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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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Gardie - sending you healing vibes!


Kasey - are you done?? Your sig says you're at zero?


Congratulations Kasey!!!!!!


Gardie— hang in there.  Do what feels right to you.  You’re there whenever you are ready.


Libr— you sound really good!  You’ll be there soon.


I have now been off almost 3 weeks.  So far, mostly all the same as during the taper.  This week the sleep has been more of a challenge.  I am trying to keep a balance of being somewhat busy to distract myself and yet not get overstimulated with too much activity.  I am not taking any supplements.  So doing it all on my own.  Will keep checking in with you all.




THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!  also so glad to hear how you are doing as well.  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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The updose dose correction seems to be working. I was able to reduce my sleep med last night and still sleep for several hours without waking. Quick correction, quick results. :thumbsup:  Holding at this dose for now.


Gardie :)

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The updose dose correction seems to be working. I was able to reduce my sleep med last night and still sleep for several hours without waking. Quick correction, quick results. :thumbsup:  Holding at this dose for now.


Gardie :)

I am so thankful that you have responded quickly and positively to this small adjustment. Astounding as it can be, the tiniest of adjustments can be felt in many ways.  thank you for giving yourself permissions to slow down, adjust things as needed and listening to your body. You are one smart chick!! :smitten:

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any advice , I am feeling really terrible at the moment, Terror and fear that has plagued me all the way through this journey has gone worse to the point where I rang the emergency Doc for any advice  but got little except they thought I was taking too long and should speed up my taper.

I started on Valium 14-15months ago and been tapering probably nine or then or those off 4mgs Valium. I have been so non functional all the way through. I should not have listened to the nurse but did and carried on taking it even though it was not helping me.

Now I have managed to crawl down to 1.6mg as of  yesterday using a DMLT with milk, from 2mgs down, but I unlike the Doctor I think I went too fast as I have dropped .4mgs in approx. 6 weeks or so, Normally that would be ok, but not for me I don't think,

Do you think it best to hold for a short while?

I know I that holds have not helped much in the past but I need to do something, this drug is making me so ill and I have been bedbound and severely agoraphobic since the start.

I really do need to be off it, but I dare not risk too fast a taper, not too slow as I am so ill, and have never had a stable place since week one.

Any advice at all what to do under the circumstance? It's been an horrendous day today and I have had to take a propranolol for the first time in ages to try and help, it did calm the racing heart a bit  but has made me feel sick and it does little for the severe terror/fear I feel all the time, starting when I wake made worse when I eat, and easing around 10pm at night,



Any ideas? 321 group?



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Gardie - what dose were you at before you dose corrected?


and thanks to everyone for all the kind words of encouragement and support!  Means so much!!

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Thanks, kasey. :smitten:


chin, I've been helped by holding and others have, too. But, I'm not sure if that applies to you or not. :-\ Our experiences are very different. I don't think I'm having a toxic reaction to the drug.


Oh, dear, libr wants me to do math! :laugh: I'm looking at my notes, which are written in ml per dose. I think it was holding at .4mg L per day and I went back to .7mg per day when things suddenly got dramatically worse.


I'm going to reduce my Seroquel again tonight. Aiming to get back to my usual 25mg and still sleep. If I can, then I will know I have stabilized.


Gardie :)

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any advice , I am feeling really terrible at the moment, Terror and fear that has plagued me all the way through this journey has gone worse to the point where I rang the emergency Doc for any advice  but got little except they thought I was taking too long and should speed up my taper.

I started on Valium 14-15months ago and been tapering probably nine or then or those off 4mgs Valium. I have been so non functional all the way through. I should not have listened to the nurse but did and carried on taking it even though it was not helping me.

Now I have managed to crawl down to 1.6mg as of  yesterday using a DMLT with milk, from 2mgs down, but I unlike the Doctor I think I went too fast as I have dropped .4mgs in approx. 6 weeks or so, Normally that would be ok, but not for me I don't think,

Do you think it best to hold for a short while?

I know I that holds have not helped much in the past but I need to do something, this drug is making me so ill and I have been bedbound and severely agoraphobic since the start.

I really do need to be off it, but I dare not risk too fast a taper, not too slow as I am so ill, and have never had a stable place since week one.

Any advice at all what to do under the circumstance? It's been an horrendous day today and I have had to take a propranolol for the first time in ages to try and help, it did calm the racing heart a bit  but has made me feel sick and it does little for the severe terror/fear I feel all the time, starting when I wake made worse when I eat, and easing around 10pm at night,



Any ideas? 321 group?



Hey friends,

Does anyone have words of wisdom for the precious one?

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any advice , I am feeling really terrible at the moment, Terror and fear that has plagued me all the way through this journey has gone worse to the point where I rang the emergency Doc for any advice  but got little except they thought I was taking too long and should speed up my taper.

I started on Valium 14-15months ago and been tapering probably nine or then or those off 4mgs Valium. I have been so non functional all the way through. I should not have listened to the nurse but did and carried on taking it even though it was not helping me.

Now I have managed to crawl down to 1.6mg as of  yesterday using a DMLT with milk, from 2mgs down, but I unlike the Doctor I think I went too fast as I have dropped .4mgs in approx. 6 weeks or so, Normally that would be ok, but not for me I don't think,

Do you think it best to hold for a short while?

I know I that holds have not helped much in the past but I need to do something, this drug is making me so ill and I have been bedbound and severely agoraphobic since the start.

I really do need to be off it, but I dare not risk too fast a taper, not too slow as I am so ill, and have never had a stable place since week one.

Any advice at all what to do under the circumstance? It's been an horrendous day today and I have had to take a propranolol for the first time in ages to try and help, it did calm the racing heart a bit  but has made me feel sick and it does little for the severe terror/fear I feel all the time, starting when I wake made worse when I eat, and easing around 10pm at night,



Any ideas? 321 group?



Hey friends,

Does anyone have words of wisdom for the precious one?


I had very short words one post back. I think I buried them in too much clutter. Will go unclutter the post.


Unfortunately, I don't know if I'm any help. My situation is very different from chin's. :(

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Thank you anyway, good people,  I am just clutching at straws I guess.

I know I have to get off the Valium and long holds are not really any good for me, I guess my journey is destined to be rough but I have to get off somehow, I wish I could find a way to ease the severe anxiety, the rest I can cope with, I really don't know what to do as I have fought too long to go back up and my health wont take it, so onward I guess, 

I am glad for those finding a way forward,




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Hi chinchuck,

I am no expert. I have been reducing liquid diazapam for 3 1/2 years.

I went from 7.5 mgs to now .12

It has been a long haul.

I starte my taper not knowing what I was doing.

I lea Ned from the miraculously kind and outrageously helpful buddies the secret to success.

I know everyone is different,and some people have a much much harder time than others.

I have learned, that everyone does get off diazapam successfully if they find the right way for themselves.

With the help of the buddies here, after much of my struggling, I found my way. The secret to my success is no secret. IT IS TO GO SOOOO SLOW IN MY DOSE REDUCTION.


OOPS sorry for the capital letters. Did not mean to shout!


please dont give up!

Hold on place until your wdsx have left you and you feel stable. Sounds like your brain is screaming at you. It wants time to heal and adjust to each new reduction. Apparently, you are reducing at a rate that your brain can’t handle!  Once you  feel stable, Then make only tiny cuts.  And if you still get wdsx, then you will know that you are still going to fast for your brain to handle. Our brains and central nervous systems are fragile and only take so much.


I know it is hard to slow down. It will take longer to get off your drug. But at least you will be on your way and you will have a much easier time.


I ha e been at my tOer for 3 1/2 years. But I am a

Most T the end. If I had rushexpd, I probably wouldn’t have made it. I’d probable have wound up in wdsx hell and given up a long time ago.

I must givea shout out tovalley um and Lynn and Ann fir getting me to understand all this. They have all jumped successfully. . There is one more person I want to shout out to and that is BEGOOD. she is anther buddy who is an angel from heaven. She is well in her way to walking off valium. She has taught me so much and she is the reason I am on my way off of valium too.


Just ask heranddhe will tell you....be a turtle....go crazy slow! PATIENCE IS THE KEY....AND TINY CUTS. also many people say....no more than 5% reduction of your LAST DOSE.

Good luck  chin chuck..., andanyone out there!


Heathcliff  :thumbsup:

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I have been away from the boards lately but I had to jump back on with experience and hopefully get some feedback and support.

I’m 63 and currently at 1.26 mg V. My last cut was 20 days ago and as usual the first 7 days were not too bad at all, then the sxs started,..insomnia, terrible muscle tightness in neck and shoulders.

I can manage through OK but then my stomach/ gut issues started around day 14. I went an entire week with out any real bowel movement. I was certainly taking in much more than going out.

Two nights ago the pain was so bad it woke me up around 1:30 am then again every 2 hours after that. At 5:30 it was so bad I relented and wife drop me off at ER.

They did and ekg, X-rays blood work twice and finally a CT scan. I finally wrapped up at 12:30 pm.

All tests came back negative. I still feel like crap, pardon the pun. Last night sleeping my first since this happened was broken and full of intrusive dreams, intense dreams like I was dreaming someone else’s dreams. Crazy I know.

Can anyone else relate to any of this stuff, I just need some feedback and reassurance.


Thank you



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Hello warriors. I tried to go back to my only 1 tablet of Q last night and sleep stopped completely again.


I see ATU is having problems. too. I'm sorry, I couldn't follow all of it. My main problems are anxiety/phobias and insomnia. The updose really did help. Maybe holding or updosing would help ATU. My anxiety and phobias are greatly lessened. But the sleep issue is still there. I guess not surprised since I was put on the benzo for sleep.


How are you, libr? Seems like we are both having problems at about the same dose of Librium. We are close. We will get through this. I think this summer we will both be off. If this fall, that would be OK, too. One day closer to freedom.


Gardie :)

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Good to hear from you.

I had IBS issues long before any Benzo so it’s not surprising that they haunt now. Actually my anxiety has not been bad except on a few occasions when some drama is happening around during the first weeks after a cut. My sleep prior to just this last episode has also not been too too bad with only an occasional night of insomnia.

You are really getting down on your dose and can see the light at the end of the tunnel! 👍


As for me I really do not want to up dose, I will just hold until things improve.


My wish is that everyone here carries on with peace in their hearts until the dragon has been slain.



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Good to hear from you.

I had IBS issues long before any Benzo so it’s not surprising that they haunt now. Actually my anxiety has not been bad except on a few occasions when some drama is happening around during the first weeks after a cut. My sleep prior to just this last episode has also not been too too bad with only an occasional night of insomnia.

You are really getting down on your dose and can see the light at the end of the tunnel! 👍


As for me I really do not want to up dose, I will just hold until things improve.


My wish is that everyone here carries on with peace in their hearts until the dragon has been slain.




I think holding is a good idea. :thumbsup:

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Hi Gardie- thanks for asking how I am. I’m alright. Lots of sxs still- but all milder than earlier in my taper. I had a good night of sleep the last couple night. Maybe almost 8 hrs last night, 7 the night before. My dreams are wild in a good way- vivid and lots of action/activity/ morphing but that’s how my dreams were before so I take the return of such dreams as a sign of healing.


I still have some inflammation in a few areas- I hope that resolves! I’m nervous abt that. I know our bodies are still under a lot of stress from this, even at low doses.


I made a dosing error 2 nights ago- took the wrong day’s dose.

Anyway, I’ll be at 0.25V equiv in a couple days! If all goes as planned, I’m looking to finish by end of July.


ATU- I have no advice but you will find your way out of this hell, I’m sure of it!

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Hi Gardie- thanks for asking how I am. I’m alright. Lots of sxs still- but all milder than earlier in my taper. I had a good night of sleep the last couple night. Maybe almost 8 hrs last night, 7 the night before. My dreams are wild in a good way- vivid and lots of action/activity/ morphing but that’s how my dreams were before so I take the return of such dreams as a sign of healing.


I still have some inflammation in a few areas- I hope that resolves! I’m nervous abt that. I know our bodies are still under a lot of stress from this, even at low doses.


I made a dosing error 2 nights ago- took the wrong day’s dose.

Anyway, I’ll be at 0.25V equiv in a couple days! If all goes as planned, I’m looking to finish by end of July.


ATU- I have no advice but you will find your way out of this hell, I’m sure of it!


libr, I'm glad to hear you slept last night. And that your symptoms are not as bad as they used to be. :) I'm not sure what you mean by inflammation in areas. I hope it's not serious.


Sound like you and I will both be off in July. Victory!

Gardie :smitten:

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Well, I am in a quandary. I don't seem to be able to get back to one tablet of Q. My other symptoms have resolved with the updose, but not the sleep. I am wondering if I have habituated to my Q or if this is just the taper. Maybe it doesn't matter which?


I want to start my taper again, but it will mean continuing at the higher Q dose and becoming dependent on the higher dose. It's only 50mg, but it's a scary drug. I sure wish something else had worked.


I have weird genes and weird levels of liver enzymes (none of some and too much of others). I have a long list of meds I should not take because of it. Sadly, most of the usual sleep aids are on it. Valium is on it, too, which is why I am taking it's evil cousin, Librium.


Right now I am thinking I am so close to being off the Librium I should keep going and deal with the Seroquel later. I sure hope I'm not making a big mistake. Actually, I sure hope my prescriber will write the script! I see him this week. Wish me luck!

Gardie :smitten:



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Hi Gardie- thanks for asking how I am. I’m alright. Lots of sxs still- but all milder than earlier in my taper. I had a good night of sleep the last couple night. Maybe almost 8 hrs last night, 7 the night before. My dreams are wild in a good way- vivid and lots of action/activity/ morphing but that’s how my dreams were before so I take the return of such dreams as a sign of healing.


I still have some inflammation in a few areas- I hope that resolves! I’m nervous abt that. I know our bodies are still under a lot of stress from this, even at low doses.


I made a dosing error 2 nights ago- took the wrong day’s dose.

Anyway, I’ll be at 0.25V equiv in a couple days! If all goes as planned, I’m looking to finish by end of July.


ATU- I have no advice but you will find your way out of this hell, I’m sure of it!




Thank you the words of encouragement. I am finding these doses around 1.25 very difficult but I will endure and carry on.


Stay well! 👍



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I just read that you are supposed to reduce only 5 percent of your last dose.  Apparently whether or not you hold a long time.


I realize that it is impossible to do that without liquid Valium.  Otherwise, I would be using .25 mg. in 20 ounces of milk, and taking out a teaspoon a day.  This would be 4 percent each month over a little more than 4 months.  And then from 1.25 mg., I could reduce .5 mg. a month over a little more than 4 months.


After that, it becomes impossible to do with breaking up pills.


I've noticed these signatures, and people are going very, very slowly, over years.  I had hoped to do some reduction by holding a long time, but maybe that wouldn't work.  What do you think?


We travel some, and I wonder how I could handle liquid Valium.


Any help appreciated.


Right now I feel just great after holding a year and three months, and I am reluctant to give up my good days for misery.  I am considering just staying at 1.5 mg. Valium per day forever.

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Gard/ Libr,


Are you guys taking your small dose as a single dose or two doses or what?


Just wondering if maybe I should switch to one dose daily at night.





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ATU, I take mine divided into 2 doses. I thought about switching to all at bedtime, but my dose is so small I can't believe it would matter either way.


My sleep is collapsed. I can doze off for 20 minutes if I'm lucky but then wake back up suddenly. The updose I did resolved all my other bothersome symptoms, but not the sleep. I'm mystified. I think I will make a tiny cut and see what happens.


I see my prescriber on Thursday. I don't know what he will say. I went though all other sleep options. There seems to be nothing left to try. My weird liver enzyme profile really limits my choices. :-\


I can see myself getting more and more tired and maybe getting too tired to post. Just a heads up in case I don't answer somebody. Not on purpose!


Gardie :)

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What have you tried for sleep? I use a number of things in rotation.

Advil pm, Unisom- half a pill works great, trazadone - half a pill once or twice a week.

Then I also use Calms Forte -3 pills, and finally Hylands Tissue A - 4 plills.


Oh and then to help drop off quicker either a Melatonin or a spray of Bach’s rescue night.


Some of these are natural two are old antihistamines and one is RX.


Peace & Healing



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ATU - I dose once per day, at 9pm.  I have always dosed once only, since the beginning, even on Klonopin.  Once I was on Librium, I saw no reason to change and it works for me. Librium has a longer duration of action than Valium, but at these low doses, it probably doesn't matter.  Mostly, I'm nervous about change, so I didn't want to add any further shocks to my body by changing dosing.


I don't take any other meds or supplements or herbs at all and I'm in my 40's.  I think I slept 9 hrs last night!?!  Not all w/o waking but still.  And I'm still sleepy today.  It will be nice to one day actually feel rested and with a clear mind.


Gardie - I hope you get some solid sleep soon!

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I always meant to go to once a day specially at lower doses but since at these lower doses I don’t actually feel back to baseline after a cut. I’m going to hold where I am for a good while and once stable switch to once a day dosing. I have read that it helps with sleep.


I started this journey on Ativan but could not tolerate the interdose withdrawals at anything under .75 mgs. That’s when I switched over.


You seem to be quite in control of things on your end. Very inspirational !


You are so close I envy you for that and wish you nothing but smooth sailing.


Thanks for sharing that with me.


Take care



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