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Before sleeping

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Does anyone have panic attacks or any other kinds of w/d symptoms when lying down on the bed to try to sleep? When the trigger is tick or dust in blankets, I would have cough, but this time no cough, so wondering if this is w/d. Hope someone can relate to this. Thank you.

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Every mental discomfort during withdrawal is probably just that. A symptom. I would go up and do something when i got night anxiety. Like pushup :)

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Thank you for responding.  Yes I have lots of stress, and have days that I struggle with looping thoughts at night but today was relatively relaxed before sleeping as pain finally lessened while ago, but feel my throat stuffed as soon as I lie down on the bed. I read even healthy people have the muscles in their upper throat relax during sleep, the tissues close in. I sometimes feel worse when I am relaxed after being released from huge stress. Does anyone have the throat issue before sleeping?

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I am still not managing to sleep at 16 months off. Sometimes I can go to bed so exhausted that I feel sure I will sleep but as soon as I lie down and close my eyes, the craziness starts with extreme panic, flashing lights, vibrating etc. I am on my own and it’s so frightening

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It could be allergies, it could be cortisol, it could be your body trying to transition into sleep.

Taking a hot/warm bath before bed and-if you can manage it-some peppermint or chamomile tea could be helpful.

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Nights are very toxic and bad for me when I’m in a bad wave, which is almost all the time.

Some nights I’m able to fall asleep and sleep well and other nights it’s a horrific freak show happening in my head and body.

I usually can tell pretty quickly after laying down if it’ll be a horrific freakshow of a night because my eyes will see weird flashes and things, my head starts to hurt along with my eyes and I get dizzy and my head and ears fill with pressure.  On these nights, if I’m able to sleep, it’s a weird half awake,/half asleep kind of thing and I “wake up” feeling poisoned or toxic.  Usually I’m dizzy, nauseated, have a headache or migraine, my ears are plugged and I feel like I’m dying…

I am in my 9th month off and hope it slowly improves because it’s exhausting and debilitating.

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That is extraordinary, you have just described EXACTLY what happens to me Rehernantown , down to the last detail! I also have the addition of panic but if it’s one of ‘those nights’ I know sleep will be impossible and I will be in a twilight world for the whole night and the next day will be horrendous.

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I was prescribed trazedonee for sleep. I am still tapering at 14 mgs down from 40 plus of valium. So I don't have trouble falling asleep, but the wake up is hell. Rehernantown -- were you a slow taper?

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Just adding to others I take mirtazipine but as I'm looking after my year old and wife's working its a hard life. Have to put him to sleep, decide when to take my meds if I have any since I'm still on a long taper.

Wife comes home at 1idh and if I'm not asleep I'm done.

Then I have monster anxiety every am and if I sleep after my benzo dose or eat after I take the clonaxepam the effects are gone. So I have to eat before if I can fight the anxiety but food interferes sleep interferes it's just rough.

Sorry if I'm on the wrong page but I can't begin to imagine what it will be like after the taper. Yikes all the best








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@caroljean I started at 8 clonazepam which is 80 Valium. I feel the wake up he'll as well:police:

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Yeah @[Rh...] describes my experiences pretty accurately too. I've tried desperately to find any pattern as to what circumstances would imply a bad night, but couldn't find anything, at this point it seems to be almost completely random, with the exception that if I have to do anything non trivial the next the day the chances of not sleeping much increase somewhat. 

I'm 8.5 months off, and living a more or less normal life, but there's still quite a bit of fear and anxiety in me about sleep. 

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15 hours ago, [[C...] said:

I was prescribed trazedonee for sleep. I am still tapering at 14 mgs down from 40 plus of valium. So I don't have trouble falling asleep, but the wake up is hell. Rehernantown -- were you a slow taper?

Yes, I slowly tapered off my benzo over 3+ years and also slowly tapered off my AD over 3+ years.  I used pills and a liquid compound.  Never cut more than 10% and usually could only do 3-5% cuts and I did also do long holds as I’m a mom and have children.

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18 hours ago, [[P...] said:

That is extraordinary, you have just described EXACTLY what happens to me Rehernantown , down to the last detail! I also have the addition of panic but if it’s one of ‘those nights’ I know sleep will be impossible and I will be in a twilight world for the whole night and the next day will be horrendous.

Yep!  I too also wake with panic and terror which is the mental side of it and I forgot to mention.  Such a lovely way to wake up and start our day, right?!  🤪😤

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15 hours ago, [[b...] said:

Just adding to others I take mirtazipine but as I'm looking after my year old and wife's working its a hard life. Have to put him to sleep, decide when to take my meds if I have any since I'm still on a long taper.

Wife comes home at 1idh and if I'm not asleep I'm done.

Then I have monster anxiety every am and if I sleep after my benzo dose or eat after I take the clonaxepam the effects are gone. So I have to eat before if I can fight the anxiety but food interferes sleep interferes it's just rough.

Sorry if I'm on the wrong page but I can't begin to imagine what it will be like after the taper. Yikes all the best

@[ba...]  I am off mirt for 9 months now which I started at the end of my benzo taper.  How are you tolerating the mirt?

I also notice when my hubby has to work late. or get up in the middle of the night for work, I am usually guaranteed the rest of the night will be BAD.  I also experience these weird jerks that awake me or if I even hear a noise it’ll jerk me awake and my senses are on full alert.  Like I’m in that intense fight of flight mode.  

And I can completely sympathize with not know what is causing what and when to take your meds and how things might or might not be interfering.  When I was still on and tapering I would have to be OCD freak and have everything down to an exact science and even then nothing was guaranteed.  

I also can sympathize with having a young child…I have two kids (they were not too young like yours) but they still would sometimes wake up and need me and it was tougher in those days.

As for when you come off, don’t even think about that right now.  You might be totally fine and this will all be a distant memory!


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@Rhernantown I'm from Vancouver bc and my doctor and I haven't had a face to face. 

I asked for trazadone he gave mirtazipine and I find 30 mg stops working after a few days. Then I have to struggle. 4 hours sleep last night because I did cardio for 40 plus minutes.

I know the max dose is 45 mg and unfortunately I can't add for it until tomorrow night.

I am done several days early so I'll ask and say I took 45 for a period or a stretch.

It's tough because I'm getting a daily delivery of my clonazepam from a local pharmacy which better be open if he increases.

I have seroquel but with that I'm knocked out or up all night.

The seroquel has been sitting in my drawer for months before this doctor.

Tomorrow at 5 pm is our phone call appointment and I have to ask for a week of clonazepam at a time.

It all is a nightmare because my wife comes home at 1 my son is 5 years and counting and he won't sleep alone.

I'm tapering at home with thanks to this doctor or I would be paying 40 plus thousand at a treatment centre for a maximum 90 day stay.

I'm a bit off topic but I woke up at 330 celebrated 4 hours sleep with some cake and boom tossing and turning all night.

Anxiety is hard. Hard to know if my doctor knows how yo taper.

Hard to know if he will slow it down, increase mirtazipine and give me weekly dispense of clonazepam.

im tapering in a house with my brother and his wife and their 6 months old. Big house and cardio with steam shower helped the 4 hour sleep.

My son doesn't sleep alone he sleeps eith me so I'm a stay at home dad as well.

Put on that happy face as he's my life.

It's tough for others for me I abused these from ages ago. My dad basically has my money on hold and it's my last chance.

Those treatment centre's are not for benzo people but they keep getting away with it.

On the upside my anxiety is average rn at 10 am. I need to learn to get out of bed and watch TV instead I lie there forever lol.

Before sleep cardio helps and I need to start spreading my meds out. I just pop em at once.

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On 24/04/2024 at 19:27, [[b...] said:

@caroljean I started at 8 clonazepam which is 80 Valium. I feel the wake up he'll as well:police:

Badben -- Are you off? What kind of taper method are you using? I usually don't feel neutral until dark. So I stay up way too late because that's the most tolerable time of day.

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Hi @caroljean. No I'm not off by any stretch.

The rough estimate we decided was a 0.5 drop every couple weeks started a few months ago at 8 mg.

I still have 5 months left but he will reevaluate it as he said.

I have a phone appointment tomorrow so I have a few questions asks for him. 

I keep saying everything over and over.

I need sleep so mirtazipine increase, clonazepam ask to slow or just to tell him how I feel. 

Rn I'm getting daily deliveries which I need to increase to weekly. Waiting everyday until 11 or later rakes away from so much.

I thank all of u this is a nice website but reading some stories makes me cringe. Yikes. 10 percent drops will decrease I hope he does his homework lol.

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That seems like an awfully fast taper to me and that drug has a shorter half life than valium, by contrast. Dont go to a rehab. I did that in 2016 and was in protracted withdrawal for two years before I threw in the towel and now here I am tapering this time one mg of valium a month on a microtaper feeling well.......if I was waiting for my benzo daily I would pull my hair out. What do you do on days when there is no postal service -- does he send two days' worth?

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On 24/04/2024 at 13:28, [[R...] said:

Nights are very toxic and bad for me when I’m in a bad wave, which is almost all the time.

Some nights I’m able to fall asleep and sleep well and other nights it’s a horrific freak show happening in my head and body.

I usually can tell pretty quickly after laying down if it’ll be a horrific freakshow of a night because my eyes will see weird flashes and things, my head starts to hurt along with my eyes and I get dizzy and my head and ears fill with pressure.  On these nights, if I’m able to sleep, it’s a weird half awake,/half asleep kind of thing and I “wake up” feeling poisoned or toxic.  Usually I’m dizzy, nauseated, have a headache or migraine, my ears are plugged and I feel like I’m dying…

I am in my 9th month off and hope it slowly improves because it’s exhausting and debilitating.

I feel like a broken record cuz I keep saying "that's EXACTLY how I feel" but it is so similar to my experience. The only difference is the pressure is more in my face & eyes. It too makes me nauseous, dizzy, headache, etc. 


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37 minutes ago, [[B...] said:

I feel like a broken record cuz I keep saying "that's EXACTLY how I feel" but it is so similar to my experience. The only difference is the pressure is more in my face & eyes. It too makes me nauseous, dizzy, headache, etc. 

oh yes!  My migraines/pain/pressure is all in my face, forehead and eyes and usually temple area.  It makes me nauseated and dizzy too.

In fact, last night was the most horrid night and I was drenched in sweat and so sick!!!

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@[Ca...] jeez I don't know what to do. My symptoms are harsh. They saY 10 pwrc3nt every two to three wthree roughly.

So 10 percent times 8 mg is .8. 10 percent of 7 is .7 so I think he could have roughed me up with the starting dose cuts.

But I couldn't agree with you more.

Thing is it's hard with all the questions I have. And they are;

-change to a weekly dispense since because I can't do anything until the 11 am delivery.

- increase my mirtazipine dose because 30 doesn't work and I think this one he won't mind.

- I need a refill of my pregablin.

- oh and the big one is can we stay at this amount for a couple weeks.

Summary: he is kind but he rushes. I might just say my symptoms are bad hallucinations aren't fun and I need to travel to the states with my family. Lol I never used to be scared of doctors but now that I have no choice but to taper or family will turn on me I am so nervous.

Just get this appointment over with.


@[Ca...] valium doesnt work that well unfortunately. It depresses me so bad.

@[Rh...] what dose were you on for mirtazipine? Congrats and thanks for the helpful words. I just want for me that when I'm off I can go without panic attacks and hallucinations. I am scared but agreed that was from past fast drops at treatment centre's.


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On 25/04/2024 at 03:36, [[M...] said:

It could be allergies, it could be cortisol, it could be your body trying to transition into sleep.

Taking a hot/warm bath before bed and-if you can manage it-some peppermint or chamomile tea could be helpful.

Thank you for responding, everyone, my case might be due to pollen. I was laying down on belly on a carpet in my living room while ago, and then throat started to feel stuffed again. I have been very sensitive to pollen since benzo. But the sign of reactions to it is always sneezing or burning throat, and the peak of the pollen season is already over, so confusing.  But im not surprised, as I also react to slight smells that my family do not notice. Anyway I will vacuum my room again. It is tough to do it with my horrible leg pain though.  Hope everyone can sleep well tonight...

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I wish I can take my benzos and sleep but does anyone else have Benzodiazipine effects reduced if they fall asleep or even eat? 

I love just lying down on the bed as there isn't much to do but I don't want to fall asleep yet I do if that makes sense.

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I am experiencing the same symptoms. Thank you for sharing. I quit Xanax 14mg per day 6 weeks ago, Cold Turkey, with the help of an inpatient detox facility and hospital, that put me on medication to prevent seizures. 

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