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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

50 and over club- withdrawal and recovery issues for the aged :-)

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Hats off to you Eli on 20 months of sobriety and benzo freedom :thumbsup:.  Of course you can join.  Now, just keep in mind that the guy or gal under that goofy costume at Disneyland is probably on some type of benzo :D:laugh:.




I was diagnosed with BPPV (which has gotten worse, btw) back a couple of years ago. I was out mowing the lawn and when I finished ... BAM ... dizzy!! I went to the doc and they said there's no treatment for it except having the ENT knuckle me in the head while doing a 360^ turn on the exam table for him. It didn't help. I still have it.


I have never thought about it until reading this thread, but can benzo use cause vertigo?




I was diagnosed with BPPV (which has gotten worse, btw) back a couple of years ago. I was out mowing the lawn and when I finished ... BAM ... dizzy!! I went to the doc and they said there's no treatment for it except having the ENT knuckle me in the head while doing a 360^ turn on the exam table for him. It didn't help. I still have it.  I have never thought about it until reading this thread, but can benzo use cause vertigo?



I believe the answer is yes, T.  I never had vertigo and only got it after a short three weeks on 5mg valium and after stopping it abruptly.  My otoneurologist routinely prescribes valium for inner ear and balance issues, so it stands to reason, particularly if you're sensitive to benzos (as I now suspect I was), the valium may have over calmed my inner ear and when I went off it, maybe it had the opposite reaction.


I am pretty sure my vertigo was caused by the valium since when I reinstated, the vertigo went away.  I did a super slow taper and was lucky not to have it return.  However, at about 14 months off during a stressful situation, I had a couple days of light headedness/dizzies along with high anxiety and what felt like the beginning of vertigo when I laid down but fortunately it went away a few days later.  I also tried Brandt Daroff exercises for a few days for my BPV, not sure if it helped since I was back on valium a few days later too.  By the way, I think the valium cross over sounds like a good idea :thumbsup:.  Hope your doctor appointment goes well.




In my case I do not know what caused it.  I have had 3 major surgeries on my left ear that in theory could have left me with permanent vertigo.  The last surgery was in 1998, however; and no vertigo until last winter.  since it came back 2 winters in a row I thought the labyrinthitus as it is a virus ( I think).  But I do know that certain meds also cause this as well as the ringing in the ears.  so I am not sure I will ever know what caused it and am just praying it never comes back.

Can we go to Epcot also?  Haven't been there since my kids were young.



In my case I do not know what caused it.  I have had 3 major surgeries on my left ear that in theory could have left me with permanent vertigo.  The last surgery was in 1998, however; and no vertigo until last winter.  since it came back 2 winters in a row I thought the labyrinthitus as it is a virus ( I think).  But I do know that certain meds also cause this as well as the ringing in the ears.  so I am not sure I will ever know what caused it and am just praying it never comes back.  Can we go to Epcot also?  Haven't been there since my kids were young.



Hope the dizzies don't come back FB.  I'm not sure if it is caused by a virus, but it could be that a virus could probably stir up some symptoms. 


Epcot sounds great :thumbsup:.  I was there last Fall (along with Harry Potter land at Universal).  They had a wine and cheese festival at EPCOT and all the countries had food stands outside as opposed to the inside restaurants which are more formal.  I admit, I did partake in a couple small plastic cups of vino, fortunately with no negative impact (but I am over 2 years off the benzo).




In my case I do not know what caused it.  I have had 3 major surgeries on my left ear that in theory could have left me with permanent vertigo.  The last surgery was in 1998, however; and no vertigo until last winter.  since it came back 2 winters in a row I thought the labyrinthitus as it is a virus ( I think).  But I do know that certain meds also cause this as well as the ringing in the ears.  so I am not sure I will ever know what caused it and am just praying it never comes back.  Can we go to Epcot also?  Haven't been there since my kids were young.



Hope the dizzies don't come back FB.  I'm not sure if it is caused by a virus, but it could be that a virus could probably stir up some symptoms. 


Epcot sounds great :thumbsup:.  I was there last Fall (along with Harry Potter land at Universal).  They had a wine and cheese festival at EPCOT and all the countries had food stands outside as opposed to the inside restaurants which are more formal.  I admit, I did partake in a couple small plastic cups of vino, fortunately with no negative impact (but I am over 2 years off the benzo).




Epcot sounds great.  My husband went to an IBM conference there several years ago and they even had a band escort the attendees into the park. I think we need a Benzo Band also as we all march in wearing our t-shirts.



Hi Thrive, actually now my c/o is going great. A few miner things but im doing pretty good. Almost ready for the taper in 2 weeks. Look out! Just kiding im going to be a good girl and take my time. Hope all is well for you.  :) Jackie

Pianogirl, Love that idea!  Another cub!  We can get a New Orleans Jazz band that does the marching thing with us following with our T-shirts.  I'm thinking "Victors".  Oh our T-shirts.  What fun it will be :yippee:



In my case I do not know what caused it.  I have had 3 major surgeries on my left ear that in theory could have left me with permanent vertigo.  The last surgery was in 1998, however; and no vertigo until last winter.  since it came back 2 winters in a row I thought the labyrinthitus as it is a virus ( I think).  But I do know that certain meds also cause this as well as the ringing in the ears.  so I am not sure I will ever know what caused it and am just praying it never comes back.  Can we go to Epcot also?  Haven't been there since my kids were young.



Hope the dizzies don't come back FB.  I'm not sure if it is caused by a virus, but it could be that a virus could probably stir up some symptoms. 

Epcot sounds great :thumbsup:.  I was there last Fall (along with Harry Potter land at Universal).  They had a wine and cheese festival at EPCOT and all the countries had food stands outside as opposed to the inside restaurants which are more formal.  I admit, I did partake in a couple small plastic cups of vino, fortunately with no negative impact (but I am over 2 years off the benzo).




Epcot sounds great.  My husband went to an IBM conference there several years ago and they even had a band escort the attendees into the park. I think we need a Benzo Band also as we all march in wearing our t-shirts.



Benzo Band on the Benzo Bus :laugh:.  It'll be quite a party!



Wow Flip that is cool flying talent he has!!!  Sign me up.  Although I may forgo all the rides by the time we get there.  He must be the coolest pilot to be able to make the plane do that! :D

Well, he doesn't get a lot of practice! LOL.


You know, all this discussion about vertigo - my Mom had minor vertigo for years, they spent 8 hours throwing up in her bathroom not bring able to tell up from down. She had never taken a benzo. she did some sort of tilting, leaning exercise for a few months and it is now only intermittent and not as intense?


So my question, I guess, vertigo happens without benzos and did anyone have it before benzos and were able to cure it without benzos.


Loved the flapping airplane! Where do you find these things???


I'm 61. Was prescribed Klonopin for sleep in 1996.

2008 got sick, lost weight, felt awful -didn't know what was the matter

till hubby found Ashton Manual in 2011. Started taper 4/11 w/ TRAP help.

Benzo free since Jan 2012.

Having awful time w/ taper & Wd & totally around the bend this whole last year.

[as many here can attest!]

Feeling old & demented with body seized to the max!

Trying to hang on

& believe I will get well - regain my life- all before I hit the old folks home! Hey!

Humor here helps a lot - so thanks to all you 50's & olders!


Gotta keep on trucking!




Speaking of vertigo...I have Meniere's Disease and Valium is the drug of choice for this disorder.  It sedates the little hairs in the middle ear that control balance, supposedly eliminating the whirling/spinning.  I belong to a Meniere's Forum and almost everyone takes valium and they love it...swear by it and would never dream of getting off it...just updose when they go into tolerance.  Some take massive doses of it a day.  It never helped me that much.  I guess like everything else in this nightmare, there must be a paradoxical reaction?  The drug causes the symptoms it is supposed to relieve?



I just love reading this thread, its my daily humor , the visual of the benzo t-shirts, benzo bus, benzo band and benzo plane just made my day :):D:):D:smitten:

I just love reading this thread, its my daily humor , the visual of the benzo t-shirts, benzo bus, benzo band and benzo plane just made my day :):D:):D:smitten:


I agree!!!!!  Last night when I finally turned off the computer we just had the hope of T-shirts and maybe the bus, can't remember.  But today...a plane AND a band!  Woohoo!  This is the hardest I have laughed in a very long time and I love it.


Hey, do you suppose Disney would be kind enough to put us up in one of their really nice resorts?  After all, we are celebrities.

My dad gets severe vertigo and ends up in the ER every few years.  He is 82 and has had every test you could imagine and they find nothing- he is not on benzos. . .
I was prescribed clonazepam in 2005, I think, for sleep problems.  I am now 52 y/o and 14 months off with lingering dizziness and balance problems.  I never had this issue before the benzo. Most of my other symptoms are gone or are minor compared to what they were. I have wondered if age is somehow related to how long it takes for side effects to disappear.  I've noticed some younger members seem to get better faster than us old fogies. Or maybe it's the duration of benzo usage. All kinds of questions come up through this awful journey.  I just wish I could walk in a straight line again and not feel like I'm on a rocking boat everytime I lay down.  Good thread!

Looks like you came off in one month?  Or am I reading it wrong.  that is very fast?  How did you do it?  I am going so slow as I just can't seem to handle it form age; underlying health issues and long term use.  I hope the boat rocking stops for you.


I will be 47 this year is that close enough?
I will be 47 this year is that close enough?


One buddy already said she was feeling like she was 101 so if you're "feeling close to 50", Spunky, I suppose we can make an exception for ya. Heck, we already accepted HenryK at 49 so what's a couple of years, right?  But are you sure you wanna be part of an old geyser club like this? ;D



My dad gets severe vertigo and ends up in the ER every few years. He is 82 and has had every test you could imagine and they find nothing- he is not on benzos. . .


My neurologist told me that one can get vertigo as a part of aging.  In my case, it was a paradoxical reaction to going off valium when I did the c/t.



Speaking of vertigo...I have Meniere's Disease and Valium is the drug of choice for this disorder. It sedates the little hairs in the middle ear that control balance, supposedly eliminating the whirling/spinning. I belong to a Meniere's Forum and almost everyone takes valium and they love it...swear by it and would never dream of getting off it...just updose when they go into tolerance. Some take massive doses of it a day. It never helped me that much. I guess like everything else in this nightmare, there must be a paradoxical reaction? The drug causes the symptoms it is supposed to relieve? Donna


Hi Donna. I think we may have talked about this before but not on this thread. Yes, I think a drug that is used to help with certian symptoms when taken away can cause those symptoms to intensify in some kind of paradoxical or rebound reaction. For example, you hear of people who took xanax for anxiety and may have gotten relief at first, but either after tolerance developed or after it was stopped, the rebound anxiety  often becomes worse than the original anxiety for which xanax was prescribed :idiot:. I think it can work that way with valium and vertigo, at least I think that's what happened to me. I didn't have vertigo to start but I took valium which calmed my whole system down, maybe the inner ear too much to a point where when the valium was removed, the system went in the opposite direction, overshooting too far!




Hi Vertigo - In regard to my prickly skin, that was my first "tolerance" symptom.  I've had several skin sensations:  bugs crawling (gone), fizzy (still with me), burning, sunburn pain (gone), and prickling (still with me).  I occasionally itch, but I think that is an allergic reaction of some kind, although I've been tested twice for allergies and not allergic to anything.  I do think I have a slight intolerance to the deadly nightshade veggies - tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers.  I can eat them in small amounts sometimes, but other times - like last night - I will wake up at night itching. 


My vertigo, I am sure, was caused by a virus.  I know of at least 12 people who had the same thing happen to them during a time when our office was closed.  When we got back to work there were a lot of people who'd had the severe vertigo.  Only one other person had it linger the way I did.  After two or three weeks my doctor prescribed a benzo which worked like a charm.  Being off balance is constant with me.  An MRI revealed that I have a tiny acoustic neuroma on a nerve in my ear, but my otoneurologist doesn't think that is the cause of my problem.  I've always been extremely sensitive to peripheral motion and flashing lights.  I don't know where I'd be with this if I hadn't taken clorazepate.  I suspect I would be having balance problems anyway. 


I love this thread - nice to see that we all have our sense of humor.



I wish I wasn't in this club at all but since I am I'm glad it's with all you guys. I feel atleast 75. ;)
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