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Hey everyone I am just checking in. I had a pretty good weekend and seem to be stable right now at 40MG Equivalent. That is 1MG k , 15mg V and 10mg ambien. I am going to hold this for a week or 2 then drop 10%. I am trying to get down as low as I can before I start the Micro taper. So far it is not too bad but I know the road ahead may be tough. I am still happy to be down 5mg.s so I am counting that as a win.


Thanks to everyone for your support.


Yes! count that as a win, Benzobeth! good for you.  :thumbsup:

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Hello Everyone!


Ultra, you down to 2.68mg, that is awesome.  Seems like yesterday we was hashing out how to start titrating.  What are you reducing per day?  And smooth so far?


I reached a new milestone today,  down to 25% on my titration schedule so im 3/4 of the way there.  Feeling good today!  Hope everyone has a great one!


Stay strong!



Hey Sharkey! Yep, things are slow but good. I'm reducing .01/day. Easier to do when at such a high dosage to begin with, I guess. Thanks for asking!


What does "down to 25% on my titration schedule..." mean? Sorry. Still learning.


Have a super day, everyone!!!


Hey Ultra!


Down to 25% for me simply means from 100% to 25%.  So I started titration at .25mg Clonazepam(100%).  75 days later (or so) I am at .0625mg Clonazepam (25%).


Stay strong!



You STARTED at .25mg?  Mercy!! Shows how far I have to go. Being at .25mg would be a goal and a dream for me!!  Bless ya, Starkey. You rock!!

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Hey Dan, I see in your sig that you take HC and Armour. Would I be correct in assuming that your adrenals and thyroid got blasted? Of course, 21+ years on clon would blast the space shuttle into the stratosphere as I've experienced, much less adrenal glands and thyroid. So, I FINALLY figured out how and why my thyroid and adrenals got whacked. I'm getting help from a good D.O. for my thyroid, but she said she can't really help me with my adrenals. She said I need to see a good Functional med doc. Who do/did you see about getting help with your adrenals and thyroid? Also, I been told by numerous people and docs that treating the thyroid without FIRST having well-functioning adrenals will be a problem...increased anxiety, extra stress on the adrenals, cortisol issues, etc. I was wondering what your thoughts are on this and, again, how you got help with the adrenals and thyroid.


Keep rockin' it!!!


♪ ♫ Love in an elevator!! ♪ ♫


Hey Ultra.


It's a long story, but long story shortened, I was put on the Hydrocortisone with no evidence from any cortisol tests that my adrenals were malfunctioning. They were stressed no doubt, as I was in benzo c/t withdrawal and celexa cold turkey withdrawal at the time (didn't know or consider this... I guess I was so far removed I just didn't know what was going on), but they weren't damaged and they certainly didn't warrant going on a corticosteroid. And NOTHING warrants that IMHO unless you are to the point of Addison's disease or some kind of severe Adrenal Insufficiency and you have no choice... which is rare.


Basically... my doctor is an open minded guy.. good guy.. more alternative as well as MD.. and he put me on 20mg HC telling me it'd be no trouble getting off and I just never ended up going off of it for some reason... this was three years ago... and by now my adrenals are no doubt blunted from the steroid use, because that's what happens when you take something like Prednisone or Hydrocortisone... it halts your body's own production of cortisol in as little as a few days, and then you have to spend months weaning off so your body starts producing it's own cortisol again... it can be a horrible process... and I'd say stay AWAY from them. As far as you can get.


Glandulars are on option... never tried them so you'd have to do some research.


My suggestion would be to clean up your diet as much as possible to wholesome foods. Start loading up on vitamin C packed vegetables such as broccoli, Kale, pretty much all the greens, Acerola Cherry is AMAZING (It's a low GI fruit, and you can buy it in a superfood form.... http://www.pacificbotanicals.com/store/Acerola-Cherry.html) ... it's gone up A LOT in price the past year for some reason, but doing research on it, it's the highest concentrated version of Vit C in nature.... Also, the B vitamins are vital... and I use Kal Nutritional Yeast (http://www.amazon.com/Kal-Nutritional-Yeast-Flakes/dp/B00020HV1E). It's loaded with B-vits, and besides eating something like bovine liver, it's the highest form you will find.


So from a nutritional standpoint, that's all super important... Sleep is probably right up there as most important... and I'd recommend doing as much research on 'EARTHING' as possible... I do a quick 10 min youtube video on it and I own an earthing mat... I sleep soundly every night and have for nearly 3 years now... if you can't afford a $60 mat, I'd definitely make sure I got outside barefoot in the grass for AT LEAST 15 minutes a day. You will be shocked how much that resets your body and eases the anxiety.


Finally, lol, I'd get a 24 hour saliva test and see what you're dealing with from an adrenal functioning standpoint... you may be able to get that fear out of your mind and your adrenals may be completely fine... and they probably are... albeit stressed from all this psych drug crap.


Hey Dan and Shannon. Yep, I'm pretty familiar with what you both had to say. I did do a saliva test, and it was mostly low except with a blast at 3:30am every night. Not fun. I took care of that though with something called PS...can't remember what it stands for, but it's a supplement for cortisol and not a med. I took out sugar and processed foods about 5 months ago and that does help. A former co-worker is from Korea and is amazing with natural medicine etc. I researched a ton of things she gave me about helping adrenals and thyroid. The bottom line is that I now take a glandular from a company called Thorne Research. I know a lot of functional med docs (online) use that brand. It took a while, but I'm feeling better as far as energy goes, but still not great. Shannon, I'm with you...no complete or near complete healing until we're off the benzos. It's amazing how much damage those benzos can do, but I know so many people that heal really well after getting completely off them. It might take another year or so after getting off them, but man it sure sounds like it's worth it!! Earthing?? I love it! It does work, and I have to admit that I didn't purchase the mat until a couple weeks ago. Still waiting for it to arrive, in fact. I can't believe I waited that long, but it's so funny that you mentioned it. I'd say you and I are on the same page.


Everybody keep taking it one step at a time. I'll be bringing up the rear since I'm still on such a mega dose of clon, but I'll still be in the race with all of you! Blessings to all...

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Hey Ultra!


Down to 25% for me simply means from 100% to 25%.  So I started titration at .


You STARTED at .25mg?  Mercy!! Shows how far I have to go. Being at .25mg would be a goal and a dream for me!!  Bless ya, Starkey. You rock!!


Yes and No.  I started at 2mg.  At some point, a few years after starting on benzos, I decided I was only going to take 1mg a day.  When I decided to taper.  I cut 50% of my dose twice over a 2 month period,  from 1mg to .5mg then from .5mg to .25mg.  I highly discourage the big cuts it was brutal.  I started titration at .25mg and here I am.


Stay strong!


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Hey Ultra!


Down to 25% for me simply means from 100% to 25%.  So I started titration at .


You STARTED at .25mg?  Mercy!! Shows how far I have to go. Being at .25mg would be a goal and a dream for me!!  Bless ya, Starkey. You rock!!


Yes and No.  I started at 1.5mg.  At some point, a few years after starting on benzos, I decided I was only going to take 1mg a day.  When I decided to taper.  I cut 50% of my dose twice over a 2 month period,  from 1mg to .5mg then from .5mg to .25mg.  I highly discourage the big cuts it was brutal.  I started titration at .25mg and here I am.


Stay strong!



I agree with Sharky. I cut from 4mg down to 1.5 mg in a matter of 3 months, 4 years ago. It was one of the biggest mistakes of my life.


and Ultra, I'm glad you found a glandular to help you. we need as much support as possible while getting off these benzos.




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Hey Ultra!


Down to 25% for me simply means from 100% to 25%.  So I started titration at .


You STARTED at .25mg?  Mercy!! Shows how far I have to go. Being at .25mg would be a goal and a dream for me!!  Bless ya, Starkey. You rock!!


Yes and No.  I started at 1.5mg.  At some point, a few years after starting on benzos, I decided I was only going to take 1mg a day.  When I decided to taper.  I cut 50% of my dose twice over a 2 month period,  from 1mg to .5mg then from .5mg to .25mg.  I highly discourage the big cuts it was brutal.  I started titration at .25mg and here I am.


Stay strong!



I agree with Sharky. I cut from 4mg down to 1.5 mg in a matter of 3 months, 4 years ago. It was one of the biggest mistakes of my life.


and Ultra, I'm glad you found a glandular to help you. we need as much support as possible while getting off these benzos.





Before starting to micro-taper, I think it's a good idea to cut to find out at what point withdrawal symptoms become intolerable.  I am a firm believer in micro-tapering, but it does take a long time and if it's possible to take some big steps in the beginning then that may significantly reduce the overall time.  I was able to cut from 1.0 mg to 0.875 mg with very minimal symptoms, but after that point I ran into trouble and started titration.  Once someone begins titration, I believe it's a good idea to start small and then increase daily cuts to the highest level that is still tolerable.  This advice will invariably lead to some hold points or even updosing since it involves finding the limit.  Anyway, this is my advice for finding the shortest overall duration for withdrawal.

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I'm lost and mixed up, many of you have been kind enough to suggest methods of tapering but I still don't understand the math for both dry cutting( I've got the scale, but have yet to use it. Daily tapering sounds like it might be best for me. I'll tell you one thing my pill cutter is so in accurate it's not helping. I have failed in my attempts to get from 3mg Klonopin to 2mg. I just got my last script from my regular doctor and that's it, he said no more must see a shrink (sorry hard to spell correct name, you now starts with a P.) So  I've got an appointment  in two weeks. They are Qualitest and seem strong so no generic issue.  Could someone once again help me get started. I could use the scale, I understand I would be shaving and weighing the pills. But liquid sounds best.  What exactly do I do and what do I need, I'm sorry to be redundant but I still need help. Most of all I don't understand the math.  Thanks, Chip, Miller Terrace
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I'm lost and mixed up, many of you have been kind enough to suggest methods of tapering but I still don't understand the math for both dry cutting( I've got the scale, but have yet to use it. Daily tapering sounds like it might be best for me. I'll tell you one thing my pill cutter is so in accurate it's not helping. I have failed in my attempts to get from 3mg Klonopin to 2mg. I just got my last script from my regular doctor and that's it, he said no more must see a shrink (sorry hard to spell correct name, you now starts with a P.) So  I've got an appointment  in two weeks. They are Qualitest and seem strong so no generic issue.  Could someone once again help me get started. I could use the scale, I understand I would be shaving and weighing the pills. But liquid sounds best.  What exactly do I do and what do I need, I'm sorry to be redundant but I still need help. Most of all I don't understand the math.  Thanks, Chip, Miller Terrace


Hi Miller,


I am sure you will get lots more advice.  I don't have much time but will direct you to the benzosupport.org website.  Here you can get information on the water titration method that I am using and you can also download an Excel spreadsheet that will calculate your daily cuts for you.  I have used the titration method exactly as described and the spreadsheet since I started.  Good luck.  You are now on the right track seeking advice on how to start micro-tapering.

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Hey Ultra!


Down to 25% for me simply means from 100% to 25%.  So I started titration at .


You STARTED at .25mg?  Mercy!! Shows how far I have to go. Being at .25mg would be a goal and a dream for me!!  Bless ya, Starkey. You rock!!


Yes and No.  I started at 1.5mg.  At some point, a few years after starting on benzos, I decided I was only going to take 1mg a day.  When I decided to taper.  I cut 50% of my dose twice over a 2 month period,  from 1mg to .5mg then from .5mg to .25mg.  I highly discourage the big cuts it was brutal.  I started titration at .25mg and here I am.


Stay strong!



I agree with Sharky. I cut from 4mg down to 1.5 mg in a matter of 3 months, 4 years ago. It was one of the biggest mistakes of my life.


and Ultra, I'm glad you found a glandular to help you. we need as much support as possible while getting off these benzos.




  I am a firm believer in micro-tapering, but it does take a long time 



Micro tapering doesn't take any longer than cut-and-hold.  If you cut .5mg and hold for 10 days, or if you cut .05/day for 10 days, at the end of 10 days, you have still cut .5mg, either way.


In fact, since daily tapering is generally more tolerable, many folks find they actually progress faster with a micro taper.

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Would someone be able to double check my math for me. My doc wants me to use compounded liquid instead of my own liquid. The pharmacy says that can make up a :


5ml = .25mg solution (Ativan) So, if I were to want to microtaper daily as Sharky suggested, at cutting  0.0025mg/day, using this solution, I would reduce 0.05ml a day?



------------- = 0.05ml = 0.0025mg



and so if my daily dose is 0.375 mg x 4/ day , the 0.375mg would equal 7.5 ml of the solution???


5ml = .25mg


7.5ml = 0.375 mg


So                day 1  7.5      7.5      7.5    7.5

                    day2  7.5      7.45    7.5    7.5

                    day3  7.5      7.45    7.45  7.5

                    day4  7.45    7.45      7.45  7.5

                    day5  7.45    7.45      7.45  7.45


and so on?


I suck at math. can someone verify these conversion rates? I'd be so grateful. thank you.


Shannon :)


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Hey Builder. Just wondering.


If I absolutely have no choice, what are your thoughts on continuing the micro-taper with dry pills and scales?


I don't understand why I have such a rough transition over to Liquid Valium unless it's just the fact that I somehow metabolize less of the liquid as opposed to pills. Makes no sense.

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Hey Builder. Just wondering.


If I absolutely have no choice, what are your thoughts on continuing the micro-taper with dry pills and scales?


I don't understand why I have such a rough transition over to Liquid Valium unless it's just the fact that I somehow metabolize less of the liquid as opposed to pills. Makes no sense.


I agree, it definitely makes no sense.


But as I keep saying, with valium, the small discrepancies you might experience with drycutting/scales should really be self cancelling.  It wouldn't be a problem for most folks. I guess only you can really determine what the impact will be.

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Ok so is someone going to help me set up my taper plan please I'm finger begging I got my scale I take 2mg ativan 3x a day and each pill weighs .300 I want to do a daily micro taper and come off 5% every two weeks will someone please help me with the math for this I keep asking and I got one response and then they dissapeared. Is everyone so wrapped up in their own taper to help someone out that is desperately asking for help?I see in everyone signiature that you are all doing micro taper so I know someone can help me set this up please I'm not being rude I'm just desperate I really need help my sanity is riding on this I'm very sick I've been asking on multiple boards for weeks now


Please help me I have all the information you would need to help me set this up and understand


Please somebody.....

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Ok so is someone going to help me set up my taper plan please I'm finger begging I got my scale I take 2mg ativan 3x a day and each pill weighs .300 I want to do a daily micro taper and come off 5% every two weeks will someone please help me with the math for this I keep asking and I got one response and then they dissapeared. Is everyone so wrapped up in their own taper to help someone out that is desperately asking for help?I see in everyone signiature that you are all doing micro taper so I know someone can help me set this up please I'm not being rude I'm just desperate I really need help my sanity is riding on this I'm very sick I've been asking on multiple boards for weeks now


Please help me I have all the information you would need to help me set this up and understand


Please somebody.....


Hi Hippo,


If you scroll back you can see Moodle replied to you, and she said she also replied to you on the Ativan thread. I am new here, too, or I would help, but hang around until Moodle replies back again because she is helping you set smething up. hang in there.



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Ok so is someone going to help me set up my taper plan please I'm finger begging I got my scale I take 2mg ativan 3x a day and each pill weighs .300 I want to do a daily micro taper and come off 5% every two weeks will someone please help me with the math for this I keep asking and I got one response and then they dissapeared. Is everyone so wrapped up in their own taper to help someone out that is desperately asking for help?I see in everyone signiature that you are all doing micro taper so I know someone can help me set this up please I'm not being rude I'm just desperate I really need help my sanity is riding on this I'm very sick I've been asking on multiple boards for weeks now


Please help me I have all the information you would need to help me set this up and understand


Please somebody.....


Hi Hippo,


If you scroll back you can see Moodle replied to you, and she said she also replied to you on the Ativan thread. I am new here, too, or I would help, but hang around until Moodle replies back again because she is helping you set smething up. hang in there.




We are working on it.


Will,post the example schedule here when it's figured out. And hopefully people will review it.

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God bless those who can dry-cut and survive. I "did" it for a while, but mercy, what a feakin' ride! I'm liking this liquid titration a gazillion times better. I'm massively sensitive to meds and med changes, so I'll have to go SLOW, but that's better than increasing to 8mg/day of Klonopin as a couple psychiatrists did to me.


I'm kind of bummed tonight because my wife went to see her cancer doc. They like each other a lot, but the doc could tell that my wife was concerned about what I'm doing (LT). She sees me not sleeping and struggling with anxiety, but it's SO much less than the dry-cutting thing. The doc told my wife that I need to see a psychiatrist, get on a med or meds, and to stay ON the Klonopin. It confused my wife. I've seen a dozen psychiatrist over the two+ decades!! They're the ones that ruined my life for so long. Obviously, I disagree with her doc, but it's still a hassle. I have SO far to go to get off the benzo (currently at 2.57mg/day) and my wife isn't convinced that's it's the right thing to do or that I'll be able to handle the challenge for that long. I can't say I blame her. I've been more than a handful for a ton of years due to the fact that I was on boat loads of psychotropic drugs, lots of psychiatrists, couldn't hold jobs, electroconvulsive therapy (just doing what I was told to do), counselors, etc. Bless her heart. I hope I can help give some of HER life back. She fought through breast cancer and deserves the best!!


Everyone have a ramblin' night!!

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I'm kind of bummed tonight because my wife went to see her cancer doc. They like each other a lot, but the doc could tell that my wife was concerned about what I'm doing (LT). She sees me not sleeping and struggling with anxiety, but it's SO much less than the dry-cutting thing. The doc told my wife that I need to see a psychiatrist, get on a med or meds, and to stay ON the Klonopin. It confused my wife. I've seen a dozen psychiatrist over the two+ decades!! They're the ones that ruined my life for so long. Obviously, I disagree with her doc, but it's still a hassle. I have SO far to go to get off the benzo (currently at 2.57mg/day) and my wife isn't convinced that's it's the right thing to do or that I'll be able to handle the challenge for that long. I can't say I blame her. I've been more than a handful for a ton of years due to the fact that I was on boat loads of psychotropic drugs, lots of psychiatrists, couldn't hold jobs, electroconvulsive therapy (just doing what I was told to do), counselors, etc. Bless her heart. I hope I can help give some of HER life back. She fought through breast cancer and deserves the best!!


Everyone have a ramblin' night!!


No one should stay on any benzo.  Benzos are appropriate for short-term symptomatic therapy.  The drug manufacturers clearly state benzos should only be used for 2 to 4 weeks.  The major  reasons for that are 1) tolerance and 2) dependence.  All benzos will lose their efficacy over time, and  no longer reliever the original disorder.  That's tolerance.  And I think we all know what dependence is.


That being said, there are folks with underlying disorders that may require long term, even life-long treatment, some times with psychoactive meds...but not benzos!



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I'm kind of bummed tonight because my wife went to see her cancer doc. They like each other a lot, but the doc could tell that my wife was concerned about what I'm doing (LT). She sees me not sleeping and struggling with anxiety, but it's SO much less than the dry-cutting thing. The doc told my wife that I need to see a psychiatrist, get on a med or meds, and to stay ON the Klonopin. It confused my wife. I've seen a dozen psychiatrist over the two+ decades!! They're the ones that ruined my life for so long. Obviously, I disagree with her doc, but it's still a hassle. I have SO far to go to get off the benzo (currently at 2.57mg/day) and my wife isn't convinced that's it's the right thing to do or that I'll be able to handle the challenge for that long. I can't say I blame her. I've been more than a handful for a ton of years due to the fact that I was on boat loads of psychotropic drugs, lots of psychiatrists, couldn't hold jobs, electroconvulsive therapy (just doing what I was told to do), counselors, etc. Bless her heart. I hope I can help give some of HER life back. She fought through breast cancer and deserves the best!!


Everyone have a ramblin' night!!


No one should stay on any benzo.  Benzos are appropriate for short-term symptomatic therapy.  The drug manufacturers clearly state benzos should only be used for 2 to 4 weeks.  The major  reasons for that are 1) tolerance and 2) dependence.  All benzos will lose their efficacy over time, and  no longer reliever the original disorder.  That's tolerance.  And I think we all know what dependence is.


That being said, there are folks with underlying disorders that may require long term, even life-long treatment, some times with psychoactive meds...but not benzos!






I couldn't agree more with builder, here. I personally believe benzos should NEVER be prescribed unless someone is having a seizure or having a psychotic breakdown. and should only ever be given for maximum 2 days.


There are plenty of antipsychotic drugs, anti anxiety, anti epilieptic, that can treat what the benzo are prescribed for, if the person truly needs them.


Benzos are hell in a bottle. They are one of the reasons there is an epidemic of chronic health issues these days. Benzo use is at all time high, and people are paying for it long term.


I wish I would have known then, what I know now. Stay strong, Ultra and keep on track. Have you wife read more about benzos or even come on here if she wants to know more about how they are making you more ill, and not better.


if you take it slow, eventually she will see the healing and know you have made the right choice.




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Ok so is someone going to help me set up my taper plan please I'm finger begging I got my scale I take 2mg ativan 3x a day and each pill weighs .300 I want to do a daily micro taper and come off 5% every two weeks will someone please help me with the math for this I keep asking and I got one response and then they dissapeared. Is everyone so wrapped up in their own taper to help someone out that is desperately asking for help?I see in everyone signiature that you are all doing micro taper so I know someone can help me set this up please I'm not being rude I'm just desperate I really need help my sanity is riding on this I'm very sick I've been asking on multiple boards for weeks now


Please help me I have all the information you would need to help me set this up and understand


Please somebody.....


Alright Hiphop,

Like I said per pm, I'm posting the schedule her for the first 5% per 14 days taper.

Remmeber, you're going per pill WEIGHT, which is 0.300 gram you said. The average pill weight for your 2 mgr ( concentration valium weight , not the actual weigh of the pill. Which is 0.300 gram)


This is for the first 14 days.

The increments are very tiny with a scale. It might be difficult to start at deist because it's so tiny. But eventually you'll notice.


Now, I never did more than 3 decimal,places. I rounded that off ,if it was 4 decimals.

Your scale might not be that accurate .

In fact, I'm sure it will fluctuate. And I weighed my pill a few times, then took the average and then went for it.


It will be very easy to make you the schedule for the next 14 days. In fact, this is made for ONE of your doses.

So, you could start this with ONE of your doses.

Then after 14 days, you'll do the same with your second dose.

And after 14 days, you'll do the same with your third dose.


Of course, when you start tapering your second dose ( same pill , same dose , same schedule ) , you'll have to shave all your pills for the dose you already tapered, too. To 2.850.


If anything isn't clear let me know.

This is how I tapered my Ativan.


Again, it would be really great if your doc will script you liquid Valium. It's more accurate and no weigh hassle. But if she doesn't, then this is what ya got.


This is for 3x 14 days. Because you'll be doing the same for all three doses. And will be 15% total of your dose after those 42 days.

The rest is just a matter of putting in a spreadsheet so just holler.

Good luck at the doctor tomorrow.


Hope this helps.




0.0015 is the 5% taper every 2 weeks (10 days of tapering)

Where a single 2mg tablet = 0.300 gram-weight


Day Morning Afternoon Evening

1 0.2985 0.3 0.3

2 0.297 0.3 0.3

3 0.2955 0.3 0.3

4 0.294 0.3 0.3

5 0.2925 0.3 0.3

6 0.2925 0.3 0.3

7 0.2925 0.3 0.3

8 0.291 0.3 0.3

9 0.2895 0.3 0.3

10 0.288 0.3 0.3

11 0.2865 0.3 0.3

12 0.285 0.3 0.3

13 0.285 0.3 0.3

14 0.285 0.3 0.3

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And  I forgot to say, you can start with any dose time. I started with the mid afternoon dose.

Then pm dose after 14 days.

Then morning dose after 14 days, depending on when you're most symptomatic. Which is kind of always if I understand correctly..  :-\


I sent you a pm with the link to here.




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I am taking alprazolam intensol. Its ingredients are alprazolam, propylene glycol, succinct acid disodium salt, and water. Since it states alprazolam is not soluble in water, I guess those other ingredients do something to make it soluble.


I would like to dilute the intensol so I can do a microtaper. The manufacturer says if I mix it in something, I must consume the mixture immediately or throw it away. It also says it must be stored between 59 and 86 degrees F.


Right now I am dosing 6 times a day. I pull up all 6 doses into syringes and cap them. My adult son helps me do this so I don't mess it up. Then I take them when the alarm goes off on my phone. I can't imagine having to mix and dose 6 times a day myself. I'm so tired and in such a brain fog, I'm sure I'd make mistakes.


I would like to reduce by .01, or possibly .005 (having math trouble) at this point, but my syringe is marked at .02 segments, which seems to equal one drop of the solution. I wonder about mixing it in water and then having a portion of it cling to the container so that I don't get the correct dose. I recently went through a week of pure misery from a cut and don't want to mess this up! I'm scared to make any cut because of how bad the last one was. And I am so very tired from lack of sleep that I'm having trouble figuring this out.


Does anyone have any personal experience diluting intensol or any knowledge about chemistry that would help me figure out how to do this?


Thank you!

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I am taking alprazolam intensol. Its ingredients are alprazolam, propylene glycol, succinct acid disodium salt, and water. Since it states alprazolam is not soluble in water, I guess those other ingredients do something to make it soluble.


I would like to dilute the intensol so I can do a microtaper. The manufacturer says if I mix it in something, I must consume the mixture immediately or throw it away. It also says it must be stored between 59 and 86 degrees F.


Right now I am dosing 6 times a day. I pull up all 6 doses into syringes and cap them. My adult son helps me do this so I don't mess it up. Then I take them when the alarm goes off on my phone. I can't imagine having to mix and dose 6 times a day myself. I'm so tired and in such a brain fog, I'm sure I'd make mistakes.


I would like to reduce by .01, or possibly .005 (having math trouble) at this point, but my syringe is marked at .02 segments, which seems to equal one drop of the solution. I wonder about mixing it in water and then having a portion of it cling to the container so that I don't get the correct dose. I recently went through a week of pure misery from a cut and don't want to mess this up! I'm scared to make any cut because of how bad the last one was. And I am so very tired from lack of sleep that I'm having trouble figuring this out.


Does anyone have any personal experience diluting intensol or any knowledge about chemistry that would help me figure out how to do this?


Thank you!


"Its ingredients are alprazolam, propylene glycol, succinct acid disodium salt, and water."


Yes, dry X is not water soluble.  Glycol is a widely used  food/pharmaceutical solvent, whcih creates solutions than can then be further diluted with water.  And obviously, the mfg'r is in fact further diluting this product with water, and that diluted solution obviously remains stable and potent.


I am aware that alprozolam Intensol has that precaution about not storing diluted product, but it makes no sense to me.  As I said, the mfg'r is doing exactly that...diluting it with water and storing it.  If it were me, I would not hesitate to to make a diluted batch, in whatever proportions meet your needs, and keep it, at least for a full day.  Since alprozolam is short acting benzo, it will no take long to determine if there really is a problem.


Just FYI, the widely used Rx liquid V also uses the same glycol solvent, and it can be diluted and stored for weeks with no problem.

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I agree with Builder, Gardener.


After researching so much of this and trying to find a good way to microtaper, I believe your solution is now further soluble in water. Maybe the dry drug itself wouldn't be, but even the fact that water is in the ingredient list with the other solvents, shows that it is.


If I were you, I would make a larger solution with your prescribed dose, so you can make even more minute cuts. It'll probably make the taper a lot more smooth.


Good luck.



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