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The Xanax Club, Let Us Know How You Are Feeling Today

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Hello Bluebell,


      Hang in there! You were almost there. Try not to let anyone stress you out. Remember, you are the only that can make yourself better. So just keep on pushing on. The more of the Poison you take, the longer it will take to come off again or to taper off. I know it's hard, I C/T off the Poison 11 months ago, and never looked back. Was hit by a big wave a few weeks back, but just moved forward. I do know that there is a silver lining out there waiting for us all.

      To occupy my time, I go outside and ride my bike 10 miles now. Or I work in my Music Studio for a few hours. It's hard to concentrate some days, my ears ringing some, but just have to keep my brain moving.

      So if you can, try to do something that keeps you moving forward. We will all get better, I do know this from reading a whole lot of forums.


Godspeed and keep on smiling.


Rocket :).    :thumbsup:    :)


Thanks for the encouragement Rocket. I needed the reminder when I feel crummy like this that it will pass. All I need to do is push through it.


Walking at a brisk pace for at least 30 minutes helps, but my motivation to do so is low today." Nothing to it but to do it" is not working for me.


Sorry for being so negative. I am not always like this, thank goodness.




Hello Bluebell,


    I know what you mean about motivation. Some days we have it, and some days we don't. For me, I just push myself to put my shoes on and walk out the door. I just think that if I get the excersise I need, this will speed up my recovery and also keep the brain thinking positive too. I live in the south of Texas, so the weather is perfect during the winter. But when it rains, bummer, I do get a little depressed like everyone.

    But Blue, if you don't mind me calling you Blue? Just keep with it, you will get better like many BB. I myself just can't wait until this day comes. I think that then I will be able to have a glass of Red Wine to celebrate, Yahooooooooooo


Godspeed and always look Forward, never behind,


Rocket.  :smitten:    :thumbsup:    :smitten:




              Thanks for the inspiration. We need it! Today, walked felt much

      Better. Your right about eating balanced meals, water too!

      Im just sad. But I know time heals all wounds.

            Music does sooth the soul!

              Welbeing and healing  keeping on.

        Notforme (NFM)  :angel:


Hello Notforme,


  It's good that you are keeping a positive attitude about your withdraw. And like to tell all my BB about this state of mind. If you do this will keep you going forward all the time. The negatives that creep into your brains are only thoughts, that's all, just thoughts. So, keep you mind going with the Positve thoughts of where you will be in a few months, and how far you have come from getting off this Poison Pill.


  It is getting better for all of Us, and we will be able to take control of our thoughts and Life's soon.


Godspeed and keep a smile on your face and everyone will smile back at you!!!!!!!!!!



Rocket.    :thumbsup:      :smitten:

Hello everyone I fit right in this club. Just wanted to say hi and say God will take care us. Just have faith!!! We will heal!!!!    I'm doing about 50% better than the beginning. Only at 7 weeks off. Really trying a new approach to day by staying positive because last night I was ready to throw in the towel!! :smitten:

Hello Pleasehelp,


  Hang in there BB, grasp that towel and never let go of it. When in dought, come back to the Forum and do some reading. There will always be plenty of words of wisdom to help you threw the dark hours. Remember, that the grass will be greener when we all get threw this Crappy Journey.



Stay Bright and always go forward.



Rocket.    :thumbsup:    :smitten:


5 months since input the last .5mg Xanax in my

Mouth.. Feeling better in spurts.. Def improvements. Still anxious, mornings are still bad, mood swings are still there, looping has backed off but still hanging around, not much energy.. But alot better than even a few weeks ago.. We get scared to say we are any better font we, Incase.. Bam!!


Well I made the decision I was apprehensive about. When I saw my pdoc on Thursday, I ask him to prescribe only .25mgs of Xanax a day. He has been writing a script for .25mgs 2 times a day which allowed me to have extra on hand. But because I am still shaky in my commitment to totally get off Xanax, I would rather not have the temptation around.


I did a good thing for myself and I am proud.


Blue :smitten:


I just came upon this thread and see some of my xanax blog buddies participating...hi NFM and Blue! Rocket, thank you for being so compassionate...we all need that at this time. I am low in dose with my xanax taper...having to go very slow due to difficult symptoms. Waitingforrelief....I can completely understand the grief over your losses. I feel like a different woman after xanax exposure...the drug robs you of so much. But as we heal we find that our essence is intact and we will be stronger and better than before. It is hard to see that on difficult days. Some days I just drag my feet while managing painful symptoms...I rarely have a break from them at this point in my taper. When I get a glimpse of wellness I savor it and know that is what waits when I am healed. We will all heal in time. Patience in the process...my most spoken mantra.

Love and strength to all of you here...we will all celebrate complete wellness one day.



Hello Blue and Carlita,


  Hope that you both are doing well today. Just wanted to let you know that We will always be here to give young hand and some great motivation to keep you going on the right path. For me, I do have some good days, but most of the times I have bad days. I always keep a great attitude to keep my healing moving forward. Positive attitude, positive healing.

  I have a few bottles of the Posioness Pills in my cabinet, and I never even think about popping the top and taking any of them. It's just me!,,,  I played football all my life and never took anything until a 1 1/2 years ago. It was my worst nightmare in my life.

  With my wondful BB, I decided that after C/T 11 months ago, that I would never go back to the crazy Brain Fog that I had with these crazy pills. I thank God that I had the will power to stop and go forward with my life. I just like to give my friends Hope and lots of faith that they will get to the end and celebrate that they don't need any more crazy pills themselves.


Keep Occupied and you will survey. Have a family member around you or a good friend to make you smile. This will help you much.


Back into the Recording Studio for me today, hopefully my crazy brain will allow me write some more Music..


Godspeed and stay frosty my BB


Rocket.  :thumbsup:    :smitten:


Hi all,


Down to .25 mg klonoping after c/t xanax from 2 yearsx2mg(ran out had no choice, went nuts for a week). Klonopin makes me depressed, pit in my stomach all day, and apathy, I never felt this way on xanax, never felt any different on it, I never even knew I was addicted, just felt normal. But since pdoc gave me klonopin .5mgX3daily (which I never took this amount way too much at most 1mg per day). I went down to .5 for 3 weeks, .375 3 weeks, now on  .25 mg. Question for people I usually feel better the next evening around 8pm or so after I've taken .25mg the night before around midnight, is this because the drug is not fully in my system anymore? and it's wearing off? My mood really stinks right now, If I listen to my body it tells me not to take it anymore, but I don't want to just jump at .25 especially for some nightly sleep.  With xanax I never even felt i wan on it.




Hello Flyer71


  Very sorry that you have to go threw this. But remember one thing. All your BB have gone threw this or are going threw this right now. It's common, but you will get threw this. If you need to get some sleep, when I had a big problem with sleep, I would make some Scotish Oatmeal a half an hour before bed, and then scarf it down like a dog that didn't eat in a few days. This kept me asleep for 6 to 8 hours a night. And when I wanted to change up, I would take 2 pills of L-Theanine, which is a natural extract from green tea leaves. They worked for me, maybe they might work for you too.

  But in all, if you can taper all the way off of this Crappie Pill, you have half of the battle behind you. The next thing is dealing with the withdraw SYNTHOMS. I am not saying that it is hard, but you will have a little roller coaster of fun, excuse the diffenition of this. Remember, they are only SYNTHOMS. Just keep on pushing forward. You will be able to do this. Just be strong.


  Godspeed and look for the future, it will be bright for you!


Rocket.    :thumbsup:    :laugh:



    Today really re inforced in me the courage I am going to have to have to get off this last leg. I have many sxs still

    tapering @ .0625. I feel like I tapered .25. Its crazy how this little nightmare has got me.

    To all of you suffering today... TIME is our friend... Patience is a must.. and above all make sure you

    do whats right for you.

          Blessings and prayers for Healing and Wellbeing to ALL

              Notforme :angel::sick:


Good Morning to All My BB,


    Remember, Patience is a Vertue. We all will get better! Just takes time. Some will get better sooner than others, but we will heal. I wish I could just tell everyone to throw out the Evil Pills, but I don't recommend this at all. I C/T, and what a wicked ride. And the ride continues today as I write to you now. Not as bad, but I know that it's there haunting me.......

  So my advice is try to take one day at a time and always, yes always think positive. And you will get there.


  Godspeed and always step forward


Rocket.  :thumbsup:    :smitten:    :smitten:

I just made it past month 7 and with the exception of tinnitus that tortured me every two days, I have just a few symptoms left. I know everything can turn to crap in a NY Minute so I'll give myself more time as I truly believe it's the only medicine that will work... TIME
Tinnitus very bad yesterday and today!!!  :'(


You we're on the same dose of x as we're I and for about the same duration and did a rapid taper too. I can tell you that my T would scream daily after about two weeks post my jump. It started to cycle with good days and bad after about two months. There are now some mornings that it returns to pre benzo levels (very faint). I've been researching this sight and it seems that high dosage X users that did a c/t or r/t seem to suffer with extreme Tinnitus.

You know it's weird the tinnitus quit for awhile and now it's back with a vengeance!! I guess nothing is weird in w/d.  :smitten: luv all you BBs    we will heal.        I'm going to keep track of you illgetthrough! I know that we all heal different but we are kinda in same boat.   

Hello BB,


    Just want to tell you that I know what you mean. Tinnitus is a crappie thing to have. As you know, I C/T from the Poison Pill. I battle the ringing in my ears for the last 11 months. Good days and Bad days. But keeping positive that some day it will go away. It's hard to consitrate in the Recording Studio. When I get out after a few hours of trying to battle the T, it seems to be worst.

    But not going to let it get me down at all. I know that in the near future that we will all conquer this little withdraw synthom. Just hang in there, some BB seem to get rid of the T faster then others, but we will all heal from this.


Godspeed and stay frosty my BB


Rocket.  :thumbsup:    :smitten:



    Today was day 12 of a reduction  in good ol X with a lot of sx  through out. You name the sx its been

    worn by me for 12 days again. Nothing ever changes. Unless you change??? I don't think this statement

    works for BW. I will say this.... I will not repeat this episode again with any drug...

    Maybe being prescribed X for panic and PTSD is a whole different animal than for sleeping? All I know

    is this X is kicking my body really hard hard....

              May each of you find the courage and strength to carry on....

                Blessings and Prayers for Wellbeing and Lots of healing with GABA

                    NFM :angel:


Good Morning NFM,


    Hang in there, remember I am off the Posion Pill for 11 months. But the W/D SYNTHOMS still kicking my Butt. Not so bad, but they do knock on the door asking for me,lol. They will subside as time goes by. And from my experience, it does take time to heal, I am living proof that in time we all will get better. TIME, from reading a high volume of forums, it seems that everyone that's been going threw or has gone threw this, all say that it takes time to heal.

  So with the good Graces of God, he will let Us all heal in time. Sometimes I think it is a test for us, this way we can share our experiences with others and help them out with their Withdraws.


  Godspeed and take care, keep positive also.


Rocket.  :smitten:    :smitten:    :smitten:


Hi Everyone,

6 weeks off the X and tapering the Lamotrigine, the withdrawal is very similar unfortunately.  But 10 days after my second cut I'm feeling a lot better and I didn't have that reprieve with the X....

I took my blood pressure and pulse yesterday and for the first time in 3 years they were normal...sometimes I just don't see the healing while its happening, I jumped up and down in Walmart I was so happy...

Much Love,


Molly :smitten:


Hello Molly


  Verry happy for you. Sounds like your outcome will be very bright. Keep moving forward.




Rocket.    :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:

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