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Thanks Tiger L u r right and I'm going to hold right even though I know remeron is the wrong med for me.

Tiger l I started on a soup diet (low sodium, no sodium added) and I've lost 2 pounds.

I have a whey protein shake with water, banana, a little peanut butter. Then soup like vet agile, split pea and black bean.

I find that remeron makes u retain water so by addeding even more fluids it helps u release some of the water. :-)... Today was my 3rd day in the soup diet. If the scale comes down another pound then ill know its still working!


I'm glad u r feeling better Tiger L!


Yes my hubby isn't sleeping in our room either, he's been sleeping with the kids.


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Another sleepless night.  To top it off I have a sore throat and stuffy nose.  How does one shake a cold with 4 hours of sleep in the last 5 days?
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Sleepless, just something to consider: a stuffy nose and a sore throat are remeron w/d symptoms (as remeron has antihistaminic effects).
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I'm pretty sure it's a cold.  My baby has been coughing and out of sorts as well.  When does remeron w/d end?  When will sleep return?  Feel like I can't go on like this.
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They say it takes 7 weeks for remeron w/ds to be gone.. or for some it is after 4 weeks, everyone is different.


Are you taking omega 3s and vitamin e?  And are you taking a multi vitamin, etc?  These will help your immune system and brian heal.


I know how you are feeling I tried to stop remeron 3xs and to no avail.. but I will be using the tappering plan that I have outlined in another post from a reliable source.  It is a nasty, tricky drug...

But you are almost half way there.. you can do this, better now while you are home then while you are at work!


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Come to think of it I did have some flu like symptoms last night.  Nausea, felt like I could vomit, chills, body aches.  This is terrible. I broke down and tried to nap this morning (despite what sleep restriction says).  I couldn't fall asleep of course, but didn't have the energy to do anything else.


I couldn't sleep before all of the meds, so I worry so much that I'll never sleep again. Any words of encouragement on this?


It's the holiday weekend in Canada and we're supposed to go away, but I feel like crap.  I've ruined every holiday since Xmas.  What's one more? 

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I'd call AssureRX and see if there are any doctors in Canada close to you that run this test.  It shows you what AD meds your body would do well with.

All they do is a two swab and send it away and within 48 hrs you have the results.  It is a genesight DNA test and it showed me that I am best on Pristiq and another one that starts with an E.

But I don't do well with pretty much all the others.. I would also be o.k with Prozac.


Anyways, I think you should talk to a nutritionist for sure to find out what natural remedies you can take.

I heard Kava is real good for sleep.


My psychiastist says I can start taking 5 htp now b/c I am on such a low dose of remeron...  and he's adviced me that I can start weaning off of the remeron as soon as I'd like.  I plan on starting to taper off of it in 2 weeks.. with will be 30 days of benzo.


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I've also found this postonline from someone who has severe insomnia:

One thing that I've found to help with sleep, when everything else fails is Passion Flower. It knocks me down, very gently. I take 2 700mg capsules and I'm ready to sleep.

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Thanks coralashley, I will check to see if that testing is available in Canada.  However after various trials with different ad's and all causing more harm than good, I would rather avoid.


I have tried Passion flower and it hasn't done anything for me. 


I picked up some Ortho sleep for tonight (google it). It has 5htp, Passion flower, ltheanine, lemon balm, gaba, melatonin and valerian.  Sounds like a good sleep cocktail to me.  If I could get a few hours each night I'd be in a much better state.  A few hours a week is killing me.

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Sleepless, I had to cancel a long-awaited trip to Japan a few weeks ago. Don't feel bad about canceling things. You have a medical condition, it's not your fault. It will go away. Regarding naps, go for them. Sleep restriction doesn't work if you are on withdrawal. The brain has powerful mechanisms to make you rest. Even if you are awake for days, there are certain moments in which your brain shuts down, even for a second, to rest. You might believe that you're getting no sleep, but as you rest with your eyes closed there are micro moments when your brain sleeps. Try meditation to keep your mind calm, it also helps with sleep.

I used to freak out about dying or getting a psychotic breakdown due to sleep deprivation. Once I went with ZERO sleep for one week. To say that I felt like crap is an understatement, but I never had a psychotic breakdown. If you control your fear, half of the battle is already won. Remember what Dr. Ashton says about insomnia:


"Poor sleepers can be reassured that an adequate sleep pattern does return at last. There are powerful natural mechanisms in the body which ensure that the brain does not become severely sleep-deprived."


Trust your brain. It's doing its job right now. You'll beat this.




Tiger Lily.

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Hi Coralashley, thanks for asking how I feel! I'm doing well, sleeping between 5 to 6 interrupted hours most days. I think the worst is over, thank God. This is day 18 off. My anxiety levels are still higher than baseline, but nothing like some days ago; I was even able to watch World War Z last night without blinking ;) Some days I get blue for no reason and it's hard to shake it off; I tend to think it's just my body and mind being tired!

Still not losing weight despite eating reasonably clean. I have started doing zumba again. The weight thing is puzzling!

Overall I feel more like my old self, and grateful for it.

How are you?


Tiger Lily

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I'm ok, been better.. It feels like the light switch is on in my brain and I can't turn it off.

Did u experience that?

I picked up some GABA, 5htp, and this product: Mood Boost Natural Stress and Anxiety Relief (60 Vegetarian Capsules with 5-HTP, Passion Flower, L-Tyrosine and L-Theanine)


My psychiatrist says since I'm on such a small amount of remeron that I can take 5 htp.


Have any of u taken GABA or 5htp?


If so please share ur experience.



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Coralashley, I did experience hyper awareness, which produces anxiety, and also OCD. I've always been a bit obsessive but I'm finding it harder to switch off now that I'm haven withdrawn. One of the challenges I'm facing is to learn how to to cope with racing thoughts. Last night I stayed up working on an article until very late and found myself waking up throughout the entire night thinking about the article. I woke up super tired and irritable, but fortunately later on I took a long nap and felt much better.


I've tried 5-htp maybe 5 times and didn't notice any effects. I do agree that you're on a small amount of remeron and, in any case, it wouldn't hurt trying. Dr. Ashton doesn't believe it has any effect on serotonin levels, though.


Sleepless nights and Dave, how are you doing?



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Hi Tiger l, I was OCD off of remeron.. Ugg.. I'm doing weel just holding tight and then I will decide what the game plan is.


I took 1 5 htp (50mg) today and I was ok, nothing really happened.. So I will continue with 1 per day and then work my way up.


U really should try low sodium soup, like veggie, etc and I'm telling u u will start losing weight,.. B/c remeron makes u retain water and by drinking ur food u will start to c a differenc!

It's worth a try!

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Hi everyone!


How r u sleepless?


How r u Dave?


How r u Tiger Lily?


How r u Angel?


I love reading ur posts, it encourages me during this journey!



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sorry i've been gone so long, buddies!


how are all of you getting on? i've been reading your posts to catch up a bit.


i am ok! i had surgery last monday to remove a mole from my ear and a lump from the back of my neck. that was pretty easy and the great news is that both were benign, so i've burned another one of those 9 lives i suppose, but still have a good run left in me  ;) USE SUNSCREEN!  :D


um, so i've been good. i dropped down to 6.6 mg for a couple of days and felt pretty well, but a little dicey, so i'm going to nip back into 6.7 for the next couple days. it's my 3 year old's birthday, and i want to be operating at maximum capacity for that.


been having some great sleep lately (not trying to rub this in, friends!). but here is what i have been doing. i've been eating a complex carbohydrate, namely barley or millet 1 hour before bed. i also take my remeron dose about that time. then, just before i am ready to sack out, i hit 200 mg of magnesium glycinate. whammo, major deep sleep. i know this won't work for everyone, but it's helping me. in fact, i am taking 200mg mag glycinate as soon as i wake up, 100 around 5pm, and then 200 at bedtime. it is a protocol specifically designed for depression and anxiety. i've never been very depressive, but always been kind of an anxious lad. so... it is really helping. truly.


so tiger lily, what's the deal? you're remeron free, right? traveling here there and everywhere! como estas?


coralashley, how's that new taper-taper going, sister? feel like it is ok? and so fresh off the benzos. wowie.


angel, any improvement? i was so curious to know if your updose would stabilize you. i've been thinking of you and the ideations you mentioned awhile back. just hope you are faring well.


sleepless (in seattle) nights, any progress? i KNOW how frustrating it is when the days mount and the sleep just doesn't come. oh, the stress over it makes it so much worse. i was totally there. anyway, what's your latest?


ok fellow travelers, i should sign off.


i am thinking about you all. update as you can. progress reports are always good. when i return from new york on 7/8, i will drop back to 6.6 and might even make a slightly larger cut than that. i will keep you in the loop. i really want off this shit. that's why i am wicked curious to see how you do, coralashley... w/ your express taper!


blessings and healing,



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Hi all,


After 10 hours of sleep in 5 nights, I got a really bad cold...imagine that!


For the last 4 nights I have taken "Ortho Sleep" http://www.aor.ca/products-page/5-htp-l-5-hydroxytryptophan/ortho-sleep/


I have managed to get 4 - 5 hours per night!  Better than I've had in months.  I don't want to take it forever, but I'll take what I can get for now, especially while I'm sick.  It doesn't seem to knock me out, but it makes me calm and relaxed.  We went away for the Canada day long weekend and it was nice to feel human.  I sure miss having a nice glass of wine in my hand though. 


Dave, do you think that there is a difference between Magnesium Glycinate and citrate? It doesn't seem to do too much for me, aside from upsetting my stomach. 


This group really keeps me going some days.  It's nice to talk to others who actually get it...and don't just tell me to relax and drink warm milk

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I ended up getting some hormone testing done.  I know that a lot of people think that this is hocus pocus, but I would always wonder unless I went for it.  $300, but could be worth it if I get some answers.
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hi sleepless,


was it the magnesium citrate that upset your stomach? the chelated magnesium glycinate is actually known for being less harsh on the stomach due to it's high level of absorability. i've been known to have a sensitive stomach too. i haven't had a ton of issues w/ magnesium on the whole, but have had no issues whatsoever w/ the glycinate - and the glycinate has had the most noticeable impact on my sleep and mood.. it's important to get a highly absorbable form. one of the brands i know a lot of buddies use is Dr.'s Best. it is relatively cheap and it is a good form of magnesium. i have also used Metagenics brand, just as effective, but it is more costly.


hey, i think the hormone testing is good. why not, right? if nothing else, rule something else out. i am always in favor of testing.


most importantly though, CONGRATULATIONS on banking some SLEEP! 4 to 5 hours is not so shabby when you were running near empty for so long. may it continue for you!  :thumbsup:


all the best,



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Hi Dave, so nice to hear from u!  I haven't started my taper of remeron yet. Dr said I could but soem benzo buddies said I should wait at least 30days before I start. I am 21 days off Valium. Yeah.

Ive had some acute w/d symptoms but nothing too unbearable. I am still working, and most importantly sleeping.

I may even wait a little while longer before I come off, I don't want to screw anything up for me and my family.

What do u think Dave? I want off this stuff too! I think it may even be causing me to feel like I can't c straight or I'm looking through a hazy window and I feel like the light r on in my head sometimes. Hope that makes sense.




Sleepless it's so good to hear u r sleeping! I am having a blood test again today to check my hormones.

My new general doctor said I should only have ur hormone blood test on day 21 of ur girl cycle. So count 21 days from the start of ur when ur last period started. That is the only way to get a true reading of ur levels since they fluctuate all month long.  Please make sure u wait till then. And keep us posted of ur levels!

Low testosterone can cause anxiety, I also have osteopenia at age 36 and he may want to start me n a growth hormone to help reverse that. I found out 1st that I had osteopenia when I was 34.

I eat pretty clean & exercise so it doesn't make since for me to have low testosterone or osteopenia but my mom has osteoporosis.


Any who, I've missed u all and I'm so glad to have u all to speak to!

God bless!

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hi coralashley!


i am totally on board w/ the other buddies' recommendation to hold the remeron taper for awhile. especially if you are having some acute w/d symptoms since your jump from valium. because not only could remeron w/d intensify those symptoms, but you could develop new symptoms and then not know whether to attribute them to the remeron w/d or the valium w/d. so i say listen to your body. i like your enthusiasm. it's a wee bit contagious  ;D, so i get all pumped up to taper quick and be done too. i didn't begin tapering remeron until about 7 months off of benzos. you probably won't have to wait that long, but i totally had to wait. my nervous system wasn't ready! i guess that sort of puts things in perspective. i think it is better to function and go slow than to try and rush things and end up on the hurting side of things.


anyway, wicked nice to hear from you. and i am so so happy you are also sleeping well!


good heavens, our board is becoming like a slumber party (i know, i am exaggerating  :D). but last noted, T. Lil was logging 5 to 6 uninterrupted hours, Sleepless is now getting 4 to 5, you're sleeping good Coralashley, and so am i. PILLOW FIGHT! who has the popcorn? :laugh:


healing and blessings,



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Hi everyone


It's so nice to read all your news and Dave, glad your op went well and your taper so far


I can't tell if I have stabilised or not as Effexor is such a strong drug I think it may be overpowering the Mirt. I have spent 4 weeks on 75mg Effexor alongside 15mg Mirt trying to stabilise. I have been getting the most horrendously incapacitating side effects which are slowly dissipating. My doctor is increasing the Effexor to 150 mg tonight actually.  He says I'll feel better in a week the we will start probably in a couple of weeks  very slow Mirt taper.


Am not looking forward to that but am hoping the Effexor will cover the w/ds to a certain extent. Not sure what to expect really


Then I will have the added major problem of getting off the Effexor but can't get my head round that yet . 


What a mess ?!


Will let you know how it goes


Good luck everyone with everything


Angel xx

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thank you so much for checking in!!! :)


i (and we) think about you often!


good luck w/ the stabilization! it is encouraging to hear the side effects from the effexor are dissipating.


yes, yes, one step at a time. don't think about getting off the effexor at this point. only the mirt. stabilize w/ the help of the effexor, and then slow taper of the mirt. everything in its time.


i know it is a mess. the whole process is.


wow, so proud of you for your perseverance. i know how absolutely miserable all of this is. not so much from my remeron experience, but my benzo withdrawals was one of the real bad ones. very strong of you to keep up the hard work, and also the way you are taking very careful and thoughtful steps forward now.


anyway, yes - please check in as you can. let us know you are ok, how your stabilization goes, and then of course when you start tapering the mirt again, we're here to support you thru that!



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