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Sleep Quality Tracker started by Antibenzo7


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Hi TS, That's good news the rain stopped and you had a nice bike ride with not a lot of pain!  How nice you visited a cousin and his wife before they left on a holiday.  Seven weeks in the Alps sounds amazing.  Their travel experience sounds amazing, also.  Once upon a time, I thought it would be nice to get on an around the world cruise ship. I think it would still be nice, as there is so much to see and do.  I'm obviously a die hard cruiser. The first time I went in my 40s, I thought, when can we do this again. I was hooked. ha  When we arrived in ports of call, we were off of the ship seeing everything we could. We always flew in a couple of days early to the port we left from, so we could enjoy the culture.  Anyway, I think your cousin and wife are doing a a step up by staying in the Alps for 7 weeks. 

My husband was always a road warrior behind the wheel of a car, so going anywhere that entailed him driving was stressful at best.  Cruising was the answer to relatively pleasant ways to see the world.  He has not driven since 2013. Who would have thought Alzheimer's would have made life easier, at least for now.

Sorry for rambling.

My knee seems to be a little straighter. I'll see when the therapist comes tomorrow and measures.  On the down side, I had muscle spasms most of the night, so sleep was elusive.  I can deal with the muscle spasms as long as my leg will straighten out at the knee. 



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Hi NG,


I'll take rambling like that any day!  I think it's wonderful my posting brought back so many nice memories for you!

Some people are real globetrotters,  others are more the stay-close-to- home type. Good thing we're not all the same.


Who would have thought a terrible disease could have a small upside.


Sorry the cramps kept you from  having a decent sleep. Cramps are a real pain in the ...muscle.


Good luck with tomorrow's PT. Your knee is going to be fine, just like the other one did.


Did my bike ride. It went more or less ok. A bit windy for my taste, but dry and a little sunshine.  So that made it  nice.


Slept well last night, even though I had two bathroom visits. Not much pain upon waking up.

Today my neuropathic feet are awful. So no walks just yet.


Have a nice Thursday!





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Hey guys,


I have been out for a couple days. I had a couple nights in a row of 5 to 6 hours of sleep. Waiting for another 8. Thanks for continuing to post. It's interesting reading about your experiences.


Have a great night.



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Hello folks,


HM,  that's great you had a couple of good nights! So happy for you! Some solid sleep for a few nights in a row makes you feel so much better in any respect, doesn't it. Let's hope things will continue to improve.


My sleep too was good last night. I even slept through some bad weather.  This morning I hardly felt any pain.

This afternoon the weather had improved a lot, so out came the old bike again. Quite enjoyable ride.  Just before sundown I went for a walk. Went reasonably well too.


NG,  I hope you slept well. How was PT today? Any joy?


Hope everyone has a pleasant day!


Most of the strict Corona measures are being lifted next week. Still  high numbers of new infections, but  very low numbers of people going to hospital let alone ICU's. So looking really good!

Still wise to be careful, though.


Take care.








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Good day everyone,


TS, that is good news the covid is beginning to lessen and mandates are being lifted. It is the same here. Everyone is so ready for this to be over with. 


My physical therapy did go well and indeed my knee is beginning to straighten out some. It is a start. 

The therapy isn't quite pain and torture, but close. Whatever it takes to make this knee straight.


Sleep is still so, so. I'm having leg spasms at night, so that doesn't help matters.  I also stopped the prescription allergy meds, as they no longer help me sleep and they cause restlessness and anxiety at night. 


It is beginning to lightly snow here.  We could get 4-6 inches before this moves on tomorrow.  I brought in an arm load of firewood so we are set for a cozy fire.


HM, your sleep is not bad. I wish you another 8 hours soon!



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It's been at least 6 weeks since I had a zero night, but I had one last night. I have been dating this man for about a month and we broke up last night. I am sure that contributed to my lack of sleep. I have an all-day Zoom class today and tomorrow. I hope I get some sleep tonight. Sorry to dump. Rough day today.


Take care,



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HM, I am sorry you did not get any sleep last night and sorry the relationship ended.  Tonight will hopefully be a better night for you. 

Thanks for sharing.



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Hello everybody,


Hope you had some decent sleep.


HM,  sorry you had no sleep the other night. Emotions can and often will do that.  Hopefully last night was a better one.


NG, is your sleep improving now that your knee is getting better? I hope it is.


The last two nights my sleep was some 5 hours straight. After the bathroom break it was just a few hours of light sleep.


Today is my appointment with the orthopedic doctor. Hopefully he can shed some light on  the cause of my back issues.

I'm taking two Paracetamols with breakfast to keep my pain down to an acceptable level. Ibuprofen makes me a bit sleepy,  so I stopped taking those.


Hope you're all going to have a nice Monday.


Stay safe!



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Good day TS,

I hope you find something out today during your orthopedic doctor appointment.  That's good the Paracetamols work. I still take them for my knee pain, which gets less and less as the days go by. 


The two nights of five hours straight sleep sounds so nice. 


My knee is still problematic with the bend, but it is better.  At the super bowl party we went to at our son's home, one of the guests there is from England. She said that her mother had both knees replaced and never had any physical therapy.  I wanted to ask how that was working out for her, but when Helen added that her mother also had rheumatoid arthritis, I didn't say anything.  Perhaps PT has little impact on recovery, I don't know.


The weather is looking to be quite nice this morning. I'll enjoy the sunshine today. 


Take care,






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Hi NG,


Glad to hear your knee keeps doing better. Things will be fine with the bend etc. I'm sure PT works. Otherwise it wouldn't be covered by insurance. They're all about money, so there must be a reason it's being covered.


I had an X-ray done of my spine. Nothing too awful. There's kyphoses,  but nothing acute. I told the dr.  about my issues with walking, neuropathic pain, so he referred me to the neurologist. I'm going  to talk to her about taking Nortryptiline for the pain. To be continued...


Today we had sunny and a bit windy weather. Went for my bike ride after the visit to the hospital.


The forecast is for 2 storm depressions later this week! Hope the house doesn't get blown away...


Enjoy the sunny weather, NG!




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Hi Guys,


TS, I am glad your X-ray turned out OK. That can be scary.

NG, I am sorry your knee is still problematic, but it sounds like it's coming along.


I had my recent Zero night followed by 2 nights of about 5 hours or so. One might have been 6. They are always broken hours because of bathroom breaks. I have had the feeling of being really tired and actually being able to fall asleep! Praise God! It doesn't happen every time but it's a nice change from when I laid in bed awake and exhausted all night.



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Good morning all,

Thank you for the good wishes.


HM, the knee is slowly coming along, which is better than not.  Today I have a new therapist coming who will work on stretching the knee. The other one does that, but she is taking the week off until Friday, as her parents are here visiting. 

I dislike the painful workover. Oh well.


That's good you are sometimes able to fall asleep.  The five and six hours of broken sleep is always good. Unbroken would be better, but it doesn't always happen. 


TS, I'm happy the x-ray didn't show anything too bad.  A neurologist is a good idea to follow up with.  Keep moving forward. 


Your weather definitely is heading for a stormy time.  I hope your home stands strong, also!  When we were at my mom's for her birthday, two storms converged and like you, I thought the roof might blow off.  When I was up stairs, everything was shaking so I headed back downstairs.  Nothing blew away, but it was concerning. That's when she lost power, heat, and electricity for three days.


Tomorrow we are to get freezing rain and snow. 









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Good morning,


I hope you are all having a great Tuesday so far. I am working on my new venture this morning, which wouldn't be possible without me getting at least a little bit of sleep. Last night, I was up until midnight, and it took me about 45 minutes to fall asleep. I eventually fell asleep and had broken sleep, with two restroom breaks, until 6:50 in the morning. Usually once I wake up after 6:30 or 7, I can't go back to sleep. But this morning I fell back to sleep at 7:30am and slept until 9:20. It was so nice. I have only done that 2 or 3 other times. I think I ended up with total of 6 or 7 hours. I have a friend staying with me and she is still asleep at 10:30am. I am so jealous! lol :)


Take Care,



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Thank you, TS, for the congrats:) Last night was very similar to the night before. I went to bed at 10pm and it took me until 1:30am to fall asleep. I was awake and asleep back and forth until 8:30 this morning, so I ended up with about 6 or 7 hours of sleep. I laid in bed "resting" until 10am though! Just enjoying the solitude.


Hope you all slept well last night.



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Hello folks,


I hope you all slept fine last night


I had what feels like a zero sleep night. Ugh. The first in at least 1,5 years. I probably did get some sleep though, but it sure didn’t feel like that. There are likely two reasons for not sleeping: 1. I took my first 5 mg  Nortriptyline just before bed. 2. There was a heavy wind blowing like crazy. Something was hitting the bedroom window constantly, making an awful racket.

NG,  I remember you telling us about those storms at your mom's. Ugh!


Another stormy day with bursts into 9 or 10 Bft. Tonight another, even heavier, storm will take over from this one. I hate this kind of weather.


Saw my optometrist this morning: not happy about what he had to say. Left eye ( good one) went from 80 to 70 % vision. .can improve with a small adjustment in the new glass. Right eye ( bad one) went from 55 to 35 %. Adjustment will not help. I need to have cataract surgery in his opinion. . Feeling angry and sad atm.


Hope you all have a nice day!



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Do you think Nortriptyline is a good idea because looking at your signature, you took amitriptyline for a while but it didn't work. They are similar drugs, maybe it was that causing no sleep. You don't want to go down another rocky road now that you have come so far. Why are you taking it?
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Hello sleepyjo,


Thank you so much for your concern. I appreciate that very much!


In hindsight the Amitriptyline may have worked better than I thought at the time. It was all messed up by the Diazepam back then.


In case it doesn't do anything I 'm not going to take it for more than a week or two and only at this amount (5mg). It's said to work for nerve pain in about a week.

Today I 'm going to take the meds with lunch.  So I aspect to sleep well again tonight. We'll have to wait and see.


Enjoy your Thursday.








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Hello TS (and everyone).


I am sorry you had a rough night. I just had one myself about a week ago. I hope you are back to normal tonight, and sleep like a baby.

I had a decent night last night and probably slept about 7 or 8 hours. I do best when I go to sleep early like last night. I went to bed at 10pm. I was awake and asleep throughout the night and eventually got up at 9:30am. So, I slept 7 or 8 hours for having spent 11.5 hours in bed. That's how it goes. Got a lot of healing to do.


Have a great day,



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Hello Buddies,


I am still reading daily but had to curtail my posting. My mother is sick, so I have had some extra stress going on in my life that has ramped up both my anxiety sxs and benzo tolerance sxs to the small amount of valium I am still on. I hope everyone is doing ok and coping the best that they can. Life is hard and there are no easy answers to a pain-free happy life sometimes. My sleep has taken a nosedive as you might have expected from the stress.


Boy, I would give anything to go back to age 21 knowing what I know now. I was healthy (no drugs) then and I now know things to do to keep myself healthy and naturally de-stress. Often once you break things (the body) and introduce drugs, you may or may not ever be able to fully recover.

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Hello Buddies,


I am still reading daily but had to curtail my posting. My mother is sick, so I have had some extra stress going on in my life that has ramped up both my anxiety sxs and benzo tolerance sxs to the small amount of valium I am still on. I hope everyone is doing ok and coping the best that they can. Life is hard and there are no easy answers to a pain-free happy life sometimes. My sleep has taken a nosedive as you might have expected from the stress.


Boy, I would give anything to go back to age 21 knowing what I know now. I was healthy (no drugs) then and I now know things to do to keep myself healthy and naturally de-stress. Often once you break things (the body) and introduce drugs, you may or may not ever be able to fully recover.


Thanks for letting us know, I've been wondering where you were.  I'm sorry to hear about your Mom, I hope she feels better soon, and you too.

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Hi all,

AntiB, I am so sorry to hear your mother is sick. That would be stressful for you and her.  It doesn't take much to take our sleep away. 

Life is a rose garden with beautiful flowers along with thorns.  Life is also so very fragile.  I send good wishes for your mother to feel better and you to get better sleep. 


HM, your sleep is doing quite well. Keep up with that!


TS, hopefully your sleep is getting better between the wind and the Nortriptyline. Whatever was hitting against the window during the storm, was unnerving. 

The vision issues are concerning.  My mother had cataracts removed from both of her eyes at different times and saw so much better after that, so it was definitely worth having the surgery.  I flew home to stay with her and must say the surgery was quite simple. She wore a little cover over her eye, but tossed it aside the next day. I helped her with the drops and it all worked out very well.  I think she could have managed the drops herself, but that's what I was there for.


My sleep is okay. I'm not taking the hydroxyzine anymore. It can mess with my head. 


As for my knee, it's doing better one day at a time. I am now 43 days post surgery and counting.  I no longer walk with a cane, as the pain when I walk is becoming so much less.  My knee is still slightly bent, but that is still improving when I do my pain and torture therapy. 


The weather is beautiful here this weekend. Just so we don't forget winter is still here, snow and cold is to return on Tuesday. 






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I am very sorry about your mother and the result on your sleep. I hope things improve for you very soon.


TS, I hope your sleep is back on track. It is unusual for you to have such a rough night like recently.


NG, I am glad your sleep is as good as it is. Your knee is no doubt impacting your sleep.


Last night was only 3 hours for me even though the night before was 7 or 8 hours. I am headed to bed right now hoping for a repeat of the 7-hour night and not the 3-hour night.


Take care,



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Hello everyone,


AB,  sorry to hear your mom is sick. I hope she's going to get better soon. Too bad it messed with your sleep and anxiety!  Here's to everything improving soon!


HM,  I 'm glad to see you're sleeping much better.  Going to bed around 10 or 11 pm is the best way to get regular sleep. I wish you many a good night!


NG, so happy for you now that your knee is doing so much better! Pain and torture does the job! Hah. Good for you for trhrowing out the cane. Give it another month or so and you'll be right as rain again. Great that your sleep is much better again too.


My sleep was gone just the one night. After that it was back to normal. Some 6 to 7 hours..


We had another heavy storm on Friday and Saturday. .Four people were killed. Lots of damage. No trains, ferries and planes. Today is stormy again with lots of rain. Another storm on Monday. But both less severe. No fun at all! So, I 'm staying inside today.


Have a pleasant and peaceful Sunday!




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Good day all,

TS, the news here is covering the terrible storm there.  Falling trees are especially dangerous!  You definitely are safer inside away from any trees. 

Hopefully you still have power as the article mentioned 400,000 in Britain without power. 


It's  cloudy here, right now. The frigid temps and snow are moving in tomorrow for the next three days.  I don't plan on going anywhere. 


My knee and sleep are much the same today.  The P&T hopefully will do the job! If not, there will be one disappointed patient wondering why. ha


Stay safe,








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