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The Klonopin Klub


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I also wanted to say that I do try and read the other post on this thread. Sometimes I can't concentrate long enough to read it all and I apologize for that. I find it hard lately to read things. I did read something about the books and reading on here and I use to love reading. I could read a whole book and two days if it was a good book. Now I find it hard to read facebook updates.


I also wanted to add that I see what people mean when they are waking up with anxiety. I find that when I wake up my anxiety peaks a little. My heart beats a little faster and I feel like I need to rush for something but there is nothing to rush for. Hard to explain but its not pleasant.


Has anyone on here wanted to excerise while tappering but was scared because of the symptoms. I want to lose weight but my muscles are to tense to weight lift.....I can't concentrate on a workout video or even play Wii just dance or Zumba. I wonder if taking a walk would help.



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Greeting Everyone!  I just acquired a titration syringe from my local pharmacy and am actually excited to use it!  ;D  It seems like it will be fun to taper that way.  It sure is better than dry cutting for sure.  I just hope I do it right.  I would have probably not even known about it at all if it wouldn't be for my benzo buddies!  Thank you all so very much.  Now my taper can be not only bearable, but something to look forward too..... Almost like a hobby.  Um,.. "What's Your Hobby"  " My Hobby is Titration"  :laugh:



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Before anyone recommends switching over to valium I just want you to know I already have. I appreciate it though, thank you, but it won't work. And it was awful. It knocked me off my feet. I was a zombie. I am a very slow metabolizer and it was just too much in my system I guess.


Anyway this time last year I was at


0.5mg clonazepam 9a.m.

0.5mg clonazepam 3p.m

1mg bedtime


and taking 15 mg equivalent to 2 immovanes a night.


I woke up depressed and very tired.

When I did cuts I would wake up wired, anxious and exhausted. Nothing helps the exhaustion. I never have anxiety anymore, just exhaustion and depression among others.


ANyway I slowly made my way down from that to


O.125mg a.m

0.5mg bedtime


I can come on and off immovane depending on where I am in my taper. When I am off them I feel so much less exhausted the next day. But when I taper (every 2-6 weeks) before I stabilize I usually need them to sleep. Then someone recommended not doing that because it could be making my withdrawal worse, even though I thought it was making it better so I stabilized this month on one and a half tablets and decided to taper once I am done with clonazepam. I can't do anything about this situation so best leave it until I am done. I have been on sleeping pills for 1.5 years! (on and off)



Now here is my question. Because I was waking up groggy and tired, not anxious it was hard to then take a sedative...ie my morning clonazepam because it would make me more tired. so I concentrated on eliminating the morning dose. It has now been 9 days since I am morning pill free.


The first week went awesome then this week it's depression and exhaustion. Should I maybe have kept the morning dose and kept reducing the evening dose by 0.125mg until they were both 0.125? I just felt so sedated the whole time I have been on these things and don't know it it's withdrawal that's exhausting or the sedatives that are exhausting............so hard to figure what is what...........anyone have any advice or experience to share? My doctor is lovely and would support  me in anyway i decided to do this but not terrible knowledgeable on the subject (he is not the doctor who handed these out like candy to me, he is the aftermath doctor picking up the pieces)



thank you so kindly.......xoxo

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Good morning, folks . . . and WOW, lots of posts since I last checked in.  Let me see whether I can get everyone who's posted in the last twelve hours or so.


SkyZone, nice to hear from you!  And you sound very positive--GREAT attitude, and I have no doubt this will help you with the process.  It can be difficult to be optimistic when going through withdrawal by whatever method, but if you can be, I swear it makes a positive difference.  We're all behind you here, so let us know how it goes!


Misery, you do sound better (less miserable!), and I'm really glad the Relora worked after all, and my worries were unfounded!  I hope it can continue to help you, so that you can turn the corner on this thing.  Regarding exercise, I do know what you mean.  Clonazepam made me clumsy and sapped my physical confidence as well as my sense of balance.  I felt as though I had half-forgotten how to ride a bike, because I'd get on and feel unsteady, particularly mounting and dismounting, but really all the time.  I was riding after not having done so for a while, so I thought I was out of practice or something, but then after I'd been off clonazepam for a bit and some of its effects began to recede, I realized IT had been the problem, that it was keeping me sort of disoriented in space, so that I always felt off-kilter, or out-of-alignment, or something: an accident waiting to happen.  Plus the body-pain made it harder to exercise; I allowed myself to become more inactive than I should have, because once I increased my level of activity I realized that it made me feel better.  I don't know about weight-lifting--you may want to try something gentler.  Walking can be good; possibly swimming, if you that's an option for you, if you can go to a local YMCA, or whatever.  If you can, take advantage of the fact that you're feeling a bit better, and try some gentle activity, to see how it goes.  The fearfulness is inhibiting, but if you do some kind of exercise that's really not dangerous, you should be OK--good luck!


MustLoveDogs, you are having such a tough time, and I am so sorry.  Maybe this round of holidays just needs to be got through, and then in 2013 you can work on climbing out of this trough.  Holidays can be tricky even under the best of circumstances, and you sure don't have that right now.  Regarding the knees, take heart--I think that's normal, too, based on your account and Intend's.  And mine.  I must admit that I was having some trouble with my knees even before I went on clonazepam, but while I was on clonazepam they started to hurt in a whole new way, and that became ten times worse in withdrawal.  As I've observed in a few recent posts, some symptoms are revisiting me now, and knee-pain--the clonazepam kind--is one of them.  It's not as debilitating now as it was before, but it sure ain't fun.  I started meditation while working on benzo-withdrawal, and initially I could only meditate sitting on a chair.  A couple of months ago I discovered that I could move to sitting on a cushion on the floor; I can still do that, but lately it's gotten a little harder, with my knees acting up.  I'm confident this will pass--not only for me, but for you, and for others.  It's good to hear, at least, that you won't have to take on the care of your disabled mother-in-law--that really did sound like just 'way too much.  It's definitely a time when you should be focussing as much as you can on your own needs, doing the best you can to take meticulous care of YOURSELF.  I hope you will be increasingly able to do that--I know things look dark just now (and it's the dark of the year, too--unless you're in the southern hemisphere?--which doesn't help).  Hang on, try to figure out if there's anything that makes you feel even just a little bit better, and then pursue that thing as much as you can.  And keep posting here--there is so much support at this thread.


Allen, in my response to you yesterday I neglected to address your question about psychiatrists.  I have a strong position on this, which is substantially based on my fear of that profession as it is currently practiced.  Psychiatry used to be much more about talking things through and getting to the bottom of emotional issues that had their source somewhere hidden in the psyche.  Now it seems to be about getting people to pop more pills, and I consider that downright unethical, especially as I learn more and more about what people are going through as a direct consequence of this practice.  So I am disinclined to recommend psychiatry to anyone, although I must naturally add that this has to be everyone's own personal decision.  I would say that if you consult a psychiatrist, just go in with your eyes open.  You may want to do a bit of reading first (if you can concentrate well enough to read this sort of thing), so that you're forearmed with some information about current psychiatric practice before you submit to the advice of one of the professionals.  I wish you the best--I'm sure you can find your way out of this, with or without a psychiatrist's help, and do please let us here on this thread know what we can do to support you.


Jax, how did it go yesterday???


Hi, Intend, Lizie, Lynn, and everyone -





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Hi, Alabamawerle -


Your post came in while I was writing.  I want to try to address the morning clonazepam issue.  I'm inclined to think--though you'll have to see how it goes--that if you can continue, despite the recent onset of discomfort that you've experienced with this, NOT to take the morning dose, that might be best.  I was originally prescribed clonazepam at a dosage of 2 mg per day, one at night and one in the morning.  I started with the nighttime one, and it knocked me so completely flat and left me so woozy the next morning that I never once tried taking the stuff at any other time of day except at night.  That's different, of course, from your experience of taking it both times of day and then eliminating the morning dose, but it may be that what you're going through now has less to do with the TIMES OF DAY that you're taking and not taking the medication than with the simple fact that in making this change you've reduced the overall dosage.  I think that regardless of HOW you go about reducing the amount of clonazepam you take, sooner of later withdrawal symptoms will hit, and to a certain extent these have to be lived-through.  I believe it's not unusual for the onset of symptoms to occur after a delay, as has evidently happened with you.  Would it be worth trying first to ameliorate the symptoms you've just found yourself struggling with with techniques other than fiddling with your dosage?  Are you able to exercise?  Can you cleanse your diet, or is it already pretty pure?  Do you get any benefits from mild herbal teas?  Is meditation a possibility for you?  Deep breathing?  At the very least, a few deep breaths to address pain, stress, anxiety, and various other symptoms can make at least a little bit of a difference.  Anyway, these are all just suggestions--you'll figure out what works best for you.  If you do decide to try taking clonazepam in the daytime again, maybe you could reduce that dose instead of the evening one, or maybe reduce them both by just a little bit.  Also see what other people at this thread may have to say--others here may have had experiences that correspond more closely to yours than my own background does.  All the best of luck, in any case--I hope you will feel better very soon!





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Thank you Rek. I will try to stick it out as I was already on the lowest dose I could split the a.m one on. 0.125. I can't cut it anymore. and usually 0.125mg is ok as a cut for me. but this one knocked me sideways. So I figured it was interdose withdrawal (which i had when I tried tapering off lorazepam), but I know that klonopin stays in your system a long time, so it's probably just that the dose is smaller as you said. it said that it takes 5-10 days for klonopin to leave your system completely so that maybe accounts for the symptoms at day 7. I probably felt good at day 1-6 because I was on a lower dose and not so sedated as it was working it's way out of my body..............not sure. It's such a gamble this stuff. Thanks.
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Hello everyone,


Has anyone tried using .125mg Clonazepam Orally disintegrating tablets (wafers) to make their cuts? I just got them yesterday but I am reluctant to try them since they contain .56mg of Phenylalanine. I guess this is a sweetner used on sugarless gum etc. I would like to hear your comments. Thank you

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Hi Jake,


I used them at the .25 level because of convenience while over in Britain for four weeks. 


They were fine ......... but I did notice that when I returned home and resumed titration, there was some adjustment time. 


For that reason, I did not use my .125 wafers when I reached that dose, but just continued titrating instead.


Take care,


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I have heard on this forum that the wafers are not good to use to make cuts because the active ingredient is not distributed evenly throughout the wafer. I was going to give the wafers a try, but when I heard that, I decided against it. I have dry cut the whole way down.... splitting, filing, crushing, and separating into piles. It has sure worked for me!



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Lizie, I have a "cuppa" question for you.  Have you discovered any really good decaffeinated black tea?  I've had the devil's own time finding any caffeine-free black tea that's worth the trouble of boiling the water.  Thank you, and hope you're having a traquil day -





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Jake -

I just realised that I may not have been clear about wafers.  I never cut them, but stayed on that dose for four weeks out of convenience away from home.  In fact, my doctor made it clear that they should not be cut.  When I returned, I resumed titration using the regular tablets.


Rek -

sorry, but I haven't tried many black teas ..... I am an earl grey de-caf fan !!



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Lizie, I thought Earl Grey WAS a type of black tea . . . isn't it?  Anyway, I love Earl Grey, so if you know a good decaffeinated version of that, do tell!  Thank you--who knows, such information may even be a service to others who are trying to cut back on caffeine in the hope of alleviating withdrawal symptoms.





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Rek ..... you are right, it is a type of black tea.  I really think I am losing my logic sometimes in this w/d - sorry!!


I like Twinings  ........ the decaf can seem a little 'empty' at first, but now I genuinely prefer it to the caffeinated version.


Of course, what is demolished with the cuppa makes all the difference !!  ;)


Enjoy your new, snazzy teapot!!



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Hi guys. Experiencing pretty significant w/d from X. Have to decide on dropping it after tomorrow or going for another week.


Just a hi today.



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Hello everyone!


I didn't sleep at all last night I was very bloated and gasy....I didn't fall asleep until well after 8am this morning. Ha now I know why I felt that way last night.....I was starting my monthly....I stopped my birthday control a month or so ago and was waiting on it to leave my system and get on a normal schedule monthly.....well much to my surprise today while I was in Walmart my stomach was cramping and when I returned home I discovered my monthly had made its appearance.  The birthcontrol I was on I never got my period this is the first time I have had it since 2010 and I now know why I took birthcontrol.....I have very painful periods....cramps and back pain. Ugh oh well I will suck it up and use my heating pad.


I bought some magnesium Citrate today and I hope it helps with my benzo belly and muscle aches and also helps stop my craving for chocolate then again it could be my monthly crazing who knows. I also bought Align I hope it helps as well. Hope everyone is well today



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Can someone explain the magnesium products and which one is good to take. I have major constipation all thru my withdrawals and was wondering if some magnesium will help. Also major joint pain all over
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Jake....I researched the Magnesium and I chose Magnesium Citrate because it caused loose stools as opposed to Glycinate which doesn't cause loose stools. I wanted something to help me not feel so bloated and actually go to the restroom. Now both are susposed to help with muscles and tension. It is said most people use the glycinate but I chose to try the Citrate first and if it didn't work I would try the glycinate. There is a thread on here under supplements....its name is the types of Magnesium to try and what they do....something like that....I read it and chose from it. I hope this little bit of info helps but I hear its all a matter of choice and what works for your body. I may find citrate doesn't work for me and I may have to try another one. Its all trial and error it seems.
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Klonopin has damaged my life considerabely. I was a high functioning person with a great job. I am now completely dysfunctional. Job gone and housebound. Some days I believe I am going insane from all my symptoms. From the constant depersonalization and derealization to the panic attacks, agarophobia, skin burning, tense muscles, insomnia, horrible dreams, apathy and many other mind boggling symotoms. Suffice to say I didnt have ANY of these crazy symptoms prior to coming off this visious drug. I hate klonopin!


I have seen two psychiatrists and neither believe that my symptoms are from my rather abrupt cessation from long term use at high dose of klonopin.  Has anyone else had this experience with psychiatry?


Also, does anyone elses skin burn all the time?  Constant Butterflies in the stomache feeling?



I feel absolutely terrible that you are going through all this...what a nightmare!  I can relate in some ways to what you are going through.  Even though I was on Klonopin a relatively short time compared to you and was not taken off cold-turkey, I am dealing with intolerable tinnitus, insomnia, agoraphobia, and I would also say apathy.  Some of my problems started as the result of a 'nervous breakdown' that ultimately caused a life-threatening condition that put me in the hospital.  My life seems to be in a downward spiral...and the Klonopin is making everything worse.  I was also a high-functioning person with a great job, and am now am also jobless and find it very difficult to push myself to get out of the house.


I don't know how long it's been since you went off the Klonopin, but it sounds like you need to get back on the Klonopin (or Valium equivalent) at the same (or possibly even higher) dose and then start a slow taper off.  I know it sounds crazy to go back on the drug that caused you all these problems, but my Aunt went through the same thing you did and going back on the drug at a higher dose than she was originally prescribed was the only way she could partially regain her sanity.  After reinstating Klonopin she then started slowly tapering off.  Of course...it's ultimately your decision.


Have you heard of the Ashton Manual? (http://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/index.htm)  That is a great reference for you and something you could take to your psychiatrist.  Hopefully he / she will be willing to work with you to reinstate the drug with a slow taper (if that's what you choose)...or else find a different psychiatrist who is willing to work with you.  Here's the link to the Ashton Manual withdrawal schedules: http://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/bzsched.htm  There is a section on BenzoBuddies that discusses benzo withdrawal methods: http://www.benzobuddies.org/benzodiazepine-withdrawal-methods/overview/


I don't where you live, but here's a website that has a list of benzo-wise doctors...may be one is near you: http://www.benzodocs.com/


Hope this is helpful...I am extremely empathetic and sympathetic to what you are going through!  :'(


perfect daughter

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HEY Klubbers!!! Guess what???




It's full benefits, dental, vision, 401k, everything I wanted. Great compensation too!! Travel to the West Coast...


Thank you all for your support...I'm flying so high right now. I know I never could have done this on Klonopin.


Hugs to all! I'll be back to comment tomorrow.

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WHOA, Jax, that is AWESOME!!!!  Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!  Now you can bid a not-so-fond adieu to the place that's been making your life hell.  That is wonderful--I am so happy for you!  You've earned some good luck and peace of mind.  A big round of applause--hell, a standing ovation!!


To everyone else--many cries of distress out there.  It's late, and I will have to wait to respond tomorrow, but I'm thinking of you all, hoping everyone has a better night.  Magnesium's good--I think citrate or glycinate, whichever works best for you, depending on whether or not you need that loosening effect.


Lizie, about the tea, thanks so much!


Breathe deep, I hope you sleep -




Rek  p.s. Again, YEA, Jax!

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Back in the morning and go figure - my first night in forever without nightmares.  ;D Wonder how THAT happened. Thank you guys for your support and everything - you are all so great for helping me through my personal hell. I wondered if I was going to have mixed feelings about leaving my current job, but...nope! :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: As soon as I get the offer letter in the mail (it's being overnighted) I'll write my letter of resignation.


To you guys who could be searching for a job - the job market seems to really be opening. I got this job 5 days after I applied. I'm in Sales, and so many companies are expanding so sales is needed. But you know what, check this out - THIS IS MY FIRST FULL TIME JOB WITHOUT KLONOPIN. Ever!


So, enough about me. There are a LOT of you I want to respond to, but I need to wait a few hours - have to get dressed for "work" (the job I'm leaving). So I'll be back in a bit.


See ya all soon  8)

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I tried titraring and I did it wrong. I am determined to get it rite next time.  I crushed my clonazepam pills with a pill crusher and poured the powder into milk and ended up having to just drink the whole thing. I hope you all are doing alright.
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