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Cold Turkey from half of my Dose Valium

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Hello Buddies,

I'm in a real real Bad plache. I took 30 mg Valium for 1,5 jears und reached Tolerance. So my Doctor sended me to Hospital and they Cloud turkeyd my to 16 mg in 6 weeks. After 2 months the Withdrawal Hit me Like a bomb.

They added Seroquel in the morning in top to my Seroquel in the evening. I have disgusting Side effects from Seroquel

I already Had a CT from prozac 3 jears ago and Just started to heal. 

I'm really at the end of my rope, i can't do this again for 3 jears.

I'm holding for 2,5 Months now but have No improvement.

Please Help 😞

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4 hours ago, [[H...] said:

Hello Buddies,

I'm in a real real Bad plache. I took 30 mg Valium for 1,5 jears und reached Tolerance. So my Doctor sended me to Hospital and they Cloud turkeyd my to 16 mg in 6 weeks. After 2 months the Withdrawal Hit me Like a bomb.

They added Seroquel in the morning in top to my Seroquel in the evening. I have disgusting Side effects from Seroquel

I already Had a CT from prozac 3 jears ago and Just started to heal. 

I'm really at the end of my rope, i can't do this again for 3 jears.

I'm holding for 2,5 Months now but have No improvement.

Please Help 😞

@[Ho...] I was in almost the same place as you. CTd off an AD by psychiatrist then rapid tapered off of 1.5 mg Ativan after 2 years of taking it as directed by medical detox then given Seroquel. How much are you on? Was it prescribed during benzo wd? I too had disgusting side effects from Seroquel, I totally understand.

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i have 700, 350 morning 350 evening.

How are you? Did you CT the AD too?



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I really don't know what to do now. Holding and waiting for stabilization or starting a slow taper

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Hey. I went from 150 mg Valium after years to 10 in two weeks.

After that every week 1 mg to 4 mg.

It hit me hard.

Updosed to 10 mg

Updosed to 30 mg

Holding since three month now and it isnt getting better.

I am sorry for you :(

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Let me first say I am so upset you had this happen to you in 2024. There is no making excuses for doctors anymore. They need to stop treating psych meds like street drugs and alcohol with an addiction medicine approach. This is madness and I feel like I am living in clown world with these medical people doing these barbaric things. They seem like they have some kind of fetish with people suffering. 

The good news is I think you WILL stabilize. Your nervous system was WAY shocked at halving that decent amount of benzo. 30 mg is a pretty decent dose. People usually stabilize though from this. And another good thing is that you are at the more flat part of the gaba receptor occupancy curve if we are going on the hyperbolic theory which I think is very valid. Meaning on the lower doses way more gaba receptors are getting occupied by small doses of the medicine. 

Usually bigger cuts from higher doses have a larger chance to stabilize if you hold long enough. If this was a lower dose I think it would even be HARDER on your system like a 10 mg to 5 mg abruptly which the hold would have to be even longer I think.  

Check out this link on long holds and how it helped this member and the mechanism behind it and may give you some hope. 



But we also cannot deny the elephant in the room which is that damn AP you are on as well . There could be a major  problem with other drugs in the mix. You just don't know what is causing what. But I can almost bet my life that the HUGE reduction of the benzo is really making everything all messed up.

That freaking SEROQUEL............... SEROQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEROQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEROQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Giving it out like it is a minor tranquilizer and sleeping pill. OMG!!!!!!! I am so angry at the way they hand this out like it is harmless. It is such a heavy drug. 

God almighty it's not meant for benzo withdrawal or annoyed nurses in the hospital that can't deal with their patients/ job  or anything else. It is supposed to be for SCHIZOPHRENIA and psychosis. It has a world of possible problems and long term harm. I have a real feeling HALDOL is what put me in the mess I am in. It is serious business. 

If you keep going to doctors they are going to keep changing around all your doses and the brain just hates that unpredictability. So be very weary of this. I would  though maybe get some tests done to see if you are low in stuff. Maybe that could help you with the cutting in half of the benzo and the shock your body and brain have taken on. 

I am so sorry for this and let us know when you get stable. I really think you will if you can ride this out. 

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Please Hope don't let them send you on a wild goose chase while at the same time denying that shocking reduction that has been done to you. Most will not even acknowledge this massive reduction and just lab rat you with more and more meds. Be so so careful of this. 

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18 hours ago, [[r...] said:

Lassen Sie mich zunächst sagen, dass ich so verärgert bin, dass Ihnen das im Jahr 2024 passiert ist. Für Ärzte gibt es keine Ausreden mehr. Sie müssen aufhören, Psychopharmaka wie Straßendrogen und Alkohol mit einem suchtmedizinischen Ansatz zu behandeln. Das ist Wahnsinn und ich habe das Gefühl, in einer Clownwelt zu leben, in der diese Mediziner diese barbarischen Dinge tun. Sie scheinen eine Art Fetisch zu haben, wenn Menschen leiden. 

Die gute Nachricht ist, dass Sie sich meiner Meinung nach stabilisieren werden. Ihr Nervensystem war VIEL schockiert über die Halbierung dieser ordentlichen Menge Benzo. 30 mg sind eine ziemlich gute Dosis. Normalerweise stabilisieren sich die Menschen dadurch jedoch. Und eine weitere gute Sache ist, dass Sie sich im flacheren Teil der Gaba-Rezeptor-Besetzungskurve befinden, wenn wir von der hyperbolischen Theorie ausgehen, was meiner Meinung nach sehr gültig ist. Das bedeutet, dass bei niedrigeren Dosen viel mehr Gaba-Rezeptoren durch kleine Dosen des Arzneimittels besetzt werden. 

Normalerweise besteht bei größeren Schnitten aus höheren Dosen eine größere Chance, sich zu stabilisieren, wenn man lange genug durchhält. Wenn dies eine niedrigere Dosis wäre, würde es meiner Meinung nach noch HÄRTER für Ihr System sein, wie eine plötzliche Einnahme von 10 mg auf 5 mg, wobei die Haltedauer meiner Meinung nach noch länger sein müsste.  

Schauen Sie sich diesen Link zum Thema „Long Holds“ an und erfahren Sie, wie er diesem Mitglied und dem Mechanismus dahinter geholfen hat und Ihnen vielleicht etwas Hoffnung gibt. 

. https://benzobuddies.org/topic/273530-long-hold-taper-strategy-discussion/#comment-3472166

Aber wir können auch nicht leugnen, dass der Elefant im Raum der verdammte AP ist, auf dem Sie ebenfalls sind. Es könnte ein großes Problem mit anderen Medikamenten in der Mischung geben. Man weiß einfach nicht, was was verursacht. Aber ich kann fast mein Leben darauf wetten, dass die RIESIGE Reduzierung des Benzo-Gehalts wirklich alles durcheinander bringt.

Dieses verdammte SEROQUEL............... SEROQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEROQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEROQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Ich gebe es aus, als wäre es ein leichtes Beruhigungsmittel und eine Schlaftablette. OMG!!!!!!! Ich bin so wütend darüber, wie sie das verbreiten, als wäre es harmlos. Es ist so eine schwere Droge. 

Gott, der Allmächtige, es ist nicht für Benzo-Entzuger oder verärgerte Krankenschwestern im Krankenhaus gedacht, die sich nicht um ihre Patienten, ihren Job oder irgendetwas anderes kümmern können. Es soll gegen SCHIZOPHRENIE und Psychosen sein. Es birgt eine Welt voller möglicher Probleme und langfristiger Schäden. Ich habe wirklich das Gefühl, dass HALDOL der Grund dafür ist, dass ich in den Schlamassel geraten bin, in dem ich mich befinde. Es ist eine ernste Angelegenheit. 

Wenn Sie weiterhin zum Arzt gehen, wird dieser ständig alle Ihre Dosierungen ändern, und das Gehirn hasst diese Unvorhersehbarkeit einfach. Seien Sie also sehr müde davon. Ich würde aber vielleicht ein paar Tests machen lassen, um zu sehen, ob dir der Stoff ausgeht. Vielleicht könnte Ihnen das bei der Halbierung des Benzo und dem Schock, den Ihr Körper und Ihr Gehirn erlitten haben, helfen. 

Es tut mir so leid und lass es uns wissen, wenn es dir wieder gut geht. Ich glaube wirklich, dass Sie das schaffen werden, wenn Sie das durchstehen. 


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Yes, my Plan ist to holding, Holding, Holding... And at the Same time i try to lower this damn Seroquel. Do you think it's a good idea?

My Life IS screwed due to quit prozac 3 jears ago and i just started healing.


But do you think it's possible to stabilize in tolerance? I reached Tolerance, that was the reason because i landed in Hospital 

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I Had weird Symptoms too in tolerance Like Depression, anhedonia, sweating.... I'm not sure if im in tolerance Withdrawal 

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I would wait with taper seroquel until your better from benzo wd symptoms as it will probably make them worse.

I just read someone saying that 50% of people in tolerance stabilize. The rest does not. I didn't. 


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2 minutes ago, [[H...] said:


how Long did you hold?


I tried to stabilize the whole last year but i didn't. So finally i just stopped CT. 6 months ago. It was awful but i came through fast.

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I think Peppe is right. I would wait on the Seroquel for now until you stabilize from the benzo. 

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Just now, [[H...] said:

You tried to hold for one jear?

I hold and raised the dose and kept that going for a year. My tolerance was total so it wasn't possible to taper or stabilize. It was like the benzo it self made me worse. I read this is possible. 

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Just now, [[H...] said:

Exactly that happened to me 

Oh.. sorry about that. Then a fast taper and no looking back might be what you need. 

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For me it was really bad for the first two weeks then much better then i was the whole last year


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My Cns is already Bad since i quit prozac 3 jears ago. Then after 2 jears i felt healing. Then the Benzo stopped working and i got worse. But my sleep came Back. Now sleep is gone because of to fast taper

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Just now, [[H...] said:

My Cns is already Bad since i quit prozac 3 jears ago. Then after 2 jears i felt healing. Then the Benzo stopped working and i got worse. But my sleep came Back. Now sleep is gone because of to fast taper

Ok.. yeah insomnia is very common..

Yeah it's a hard situation when getting none or a very tiny effect of the stuff..

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1 minute ago, [[H...] said:

Seroquel reduction is actually No Problem for me

That's good!

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