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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Under .125 Klonopin Club

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Greencup - I was super tired throughout January.  I view it as a sign of healing.  Perhaps your body is needing to rest in order to adjust to all your recent cuts. I find the extreme fatigue so mentally difficult.  You don't know when it's going to lift and it makes it hard to make plans.  You have to take it day by day when you are physically and mentally tired.  Keep resting and hang in there. 


Wonderwoman - I hope you are sleeping better.  Insomnia is awful.  Have you tried Yoga Nidra?  It is my go to day-time meditation technique when I haven't slept well.  Actually, it's my favorite every day technique.  Totally calms and balances the nervous system allowing you body and brain to rest.


Heather - How are you doing?  I hope you are sleeping better.  Sounds like pretty intense withdrawal symptoms.  Hang in there!


Barbara - I'm sorry this is so difficult for you.  I don't have any ideas on what you should do but I'm hoping it gets easier.


I cut my dosage on Monday another .003mg so I'm now down to .079.  I had been feeling better last week so decided to work two days.  I was absolutely exhausted.  I was able to function while at work but it took everything from me.  I just do not have the stamina yet.  I ended up in bed all day Saturday, unable to even sit up.  Sunday I was back to normal/manageable symptoms.  The last 3 days have been manageable.  This process is so bizarre.


Thinking of you all!



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Hi all,


Unfortunately, I ended up having to go back to .25 to stabilize after my fairly fast taper.  I've stabilized now and after 10 days at .25 and am now tapering again.  I'm at .212 for the next ten days, but will be back to join you in the support group when I get down to .125.


I'm guessing that a few of you may be finished with your taper and have jumped by then! 


Heather - I know it must be frustrating to reinstate but I think it is a really good thing that you feel stabilized now and will be able to taper at a rate that supports the repair of your nervous system.  The first time I tapered in 2016 I went quite fast (a month or two) but didn't get the severe withdrawal symptoms until a couple weeks after, AND I had no idea they were withdrawal symptoms.  Went to so many doctors to figure out what was going on...ugh.  I ended up reinstating to .25 to get some sleep, still not knowing the Clonazepam had caused everything.  When you know what is causing the symptoms, it eases the fear that there might be other underlying illnesses.  It doesn't always make it easier in the moment, but hopefully you feel some relief in knowing.  Best of luck to you.  Please check in here and let us know how you are doing.


Greencup - How are you feeling? 


Heather-  Do not feel like you are behind.  Cutting too fast is all too common and the reason, I think, for prolonged suffering.  It's seriously like the only thing we can control in this process.


Kiristin-  Thanks for chiming in about the tiredness.  I honestly just don't understand it.  I still feel kind of anxious, but also tired.


I've been at .080mg for almost two weeks now.  I am kind of afraid to cut again.  I barely feel stable.  I also don't think these cuts really matter much anymore. I don't know if it is true, but I feel like I am already in withdrawal from my previous cuts and now I am suffering the inevitable.  I did ponder for a while the other night, whether or not to maybe take some xanax or klonopin to sleep and wondered if I did take a rescue dose if it would get rid of my back pain.  The pain is so bad it wakes me up at night. The pain has been there since July 2017. 


Also we are going to be moving at the end of our lease, at the end of May. So in two months I am have to have my housed packed and ready to go.  Not to mention we haven't found a place to go to yet.  I am very excited to move, cause we are going somewhere good, however, it  is still going to be stressful. 

Greencup, I hear you about wondering if the cuts even matter.  I wonder, too, if we are just experiencing the waves and windows of withdrawal.  I still feel the need to go slow not wanting to tempt making things worse.  But who knows, maybe we are already experiencing the worst of it.  That's a lot of stress to have to pack up your house and move.  I hope you can channel your excitement about moving into healing.  Hopefully you will have the energy to work steadily on the packing.  Thinking of you!

Alright, I'm down to .075mg now.  I actually was starting to feel kind of good and positive about the future.  I can't even believe this amount has an effect on me at all, but I guess it does, or might.  I'm feeling less angry in general.  I hope that is starting to leave me.  I hate the being angry all the time.  I think acupuncture is really helping with that and my shoulder pain. 


We are expecting snow here today.  How's everyone doing?

I'm feeling very negative and angry this morning.  I'm hoping this will pass soon.  It has been five days since my last cut.  I've been feeling more dizzy and nauseous this week. 

Anger is a hard one, Greencup.  I hope it has passed by now.  I've been in more of a depressed state of being.  Just being challenged in so many ways and feeling isolated in this process right now.  I know it will get better, it always does.  I'm just tired of going through these cycles.


Does anyone else have bad nerve symptoms...inner vibrations, pulsing, tingling, twitching, electrical buzzy feelings?  My feet and legs are very affected by these symptoms but I get them all over. Every day.  It just gets old. 

Hi everyone I’ve been a bit MIA. I’ve been trying not to be on my iPhone at night and that’s when I typically check this forum. The insomnia has gotten better which is such a relief. I know it’s because i finally stabilized on .037 but that was a long wave. I am hesitant to cut again I’m so over all of this. Aren’t we all? It’s great to check back in and see how you all are doing. Because I’m on my phone it’s hard to reply to each one of you but I just appreciate all your shares and they have been heard. I know all about nerve issues, anger and depression. I have a CBT therapist who I’ve been so frustrated with because she is so clueless that everything I’m going through is amplified because of withdrawal. She seems to get way too concerned about insomnia or mood issues and always has a frown her face. Maybe I’m projecting but she just doesn’t have the education to understand how this is withdrawal. Yes, I had depression and other issues before benzos and I’ll always have to work on my stuff but adding withdrawal to the mix is just andifferent thing. I can’t wait until it’s over. A friend of mine who was on klonopin for three years and has been off for 6 wrote me a sweet note the other day when she saw I was struggling, “You don’t even have to believe it will end. It will anyway”. Love this. I have it next to my gram scale and I read it regularly now. It will end it will end! Everyone in my family has been sick and I’m now on my second round of the cold/flu. Just waiting for the sun to brighten the skies and bring some relief. Thinking of you all and sending some healing! Xo WW

Hey guys! 


Wonderwoman- It's great that you are sleeping better.  That makes everything so much better when you can sleep.  I love that note your friend gave you.  It's so true that we don't have to believe for it to happen.  :smitten:


Kristin-  How are your legs feeling?  I only get these terrible leg problems when I am trying to go to sleep.  My legs just shake for no reason.  It's like they are acting like they are cold, but they aren't.  I hope you get some relief from your leg problems.


As for me,  I am not at .070mg a day.  I've heard from a few people that .050mg is where people should jump, because Ashton says there's no clinical value to that amount or less, or something like that, but I am not convinced.  Ashton's suggested taper schedule is much faster with much larger cuts than what I have done. 


I don't know if you guys remember that we might be moving at the end of May, well we actually extended our lease for another year, just so we don't have to move right away.  We are probably going to move this summer, and just find someone else to takeover our lease.  It isn't ideal, but I feel much better knowing we have more time.  It's mostly cause the job in a different city, that my husband is trying to get, they told him not yet, and not now, but maybe in July or August.  So, tbh, I am happier with this.  I will be done with my taper by then, I think...???  I really hope so. 


Hi everyone-


I just wanted to give an update and make some comments :)


I can't wait for the weather to break here.  My son has 3 outdoor soccer games this weekend and there's an inch of snow on the ground right now.  I need to move somewhere warmer!


I tried to start microtapering after holding for about 10 days at .25.  I didn't make it very far because my doctor suggested that I get off of nortriptyline since it was making my migraines worse plus have severe dry mouth and very froggy voice.  It's so strange like I have a cold and am losing my voice.  I started dropping my nortriptyline dose while microtapering and started feeling very angry, snapping at everyone, anxious, heavy limbs, and burning/itchy/ tingling in my arms, hands, chest and lower part of my face.  I've decided to hit the stop button for now.  I'm hanging at .25mg K and 20mg nortriptyline.  Some of the side effects of the nortriptyline have gone away.  I've been migraine free for two days, which is amazing for me!  Plus the tinnitus I've had constantly through my withdrawals is lessening in frequency.  My husband is encouraging me to be optimistic so there it is :)


Kristin- I have the nerve symptoms.  Right now my right arm and lower back are burning and itchy and my right hand is not quite numb but noticeably colder than my left.  I've tried benedryl to see if that gives me any relief.  My skin feels really sensitive too so I have to be careful choosing my clothes.  I'm hoping that I can stabilize on my two meds and this will go away.


I was wondering when everyone is thinking of jumping.  I've used Jim's titration plan and it has a stop point of .025.  I almost feel like I'm going to titrate down to less than 1ml of solution so that I'm really taking nothing but don't realize it :)  That way I will have really been taking nothing for a time.


Hi Heather-  so you are tapering the Nortriptyline while holding at .25mg.  I tapered Pristiq while holding  also at .25mg of klonopin.  I do advise you to give yourself some time to adjust to tapering an antidepressant.  It took me months to go through antidepressant withdrawal, and stabilize somewhat.  I also did it because of migraine headaches and they did get better and less frequent after I was off the antidepressants. 


For me,  antidepressant withdrawal was very nasty, but also over SO MUCH QUICKER than benzo withdrawal.  I made much larger cuts more frequently and it seemed fine.  I hope you don't get much withdrawal from the nortriptyline. 


I got down from 25 to 17 and actually had worse symptoms from the AD reduction than from the klonopin taper.  I think my system is just so sensitive right now. So I’m holding everything.  I had to go back to 20mg of nortriptyline five days ago and my migraine and tinnitus have gone away.  I haven’t stabilized yet.  I’m still really moody - getting angry quickly, anxious, burning hands, arms, chest, face and no appetite.


I’ve been on so many meds for migraines and this year is the first time that I’ve had real trouble stopping them.  Keeping my fingers crossed that I stabilize on the nortriptyline and I can let my body heal for a few months. I’ll take the AD side effects in order to feel normal for a bit.  I’ll then need to figure out which to taper first.


How’s everyone doing?

Hi everyone. It’s been rough over here. I’ve had the flu twice in the last 5 weeks and have not had many good days. I currently have laryngitis and I took trazadone for two nights really needing some sleep. Unfortunately, it sent me into a wave. I could really use a window! In terms of when to walk off the klonopin I think the equivent of .5 Valium that Ashton recommends jumping at is .025 klonopin. I had been shooting for that but now think it’s way too much of a jump if even .001 mg gives me withdrawal symptoms. What do others think? Heather are you at .25 or less than .125? Don’t remember if you went back up? Also, I’ve been really irritated lately and when a woman got snippy at me in her car I followed her to her apartment (we live in the same complex) and really gave it to her! I sort of shocked myself. Must be withdrawal!

Wonderwoman- I am laughing at you following that woman to her apartment and yelling at her!    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  This is the kind of anger I deal with all the time lately.  It's amazing how this withdrawal just turns us into the craziest people.  :crazy:


Heather-  How is your AD withdrawal going?  It is super cold here too.  Brrrrrr.  And it doesn't even look like it is going to get warmer anytime soon.


Hi Kristin-  How are you doing?


I am trying really hard to express my anger and just to feel my emotions as they happen.  I am having such problems with my husband.  He is using my withdrawal as a reason to not take me seriously and he is just invalidating my feelings right and left.  I am so frustrated with it.  I don't even feel safe expressing my displeasure about anything lately with him, because he turns it around and makes it my fault.  I can't tell if this is new or if it was always here and I just didn't notice when I was on benzos.    I am thinking it is a little bit of both. 


Hi Greencup and Wonderwoman,


I'm still on .25mg of K and don't see it changing any time soon.  I've been on 20mg of my AD for 10 days now and things were and are definitely improving.  Unfortunately my tinnitus came back yesterday and I didn't sleep well last night.  My other symptoms:  burning/itching skin and anxiety seem to be improving.  I'm hoping the insomnia and tinnitus is temporary.  It really seems like it's taking my body longer to adjust to a cut in AD vs. klonopin.


I completely understand where are you coming from when you mention your husband.  Mine has never been on any type of medication other than the occasional ibuprofen.  If I have a day where I'm feeling OK, he thinks I'm completely "fixed" and gets mad when I'm not feeling well the next day.  It's very frustrating to have someon who doesn't understand.  I guess that's why we go to these boards for support!


Thanks for responding to me Heather.  It's true that it must be so hard to understand benzo withdrawal if you are not the one going through it.  My husband has been pretty patient, in general, but man, sometimes.  UGH. 


I am on .060mg now.  It is a super low dose but I don't really feel that great.  I have started getting some headaches again and my back pain now seems to fight through all the things I was doing to alleviate it.  I even made an acupuncture appointment only  four days after the last one, to try and really get rid of the pain, and it actually felt worse afterwards....????  I don't know why. 


Did you experience back pain before starting k or is it definitely a withdrawal symptom?


I’ve been doing acupuncture for about five months to treat chronic migraines.  Unfortunately, my migraine med change that started this roller coaster ride happened at the end of December so it’s hard to tell if it really helped me. 


I’m still waiting to stabilize from my AD dose drop.  Luckily my migraines have stayed away and the burning/itching is improving but I’m so disappointed that I have tinnitus again.


Hi, I am finally writing this on my computer so I can actually reply to people individually.


Heather - I know you joined the under .125 K club when you were at that dose then went up and that's totally okay.  I love your contributions to this thread!  I have really been contemplating updosing myself just because I am in such a massive wave and it's been 5 weeks.  I know there no way to short cut this process (I so wish I could find a way) but I wonder if a small updose would help?


GreenCup - I saw that you posted on another thread about the DLMT.  Are you tapering that way? If so, how is it going for you and any other tips?


I've had problems with acupuncture making my sxs worse.  I was going all the time in the first several months of the taper until once I went and immediately following went into a massive wave that was horrendous.  I tried going back a couple weeks ago and just didn't feel great so now I avoid it.  Which sucks because I love acupuncture and it doesn't make a ton of sense to me why I'd be so sensitive.


I am still deal with getting over the flu and I am now not working.  I am contemplating taking a long break.  I am at .033 and part of me is grappling with how crazy long this is all taking, another part is wondering if I should just say F it, updose and stay on this stuff forever, another part of me is doing crazy positive self-talk like, "girl, you got this!" and "this too shall pass".  I tend to waffle between these thoughts all day long.


Really praying for a wee little window!




Hey everyone! Hope you all are getting a nice little window this weekend.  I can hope, right. I'm doing okay this morning and have enough mental energy to write right now so I thought I'd take advantage of it.  I had a rough week.  I turned another year older and felt awful on my birthday.  It was seriously the most depressing birthday I've had, and this is the 3rd birthday in a row where I've felt sick. However, of the 3 sick birthdays, it's the first one where I actually knew why I was sick.  There's something liberating about that.  Anyway, that knowledge didn't make the day any easier, as I felt bad physically and emotionally and went down the rabbit hole of feeling disappointed by those around me for not understanding my suffering  and being saddened by human unkindness in general.  I swear, when I get in those states I completely forget I am being influenced by withdrawal and lose all perspective.  The only thing real to me is the despair I am feeling in the moment.  I'm doing much better emotionally now and actually appreciated my birthday the day after when I felt better.  This sucks so bad sometimes that we have to suffer.  At the same time, I feel so strong, like internally I am fighting for survival, gaining momentum with my will, and am slowly gaining ground.  I'm an Aries Sun, influenced by Mars, a warrior at the core of my being.


Greencup - I was so happy to read that you have more time with your move.  I was stressed for you thinking about having to pack up so quickly.  I know you still have much work to do, but at least there's more time. How is your fatigue now?  I remember you being so tired earlier this month.  Or was it last month?  Everything is blurring together.  You are getting so low!  I hope your symptoms are stabilizing a bit.


Wonderwoman - I'm sorry you've been so sick with the flu.  I can only imagine how awful the combination of withdrawal and flu must be.  I saw in your signature you updosed and I hope that it has made things easier for you.  I go back and forth with the self-talk as well.  You've got this, girl.  Keep going!I also laughed about you following the woman to her apartment and laying into her.  I have done similar things which are unsettling since I am normally very reserved and composed in my social interactions.  I've yelled at a neighbor for playing music too loud, yelled at a guy in a restaurant for hacking repeatedly (terrified that I was going to get the flu), and yelled at a car in a parking lot for honking and startling me.  It is unreal.  I've never yelled at anyone in my life prior to this.  It makes me feel better knowing that I can relate to others who have experienced the same anger.  Thank you for being open and sharing.  I was embarrassed by my actions but I know it's really not me, it's the withdrawal.


Heather -  I hope your symptoms are easing a bit after the AD dose drop.  I think waiting to stabilize and letting your body heal a bit before tapering more is so wise.  I know we all want to be off this stuff but you just can't go too fast.


Happy Spring to everyone.  May this season bring hope of a new and better life.  The weather is beautiful here in the Southwest and I am loving sitting outside.  Sending you all some warm sunshine.


I wish to join too.  I have tapered down to 0.125 mg of Klonopin and wish to continue my taper.


For some reason, I currently have chest pains, shortness of breath, and loss of stamina.  Is this common for you all?

Hi Bob. Welcome!  I do not have chest pains, but I have experienced pretty extreme fatigue and heart palpitations throughout my taper that were concerning and caused me to consult a cardiologist.  My heart was completely healthy, by the way.  But yes, loss of stamina is a huge one.  I have to be very careful about conserving my energy because I can completely crash after too much activity.  I was a distance runner prior to this and right now I can't even do the half-mile slow walks I was doing earlier in my taper.  I know this will improve.  I think our bodies are just using so much of our energy to heal our nervous systems right now and that we should definitely rest as much as possible. 

Thank you Kristin for responding.


It helps to hear others have the same symptoms and found it is not a heart attack or something. 


I am glad to hear your heart was completely healthy. 


My doc has ordered two heart test.  A stress test next week and an echo test the week after.


The waiting for the tests to happen is hard on me I think.  Really struggling with chest pain and fatigues as soon as I try to run (I too have been trying to keep my running going but like you, I have slowed to just above a walk).



Hey Bob, those are the two hearts tests I did.  I think it's a good thing to get those symptoms checked out.  Hopefully everything is fine and you can just attribute it to withdrawal.  You might have to take a break from running and even walking for awhile.  I found that gentle yoga helps tremendously.

I will miss my exercise.  I never dreamed I would have to start giving it up.  It is so strange.  I was tapering for many months but the only problems were insomnia.  Now all at once I have these new issues including fatigue.  Is that how it happened for you?


I used to do yoga years ago.  Ok, I will try this this evening.  Thank you!


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