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Greetings, all -


First, once again, Jax, that is SO COOL!  You are an inspiration.  Now, sorry for being fuzzy-headed, but remind me--where will this job locate you?  Will you have to move?  You said you'll get to travel to the west coast, at any rate--what fun!


SkyZone, I never did titration, but it does look like a tricky process, and if you happen to be experiencing brain-fog/cog-fog (don't know whether you are), then this must make it just that much more challenging.  Did you watch the BenzoBuddies video presentation on how to do liquid titration?  I've just searched around a bit, and for some reason I can't find it, but here's one I found at YouTube that might help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJIEBnZOloY  Maybe you've already watched a tutorial, whether this one or a different one, but I thought I'd just mention the idea.  I hope things go better for you on your next attempt!


Intend, I'm sorry your symptoms intensified, and I hope they've eased off by now.  Were you able to get at least an OK night's sleep?


And Misery, yes, the monthly business can make almost anything that was unpleasant to begin with even more so.  I hope the worst is over for you soon!


Jake, how are you doing?  Are you trying the magnesium?  I'm taking a little more magnesium now than I was before, hoping it will alleviate neck pain, in particular, but maybe other stuff, too.  Jury's still out on how much magnesium can do for me.


Hoping today is a better day for everyone than yesterday seems to have been for many. 






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Hello again folks.


Jax, as usual, you show an outstanding zest for life. I am constantly amazed by you and how well you do after your time on K. And CONGRATULATIONS to you! You seriously rock, as the teens say.


My sx are still with me, and might abate somewhat with another week before the last exchange only because the K will have more time to go into steady state. That's huge in many ways, as without enough K "backup" before another X drop, the w/d can be unreal for me. I really just literally despise this all. But no point in me going on about it.


Titration is not a tricky process necessarily, but it isn't what I'm seeing a lot of here for K. Making sure to use as few transfer containers as possible is very important as some of the med invariably will be left behind in microscopic amounts. Using some of the measured amount of milk from the mix jar to "rinse" off the pill crusher and pouring that into the mix jar is also important. Then drawing off using an oral syringe and discarding the withdrawl is next. I'm not addressing dose jars here as I don't know that Skyzone is dosing more than once per day. So, after the withdrawl is gone, drink the remaining amount from the mix jar. Then add clean rinse water, shake it up, and drink it to get all of the med. That's it without the dose jar aspect.


To all the rest of you, please have a good day if you can. These sx we all have are concerning, and I'm just hoping for better days through as much positive action as we can take.





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Hi all,


Intend - I hope the final transfer improves things for you.  You really are a trooper through all this!


Skyzone - once you titrate a couple of times, it becomes just routine.  You'll find what works for you.  It really lessened the intensity of my symptoms.


Tab - happy for you, shhhhh, keeping it as quiet as possible.


Jake - have you tried heat for your back?


Rek - how's that cuppa?


Jax - so impressed!!


All for now,

Take care,


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OK, Tablasco, we won't jinx it!  :-)


Jake, I'm sorry the pain you're having is so relentless.  I don't know what it is about NSAIDs, why it is that we can't even take those without repercussions.  I take it magnesium didn't make any difference for you?  Did you try following the specific method that Genoa recommended?  She wrote, "I take 750 mg calcium supplement and 400 mg magnesium.  Then an hour later I take another 500-750 mg of the calcium.  An hour after that I take another 500 mg calcium and 400 mg magnesium."  I haven't tried this program myself, but am seriously considering it, in the hope that eventually I might be able to stop thinking about my neck every waking moment.  I hope you can find some relief that doesn't bite back the next day.


Intend, I certainly do understand despising all this.  I know I need to be thankful that at least I'm off the stuff, but I get discouraged sometimes when I read accounts that suggest an uncertain prognosis.  Maybe I need to go back to the success stories for a dose of optimism!  Anyway, I hope you feel better sooner rather than later--that sounds kind of lame, I'm afraid, but you know it's heartfelt!





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Hey, Lizie!  The cuppa is divine.  (Lately I seem to like that adjective--applied it recently to Adele's voice . . .)  I haven't yet checked out your suggestion for decaffeinated Earl Grey, but will get on it the next time we shop.  I hope you're enjoying your cuppas!  (Is that the correct plural?  Or should it, perhaps, be cups-a, on the same principle according to which we say, oh, "mothers-in-law," and "runners-up"?)





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I tried titraring and I did it wrong. I am determined to get it rite next time.  I crushed my clonazepam pills with a pill crusher and poured the powder into milk and ended up having to just drink the whole thing. I hope you all are doing alright.


Looking for everyones input here that is knowledgeable about titration (because I'll be doing that in the future)...


Would it not be easier to put the pill in some milk the night before and let it dissolve instead of using a pill crusher?  You could then just thoroughly stir up the solution in the morning.  Are there any problems with using that method?




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Hey what's up k club shout out to all my awesome peeps

I have a question - does anyone workout and then feel out of it and kinda dizzy afterwards ?

I'm getting kind of concerned the way I am randomly in the middle of the day feeling head pressure and out of it it - It makes it difficult to drive and function . I

Am trying to keep reminding myself this is part of recovery and not something else ridiculous my anxiety can conjure up.. Hope everyone is havin a great day


Shout outs to jax n REk!

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I was told this is one of the best threads for me to post my question.


I'm 59. I've had trouble sleeping and mild anxiety (health, family problems -- still ongoing) for the past 20+ years. I was taking 30 mg of Dalmane and 2 to 2.5 mg of Klonopin (on average 2 mg). I only took the meds at bedtime and never abused them. About 3 months ago I weaned off Dalmane and am now using Ambien CR (12.5 mg) + Klonopin (2mg) at bedtime.


The Ambien CR + Klonopin usually gets me to sleep. I still have mild anxiety during the day but it's back to pre Dalmane mild anxiety. My Dr wants me to start Remeron 7.5 mg and increase to 15 mg after 10 days. She offered no plan for dealing with the Klonopin or the Ambien CR so I came up with my own plan and I'd like your feedback.


I've read that Ambien CR can't be split because of the time release structure. I'm wondering if I should ask my Dr to switch me to Lunesta 3 mg and slowly reduce (cutting up pills). Otherwise I don't know how I would reduce the CR. The regular Ambien doesn't work long enough.


My plan would be to start 7.5 mg Remeron on 12/26 and reduce Klonopin from 2 to 1.5 mg over a 10-14 day period. After 10-14 days I would increase the Remeron to 15 mg and over the next 2 weeks taper Klonopin to 1 mg.


At the end of that 2 week period, I could then reduce Klonopin to .5 mg for a week or 2. I would then reduce to .10 over the following week. 


I don't know what to expect with the sedating effects of Remeron. I've read it can be very sedating, especially at LOWER doses. Also, I don't know what to expect with withdrawal from 2-2.5 mg Klonopin (on average 2 mg) to 1.5, to .5 then to .10.


How slow should I go?


After withdrawal from Klonopin, I would work on the withdrawal from what I hope will be 3 mg of Lunesta instead of Ambien CR. I would reduce to 2 mg then 1 mg and hopefully eventually zero. I know everyone is different and withdrawal is different for each person but I would like some general advice. I will alter the taper plan as needed but I don't know what to expect.


Is 2 mg Klonopin (on average) a night a lot? Will it be difficult to withdraw from? Should I expect the same problems as I experienced with withdrawal from 30 mg Dalmane?


Dalmane withdrawal caused problems (sleep problems/ high anxiety) for about 3 weeks. Will the Remeron help to ease the withdrawal from Klonopin?


I'm waiting until 12/25 so the holidays are over when I start this unknown journey.


Thank you so much.



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Hey, folks -


Shout-out right back atcha, Lynn!  What you describe--based on my own experiences of feeling clumsy and disoriented, often in connection with certain kinds of exercise particularly--sounds well within the spectrum of regularly-encountered withdrawal symptoms.  Knowing this doesn't make the experience less annoying, but it should reassure you that, indeed, you can tell any lurid imaginings to go away and quit bothering you.  I certainly remember thinking, each time some new weird symptom popped up, that I must have some really serious, as-yet-undiagnosed malady, but it was just more withdrawal symptoms, morphing into different kinds of unpleasantness, just to keep me guessing.  There is, of course, that concern about driving, or whatever, if you're feeling woozy.  Despite the issues I encountered trying to ride a bike (like, what am I, FIVE YEARS OLD AGAIN or WHAT?  Do I need TRAINING WHEELS?), I didn't have too much trouble behind the wheel.  But if you find that happening, I suppose the thing to do would be to pull over as soon as you can, and sit for a few minutes until it passes?  That's not always practical, if, say you're trying to get to work on time, but--well, use your judgment, hey?  I hope this phase passes soon.


Esam, I think there are people at this thread who will be able to offer you some insights.  I can offer encouragement and reassurance, but not much in the way of specific response to your questions, because my own withdrawal process (from clonazepam only--I wasn't taking anything else) was done in a reckless, hell-for-leather fashion that I would not recommend to anyone.  What I can say is that it sounds as though you have thought very carefully about this, and as though you will take a sensible approach.  You may find as you go that you need to make adjustments--we can none of us predict just how this process is going to affect us, although what most people find is that there is a certain amount of unpleasantness (the kind and intensity of unpleasantness vary a lot from one person to the next) that just has to be got through.  We're here to help out where we can--offer specific suggestions if we have them, and moral support either way.  Please keep us posted--in the meantime, I believe you will hear from people with an angle on this that's different from mine, and better informed as to your particular needs.  Best of luck!


Perfect Daughter, I have to say the same in your case, because I've never done titration.  Plenty of people at this thread have, though, and some are doing it now.  I hope you'll hear from them soon!  Wishing you well, meanwhile, and hope to keep hearing from you.





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Esam,  I don't have too much to say, except when I took remeron I was pretty sleepy.  It would put me to sleep every night at 8 PM and I would wake up groggy at 7 AM.  Since you are trying to wean from klonopin, it may be a good thing.  I do remember not having to take a benzo at the time and that was good for me. 


Still having a good day everyone.  They happen. 

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Well how did you get off dalmane is one consideration here. That's a benzo with a very long half life of 40-250 hours but no active metabolites as Valium has. And 15-30 mgs is roughly equivalent to 10 mgs. of Valium. So I'd look at that taper for some idea of other tapers you plan on going through.


The klonopin at 2 mgs is equivalent to 40 mgs of Valium, which is a lot more than 10, but it is what it is. Even though K has a long half life, like Valium, in my opinion, it would be unadvisible to drop it in the increments you indicate. Since it is basically so much of a "larger" pill than Valium or dalmane, I believe it should be dropped in the same type of increments you would drop them. But you can certainly give it a go. You may be one of those folks that gets off this stuff w/o problems of significance.


I do not know anything about the ambien CR other than the extended release part of it. Your idea of switching to Lunesta pills may be the answer for this to get off the sleep aids. Please be aware that both of these are Z drugs and affect the GABA receptors like benzos do. They are also called the non-benzodiazepines. Many people have as much trouble stopping them as they do benzos for that reason, while others only feel the return of insomnia. It's very individual.


Remeron is an AD and generally will not replace any benzo other than to help you sleep at the lower doses as you say. I just read that dalmane w/d caused you some anxiety and sleep trouble for 3 weeks. This is hopeful, although I would approach a K taper very cautiously. As I said 2 mgs of K is equivalent to 40 mgs of Valium and 60-120 mgs of dalmane.


Remeron may ease the sleep trouble from K. But it's generally will not ease the sx of K w/d, if you have them. I would approach the K issue with caution, and cut very small to begin with. And I think getting off the Z drugs first is often standard, but I'm not certain about that. I think you should perhaps wait till after Christmas and research some of this. Google Ashton manual for an overview. It's a good place to start. The chapters are available to read right off the Internet. I'm not advocating any method of hers necessarily, but it's a good place to fully understand the benzo issues.







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Perfect daughter,


Yes, you can put your pill or pills in milk overnight in the fridge. They should breakup over that time, and you should give the container a shake 4-5 times during this period.


Sometimes there are small " chunks" at the bottom of the solution which make people uneasy. These are the fillers of the pill and not the actual medication. This is why some prefer to thoroughly crush the pill first and then they have no doubt about it's dispersal throughout the milk, chunks or no chunks.


And you may not even encounter chunks. I read it depends on the actual pill brand as to breakup.



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I tried titraring and I did it wrong. I am determined to get it rite next time.  I crushed my clonazepam pills with a pill crusher and poured the powder into milk and ended up having to just drink the whole thing. I hope you all are doing alright.


Looking for everyones input here that is knowledgeable about titration (because I'll be doing that in the future)...


Would it not be easier to put the pill in some milk the night before and let it dissolve instead of using a pill crusher?  You could then just thoroughly stir up the solution in the morning.  Are there any problems with using that method?




Hi there PerfectD.


I titrated wrong again but even so, I was able to crush the pills properly and put them into the milk evenly dispursed.  I am kind of experimenting with it right now.  I have to say that it seems that the medicine dissolves better in the body than in regular pill form.  I can feel a difference in the potency of the medicine with the titration method.  I know now how to do it properly, at least somewhat,    I will do more research and do it completely correctly next time. 

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Good news then. Im very glad youre getting this. We may all need your expertise, and Im not kidding. Very serious here. Thanks for that post and reassurance.



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Hey everyone


I have an update so far so good on the Relora and the Magnesium....I don't sleep all that well but I do get some sleep and I am happy to report that the magnesium all though slow is helping with the Benzo Belly...I was so great to touch my stomach and it feel somewhat of a normal size. The Relora is helping me relax and not feel so anxious.


I have my days and nights mixed up though so when all of you are posting I am trying to grab some sleep. I  worked night shift for years and now my body can't seem to make the switch. So while all of you are sleeping or trying to sleep I am wide awake. Its funny I wake up and feel tired but as the day goes on and night sets in I wake right up and then I can't sleep until the next day near day break.


I really just want want the rest of you want a normal life again. I can say that since my tapper and w/d from K...I have not felt much like going outside and going out in public. I am 33 and I am single and its not getting any easier to meet anyone. I don't feel sexy...lol I know but I think you have to feel good about yourself before you can like anyone else. As my family says well mostly my mom....your not getting any younger.....and its so true. No man and no kids....and right now no job which I can say I am kind of greatful for. I have my hearing for my unemployment on the 3rd of December so as it approaches I get a little more nervous and fear they may rule in my ex employers favor but I hope not. I pray everyday they don't.


Ok sorry for rambling I hope everyone is well


xoxo Misery

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Misery, that's good news--we have to start with SOME improvement, and keep looking forward as much possible.  I hope this is a steady upward trajectory for you!


SkyZone--you'll get the hang of it, I'm sure--keep plugging!  I shouldn't have said titration's "tricky"--I don't know that that's the right word.  But clearly you just have to play close attention to the procedure; then it must surely get easier with practice and routine.


Jake, and everyone who's been kept awake by pain--I've harped on this subject before, but I really want to say again, there is this MIRACLE OF DEEP BREATHING.  Let me tell you about last night.  First of all, I had come home from work in the afternoon with a headache, for which I ended up taking half a tablet of medication I've taken sometimes for severe headache.  Half can be enough, and it worked yesterday--I felt better in an hour or so.  But last night I woke up before 3, the headache was back, and my neck and shoulders were hurting intensely, too.  I got up and drank water, thought about another half-pill, but REALLY didn't want to go that way.  I lay tossing and turning for a while, getting more and more worked up over financial worries, etc., and of course THAT didn't help the headache or any other ache.  Then I decided to do some deep breathing, and I did: long, slow, deep breaths for fifteen or twenty minutes, at least, maybe even more like half an hour.  And friends, the headache simply evaporated.  So did much of the other pain--not all of it, but enough.  I didn't get back to sleep, but that was OK--partly I was just excited to know that deep breathing could be THAT effective!  So please, folks, try this.  I can't guarantee it will help everyone, of course, but it is SO worth trying.  Relaxation WITH NO MEDICATION.  The only thing I swallowed was a few sips of water. 


So good morning, everyone, and I hope this day goes well for all -





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SkyZone, I just went and read your story at your blog.  Yowza--you are the first person I've encountered whose woes with this whole scene started IN UTERO--talk about being dealt a tough hand, my word!  More power to you.  You've gotten through so much, and clearly come out the other end of more than one very dark tunnel with a new sense of purpose.  Now you are actualizing that purpose--and you'll do it.  What courage!  My hat is off to you!





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Happy Thursday Morning, everyone! I am officially resigned from The Job From Hell and at home having coffee and catching up with you guys. I'm getting my hair cut and colored today - God knows I need it, with the gray that's sprung up like weeds from my scalp. I've also lost a lot of hair and a lot just broke off so my hairline has receded...I'm hoping that good shampoo might help regrowth. On a good note, my back is fine again and I'm finally sleeping and dreaming about things other than the Apocalypse. Now I have to lose the 20 pounds I gained over the time I was at the job. There's so much more that I have to recover from - most importantly self-worth, which really plummeted.


How I resigned is a bit of an anecdote which I will share. Yesterday, I had gotten yet another insulting, contradictory email from my boss, which I took in stride. I didn't argue because I was so worn out. I guess he didn't like my non-reaction because he then called me into his office with the head of HR and started his daily bashing session of me. Apparently this time, I caused a new hire to quit with my negative attitude (I have that power???), I "come and go as I please" (maybe he hasn't seen me cowering in my office for hours), I talk to all my co-workers nonstop, I'm generally non-productive, yatta yatta. So then he asked me for my reaction to all this, and I took a deep breath and said, "I guess this would be a good time to let you know I'm resigning." Go figure, they were floored. Their whipping girl was leaving. I was really surprised that they were surprised! And go figure - I left on good terms.


So, I'm starting my new job on Monday! I'm working in Jersey as a Sales Rep for a great company, and I'm covering West Coast territory so I'll have the opportunity to travel out west some times during the year. Also sales meetings that are located elsewhere. I've always wanted a cool job that includes travel. I'm going from a Senior Associate back to a regular Sales Rep...I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. I need to thaw out.




SkyZ, hang in there. Maybe this titration thing takes a couple of tries. You are so determined and dedicated to this, you will be fine. Just one step at a time! By the way, I LOVE that emoticon with the swear-words marquis. I know you're frustrated, but damn, that thing was cute. ;D


Tablasco, thanks so much for checking in. Where have you been? Having good days, I hope. And yes, they DO happen.  :)


Hey Jake, nice to meet you. Welcome to our forum. Everyone here has excellent ideas and we help each other a lot. The pain will go away. It's hard to know what meds to take after getting off Benzos because I think we're a bit hesitant to take anything, any kind of med, because we just got off something horrific. Hang in there!


I want a cuppa, Rek and Lizie! I do!


PD, sorry I can't offer advice about titration. I was a cold-turkey-er. But people here have a great deal of knowledge. Keep us posted.


Shout out to you too, Lynnie! I'm just in awe of you right now that you are exercising. My foot still needs the all-clear which I hope will happen today at my podiatrist appointment. Then I'll let you know if I get dizzy too  :D <--dizzy.


Esam, welcome to the KK and I hope you get some good feedback - looks like you did already. Like I said before, I went c/t so I can't really speak of titration. But keep us posted. We care, here in the Klub.


Rek, how YOU doin'? You offer so much good advice...but how are you? What great relaxation exercises are you doing lately? BTW Rek & Intend, I just started Casual Vacancy by Rowling. Will let you know - I'm kind of excited to finally get it. And Rek - yes, the Miracle of Deep Breathing should be revered by all. So true that it helps!


Intend - thanks so much! I really, really try to be positive and keep in mind that This Too Shall Pass. And lo, it passed. Thanks for your knowledge, it's so great how you've researched stuff.


Mis, what's going on with the unemployment dispute? Curious. I know how you feel about the isolation thing. At 39, I was laid off because of recession-related stuff, I had no kids and no man. Now I'm 42, and have a job and I got married last year to an awesome guy. Your situation is temporary, I promise.


Is that everyone? I hope so. I apologize to anyone I forgot.


So I'll end with this: I had my drug and alcohol screening for my new job yesterday, and one of the narcotics they check for is Benzos. Wow, right? I let them know that I got off Benzos 6+ months ago, and they said it was most likely out of my system by now. But I put that out there anyway. It's amazing that this crap can come out to haunt you in all kinds of ways.


HAVE A GREAT DAY, EVERYONE! Hugs from your employed, happy, rested buddie Jaxnj.  8) 8)







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I am so happy for you and your new job! Way to go! I know that felt good to resign from that job yesterday.


Just an update on me.... I believe I will be jumping next Wednesday! The last cut that I did on Saturday I haven't even felt. My dosage is so small now I think (and hope) that the step off is going to be OK. I am still a little scared (of course) but fingers crossed --- hoping everything will go good.


I hope everyone has a peaceful day!  :)



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WOW, Jax, what a fantastic, upbeat message!  Great to hear from you and get filled in on what's happening.  It is immensely, VISCERALLY satisfying to me that you were able to knock the wind out of your tormentors at work by telling them you were leaving.  It's almost like one of those Hollywood movie moments where the hero/heroine is finally vindicated, except this isn't Hollywood, this is the real deal.  But it's also rather lovely that you could leave on good terms, if for no other reason than that it's generally best not to burn any bridges you don't have to.  But also just because it tends to feel better to exit on a good note than to go out angrily slamming doors (metaphorical or otherwise). 


Meanwhile, your new job sounds like such a happier fit for you.  It just goes to show, moving up the proverbial ladder in terms of rank and responsibility is not necessarily all it's cracked up to be.  In a way, I have in my own line of work made that kind of choice--not to climb, I mean--and while such a choice requires acceptance of some equivocal tradeoffs, essentially what it means is that I opt not to proceed to the level of administrative responsibility that I know I simply would not be comfortable with, and that would, for this and other reasons, introduce untold stress into my life.  So I think you've made an excellent choice, and I hope this will be your dream-job!


As for me, thank you for asking!  I am OK--up and down a little bit, partly because this is, just in the way of things, a stressful time of year, and partly because of some specific stuff going on here at home (e.g. kid not doing so great in school for unknown reasons--it's not lack of ability, but lack of motivation; we're having trouble getting to the bottom of it, and it's causing stress throughout the family)--you know: life.  And the way life gets sometimes.  And there may also be some protracted-withdrawal junk getting into the mix--it can be so hard to tell where benzo-aftermath stops and my own somewhat tightly wound personality picks up, you know?


There's always that cuppa!  I can really only have it in the morning, if I want to be functional the rest of the day and have any chance of sleeping at night, but I certainly do enjoy that morning moment--maybe sometimes you, Lizie, and I are all enjoying it at the same moment, did we but know it!


And on the subject of sleep, I'm so glad yours has improved.


Oh, and how wild that one of the things they checked for in the screening was benzos: I would never have guessed.  Doesn't this suggest that in at least some places people are beginning to wake up to the extreme potency of these medications?


OK, on that note I'd better get on with the day's responsibilities.  I'm glad you're having a relaxing day at home, and . . .


I hope that everyone reading this is having a smoother time of things, is able to rest, to feel at least a little calmer . . . and everything.





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SkyZone, I just went and read your story at your blog.  Yowza--you are the first person I've encountered whose woes with this whole scene started IN UTERO--talk about being dealt a tough hand, my word!  More power to you.  You've gotten through so much, and clearly come out the other end of more than one very dark tunnel with a new sense of purpose.  Now you are actualizing that purpose--and you'll do it.  What courage!  My hat is off to you!






Thank You, Rek!  I am still alive!  That, I am truly greatful for.  Thank you for your words or encouragement.  God knows I need them.  Peace to you.



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