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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Hey Jo,


Ahh honey, so sorry your sleep is that awful! I wish there was something I could say or do to make you sleep better.


But whatever you do, don't give up hope. Sleep will come again.


Try to find something  that can distract you and  bring you some joy.


Hope things  will take a turn  for the better soon.


Keep hoping!



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Hi all,


Hope your sleep was great!


I slept some 5 hours last night. After which the pain  in my legs and feet arrived. Ugh. No idea what causes this increase in pain. Walking is getting quite painful. Cold/hot, walking on sharp gravel, it's all there again.


Let's hope today is better than last night for all of us.



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Hi guys,


I have been stuck on this 4 hour a night thing for a while. I would love to sleep 7 hours a night, but it doesn't seem to be happening.


Argh! I had the WORST panic attack this morning. It was much worse than usual. It's part cortisol rush and part life. I am really struggling to get my new business up and running. I only just started. Wish me luck!


TS, That is so cool that you love photography! I just had several photo shoots done for my new office. I am waiting for them to be edited so I can use them.



Congrats on your recent 7-hour night! I now last night was rough. Hopefully, a great night is on the horizon.



Thank you for the kind words and well wishes. I had so many great 7 hour nights that I got spoiled. Now I am stuck in a rut.




I seem to be where you are at, 2,5 months of mostly falling asleep quickly, wake up after 3-4 hrs and then most nights able to fall asleep again enough times to avarage 5 to 7 hours, thats after 3,5 months of many 0-3 hr nights... but now been having more 4 hr nights again and more nights that it takes longer to fall asleep (again) I am like freaking out, even thought I still get several better nights a week too. Its hard to go back once you have tasted improvement...

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We have similar stories. I had months of 0 to 3 hour nights, then went through a phase of 5 to 7 hours, then I went back down to an average of 4 hours.


Jo, I had many nights like that. Hang in there, my friend. I promise it will get better. It just takes time. There are so many before you that struggled like you and their sleep improved over time. Even my sleep, as bad as it is, is better than it was overall.



Very nice that you got in a god 5 hours. I agree with several that the cut-off to feeling good is about 4 hours. If we can manage to get that, we will be OK.



Your sleep seems to be having some back and forth too. I wish you consistent 7 + hour nights and I hope your Knee(s) are doing better all the time too.


Last night was about 1.5 hours for me. If I didn't sleep other nights, I'd feel worse but, since I do get sleep here and there, I will be OK today. As I always say; I am waiting for those consistent 7+ hour nights to come.


Have a wonderful day, everyone!



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Yes, the magical 4! When I was only getting 0 to 3 hours per night, I prayed for those 4+ hour nights. Anything over 4 is do-able and I feel OK the next day, even though I hope to (eventually) get back to my 8+ hour nights. I used to sleep like a baby and wake refreshed, well-rested and eager for what the day would bring. I have to say, I haven't experienced that in well over a year. I started my taper May 1st, 2021. I was having a very hard time with the Xanax working for 2 months before that. I have been off now for nearly 5 months! whoa! Time flies.



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So sorry for you having yet another night with zero hours of sleep !


Would you be able to take a nap?


Hold on.



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Jo, I have been there. I am sorry you had a no sleep night. I hope you at least got to 'rest' a little. I truly believe resting and closing your eyes helps your brain heal.  For me, napping was impossible when I was in that state, but maybe you can nap. Others have made it through your struggles, and you can too. I am with you.


As for me, I have not slept like I did last night since I was ON Xanax and before it quit working. Following a 1.5-hour night, just the previous night, I slept around 8 hours last night. I was able to go right back to sleep after getting up to use the restroom. On a bad note. I awoke very tired. I'm having a hard time waking up, as I type this. My brain couldn't go back to sleep, even if I tried. I am up for the day but still tired after an 8-hour night. I have been all over the map now. Anything from zero to 8 is possible on any given night. Never know what I am going to get. But, last night, gives me hope that my brain can get back to 8-hour organic sleep, eventually.


Have a great day, everyone.




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Thanks heartmost. If I can get a couple of hours its like heaven, I can ususally function ok next day. I wish there was something I could take to help. Taking valerian at present, sometimes helps I think, I do get the odd hour and broken sleep sometimes. Your 8 hours probably had that affect as your body is making up for lack of sleep and you may be sleeping deeper.
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I agree with sleepyjo. 8 hours is like heaven. Congrats on the 8 hour night HM.


I had a very restless night....maybe 4.5 hours (broken) but feel very anxious this morning.

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Hi everyone,

I wish for everyone to have a good weekend with lots of sleep.  I am doing better even with lots of wake ups throughout the night. 

Maybe one day I will sleep through with one bathroom break.  I'm not giving up on that.


Today I am having my 13 year old granddaughter over for high tea.  We've been doing this since she was in pre-school.  I'm happy she still wants to do this with me. 



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Hi everyone,


I had a wonderful deep and refreshing 7 hours of sleep last night with just the one bathroom visit. Great!


Woke up and felt a little nausea. Got up and... it was gone.




Glad you're doing better! Enjoy the high tea with your granddaughter. They've grown up before you know.what happened.


I have been doing quite a bit of gardening these last few days. I thought: "Do or die".  It felt great to be able to do quite physical work again. Never thought my poor old back and wobbly legs where still able to do this.


Enjoy your weekend everyone!



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I am sure you are right about my 8-hour night. My body and brain haven't slept deeply in so long that I have a hard time pulling out of it. I remember being extremely grateful, as you are, for getting ANY sleep. Even an hour. It was a heavenly break for my tired brain when I drifted off for a few minutes.




I have never heard of high tea, but I love tea and having it with a granddaughter I adore would be wonderful. No grandkids for me yet. My kids are 25 and 23. Not married yet and no kids yet.



Congrats on your blissful 7 hours and waking up refreshed! You deserve it. I hope there are many more to come for you.



I am sorry about your anxiety. I have it frequently myself. Part of my anxiety is due to life circumstances, but chemicals are part of it too. It is a combination for me. I hope you get some relief soon. So happy you are over the 4-hour mark with sleep. That's great:)



I hope your sleep has been decent the last few nights and that you are well.


Last night was about 7 hours for me. I slept deeply and I remember my dreams. I got up to use the restroom at 6:45 and was actually able to fall back to sleep for an hour. I am not as tired as I was yesterday, but I am still a little bit tired today. I need to work with another company for business purposes and they are booked for weeks. :( Bummer for me. At least I am sleeping here and there. I am grateful for that, and I hope it continues.


Happy Friday to you! (or whatever day it is, where you are:) )



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Good morning, all :)


After 2 blissful nights of deep 7 and 8-hour sleep, last night was back to 2 or 3 hours of light sleep. I was so tired; I went to bed at 10pm. I was awake until 2:30am when I slept for about an hour. I then got up and used the restroom. I went back to bed and managed to sleep another hour or two max. I chose to lie in bed, even though I couldn't sleep, and just rest. I got up at 7am.


Up for the day, since my brain won't allow me to nap yet. Can't wait until I can nap!



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3 hours last night in broken segments. Asleep at 11 up at 12:30 back down 1:30!and up for good at 3. I stayed in bed until 7:30 just to get some rest. If my current pattern of sleep one night and not the next then tonight is gonna be a long night. Fingers crossed 🤞 I get some sleep tonight.



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Sorry to hear HM. Hope tonight is better for you.


Hang in there Xray. I had about 3 hours too, and it was all broken up and restless. I even took a little melatonin and it did not help at all IMO.

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Good morning, all :)


After 2 blissful nights of deep 7 and 8-hour sleep, last night was back to 2 or 3 hours of light sleep. I was so tired; I went to bed at 10pm. I was awake until 2:30am when I slept for about an hour. I then got up and used the restroom. I went back to bed and managed to sleep another hour or two max. I chose to lie in bed, even though I couldn't sleep, and just rest. I got up at 7am.


Up for the day, since my brain won't allow me to nap yet. Can't wait until I can nap!




Do you still wake up during those good nights? When I get 7 hour nights I still wake up 2 to 4 times or so, NEVER b4 benzo, usually slept 6 to 7 hrs straight. I am grateful half of my nights are between 5 to 7 hrs now but the broken sleep kinda freaks me out that benzos messed all that up still nearly 6 months out,like I cant wait to get a 6 hr block again, I have gotten 5 hrs blocks a few times but even 4 hrs straight is sometimes, seems mostly between 3-4 hrs and then wake up and have like an hour, half an hour or if I am lucky 2 hrs when I fall back asleep.

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Good morning, all :)


After 2 blissful nights of deep 7 and 8-hour sleep, last night was back to 2 or 3 hours of light sleep. I was so tired; I went to bed at 10pm. I was awake until 2:30am when I slept for about an hour. I then got up and used the restroom. I went back to bed and managed to sleep another hour or two max. I chose to lie in bed, even though I couldn't sleep, and just rest. I got up at 7am.


Up for the day, since my brain won't allow me to nap yet. Can't wait until I can nap!



I long for the day when I can take a nap again.

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Congrats to the ones with the good nights! Yey!

Last night I slept a good 7 hours. No bathroom visit. So you would think it was a good night. But  I had a cold that kept bothering me. I felt tired and nervous upon waking up.

After a shower and breakfast I now feel better, but there’s always that fibro and nerve pain. Sh*t! Getting so fed up with that. Sorry for the short vent!


Enjoy your weekend,!







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Good day all,

First of all congratulations to all for some good sleep. It's heavenly when it happens. 

Like Heyilona and AntiB, I only sleep an hour or so at a time.  A few years ago I would get a stretch of 3-4 hours, but not anymore.

Not sure why that went away.


Last night was an hour, then no more until I slept another hour before the sun came up. I only get out of bed to go to the bathroom, but I do pick up my book and read until I start yawning, then I stop and try to sleep again.


I'm also not napping anymore.  It's been a couple weeks since I had a nap.


On the plus side, my knee keeps improving. My therapist will come one more time this week and then she will stop. I am to keep up with the therapy on my own, from then on.  I am diligent about doing it, as I want to return to the way it was before my knees became bone on bone. My knee is almost straight, now.  I've been determined to not give up. 


I remember clearly when I think it happened. I was doing sequencing DNA research on people with polycystic kidney disease and spent a lot of time on my knees rearranging DNA vials in the freezer in my lab.  I remember after doing that each month, my knees would hurt for a few days following.  Eventually they stopped hurting until I worked in the freezers again. The memory stuck with me that something was not going as it should.  The floors in the lab were cement with tile on top. I should have brought a cushion/pad, but I was young enough, I didn't realize I was doing damage to my knees.  Oh well, now I know.


TS, congratulations on a good night of sleep, but sorry to hear you have a bothersome cold. Glad the shower and breakfast helped.  The fibro and nerve pain has to be awful.  Hopefully it lets up.  You have a right to be fed up about it and wanting to vent.  We  are all good listeners.


Today I am doing our taxes. Perhaps that is why my night was mostly sleepless.  I do it by myself, as my husband is far beyond helping me.  I used to pay someone to do our taxes, then one time I forgot an interest form and when I took it in, the accountant charged me another $100 to add it in.  I came home and thought, for $200, I can learn to do this myself and I did.  I become somewhat stressed, but I do get the job done each year. 


Have a good Sunday everyone.










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Hey NG, was there ever a time in your life when your sleep was good?


I have always done my own taxes too.


Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

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