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withdrawing from klonopin, norco, AND Z Drugs...(sorry, I didn't know...)


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Hi to all of you brave souls who have gone before me,


My name is Leena, and I have been on klonopin (.5mg -1 mg at night) for over 10 years...and on opiates of 1 form or another for not quite the same amount of time.  The klonopin was originally prescribed for a neuromuscular disorder that still has not been identified...but it helped with the tension/tremor in my muscles.  Eventually, I developed neuropathy in my feet (I am not diabetic) and was put on both Cymbalta and Darvocet for the pain. For a long time, I had no diagnosis...but when the pain moved to my legs, doctors began to diagnose me with fibromyalgia.  My internist continued to treat me with cymbalta and Darvocet and the klonopin, but eventually became uncomfortable with how much darvocet it was beginning to take for me to get any pain relief.  And so about a year ago, I was introduced to "pain management".  I was switched over to hydrocodone...and after a couple of months the doctor gave me a 25mcg. fentanyl pain patch. Unfortunately, I was so ignorant of what I was doing as all I cared about was getting rid of the pain.


In March of this year, I suffered an accident in which I broke my pelvis in multiple places, along with 6 ribs.  While in the hospital, they put a 75mcg. fentanyl patch on me and also had me on dilaudid. I continued to take the klonopin. When I was out of the hospital and went to get checked by the orthopedist, he remarked about the strong pain meds I was on and that I needed to start to work on getting off of them.


Only then did I start reading up on them, and realizing what I was up against. But I was only thinking about the opiates at the time, not at all about the klonopin.  Bottom line is that I first weaned myself off the dilaudid, and finally on August 13 I took off my last fentanyl patch (I had weaned down to 12mcgs). 


Since weaning off, my pain is screaming at me!  I finally had to break down and ask the (new) pain management doctor I am seeing for some norco.  It is the 10/325 kind, and I am trying to only take one at night...just so that I can try to sleep.  The doctor tried sleeping meds for me, but the pain was too strong.


OK...finally I am at the benzo part (sorry!).  Because I keep having the feelings of withdrawal, I cannot tell if it is still from the fentanyl.  I also don't know if I am messing things up by taking the norco.  But I also started thinking about the klonopin...and I came to this website and read the FAQs. The part about muscle pain/burning being a side effect of benzo withdrawal...and then also the part about tolerance becoming like withdrawal really got my attention.  Since I have been taking the same amount of klonopin for so many years, I am assuming (after what ya'll have told me in my "welcome" posts) that the pain that moved into the muscles of my legs could actually be from staying on the same amount of klonopin all these years. 


I am feeling rather scared, to be honest, because I simply do not know what pain is from what source.  I know this is a very long post, but is there anyone out there who might be able to help me think this through?  Honestly, my doctors have been very little help. I think unless you have ever experienced withdrawal symptoms yourself, it is hard to understand (maybe?).  I am wondering if I should start trying to get off of the klonopin while I still have the norco...or if I should stop the norco while I still have the klonopin...and where my neurontin might fit into the picture.


I know you all are not doctors but I would love to learn from your experiences...if not what TO do, at least maybe what NOT to do.


So grateful for this forum,


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Hello Leena,


So glad you found your way and started a thread.  Wow, usually we tell someone to taper the Klonopin last as it's usually the most difficult to get off of, but in your case it might be different.  Since you have pain due to sustained injuries and previous conditions it's going to be hard to sort out.


I'm sure others with more experience with the other drugs will come by to offer their opinions, I'm very limited in my knowledge.  Do you have any of the other symptoms that could be attributed to benzo tolerance? 


It's my feeling that the only way you're going to find out if the Klonopin is contributing to your pain is to start a taper.  It's a slow process that could come with some discomfort but it's probably the only way to know for sure.


I'm sorry I'm not able to offer you more answers, but like you said we're not doctors, we can only speak from our experience.  We'll figure this out together, we have many members from all over the world!



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Hi Leena,


IMO, I would try slowly cutting the klonopin first since you have other underlying pain problems that could or could not be caused by the benzo. I'm sure others will stop by with their opinions.  :)



T2 :smitten:

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Hi leena,


I agree with T2 and think you should taper the Klonopin first.  I, too, have neuropathy, it started in tolerance and it's from the Klonopin.  The neurontin should be helping your neuropathy so staying on that while tapering will benefit you. 


We recommend that you taper one med at a time and starting with the Klonopin makes the most sense.  You have underlying pain and will need your pain meds, once you are off the klonopin and have healed some you can reassess your needs.  :)




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Hi Leena,


Your story is so similar to mine, it's a little scary to be honest.  On and off opioids for 5 years, last year I ended up on Dilaudid which caused various problems (like migraines).  But the reason I kept having to take more, was the underlying muscle aching and burning (which I didn't know was being caused by Klon).  I also had severe pain at the time, and so knew I wouldn't mentally be able to taper off the opioids as I had done before several times successfully.  But somehow I knew that getting off all the meds -- opioids and the Klon -- was my only hope to find out what this "mysterious" illness was I had.  It took a little courage, but it's something I don't regret at all. 


Even when I did the opioid CT in Nov 08, I had no idea of the trouble I was in for, getting off Klon.  I knew so little back then.  For now, I"ll just say that if I had to do it over again, I would definitely taper off the benzo FIRST, and get that under control.  Doing a massive CT off opioids was quite a breezy walk in the park compared to what getting off Klon has been.  I've also heard others say that too.  So I definitely agree with everyone's opinon so far. 


The great thing for you Leena, is that you are getting informed and educated, and weighing your options before doing what needs to be done, and what is best for you.  So you are WAY ahead of where I was.  Good for you!  Your life will be so full of options and renewal when you get through this -- you'll see!.  Have faith that you'll be shown other ways to get pain relief and healing as time goes by.  It will happen. 



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:smitten:  You all!  I am so sorry I forgot to click on the little place where it said to notify my email if I had replies to my post.  I just now decided to check, and I cannot tell you how "smitten" I am with this forum and with all of you that replied.  You have been so helpful to me and the fact that there is agreement to try tapering the klonopin first gives me a plan.  I had absolutely NO idea that weaning from a benzodiazepine would be harder than weaning from an opiate.  The fentanyl withdrawals were so awful...now I am DOUBLY amazed at all of you who have been able to wean from klonopin.  It has given me hope just to read your posts to my inquiry.


Of course, I know there is no guarantee that my pain is "just" due to the klonopin.  But the kind of pain that it is surely makes me wonder.  I will go back and look at the FAQs again about tolerance symptoms. The thing that was particularly difficult for me with the opiate withdrawal was the "creepy crawly" "restless leg" sort of symptoms.  I am still experiencing those but try to tough it out till night time, when I take the neurontin.  I will take the advice you have given me in my original introductory post about how to taper.


Again, thank you SO SO much!  This is one of those times when I am so grateful for the internet.




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You've made a good decision Leena, please check back in as often as you can to let us know how you're doing.  We're here for you, so ask questions or look around the forum for any useful information you think might be helpful.





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Thank you so much, Pam.  I will be checking back in.  What a wonderful thing, to have a community like this...and to feel "understood". 


I love your little hamster, by the way  :)  Reminds me of when I taught kindergarten, and we had Sam the Hamster as our class pet!  Wonderful memories...


Kindest regards...


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Hi Leena,


I'm so glad you feel encouraged, and are formulating a plan.  That's a big step.  I had never been to a forum before I came to BB, so I'm still learning what all the links and buttons and such are for.  What a great place though, huh?  I agree! 


I feel a lot of hope for you too, that all this will get sorted out.  The problem with taking a drug (medication) or several drugs, are the side effects.  For opioids, the side effects and the "wearing off" issues were easy to figure out.  For Klon, it was a whole different story.  It took me quite awhile to understand that I was getting not only side effects from being on Klon, but also wearing-off effects as my nightly dose would wear off the next day.  After years of being on it, the tolerance withdrawals and all.  But I never increased the dose to compensate for that because I didn't know what was happening (maybe that's a good thing, I don't know).  For me, exactly 18 hours after my nightime dose, my legs would start aching unbearably and burning (the half life of Klon is 18-50 hours).  After months of this, the burning just stopped going away and only the aching was cyclical.  And then just to really screw things up, I'd suddenly decrease my dose....making myself sicker.  I look back in horror at some of the uneducated things I did.  As a result, I must have researched and tried almost every medical and alternative possibility I could find to figure out my mysterious illness! 


Well, one step at a time, eh?  That's how I got through it, just figuring out one thing at a time.  Next thing I knew, some things for pain relief for my original nerve pain were revealed to me, and so it is all working out just beautifully! 


So.....welcome to BenzoBuddies!!!!  Did I say that yet?  :laugh:


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Hello Adelia,


I cannot believe how our stories parallel. In some ways, I want to kick myself for not knowing all of this for all of these years. But I know that will not help a thing. Before this "epiphany" about the meds possibly being the cause of the problem that I have been treating with the meds, I began going to a physical therapist...who actually is doing something with me called visceral therapy.  It feels sort of like "voodoo", and I was tempted to go ahead and quit.  But when I talked to him about the possibility of all this pain being caused by the meds, he said that this can only help, as this works "jump starts" the organs that help detoxify the body. I am going to give it about a month to see if it helps through this process.


Anyway, I know I will be closely monitoring this forum...and again, I am so thankful for you sharing your experience with me.



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Isn't it amazing to find someone who has walked in our shoes?  It helps us so much to have validation of our troubles, but also to be able to share lessons learned. 

I found someone on the forum who quit Klonopin cold turkey at a similar dose 5 days after me.  We shared our journey for the next year, it helped so much to know there was someone in the world who knew my pain, who knew I wasn't crazy.

I'm very glad you're here Leena. :smitten:


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Hello Adelia,


I cannot believe how our stories parallel. In some ways, I want to kick myself for not knowing all of this for all of these years. But I know that will not help a thing. Before this "epiphany" about the meds possibly being the cause of the problem that I have been treating with the meds, I began going to a physical therapist...who actually is doing something with me called visceral therapy.  It feels sort of like "voodoo", and I was tempted to go ahead and quit.  But when I talked to him about the possibility of all this pain being caused by the meds, he said that this can only help, as this works "jump starts" the organs that help detoxify the body. I am going to give it about a month to see if it helps through this process.


Anyway, I know I will be closely monitoring this forum...and again, I am so thankful for you sharing your experience with me.




Hi Leena, 


I'm happy to share my experiences with you.  It helps me heal,  in ways that I can't even imagine.  So...thank you for listening!  And for being here. 


Something popped into my head about you last nite, strangely enough.  About the hydrocodone/opioid issue.  I know an unfortunate amount about opioids, especially the things that dispensing drs. don't know, or don't tell.  For whatever reasons, I always did my "research" and all with them, as I considered them the bad guys (and not the Klon that snuck in the back door!). 


Anyway, you said you just took off your last Fentanyl patch "Aug. 13th".  Of 2009, I presume.  And then recently, you have been (trying to) take one Norco (hydrocodone) at night.   There's a little red flag there, only because it takes about 90 days for opioid receptors to "reset" and get somewhat back to normal....after being on them full-time.  Of course, for some people, their receptors never can get reset so that's a whole different discussion.  I'm just talking about pain use here.   


So if your receptors aren't reset, then you'll be needing more hydrocodone to get any benefit of pain relief, and more importantly, it won't take long before your receptors will need to get back up to the level of opioid they were at before -- as with the Fentanyl. 


I only bring this up because it could possibly be causing more physical symptoms and pain.  At some point, any point actually (any time during the day), your receptors will start complaining (via some kind of achiness and body sickness) if they're not getting enough.  Do you notice you wake up feeling more achey at all?   


Unless you're off 90 days, and keep taking them at a lower level than you were at previously, you'll probably either need to get back on fully, or get off fully.  The time for being in the grey area is gone, when they've been taken full-time.  After that point, opioids can't just be used like tylenol anymore (one or two a day kind of thing).  It's unfortunately, but that's my experience.  So just wanted to throw that out there.  And hydrocodone is particularly hard on the emotions as well as the body....as a dose wears off, IMO.   


I'll also just say that if you ARE in pain (my gosh, you broke your pelvis!), I wouldn't beat yourself up about having to be on them full-time for just another while, if you need to, until things can get sorted out.  It can be a much bigger (and more mysterious) mess trying to deal with opioids half-heartedly.  And most drs. (unless they are pain specialists, which means "drug specialists") don't even know about these receptor issues.  These are my experiences anyway.  I've just learned the hard way, through lots of trial and error and lots of unknowledgeable drs.  So for what it's worth...



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Hi Adelia and Pam,


Thank you again for all of your encouragement!


Adelia, this is all SO interesting.  I will try to fill in a few details, and then maybe you can help me know further what to do. 


Yes, it was Aug. 13 2009 that I took off my last fentanyl patch.  I think I went about 2 weeks without having anything other than my neurontin and over-the-counter stuff for pain.  The pain doctor prescribed some Ultram, which did nothing. The thing that has struck me as so odd, is that when I fell, I fell on my right side.  And though I remember telling the ER doctors that my right knee hurt at the time of the fall, there were no bones broken and it eventually felt much better.  Ok, so this is what has been puzzling me for WEEKS:  Suddenly both of my knees have been just killing me.  Actually, it isn't my knees so much as it is all the tissue surrounding my knees, I think.  Now it is in my hips.  I wake up aching terribly most days.  But I do not think it is from the fall anymore.  It has been a mystery.  I have been assuming that maybe the fall caused my "fibromyalgia/myofascial pain" to get worse all over my body.  My shins will start burning, like when you get shin splints. Last week I had a little fever, but I attributed it to this strange cough that I can't seem to get over.


Because I was SO miserable, and my husband and I were due to go on two trips together (he is a pastor on sabbatical), I asked the doctor if I could PLEASE have something for the pain.  So, that is where the Norco came back into the picture (around the last week of August.)  At most, I took 2 a day, but tried to just keep it to night time...thinking that I was "helping out" the withdrawal symptoms from the stronger opiate.  At first, I really didn't know that "pain" was a withdrawal symptom...I just thought it was those really weird nerve feelings in my legs.  I cried all through both trips, and wondered if I was just so depressed about how I was feeling physically (plus some hard things my sons have been going through)...or if something else was going on.  (I do tend to battle depression).


Thinking back, I know there were days when I took 2 mg. klonopin, but not very many...because I would start having these pits in my stomach and these feelings that I couldn't get enough "breath".  I thought the klonopin might help.


Really, I have just felt like I am losing my body to all this mysterious pain...which I had before the fall for so many years but which is even worse now.  I will also mention that about a year and a half ago the pain moved into my chest and shoulders and neck. The first pain management doctor I went to told me that most of their fibro patients have spinal issues, and then ordered MRI's of my spine. The first thing they wanted to do was give me injections into my spine.  I hesitated for quite a while, but then gave in.  At the end of last year (before my fall) I had 2 sets of injections...one that helped my legs, and one that helped the shoulders and neck stuff.


I'm sorry...I know I am going on and on.  And as I "listen" to myself, I see how willing I have been to do just about anything to get rid of the pain.  And to think the answer may be so "simple" and inexpensive...to just stop all this medication...well, I don't want to beat myself up but that is sort of what I feel like doing!


Bottom line!  Last night, I decided (after NOT having taken any Norco the night before) to take ONE Norco, and .5 mg. klonopin...and that would be my "starting" point for starting to wean off the klonopin.  But perhaps I should, based upon what you said, NOT take the Norco at all?  I am sorry this is so long (again) and I thank you so much for your patience!





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Dear Leena,


Oh my gosh, I really feel for what you are going through!  It reminds me so much of my 2008.  A year to remember.  All the pain and mystery and diagnoses of fibromyalgia and "myomyalgia" (muscle pain).  Will you beat me up first?  I'd really appreciate it, before you start in on yourself...hehehe  :laugh:


Listen, you can get through this.  Just take one step at a time.  One thing at a time.  One drug at a time, like the others' have suggested.  I think the recommendation on the Klon is to stabilize at the lowest dose where you feel okay, or at least, stable...not just the lowest dose.  If that's 1 mg, so be it.  But then, HOLD that dose, so you can begin a taper.  Going up and down is a disaster, I know from experience, and maybe causing some of the trouble.  Others will help out with this, and with a taper plan for the Klon, okay? 


As for the hydrocodone (HC), it's up to you.  If you can take 10 mg a day and feel stable, then great.  But because you just got off the Fentanyl patch, chances are that the opioid is now causing you some additional problems.  BTW, if you didn't know, opioids (especially HC) can cause "rebound pain".  Ever heard of that?  When it's wearing off...usually 3-4 hours the pain can feel even worse.  Which causes one to need more of it, which is one reason HC is so difficult (to put it mildly) as a pain med.  Not to mention the emotional trauma (irritability, overemotional, crying, etc.) that it causes while wearing off. 


If you and your dr. decide you do need some pain relief, then the other opioids that are longer acting (eg. low dose of oxycontin) could offer better and more stable pain relief, without as  much of the misery involved that HC brings.  This is just an example, I'm not recommending anything.  It's really up to you and your dr.  (or you, depending on how you see it  ;D  Well, I didn't mean to get into such a discussion on the opioids, but it does seem there's a need to get that part figured out too, since you're taking a potentially volatile opioid that could hinder your benzo taper.  And I'd hate to see that happen. 


It just makes you wonder, doesn't it, how much of your pain right now is simply due to these meds?  I didn't believe it myself at first last year, when a naturopath suggested the "drugs" might be causing my problems.  For example, going from 1 mg Klon down to .5 mg can cause withdrawal symptoms straightaway....muscle tension, spasms, pain, of any kind.  I severely pinched a nerve in my neck with this scenario, and I'm STILL getting it treated.


At any rate, don't worry.  I think you're doing GREAT!  Keep figuring out a plan for yourself (with dr. advice where needed), and start to get yourself stabilized.  Then you'll be tapered off everything before you know it!  And if there are any residual pain or muscular problems, there are always other ways to treat these things as you go along. 



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Thank you, Adelia, for your sense of humor...I wouldn't DARE kick you!  I need you too badly ;)  I have definitely been much more achy today...I think I can tell from the past few days, that when I take Norco...it works to help me sleep, but the day after is not too pleasant.  Since I have been on again, off again on that med...maybe I will just stop it and rely upon the Neurontin as my pain med while tapering from the klonopin.  I can't see my pain doctor again until Oct. 2...and they really won't help me over the phone. 


Since my body is mostly used to the .5mg dose of klonopin, I think I can start there.  I don't even really know what it does for me anymore and since I am already in pain and emotional...I don't know if I will be able to tell a lot of difference.  All I know is that I am such a basket case.  My husband will be gone this whole next week, so at least he will "escape" the first week of this experiment. I do still have my Cymbalta, which I would love to eventually get rid of as well...but not yet!


I will be in touch!  You all have really given me hope that I CAN do this. :smitten:




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      "The thing that was particularly difficult for me with the opiate withdrawal was the "creepy crawly" "restless leg" sort of symptoms".

I can so totally relate to what you are describing. I had this last December when I had tapered off Subutex which is a really long acting opiate. I would jiggle my legs for hours and writhe around night after night to try and cope with these 'inner itchies' the ultimate itch you cant scratch. But it wasnt an itch, it was....indescribable. I did a lot of research to see what it could be and found possible 'restless leg syndrome' said it could be caused by iron deficiency and I knew I was Anaemic so I took irin tablets but no use. It said the first line treatment was Beta bkockers so I took 360mg one night in desperation and my heart reduced to barely a flutter but the feeling that little armies of static electric men were marching from my groin outwards remained and staying still was impossible. I also read of a side effect of 'Inner agitation' which has a medical term, Akatia maybe? which some people get as a side effect of neuroleptic drugs and antidepressants. It was so maddening because it didnt hurt and it certainly wasnt a nice feeling. It went completely after 3-4 months.

I was on an Opiate and a benzo and have tapered both ways and both times the one I wasnt tapering helped with the other but both times when coming off of the second medication I am sure I got a lot of the wds from the 1st. I tapered off of Diazepam and started tapering the narcotic immediatly and finished 3 months later but coming off the narcotic drug was the hardest thing I have ever done and was awful in every way. I have tapered 3 or 4 times from long acting benzo and they have been manageable when done slowly. Good luck!

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Hello Dr. Who,

Thank you for sharing your experience with me.  I continue to be amazed at how wonderful this forum is, and the comfort that it is to find people who know what you are talking about.  I have been taking iron, too...but have had the same (non)result as you.  Another thing that I am doing fairly religiously is taking Magnesium Citrate and Theanine.  I went to a neurologist last week, who prescribed Mirapex for "restless leg" syndrome...but I started a REAL itch along with blotchy red places on my skin so I assume I am allergic to it.  So far, my Neurontin has been the thing that I know helps.  I try just to take it at night, because it makes me so sleepy during the day.


Hang in there!  It appears you are in such good company with the support of the people on this forum!  Thank you for your input :)



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It must be so difficult to be on multiple medications.  I've been reading the dialogue here and am amazed at the delicate balance required to stay functional.  I admire anyone who can find a way to achieve that balance.  Keep up the good work Leena, I hope you'll be able to rid yourself of the Klonopin and find a good balance with your pain meds.  You can trust adelia, she won't steer you wrong.  :thumbsup:
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Thank you, Pam.  I appreciate your encouragement and also the "thumbs up" regarding Adelia.  I can tell that all of you who have responded to my posts so far are very knowledgeable and compassionate.  I know I am going to need your support, and I am very thankful to have it.



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To all who have been helping me:


Is this where I should stay to plan my taper...or should I jump to the tapering thread?  My question is (and this is probably a "duh" question):  If I have 14 klonopin pills that are 1 mg. pills, that I have been splitting in half for my .5mg dose...Then how do I cut by 1/10 ths?  Do I ask my Dr. for a different RX?  I know I can get .5 mg. pills but do they get smaller?  And even then, at some point it is going to get very hard to cut one of those little pills into less than fourths, isn't it?


I know I could probably hunt this out somewhere on the forum...but I just don't have the energy.


Thank you !


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To all who have been helping me:


Is this where I should stay to plan my taper...or should I jump to the tapering thread?  My question is (and this is probably a "duh" question):  If I have 14 klonopin pills that are 1 mg. pills, that I have been splitting in half for my .5mg dose...Then how do I cut by 1/10 ths?  Do I ask my Dr. for a different RX?  I know I can get .5 mg. pills but do they get smaller?  And even then, at some point it is going to get very hard to cut one of those little pills into less than fourths, isn't it?


I know I could probably hunt this out somewhere on the forum...but I just don't have the energy.


Thank you !



Hi Leena,


Are you only taking .50mg per day, once a day? You may want want to get the .50mg pills to make it easier to cut them into 1/4s and reduce by .125mg every two weeks. If that is still too difficult, you could take your .125mg pill piece, crush it into a powder, mix it with 1/2 cup of milk or water and drink half of that and save the other half for the next night. This would make your reduction only .0625mg every week or two. Another alternative is to consider titration which is crushing your pill into a powder and mixing it with a specified amount of milk or water and removing a small amount every day.


There really is no way to successfully dry cut 10% off your dose at some point as the percentage will increase the lower you go, that is inevitable.


If you have more questions, just ask!!  :thumbsup:



T2 :smitten:

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Hi Leena, my name is Jim and I too am trying to get of Klonopin. I am gonna get on my soap box here and take a stab in the dark as to why you are having the mystery pain, I may be off base but your story sounds very similiar to some new friends I have acquired as I deal with my health issues.


By chance, just prior up to 1 year, form the time started did you happen to have any sort of infection, ex. UTI, soft tissue, upper respritory, pnemonia, etc... that was treated with an antibiotic. I know that was a long time ago but it is a very important question. If the answer is yes, do you know if it was in a class called flurorquinolones, examples are Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox, Floxin, etc....If so, those antibiotics could be the root cause of what you are dealing with. I won't bore you with anymore vergage until I here if this was the case, no since going down a rat hole if we don't need to, but I know of many people that have expereinced severe muscle/skeletal, PNS and CNS issues form these drugs.


Let me know if you have any recollection of that taking place prior to the pain.



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Hi to all!


First, an answer to Jim regarding if I had taken an antibiotic: My answer is 2 parts!  First, an assumption that I have been making over the past 12 years (before I knew the information on this site) is that my pain started after I took an anti biotic called Macrobid for a UTI  OR after I had a terrible flu.  Both of those things were happening at the same time.  I just know that I have never been the same since.  Of course, I had already been on klonopin for several years when this occurred.  I know that Macrobid can cause neurological problems.  Second, during July I was given a prescription for a possible UTI but decided I was OK (I often feel like I am getting a bladder infection when I am not). The prescription was for Levaquin.  However, while I was travelling with my husband last month, I REALLY felt like I had an infection and I went ahead and took the pills because I didn't want to have an infection with all else that I was feeling (pain, withdrawal symptoms from ?).  I had read the 3 page information sheet that came with the prescription and it scared me to death. But I went ahead and took it anyway.


Now...to all.  I am having an awful day following an awful night and I think I need to revisit some things.  I hope you can bear with me.  Having already withdrawn from fentanyl...and thinking maybe those withdrawals were over...and then asking the doctor for SOMETHING for my continuing pain (NOT knowing that I might be opening Pandora's box)...when she gave me the Norco, I assumed that since I only took one or two a day, I wasn't getting back into trouble. Adelia, you have helped me see the fallacy of that thinking. I had made the "plan" (after Adelia's post about Norco to me) to just go ahead and stop (since I hadn't been on them that long and I was usually only taking one at night). I also have gone 2 nights just taking .5mg of klonopin.


My calf and shin muscles feel like they are twisting and turning under my skin. And I have such a "pit" in my stomach.  Usually I have only been feeling REALLY bad at night.  Would you all think this is a klonopin thing OR the fact that I just stopped (cold turkey) the Norco?  I am SO confused!


Maybe since I had been alternating between .5mg klonpin and 1mg klonopin per day (usually at night, but not always) I should rethink starting my taper at .5mg????  Also, do you think it is okay for me to take the klonopin only at night, if I occasionally took 1 mg. during the day while I was going through opiate withdrawals?


And...Theresa...thank you for the info about cutting pills.  I am assuming that a .5mg pill is the smallest you can get?  And therefore, you can only get down to .125mg before stopping (unless you put that amount in liquid and drink half one night and half the next night).  How can you tell the same amount of klonopin will be in each half of liquid.  Does it mix that thoroughly?


I am so sorry to have such a mixed bag of questions.  Please tell me if you think I need to start a new thread or multiple threads???  Today I feel like you all are my lifeline! :-[


Thank you again for whatever thoughts you may have to share.


~Leena  (by the way, is this a British site?  or American?)

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I'll give my opinion to one of your questions, I feel the problems with your calves is Klonopin withdrawal, I agree you need to go up in your dose since you weren't taking a set dose.  By alternating between .5 and 1 mg your body has already gone into mini withdrawals.  Consider cutting your 1 milligram into quarters and taking .75 a day instead of .50.  You can if you'd feel more comfortable; take one dose in the am and one in the pm, to spread it out more. 


I'm so sorry you're feeling this way, but it sounds like benzo withdrawal to me.  This is what it is, and it's scary and painful for some of us.


I'm sure Jim will be along shortly to talk to you about the Levaquin.  There are many people on the forum who've been hurt by this antibiotic, I hope you're not one of them as well.


We'll keep talking you through this Leena.

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And...Theresa...thank you for the info about cutting pills.  I am assuming that a .5mg pill is the smallest you can get?  And therefore, you can only get down to .125mg before stopping (unless you put that amount in liquid and drink half one night and half the next night).  How can you tell the same amount of klonopin will be in each half of liquid.  Does it mix that thoroughly?


I always used a straw to vigorously stir the powder in milk and never had any problems.

(by the way, is this a British site?  or American?)


The owner is in the UK but I believe the site is registered in the US.

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