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Hi everyone, I wanted to check in!

I'm doing great! I am on the Wilson Temperature syndrome t3 protocol and I'm over 1/2 down...


Please check out about it... I bet 95-100% of the peopl post benzo have this! It's a low body temp. Think about it when u have a fever u feel crapy! Same thing is true if ur body temp is too low.

U can have normal thyroid test but ur t4 isn't converting to t3 properly, which causes for low body temp.

Anxiety, panic attacks, depression, pms..  are all huge symptoms of this.


I am feel better Much better now then I ever have before!


I'm also on some of the supplements from the book I recommended, "the mood cure" if u haven't gotten it and haven't read it, why not! It is amazing and it's helped me so much as well!

Natural supplements can work better than ADs!




Edit: commercial link deactivated

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Can you tell us what some of they supplements are that are recommended in the "Mood Cure" book? I keep wanting to take fish oil, keep trying but have reactions to it. I can find one that doesn't have "natural flavor" either, which isn't really natural anyway.


I took Remeron again 3 nights ago in desperation with gut pain. I took a quarter tab of 15 mg. , so 3.75 mg? I slept like a log, had a hard time making it to bed before dropping, hahah. Next night, I slept ok but not long and deep. Last night I had a hard time falling asleep at all at this dose. I'm not really sure I want to have to increase my dosage and may just quit. Will I experience problems quitting after just 3 days?

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I one love! I want to answer that but it's best that you go through the links that I put on my last post and it will help you understand what you may be deficient in. Maybe it's serotonin, maybe it's GABA, I'm not sure so I can give you a list of supplements but if you don't know what you're lacking it's not going to help you. So uby the book it's cheap and it will help tremendously!!

The. Woman who wrote the book has a clinic in California where she helps people like us get off meds with natural supplements..

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Kian:  sorry you are feeling so bad. Sorry too can't help on your query. It's way beyond my experience


cnotr:  I'm worried by the way you are taking matters into your own hands. It's best to follow one route of professional advice you trust.  Whether you have anxiety or withdrawals it's only going to be by a disciplined approach you will succeed, not by chopping, changing, adding meds.  From my experience I have found it is this approach coupled with time, patience, perseverance and STRENGTH!  It's not easy. In fact it's tough and many times I've thought of throwing in the towel but am doing my best to push through the withdrawals. It's hard but doable.  Attitude also helps and the knowledge all this is only temporary and will end.


Also cnotr no one here is qualified to give you medical advice. We can only compare experiences and offer each other support.


Tiger-Lily: it was FANTASTIC to hear from you and am so glad you are feeling well. Your words have been such an encouragement and I keep rereading them.  I have been in a very nasty wave for the past week or so and felt I was going backwards so it is so great to read about the light at the end of tunnel which I know is there but sometimes you lose faith in.


Hope everyone else is doing well.





thank you angel, take care        kian

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Hey guys. Just checking in. I've been doing GREAT! Today is what I consider 20 days Remeron Free. If you count the pointless rescue doses in my case, 9 days Remeron Free.

I'm sleeping good at night without having to take ANYTHING. :) My anxiety is in check, I feel fantastic! Work is good, home life is good.


But one symptoms that kind of crept  up on me a few days ago, is these crampy stools. I get them every day. This morning I woke up from a good nights rest, and when I got out of bed, I had the worst cramps, and had to go #2. It's not diarrhea. But just an overall bad stool. Sorry to get detailed. Gross I know. But just wanted to see if that was normal, since I've never had this problem in the past coming off Remeron.


Going to the Loo in the morning is not my cycle at all typically. I've thought, this COULD be Remeron withdrawal. But I've also noticed a lot of sinus drainage too. I know that can cause havoc on the stomach tool. But I also know that it could be Remeron too b/c the stomach has neurotransmitters, just like the brain. I remember during benzo tolerance, I'd get the D. all the time. Yuck.


When should this symptom go away? Thanks!

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I have not been on here in a very long time but am currently withdrawing from rrameron and I am wondering if anyone has experience any brain fog, cognitive or memory issues or minor disconnection feeling or spaced out feeling ( like being slightly drunk) well either on or while getting off this med?


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I have not been on here in a very long time but am currently withdrawing from rrameron and I am wondering if anyone has experience any brain fog, cognitive or memory issues or minor disconnection feeling or spaced out feeling ( like being slightly drunk) well either on or while getting off this med?




hi ruby



yes, i've felt spaced out ever since i started remeron and sometimes even dizzy and think this may be a low blood pressure issue, but we are all different.  ever since i got down to 1mg, i've really been more unstable and the last mg seems to be the worst so far, for me, anyway...



wishing you success on your remeron wd journey.  you take good care of yourself.




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Hi kian,

Thanks for the reply. Interesting to know that the rameron has done this to you as well.


Sorry you are having such a rough time.


For me I had to treat my underlying health issue of chronic Lyme disease this has helped a great deal.


It has been a real struggle and now the meds are kicking my butt a bit.


As my brain has slowly healed and is still healing from the Lyme the meds are now causing adverse effects as if my brain is rejecting it/ has and is slowly finding its own state of homeostasis so to speak.


Good luck in your journey of healing.


Anyone else have these sx from taking rameron/ withdrawal?

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Day 21 Remeron free.


Today, TERRIBLE allergy symptoms. Got this tickle in my left nostril, plugged up, drainage galore, sneezing like CRAZY, and my left eye keeps watering. =(


Could this be Remeron withdrawal since it is also an antihistamine? Or is it more than likely just my allergies? Thanks! :)

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Hi onelove- that's what remeron was like for me too in the beginning. However it very quickly took higher doses and then started making me feel sedated all day and also hungry all day. I don't blame myself for trying this experiment - I needed a break from the insomnia but I am also not interested in becoming addicted to another drug. I'm going to work with the assumption that I've been on a low dose for a short time and do a rapid taper and take what comes. I think I am finally ready to accept that there is no cure in a pill. I need to let the withdrawal process happen and when I recover I will sleep naturally again. Somehow the quest for sleep elevates it to an all consuming need. I try to tell myself "I will get enough sleep". Sometimes enough is three hours, sometimes it is seven. I like seven better. Lets keep posting and get through this together!
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Hello everyone, I wanted to post this about omega-3's because they have been giving me an issue again. I stopped taking them for several months and then I wanted to test to see if I could take them again however that slowly started causing me anxiety shortly after I took them each day. So I Stopped taking it two days ago and am feeling better.

I bought the really good omegas too.

Here is more proof from others that they can and will cause insomnia and anxiety.

Omega 3s can cause insomnia & anxiety: http://curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=1065417


Dave I know u take them, stop them for a week and c how u feel!


Hugs everyone!


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Hi everyone, it's been real quite lately.. Some one post already!

Anyways, I'm trying a little experiment today, I am only on 3.75mg of remeron, which I take at night. But by 11am and then till I take my next dose of remeron I feel not so good...

So i believe I'm getting interdome dose withdrawals from remeron...

Has anyone else felt this way?

So today at 11:30am I took 1.5mg and then tonightbill take 2.25mg to make up 3.75mg... To c if this helps the withdrawals...

What do u all think?


Thanks, c

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Hi Coralashley


I'm afraid I can't help from personal experience but it doesn't surprise me what you are saying. As you know I found Remeron very difficult to get off - it can get quite nasty.


Hope the split dose works


Let us know how you get on.


Angel x

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I am feeling awful and scared and I need help. Remeron was NOT a good idea for me. I've stopped taking it but I can't sleep at all now. I am torn between take no more meds and struggle or take something else that my doc wants to prescribe. Probably trazodone. Ugh. So bad.
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Remeron will usually cause insomnia especially if you came off it quickly. It caused me insomnia, anxiety, shaking, you name it I got it plus feeling absolutely terrible until recently.


Am over 3 1/2 months off now and finally starting to feel better.Not out of the woods yet but getting there.  Sleep improved but still erratic. 


I don't know how common my experience is as we all react differently.  I am now reducing the Effexor I had to take to get off the Rem. so far so good. 


Wish you luck. I hate these psychotropic meds and will be pleased to be free.



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Thanks for replying Angel. I am sorry you are having a hard time too. For me it seemed like a quick reduction and of remeron was better since I had only been on it two weeks. I feel like the old (youngish) lady who swallowed the fly. I took Valium to get off klonopin and tried remeron to help with getting off Valium. It has to stop! But we also have to get some sleep. I find the insomnia boards terrifying. People really stick it out for a long time without sleeping. I just don't know where I could find the strength to do that.
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Wow- reading about the other horrible medications that other BBs are dealing with does provide distraction! There but for the grace of god go I... Sending hugs to anyone reading this- we have to recover and then spread the word so this can end.
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Lol it's true! I have a friend who's having a hard time trying to get off Trazadone. She's been trying for 6 years!  Now her doctor is cross- tapering her with Prozac to get off the Traz!  It can be never-ending.  Then she has that to get off! By the way I was only on Rem for 6 weeks but it's a strong drug.


Anyway stay strong and give it time.  It will pass.



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Hi everyone!! So on Saturday I took 1.5mg of remeron and I was sleepy while out and about with the family. I didn't do too bad, but then at night I took my regular dose of 3.75 mg b/c I knew I didn't want to do that the next day.

Anyways, yesterday, Sunday, I woke up and gained 2 pounds of water weight from the extra remeron... But on Sunday I had a pretty good day and this goes to show, b/c the day before I took more remeron, that I'm definetly having interdose withdrawals!!!!!

I'm on 3.75mg now... I'd like to hear at what mg I should jump off of it?

I know I will start feeling so much better once off remeron.


I've been on it now for 1yr and 5 months. I want off of it by The end of December. My bday is 12.15 and to be off it by then would be a great bday present to me!! I've been tapering off of 6mg now for over 7 months now.


If I'm on 3.75mg, how should I taper off the rest to be done with it before the end of the year?



Thanks! Hugs!!

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Hey guys. Just updating you. I'm about 3-4 weeks Remeron Free, after a 3 month use this time (7.5mg/3.75mg). My back story, I've used Remeron the past 2 years, ON and OFF. Which probably wasnt a good idea. I originally took it to help me get off ativan. But then I started a habit thinking Remeron was a safe drug. I'd take it for 1 month, ween off, stay clean for a couple months, then go back on for a month, come off for a month or 2, back on... repeat. Except this time I was on for 3 months b/c I couldn't get off the crap this time. But now I'm 3-4 weeks clean, and do not plan on touching this horrid drug again. I didnt think my body would have such a horrible withdrawal this time, b/c I've withdrawn plenty of times in the past with little to no issue besides sleep.


SO, 3-4 weeks off, I've been doing pretty good considering! My sleep has been pretty good, 7-8 hours. Appetite has been good too.


But the past few days, my appetite has slowly diminished. I felt pretty anxious on saturday, had to take a couple benedryl on saturday b/c of my allergies, and the bendryl made me feel CRAZY weird.


And now the past couple of nights, I've been having REALLY bad mind chatter in my sleep.


I can fall asleep just fine, but if I wake up in the middle of the night and try to fall back asleep, random words just started appearing in my head, like I'm reading a text message, or an email, exactly like normal mind chatter but words that are completely unrelated to anything. Just random words. I can also hear my own subconscious voice in my head reading these words.


These incidents are NOT "voices" I can tell they are my own thoughts just very random. Random imagery too.


It's exhausting, and I can not seem to flip the switch to turn it off.


My concern is that I really am starting to lose it, or that the antidepressants and benzos I've used on and off in the past have done permanent brain damage to my brain. I doubt that's true. That's just anxiety getting the best of me.


Maybe it could be a flare up of Remeron withdrawal adjustment?


Or maybe it's just my brain stressing out? lol.


Does it matter? Probably not. Just wondering if anyone else can relate.


I know fighting/fearing is the worst you can do. So I just try to chill and go with it. I can tell I'm feeling tense in bed, my neck is always stiff in the morning, and I do have weird dreams a lot.


Example of random words/thoughts: "work ethics the soup beans video". Just stupid. lol. Again, I do not hear "voices", but I do hear my own inner voice, my subconscious.


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Cnotr- it's definetly remeron related!

Don't believe that u r loosing it, because it's not true!!


Hang in there it gets worse before it gets better!!!

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I didnt think Remeron or antidepressant withdrawal was an UP and DOWN type of withdrawal like benzos. But I think you are correct. Because my first few nights OFF Remeron, I experienced this MIND CHATTER quite vividly, and KNEW it was from withdrawal.


So maybe I'm having a mild spike due to not having Remeron anymore.


How long can it take my brain to readjust? I've been feeling pretty darn good considering the past couple of weeks.


I am really gassy though, and am getting canker sores like crazy. GRRR.

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I'd say 3 months or more ...


ADs r addictive, the doctors don't know they are, what the pharmaceutical companies tell them. However when the FDA test a pharmaceutical drug they only need to follow a certain drug for 6 weeks and site those side effects after that they don't know what kind of size of side effects people get from these drugs. that's why they are so dangerous and they're highly addictive.


If they were ur old symptoms they would show up way later not 3-4 weeks..


Don't stress so much b/c it will only make things worse !

If you pray, then ask The Lord to heal u and to help u through this journey!

The Lorf and I have been working on my withdrawal for a very long time now but I have to say that I am so much stronger than I ever used to be. So let this troubled time make you a stronger man for your wife and family.

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Thanks SO much for responding. I'm not stressing too much. My wife and kiddos and I just started a new church recently and its amazing. God is in control. I even went out for coffee with my pastor last week and talked a lot about it. He's a cool dude. He's also a naturalist.


I will succeed. :)


In do have issues with stress. But will find new ways to cope vs. Big pharma.


Thanks again!!


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