mg @ a clip. i take 400 to 800 a day in 200 mg doses. on an 800 mg day, this would be wake-up, noon, 4 pm, before bed. i'm really sorry you are struggling w/ the sleep. and it's good you know that the nervousness and obsession over sleep is only playing into it. do you practice all the sleep hygiene tips that Coralashley rightly pointed out? Namely, staying out of bed for everything except intimacy and sleep and also not trying to stay in bed for longer than a set amount of time? i know, you probably heard all this before. i would love to have you log on and say "i just slept 8 hours, wow!" it'll come.


i am doing ok. i had minor surgery yesterday and was wicked scared about the anesthesia possibly causing an uptick in symptoms, but it never ever happened. phew...


i've actually felt a bit better the last two days. here's hoping...


blessings and healing all...



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Thanks Dave, I will try splitting up the magnesium.  I practice all of the sleep hygiene rules, but still can't fall asleep.  I only stay in bed for 5 hours a night, but usually ends up being much less than this cause I get up when I can't sleep.  I'm such a wreck.  I miss my old self, every day is a struggle.  Feeling hopeless right now.


Glad that you've had a few good days!

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Hi sleepless and Dave!

Dave thanks for pointing the sleeping rituals out to sleepless.


Sleepless I obsessed about not sleeping too but I wish I would of just held it out. I got too scared and went back on the stuff. I've read on posts that its taken people 7 weeks to feel better, etch off of remeron. So u r a little closer than Dave and I to hitting that marker.


I'm talking to my psychiatrist today and I'm going to ask him if he thinks its ok for me to start my taper off the remeron this Friday.

I'm not feeling 100% off the valium but that's ok I've delt with way worse.


There is a thread on the alternative forum that talks about Dr Schuesslers work. He has created 12 kinds of salts that you take daily to help restore cellular function, body and mind.

So I'm going to pick some up at my health food store tomorrow.

The people say there is no bad reaction to them,etc.

I like them just want to help the healing process in any way that I can!



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Hi everyone!  So I met with my pdoctor and he said I can start tapering when I feel up to it. But he recommends I wait for at least 6 weeks - 12 weeks. 

I am going to take his advice as I don't want to rush this along and not be able to manage being a mommy and a manager, etc.

I hate the extra 2 pounds I have gained on top of already 6 pounds I have.. but I will suck it up and deal with it like I have dealt with so much already.

What I am finding that by the afternoon I am feeling spacey and out of sorts.. I think this is due to the remeron peaking early in the morning and then tappering off my the end of the day.  Did/does anyone else experience this?  How long did it last and what do you do to manage?


I am going to hold tight and know that this too shall pass, I am 13 days now benzo free and thankful that I have made it soooo far!!!!!!!

Praise our heavenly Father Jesus Christ, who maketh all thing anew.



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3 nights 0 sleep.  Don't know how to break this rut.  Wasn't even stressed last night, just couldn't fall asleep despite being dead tired.


Coralashley: the remeron made me gain 25 lbs and didn't help me sleep. How depressing.  I think that I could have dealt with the weight gain if the meds actually helped me. 

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Hi sleepless, I'm sorry haven't had any sleep have you try tryptophan? I know that some people have good luck on.

Yes I decided that I need Aylmore I'm thankful for sleep right now so I'm gonna hold tight until I feel fabulous everyday.


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I'm sure it's a little different b/c it is natural, without all the other chemicals, etc.  Tryptophane is 5htp but it's time released.  So my nutritionist said to take the 5htp during the day and tryptophane in the evening.. Of course only when I'm off the remeron.


I know it stinks to be where u r right now sleepless, i was there too.  But u will get better!

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Hi sleepless nights, have you tried getting a massage? It helps me fall asleep and it's all natural! I ask my partner to massage my back gently when I can't sleep and after 10 minutes I'm all relaxed and sleepy. You might be experiencing rebound insomnia from remeron w/d, it WILL go away if you ride it out. I've been struggling with it for some time too, but I'm getting better.


Coralashley, I've been off remeron for 15 days and I'm still gaining weight, which proves that remeron stays in the system for a long while! I was hoping to see the pounds dropping quickly but it seems that it's not going to happen. It's interesting because I avtually think I'm eating less since jumping. Will be reporting any new developments.

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Hi Tiger L, I'm sorry to hear that u r gaining weight. I know that is depressing!

I'm trying a soup diet that seems to be working to help u shed pounds!

I had a bad evening last night, I almost had a panik attack, I felt hot and I knew one was on the cuff... So I prayed, read the Bible and did the tapping exercise to stop it.


It's weird for the past three days I've been really feeling out of sorts after around noon.. Then last night before bed time as I said it wasn't good.

When I took my night dose of remeron, now this has never happened, but I litterily felt in my Brian it covering things... It didn't feel good, I thought it felt like it was poison.. I wonder if without the benzo if remeron is too stimulating for me now.

A month or two ago when I cut out my night dose of benzo I felt a little the same way that I've felt the past several days, too wired in my head so I lowered my dose of remeron and I felt better after a few weeks.

Any help or thoughts on if I should hold tight or increase or decrease the remeron just a tad?


Thank u!


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Hi all,


Tiger, massages don't help me, plus I've kicked my husband out of the bedroom.  He snores and has to have a fan 6" from his face all night.  I couldn't have him contributing to my problems!  Someday I hope to sleep in the same bed again!  Of course I'd rather be able to sleep again for now ;).



I slept for a few hours last night.  I took 3mg melatonin and 1000mg of gaba.  I don't know if the gaba does anything, but I thought I'd give it a shot since my nd gave me a free bottle. 


How are you feeling today coralashley?  Have your symptoms lessened?

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Hi sleepless, thanks for asking how I am doing. I am managing and holding tight.. I am very wired in my head and feel like the lights are definetly on.  My thoughts aren't reacing but I do feel yucky.

I posted about having took the genesight test and found that remeron is one of the worst antidepressants I could be on.

I actually only have 2 to choose from b/c of the way I metabolize things.

one of the one's I can take is Prestiq, but a side effect of that is anxiety.

And then there is Emsam, which is a patch and it can cause things as well.


I really don't want to be on any of them, so once again I am debating stopping remeron sooner than later.  I'm just afraid of going through all the w/d.

Last nightbefore bed wasn't good and I don't want to experience the same thing.


I have c/t off of remeron and I know the 1st few days I felt great, then the trouble sleeping came, etc.  I'm toying with the idea of just stoping it c/turkey again.


Any thoughts from my friends here would be most helpful!


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I'm glad you had some rest, sleepless! I've also kicked my partner out of the bedroom. But I call him in when I need a massage!  ;)


Coral, give yourself another 2 weeks before reducing or discontinuing the remeron. You're right now in the acute w/d phase, the worst of all, you don't need to stress your body further. In 2 weeks you'll be in a better place to start tapering it. Who knows if you feeling wired isn't a benzo w/d symptom? You'll be off remeron, but be patient, you don't want to give your body a shock right now. Getting off remeron is possible and you will do it. I did it and I'm slowly regaining my sleep! I'm getting better each day.



Tiger Lily

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