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Angel, it's wonderful to hear from you! Wow, now you're down to 8 mg, fantastic!  :thumbsup:


Dave, visualizing the bamboo stick helped me, thank you so much for such a beautiful image! And I'm glad that you have stabilized!  ;)


My update: After saying farewell to my parents, my insomnia and anxiety persisted. It was like going back to square 1. Today I saw my naturopath and she said that my issues are not drug related anymore. She thinks I'm somatizing my dad's illness. Actually, my whole journey with medication started in 2010 when I saw my dad very ill. At that time he was suffering from Seroquel withdrawal (he was prescribed it because Parkinson's disease causes insomnia) although none of us knew it. One night I was staying at my parents' when my dad's screams woke me up. I found him on the floor, he was hallucinating and shouting in terror and had peed himself. I could never get over that vision. My dad is a strong self-made man, and seeing him so helpless and scared destroyed something inside me. Right now he can barely walk or speak. He's constantly in a lot of pain. I think a lot of my problems are related to the fact that I know that he's going to die. I don't like seeing a man so strong and confident having such a slow, painful death. My first impulse is to hide, to run away. But I know that I have to face it. My naturopath thinks that unless I address my father issues I won't heal. So that's what I'll be doing. Supplements are good, but we also need to face whatever psychological issues brought us to medication in the first place.


Peace and love to you all.

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Wowie zowie Angel, how fantastic to hear!!  :) Very very proud of your perseverance. Hang in there and keep us in the loop! Oh man, that makes me so happy hear - you have no clue! Totally pulling for you!


T. Lil, thank you so much for your update - and for also being so candid about your experiences with your dad. Made me tear up actually - and actually, I appreciate that because I was looking for a good reason to unload a few salty drops o' the eyes today. Sent a ton of positivity your way - and his. May we all be free from suffering and the causes of suffering. That said, it always interests me why we started our psychotropics in the first place. For me, anxiety was the deal. Not too bad depression. Never had much issue w/ sleep. But anxiety. Seems to well up naturally from some source - wish I knew which! Anyway, I know it will be there at the end of the journey in some capacity. But my hope, and my best guess, is I will be able to pull through it.  :) Thank you so much for sharing some of your journey. I think you are very strong. Very.


Coralashley, for goodness' sake!  :) Please tell me your silence is not a sign of you not doing well. Thinking of you. Missing your "TA-DA! HERE I AM POSITIVITY!"


OK all, I bid you good night...



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Hello Dave and Tiger L, & angel and everyone else!

I posted a while ago but maybe no one saw it.

I am sound well... Well actually things have been better... But ever since last Thursday I e not been as well. Last Thursday was 10 days post my girl time & I I got real bad anxiety. So while interviewing someone I had multiple panik attacks which he didn't know I was having but I was.. Uggg it was horrible, racing heart, stomach issues hot and clammy skin, etc. but I made it through it without having a full blown panik attack.

Then later in the day I had to go on an appointment with one of my sales reps and started to have another one on front of a potential client, but I pulled through.

I did try an all fruit diet days before which I believe also started putting in a bad place with too much sugar... Then with my post girl time time, etc it was a cocktail of disaster.

Yesterday I had a little one in front of a client but it wasn't as bad.

Not sure why all this is happening but I know it's hormone related I'm sure...

I'm not going to give up though.. I also went exercising in the early morning yesterday and that may of set things off as well.

I'm still positive and my last cut I did really really well... So I'm going to wait a little while and then continue. :-)


Tiger L I'm sorry to hear about ur story! When u have anxiety do u also feel panicky?

How about u Dave?

What do u all do when it starts?

I start reciting God's word and start praying.


Love to all :-)

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Thankful to hear back from you Coralashley!  :)


And I feel horrible that I missed your earlier post because now, looking back, I see you were starting to experience some discomfort, which I am sure was disconcerting to say the least.


It sounds like all in all, despite the onset of the symptoms you were experiencing, you were able to pull through. And interestingly, isn't that often the way when it comes to the anxiety we experience? I think we go on benzos and other medications because the feelings are so terrible - but they are mostly internal. Like you, I have sat across from people while having a complete core meltdown, full blown panic, and they never ever know. And if I tell them, they are shocked. I like that you pushed through the discomfort and made it to the other side.


We know that panic attacks and even the symptoms of anxiety never last - they come and they go. Always. But we forget that they go when they come, but for some twisted reason always remember they come when they go. If that makes sense?!?!  :D That is to say we worry like crazy that we'll have one and when one comes, worry like crazy that it'll never end! Vicious cycle - I don't like that merry-go-round. Let's jump off and get some cotton candy, damn it!  :thumbsup:


The other thing I like is that you picked out some things that might have contributed, besides your medication cuts. Like your monthly hormonal fluctuations, the fruit sugars from the dietary modifications you were experimenting with, and perhaps the extra cortisol from the exercise you did. It just might have set up a perfect storm of sorts. But again, storms, even the perfect ones, always pass.


So happy you checked in here.  :) Please stick around!


I am, for the most part, stable after my last cut. I still have a very wicked cortisol reaction in the morning. I think I am way sensitive to the "cortisol awakening response" as I am tapering. Have you ever heard of it? Check this Wiki link:




I read that low dose aspirin can help lower this response. I tried an extended release low dose aspirin last night and it didn't do much, but I may have slept better. Anyway, here I am trying to fix things with a tablet again.  ;) It will pass. The more I stabilize, the better it will get. Other than that, some mild depression in waves and spikes of anxiety here and there. But all in all, no complaints.


OK - off I go. I need to dig into my work day here. Sitting at my desk now, office still fairly empty at this point - a few voices, keyboard clicks, hushed coughs. My single daily cup of coffee, hazelnut this morning, steaming up through the filtered light. A little anxious, a little sad, a lot thankful. Thankful for my healing. And thankful for the support of everyone here.


Healing, blessings, and love be yours my friends...



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Hi Corashley. Sorry to hear about your panic attacks. You are brave to carry on through them. You are too Dave. They're horrid aren't they?


I am halfway through my 2 week Mirt taper on the Effexor.  The first week hasn't been too bad and I had one really good day. Tonight I take my last 8mg and not feeling so great - mainly feeling horrible, tired and nervy which isn't surprising.  But I am determined to push through to get off this stuff and drop to 4mg tomorrow.  I know it's going to be tough but one day at a time and I'm almost there!


Will update in a while.


Take care everybody


Angel xx

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GO, ANGEL, GO! Very proud of you!


We are here for you if you need to vent. One step - one single step in front of the other. Every minute is new - and holds great possibilities for healing. The ups and downs are inevitable. But think long-term gain over any of the short-term pain.


You ARE almost there!


Check in if you need support and definitely update when you can!


Big heart to you!



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Thankful to hear back from you Coralashley!  :)


And I feel horrible that I missed your earlier post because now, looking back, I see you were starting to experience some discomfort, which I am sure was disconcerting to say the least.


It sounds like all in all, despite the onset of the symptoms you were experiencing, you were able to pull through. And interestingly, isn't that often the way when it comes to the anxiety we experience? I think we go on benzos and other medications because the feelings are so terrible - but they are mostly internal. Like you, I have sat across from people while having a complete core meltdown, full blown panic, and they never ever know. And if I tell them, they are shocked. I like that you pushed through the discomfort and made it to the other side.


We know that panic attacks and even the symptoms of anxiety never last - they come and they go. Always. But we forget that they go when they come, but for some twisted reason always remember they come when they go. If that makes sense?!?!  :D That is to say we worry like crazy that we'll have one and when one comes, worry like crazy that it'll never end! Vicious cycle - I don't like that merry-go-round. Let's jump off and get some cotton candy, damn it!  :thumbsup:


The other thing I like is that you picked out some things that might have contributed, besides your medication cuts. Like your monthly hormonal fluctuations, the fruit sugars from the dietary modifications you were experimenting with, and perhaps the extra cortisol from the exercise you did. It just might have set up a perfect storm of sorts. But again, storms, even the perfect ones, always pass.


So happy you checked in here.  :) Please stick around!


I am, for the most part, stable after my last cut. I still have a very wicked cortisol reaction in the morning. I think I am way sensitive to the "cortisol awakening response" as I am tapering. Have you ever heard of it? Check this Wiki link:




I read that low dose aspirin can help lower this response. I tried an extended release low dose aspirin last night and it didn't do much, but I may have slept better. Anyway, here I am trying to fix things with a tablet again.  ;) It will pass. The more I stabilize, the better it will get. Other than that, some mild depression in waves and spikes of anxiety here and there. But all in all, no complaints.


OK - off I go. I need to dig into my work day here. Sitting at my desk now, office still fairly empty at this point - a few voices, keyboard clicks, hushed coughs. My single daily cup of coffee, hazelnut this morning, steaming up through the filtered light. A little anxious, a little sad, a lot thankful. Thankful for my healing. And thankful for the support of everyone here.


Healing, blessings, and love be yours my friends...




Thank u so much for taking the time to write to me on this!

U r so kind, brave and such a good friend!  We r all there for one another and that is soooo important.

U r a strong man Dave to push through it as well! Had u had ur hormones tested Dave? How old r u? Do u have a stressful type job?

I'm in sales and advertising and have been for over 11+ yrs.. It's stressful but manageable. One day I will take on a less stressful job!


I was told I have low progesterone and thats the reason I am anxious... So I've started on a very low dose of bio identical progesterone. I know there r some people on benzo buddies that say don't take it b/c it acts on the same receptor sites as benzos, but one of my doctors said this to me a while ago, "there must be some reason u r so anxious, u have to find out why... And then treat that".

I have so many signs of low progesterone and I'm going to give it a shot... Pmdd and pms anxiety are a sign of low progesterone, etc...

I'll keep everyone posted how I do... I'm on my second night tonight. My new doctor that put me on this said within 2 weeks she wants to help me get off remeron. We shall c! She is very calm and kind and I like her! I had gone to a guy and he too wanted me on progesterone, but I wanted a second opinion and that's why I found her.


Angel great job, keep us posted, u r stronger than u know!


Tigr l, how r u? Have u had any weight loss yet?


Sleepless, we miss u!


And to everyone, else and u Love and hugs.


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hi coralashley (and everyone)!


i haven't had my hormones tested, but that is probably a pretty good idea. i'd be curious to know. my naturopath is way into diagnostics, so it should be easy to have him order that one up. the only test he ever hesitated on was cortisol - the saliva test - because it really is sort of a given based on how i rev in the morning when i wake up. it's all part of the hpa axis, and in withdrawal, that is very sensitive.

i'm in my late 30s. i work in the media industry. i have deadlines, so there is stress. but i work with great people in a great atmosphere and my boss and company were so good to me when i was in acute benzo withdrawal. between deadlines, i would go sit out back and wish to hell i would just die and have it all be done. but i didn't die - and thank goodness, because i am definitely healing.

i hope you are feeling better today coralashley!  :) will be curious to see how the hormones affect you and which route you take discontinuing the remeron.

i took a b vitamin this morning - because i really should be getting the b's and folate and that has me revved up a little. but i am stable on my current 6.4mg remeron dose and will enjoy that stability a bit more before i dipsy dive again.

hey everyone, check in when you can! and any new-comers on remeron who want to join in, please do. we don't bite.  ;) we're a friendly little dysfunctional yet functional famdamily here.

blessings and healing buds!


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Thanks Dave, I too am in the media business, radio to be exact.

Anyways, I took my progesterone last night and I already went to the gym and worked out my legs

:-)... Going to try to relax with the family soon and enjoy the tax free shopping, so we'll be out looking for deals for the kids back to school.


Let me know what ur doctor says and also ask him to do a thyroid check I. U too.. A complete one, not just the normal one, the one that shows ur t3 & t4, etc.


Tootled everyone!



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Yesterday apart from some early morning anxiety I felt well and normal yay!


I did another drop to 4mg last night and boy am I feeling it!  Feel ghastly and got pins and needles and burning sensations.  My blood pressure was up so have just taken a couple of beta blockers


I think this final part is going to be the most challenging even though I'm on the Effexor.  Just 5 days to go!!!

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Thanks for the support Coralashley!  What would I do without you guys?  I hope to return the favour once I am off this stuff.


Angel xx

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Angel u will soon enough!  how r u today?

I've even considered going on peistiq which is an anti depressant that I was tested to have the least side effects on just to help me get off of remeron since remeron is what's caused me all my weight issues! Uggggg!!!

I'm going to try some other methods 1st before I do that though!


I hope to start the uk taper very soon!


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Hiyas. Today a bit better but not right obviously - tired, a bit depressed, stinging etc but never mind. It's just w/ds.


Obviously it's better not to switch to another A/D to get off Remeron unless you can't help it.  I think Pristiq is one that doesn't come in a low dose and you can't cut it - I read people switch from Pristiq to Effexor to get off. This hasn't been easy - I have had horrendous side effects from the Effexor.  I think they are better now but can't tell as I am getting the Mirt/Rem w/ds.


I do know that I just couldn't do a 2 or 3 year taper.  I really couldn't.  I want to get off the Effexor once this is done but can't face it yet.  Will see how it goes but may leave it till next year and will do it under my doctor's guidance over a few months I think.  But that is far away.


I will be relieved to be off this Rem poison and have a chance to recover from it.


I do think there are several ways to get off an A/D - I don't think there is one right way apart from no cold turkey or too fast. We are all so different and react so differently. I think the majority of people don't have problems getting off the Rem.


I'll be interested to read how your UK taper goes.


Bless you Coralashley


Angel xx

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Thanks Angel! :-) u r right about not going on another ad...

I just started a very very low dose of file identical progesterone. It's giving me some pep in my step in the morning and I'm going to see how it pans out in the future.

There are some people that say u shouldnt go on it b/c it acts on the gaba receptor sites.

But everyone is different and I know that I've had low progesterone for a long time.

I hope I don't regret this!



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hi angel,


we're here.


it's bound to get nasty.  :-[


i wish i could send you a little package of just the right amount of whatever it takes for you to get through it. but of course that doesn't exist.


what i do know is how badly you want off of remeron. and further, i know how badly you have already suffered. and further, it sounds like you have experienced some stability of late and that you have a doctor who is paying attention. i think that these are encouraging factors.


it's not truly going to be easy for any of us - irrespective of our approaches to get off. just like with benzo withdrawal. people suffer in varying ways to varying degrees - different flavors of suffering. and different seasons of suffering.


if it gets bad, but it is tolerable - try not to project too far forward. we suffer. as humans, it is a natural state. we are typically in some state of suffering. but it changes. it won't stay the same. that is for certain.


sending you all my good thoughts and energies right now. you have been very courageous. you will be, i am certain. just try to weather this storm. find any solace in any single thing you can and hold on.


we're with you.


healing, blessings, love...



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Oh Dave


You write so beautifully and am thankful for your support.  I am very moved.


I guess I thought I wouldn't have too much trouble because of the Effexor but ai guess it would have been a while lot worse without it.  In fact I KNOW it would have been as have already tried it


I wish you and everyone else a relatively pain free journey.


Thanks for the comfort and I will write again soon.


Angel xx

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Ok am off the Mirt!  Last dose last night.  It hasn't been too bad apart from a couple of dodgy days between 8mg and 4mg.  Today feel a bit cra**y, tired (a constant) and nauseous (ginger is helping) but not too bad.


My doctor very pleased with me. He told me to expect 4 difficult days and in about 10 days/2 weeks I should be feeling much better.  Then he is going to start reducing the Effexor. Yikes!  I was planning on doing that next year but as long as he keeps me stable and functional till February ( as I have a lot on till then) that will be okay.


How is everyone else doing?  It's gone quiet here.


Angel xx

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It HAS gone quiet here, what the heck?!?!  :)


Angel, this is very very good news! So happy for you - may this progress continue!! You were having such a terrible go, you were due some solace. PLEASE keep us in the loop.


Um, Coralashley - are things still difficult? Please update.


T Lil, where are you?






Would love to know how everyone is. Check in as you can and wish. I am ok. Hanging in there as it were  :)


Healing and blessings,



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It HAS gone quiet here, what the heck?!?!  :)


Angel, this is very very good news! So happy for you - may this progress continue!! You were having such a terrible go, you were due some solace. PLEASE keep us in the loop.


Um, Coralashley - are things still difficult? Please update.


T Lil, where are you?






Would love to know how everyone is. Check in as you can and wish. I am ok. Hanging in there as it were  :)


Healing and blessings,




Hi everyone,


Congratulations Angel! What an accomplishment! Can't wait till it's time for my turn. Hopefully by then you will all have this down to a science & I can just follow your lead:)

I'm however just going to be starting my klonopin taper...it's an all compounded liquid form that will have me reducing in small increments everyday...holding when necessary. My doc didn't agree with liquid titration, so we went with this instead. He formulated a 6 month end date but I'm sure it will be longer. So I'll be on the Mirt for quite more time. On the positive side I'm down from 2/3 a pill to just half...7.5....so I guess that's something positive:) my doc wants me to stay on it 'till I'm done with my klonopin taper. Wish me luck with it...I'm a bit anxiety ridden about starting it...hoping I won't suffer too bad.

Anyway, hope all is well with the rest of you. Please keep in touch...helps me keep the faith:)




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